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Star Wars-The Force Awakens Thread (Contains Spoilers)

Georgy Zhukov

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Someone has been teasing the first official image of Luke. It is a bit disturbing, actually. His eye has no pupil and he appears to be extremly disheveled. It is making me very excited, though!

A. Because it means he is not a cyborg

B. It most likely means he is not evil if he is in a teaser

C. The idea of a disturbed and all- powerful, darker Luke can be fantastic IF done correctly

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Rumours abound the first teaser trailer could drop sometime this week!

Also two descriptions of the trailer have circulated tonight:

Spoiler: It’ll be short. And when I say short, I mean one minute long. It’s going to have The Force Theme played on woodwinds, softly, over flashing images of the main leads, each fading to black. There’s no dialogue, just reveals of the characters. And then the music swells up into a full orchestral piece – perhaps what John Williams recorded this weekend? – and we hear a female voice, likely Daisy Ridley’s, saying “Wake up.”
And then the title card appears – Star Wars: The Force Awakens – and we see the Millennium Falcon, firing blasters, coming right at the camera.



Fade in from black, shots of the dunes, Boyega pops in to the shot from below. He’s wearing white Stormtrooper armor but he doesn’t have a helmet on.
In the teaser we only see Boyega and Ridley really.
Ridley boards a speeder.
She has a helmet on like Endor Leia, a design with pop-down goggles.
A shot of Ridley’s speeder approaching the station (the TMZ set we saw).
We see the new Stormtroopers on a transport. The flight is turbulent.
New X-wings.
TIE Fighters.
The new Soccer Ball Droid
The new “Sith” is also revealed. He has a cross-beam lightsaber and the beam flickers strangely.
The Falcon.

Edited by Facekicker
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People in Europe have also been secretly shown the minute-long Star Wars: The Force Awakens teaser.

I’m very happy to tell you that our new villain, the “cyborg” or “Inquisitor” depending on when you jumped off the rumor mill, is totally in the teaser.

He’s masked (no identity spoilers yet!) and the final design of the mask looks somewhere in between the red-colored Imperial Guards from Return of the Jedi and Darth Revan from Knights of the Old Republic.


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People in Europe have also been secretly shown the minute-long Star Wars: The Force Awakens teaser.

I’m very happy to tell you that our new villain, the “cyborg” or “Inquisitor” depending on when you jumped off the rumor mill, is totally in the teaser.

He’s masked (no identity spoilers yet!) and the final design of the mask looks somewhere in between the red-colored Imperial Guards from Return of the Jedi and Darth Revan from Knights of the Old Republic.


His lightsaber has a guard? Kinda cool I guess. When the picture first appeared I thought, "REVAN!!!!!@!!@@!@#!!!!#!!!" Then I looked closer and was disappointed, still cool looking though.
Edited by OmarBradley
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People in Europe have also been secretly shown the minute-long Star Wars: The Force Awakens teaser.

I’m very happy to tell you that our new villain, the “cyborg” or “Inquisitor” depending on when you jumped off the rumor mill, is totally in the teaser.

He’s masked (no identity spoilers yet!) and the final design of the mask looks somewhere in between the red-colored Imperial Guards from Return of the Jedi and Darth Revan from Knights of the Old Republic.



Edited by luciusfunk
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People in Europe have also been secretly shown the minute-long Star Wars: The Force Awakens teaser.

I’m very happy to tell you that our new villain, the “cyborg” or “Inquisitor” depending on when you jumped off the rumor mill, is totally in the teaser.

He’s masked (no identity spoilers yet!) and the final design of the mask looks somewhere in between the red-colored Imperial Guards from Return of the Jedi and Darth Revan from Knights of the Old Republic.




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People in Europe have also been secretly shown the minute-long Star Wars: The Force Awakens teaser.

Im very happy to tell you that our new villain, the cyborg or Inquisitor depending on when you jumped off the rumor mill, is totally in the teaser.

Hes masked (no identity spoilers yet!) and the final design of the mask looks somewhere in between the red-colored Imperial Guards from Return of the Jedi and Darth Revan from Knights of the Old Republic.





Still a gay ass looking lightsaber.

Edited by luciusfunk
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Apparently the villain is a collector of Sith artifacts. Among those items is Vaders helmet, an ancient Sith lightsaber...and the helmets of Darth Bane and Darth Revan.

Which would make those characters canon.

Again just a rumour but we have seen concept art showing Vaders helmet and the figure that looks like Revan with a weird lightsaber.

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People in Europe have also been secretly shown the minute-long Star Wars: The Force Awakens teaser.

I’m very happy to tell you that our new villain, the “cyborg” or “Inquisitor” depending on when you jumped off the rumor mill, is totally in the teaser.

He’s masked (no identity spoilers yet!) and the final design of the mask looks somewhere in between the red-colored Imperial Guards from Return of the Jedi and Darth Revan from Knights of the Old Republic.


His lightsaber has a guard? Kinda cool I guess. When the picture first appeared I thought, "REVAN!!!!!@!!@@!@#!!!!#!!!" Then I looked closer and was disappointed, still cool looking though.

Yeah, not so sure about the guard.....defeats the purpose of a guard....makes it a whole lot worse, actually...... :lol:

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Didn't the trailer already leak? I saw it about a week or so ago, and I'm sure I found it by just browsing this forum. Unless it was a damn good fan creation. Han Solo slo-mo smiling at the camera, wearing some sort of brown jacket. Bearded Luke Skywalker, again in slow mo. At the end a full face of some female. I didn't see the Falcon in that one.

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Didn't the trailer already leak? I saw it about a week or so ago, and I'm sure I found it by just browsing this forum. Unless it was a damn good fan creation. Han Solo slo-mo smiling at the camera, wearing some sort of brown jacket. Bearded Luke Skywalker, again in slow mo. At the end a full face of some female. I didn't see the Falcon in that one.

That was a clever fake

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