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Guns N' Roses NOT Touring South America. Tour cancelled.


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He published another tweet:

"What a nice friday. Guns cancelling (luckly) before the announcement and Geo cancelled on the Lolla production."

It's time to take Chinese Democracy to Africa.

I strongly support this. Why things didn't work out for the Coke Fest on South Africa?

Edited by ManetsBR
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Maybe this is Manet's fault. He did tell Beta that he didn't want more touring and he's from Brazil! jk/lol

Best hope he redeems himself with these Axl questions. ;-)

haha if I had any kind of influence on Team Brazil we wouldn't be on deep shit, I guarantee you that.

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Clearly if the tour planned for later this year has actually been cancelled Axl is intent on clearing his mind to thoroughly answer our five questions. :takethat:

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If this is true and a tour was really planned, it can only mean 1 or 3 things.

1. Axl is going into reclusiveness again, like from 94-2001, 2003-2006, 2008, etc.

2. A band member had something else planned and could not make the dates or is leaving the band or being replaced.

3. Axl is taking this time to record a new album, release a book, work on his voice, or do something productive.

In order from most likely to least likely.

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But that doesn't make sense. Other members have spoken about having things planned but when Axl gets a whim to your their plans have to fall by the wayside.

If it's anybody it's Bumblefoot. He was the one that spoke with uncertainty regards the South American tour happening. He's now actively carrying out his role as a UN envoy and few guitarists can play the parts to the standard he can. Well, at least the pool of guitarists willing to join GNR.
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But that doesn't make sense. Other members have spoken about having things planned but when Axl gets a whim to your their plans have to fall by the wayside.

If it's anybody it's Bumblefoot. He was the one that spoke with uncertainty regards the South American tour happening. He's now actively carrying out his role as a UN envoy and few guitarists can play the parts to the standard he can. Well, at least the pool of guitarists willing to join GNR.

They do have three guitarists. If BBF had a schedule conflict I'm sure Richard is more than capable of covering his parts. Okay so the sound would be slightly different from their usual shows but that could actually be interesting. After all most of the songs played were created with one lead and one rhythm. There has to be more to it imo.

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But that doesn't make sense. Other members have spoken about having things planned but when Axl gets a whim to your their plans have to fall by the wayside.

If it's anybody it's Bumblefoot. He was the one that spoke with uncertainty regards the South American tour happening. He's now actively carrying out his role as a UN envoy and few guitarists can play the parts to the standard he can. Well, at least the pool of guitarists willing to join GNR.

They do have three guitarists. If BBF had a schedule conflict I'm sure Richard is more than capable of covering his parts. Okay so the sound would be slightly different from their usual shows but that could actually be interesting. After all most of the songs played were created with one lead and one rhythm. There has to be more to it imo.

Richard is not at the same caliber of BBF. He would struggle with some solos of Chidem for sure.

Edited by Young_Gun
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Maybe Vanessa's baby is due around that time. If she wants the baby born in the US it makes sense that she would want Beta around and maybe Fernando. I can't see Axl willing to tour without them. Sometimes family comes first.

But that doesn't make sense. Other members have spoken about having things planned but when Axl gets a whim to your their plans have to fall by the wayside.

If it's anybody it's Bumblefoot. He was the one that spoke with uncertainty regards the South American tour happening. He's now actively carrying out his role as a UN envoy and few guitarists can play the parts to the standard he can. Well, at least the pool of guitarists willing to join GNR.

They do have three guitarists. If BBF had a schedule conflict I'm sure Richard is more than capable of covering his parts. Okay so the sound would be slightly different from their usual shows but that could actually be interesting. After all most of the songs played were created with one lead and one rhythm. There has to be more to it imo.

Richard is not at the same caliber of BBF. He would struggle with some solos of Chidem for sure.

Maybe but it would hardly be the end of the world to drop them and play something else. They have plenty to choose from.

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