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The Latest Queens of The Stone Age album


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I listened to it nonstop for a few weeks. QotSA are probably the most consistent rock band of the last decade in my book. Every record is killer. There's never been a huge drop-off quality-wise that you get with many bands who have big debuts and then kinda fade away. If anything this newest album is a step up from their last two for most people (though I'm still keen on Lullabies as my favourite LP of theirs).

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I listened to it nonstop for a few weeks. QotSA are probably the most consistent rock band of the last decade in my book. Every record is killer. There's never been a huge drop-off quality-wise that you get with many bands who have big debuts and then kinda fade away. If anything this newest album is a step up from their last two for most people (though I'm still keen on Lullabies as my favourite LP of theirs).

Era Vulgaris is actually my favourite QotSA record, but I still love how they've progressed with the new one. But yes, they're one of the most consistent rock bands since the late 90s.

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Their music is great for the most part, but Josh's voice/singing is awful and ruins just about all of it for me.

Dude, don't make me cyber-slap your face.

I honestly think Josh's voice defines rock n' roll. He's a hyper-sexualized Elvis Presley for our times!

He's good on non-Queens stuff, too.


If that doesn't make you want to whip your metaphysical dick out and fuck the world then what's wrong with you.

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I sort of prefer Kyuss but it's still good. Songs for the Deaf is classic.

Kyuss is great. As far as Queens though, I'm actually not as keen on that album as Lullabies, maybe even Rated R and their newest record.

Songs is a great record and as a QotSA fan I love it dearly, but the radio interludes kind of bog it down on repeat listens, and it's definitely more of a clusterfuck sound-wise. I never liked Nick Oliveri - reeks of douchebagitus - Homme got a lot of shit from fans for yeearrrs after kicking him out of the band (to be totally honest I think that's why a lot of people instinctively hated Lullabies when it came out), but finally when the SWAT team moved in after he beat his girlfriend up and brandished assault rifles, it seemed like people finally understood that maybe Homme was right after all.

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I sort of prefer Kyuss but it's still good. Songs for the Deaf is classic.

Kyuss is great. As far as Queens though, I'm actually not as keen on that album as Lullabies, maybe even Rated R and their newest record.

Songs is a great record and as a QotSA fan I love it dearly, but the radio interludes kind of bog it down on repeat listens, and it's definitely more of a clusterfuck sound-wise. I never liked Nick Oliveri - reeks of douchebagitus - Homme got a lot of shit from fans for yeearrrs after kicking him out of the band (to be totally honest I think that's why a lot of people instinctively hated Lullabies when it came out), but finally when the SWAT team moved in after he beat his girlfriend up and brandished assault rifles, it seemed like people finally understood that maybe Homme was right after all.

i like all the radio bits "hows your morning commute LA is infinite"

I just dont think theres anything as good as No One Knows. Rated R is too punky and Lulabies too glossy or goth. They just hit the Nevermind button for Songs.

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