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Who do you want to replace Team Brazil?


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Come on... GNR Nightrain completely sucks. Facebook updates have never been so poor, posting YouTube crap captures of recent shows, or old GnR shows with Slash & co., which is completely non-sense in regards to current band. Not mentionning the big mess around Las Vegas DVD.

HTGTH, which is run by a fraud (bought & owned by TB), is a sad joke. Go there and read how Going Down is not mentionned. Go there and read how jarmo is trying to justify how Pittman interview is not negative and how coherent is GNR. What a fraud. Just hope non casual fans do not join that board, and I wish mygnr has much more visits and visibility on the web. Thanks mygnr guys to keep this fun place alive - there are some cupcakes but at least they make me laugh. As soon as we have a piece of news (e.g.: leaks), cupcakes disappear and most of members are supportive.

What a pity to see this great band, with creative guys (Axl, Tommy, Ron, DJ), losing its potential and its opportunity. Time goes, and it will be too late in few years. Do you really expect Axl releasing some YCBM-like songs at 65? Come on. It's still time, but nothing happens, and no one is here to let him know or move his lazy ass. Fuck.

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That goof Bubbles (who anybody outside Canada has never fucking heard of) they bring onstage could manage GNR more effectively.

I'd take BBA over Beta. Even though he'd book Axl GNR to play bouncy castles.

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That goof Bubbles (who anybody outside Canada has never fucking heard of) they bring onstage could manage GNR more effectively.

I'd take BBA over Beta. Even though he'd book Axl GNR to play bouncy castles.

Only if he would add J-Rock to the band

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I honestly don't care anymore. I've lost all hope. Axl is the problem.

Actually, funnily enough I agree but not for the same reason as what I presume is yours. I think Axl is difficult no doubt about it but I think the problem is that whatever issues he has have been exacerbated by Beta and her manipulation of him over the years, up to and including her ultimatum. I think what we are seeing is Axl sacrificing GNR for Beta. He would rather destroy his own band then see her walk.

It is emotional blackmail. People think Axl is in charge but he isn't. Beta is, she pulls the strings.

I agree with that for the most part. Not sure why you thought I wouldn't.

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so let me get this straight. axl's got beef against slash, duff, and geffen still....right?

slash wants to reunite, and make money.

ditto with duff.

ditto with geffen.

del, beta, and the team brazil battalion directly depend on axl, financially, to maintain their glamorous lifestyles. smartphones, college, travel, clothes, food, everything. and now that same group of people is managing the band with direct influence over axl's finances.

which group of people do you think is more predatory towards the ginger?

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Honestly...is there really a competent manager out there that will bring the GNR brand forward and get the ball rolling without conspiring a reunion with the old guys?

I don't so......

Team Brazil seem like our only option.


if tb is our only option, then we're fucked, bro

NO NEW MUSIC, NEVER IN THIS LIFETIME,because some brazilian sihitheads...


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