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Jurassic World [SPOILERS]


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  • 4 weeks later...

Just picked up tickets for an advanced screening next Thursday. God damn, haven't been this psyched for a movie since The Dark Knight.

Glad to see all the promotion out there for this, for me at least, it's kinda surreal to see the Jurassic Park franchise culturally relevant again. I guess Trevorrow has said that he will NOT direct any further Jurassic movies, not sure what to make of that, but it doesn't simmer my excitement one bit. I'm even excited for the LEGO Jurassic World game, as much as I'd rather see an all out JP game that isn't... fucking legos.

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How is it culturally relevant again?

By all accounts this looks like a dinosaur sized pile of shit that will kill the franchise completely.

Eh, fuck off. You'll still go see it.

I won't. The trailers are terrible. I feel like I've seen the damn thing already.

The CGi is complete and utter shit which seems to be the trend lately (Terminator Genisys I'm looking at you) and Chris Pratt is rapidly turning into the most punchable actor in Hollywood.

The raptors look like cartoons floating along, no weight or depth - fucking abysmal.

I'll probably torrent the damn thing when I'm bored some night because there's no way in hell I'll pay to see it.

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I can safely call this 'shite' without having seen it. The trailer was awful for instance but even without the trailer, it would be a good bet to predict a turkey. I understand it has 'genetically engineered super dinosaurs'? Surely that is basically Godzilla? The very premise of the original Jurassic Park, of bringing (to the best of knowledge) certifiable prehistoric creatures back to life in a quasi-scientific manner, now no longer exists. Now, it truly is, just a bunch of monsters.

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According to Dr. Alan Grant they were always theme park monsters.

Yes, but that was part of the original's philosophy that is inherent in the novel. They were still, T-Rex, Velociraptor etc. There was some sort of scientific research to bring them alive. That stupid modified dinosaur is basically, Godzilla. They are not even pretending now that it is a braindead CGI 'monster' film!

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We know, you guys have made that pretty clear, you think it looks bad. Feel free to keep telling us for no reason, you're talking to a wall of fanboys who don't give a shit.

I'm a big fan of the original. It is precisely because "fans" are willing to accept braindead dumb storylines as long as they get big explosions and videogame CGI that leads to Hollywood getting lazier and lazier in its efforts, which is precisely where we are today with zero invention and endless reboots and remakes of classic movies that aren't a patch on the original.

The dumb audiences are to blame

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We know, you guys have made that pretty clear, you think it looks bad. Feel free to keep telling us for no reason, you're talking to a wall of fanboys who don't give a shit.

I'm a big fan of the original. It is precisely because "fans" are willing to accept braindead dumb storylines as long as they get big explosions and videogame CGI that leads to Hollywood getting lazier and lazier in its efforts, which is precisely where we are today with zero invention and endless reboots and remakes of classic movies that aren't a patch on the original.

The dumb audiences are to blame

Someone set a fire to Marvel Studios.

Fuck them.

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We know, you guys have made that pretty clear, you think it looks bad. Feel free to keep telling us for no reason, you're talking to a wall of fanboys who don't give a shit.

I'm a big fan of the original. It is precisely because "fans" are willing to accept braindead dumb storylines as long as they get big explosions and videogame CGI that leads to Hollywood getting lazier and lazier in its efforts, which is precisely where we are today with zero invention and endless reboots and remakes of classic movies that aren't a patch on the original.

The dumb audiences are to blame

Someone set a fire to Marvel Studios.

Fuck them.

So edgy

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