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What are you watching? a.k.a. Film Thread v 2.0

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Pursued is one of the few films that definitively prove the power of film when in the hands of a great artist, such as Raoul Walsh. Part psychological western, part poem and cosmic fresco, the ambition and territory of this film are vast, virtually boundless.


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Caught Back to the Future Parts 1 and 2 last night in theaters with a very enthusiastic crowd. They aren't showing the third until Sunday but I'll probably just catch up on the new Blu-Ray set. Very cool to see them on the big screen - especially part one. They even showed the mock Hoverboard commercial and Jaws 19 trailer.

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Pursued is one of the few films that definitively prove the power of film when in the hands of a great artist, such as Raoul Walsh. Part psychological western, part poem and cosmic fresco, the ambition and territory of this film are vast, virtually boundless.

Really different vibe for an old western. Great movie. Seems to be overlooked though, don't hear much about it even though it's so good and different. Nice. Read somewhere that if Hitchcock directed a western, it would be Pursued. Seems about right.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, perfect film. Couldn't handle the final scene, too bad ass for my eyes. :lol:

Leone outdid himself here. Angel Eyes kills it. I agree, perfect film.

Edited by J Dog
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Bit and pieces of the Friday the 13th marathon and Halloween marathon

Yeah, I did too. I still love watching those movies. Never boring to me.

I did watch "the boy next door" with Jennifer Lopez. It was good. Plenty of crazy shit going on with that boy. lol

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