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Star Wars-The Force Awakens Thread (Contains Spoilers)

Georgy Zhukov

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I know it would never happen, but I wish that they would make the new Star Wars in the same manner they made the old ones, with models and all that for special effects. I know it can look campy, but I still think it looks better than the "better than real" look of the CGI.

CGI sucks ass and diminished the legacy of the films in general

I've officialy lost my hope for this film as well

Not that the trailer showed us much, but it looks good so far. I like the new lightsaber.

that's the only good part in this teaser

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How are you guys complaining about the effects? There were tons of practical effects, that shot of Daisy on the speeder felt like the OT more than most of the PT imo.

The troopers, Droid, backgrounds, cockpits, etc all looked like practical effects to me and the CGI with the falcon and X wings looked great considering they have over a year to work on this.

I think it looked increadible. Gave nothing away while hyping you up. It was definitely a concious decision not to include Luke, Han, Leia, Chewie, and the droids in it.

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I have no problem with the effects on any level. I just think that they should have put a little bit more of the story on display instead of just giving us fragments. Even the fragments they chose are kind of dumb (the soccer ball droid, Daisy Ridley has somewhere important to be, etc).

This is a film with a presumably massive scope following the greatest trilogy in the history of trilogies. You wouldn't necessarily know that from just watching this.

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I have no problem with the effects on any level. I just think that they should have put a little bit more of the story on display instead of just giving us fragments. Even the fragments they chose are kind of dumb (the soccer ball droid, Daisy Ridley has somewhere important to be, etc).

This is a film with a presumably massive scope following the greatest trilogy in the history of trilogies. You wouldn't necessarily know that from just watching this.

I really liked that about it. Its designed to get you excited while still showing you almost nothing.

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I have no problem with the effects on any level. I just think that they should have put a little bit more of the story on display instead of just giving us fragments. Even the fragments they chose are kind of dumb (the soccer ball droid, Daisy Ridley has somewhere important to be, etc).

This is a film with a presumably massive scope following the greatest trilogy in the history of trilogies. You wouldn't necessarily know that from just watching this.

This is a teaser. They never reveal much plot until they are closer to the release date.

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I have no problem with the effects on any level. I just think that they should have put a little bit more of the story on display instead of just giving us fragments. Even the fragments they chose are kind of dumb (the soccer ball droid, Daisy Ridley has somewhere important to be, etc).

This is a film with a presumably massive scope following the greatest trilogy in the history of trilogies. You wouldn't necessarily know that from just watching this.

This is a teaser. They never reveal much plot until they are closer to the release date.

Right. Teasers are fragments. I understand that. Still, these fragments...are stupid.

(With the exception of the millennium Falcon, of course.)

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I have no problem with the effects on any level. I just think that they should have put a little bit more of the story on display instead of just giving us fragments. Even the fragments they chose are kind of dumb (the soccer ball droid, Daisy Ridley has somewhere important to be, etc).

This is a film with a presumably massive scope following the greatest trilogy in the history of trilogies. You wouldn't necessarily know that from just watching this.

The point of this teaser wasn't to hype the film specifically IMO, it was only to immerse us back into the Star Wars universe. You look at almost any shot in the trailer - even the new characters, droids, etc. - and they are still very recognizable as part of the Star Wars universe. That's what this trailer was meant to do.

At least that's how I see it.

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Max Von Sydow voiceover - sounds like a Sith, that shot of the x-wing over the water, the Falcon, the villain, stormtroopers that actually look menacing...this has win written all over it.

Exactly. the people coplaining are insane and just come off like whiners. I thought it was pretty good. Was it mind blowing? No but it's a god damn teaser haha. The parts you mentioned all make for an exciting teaser trailer. I also liked that they had Tie Fighters in it as well.

For real though what the hell were some people expecting? Its' a fucking teaser more than a year out and some of you are whining that not enough storyline was featured or that the old stars weren't in it. Why the hell would they blow their load and give all that away ina teaser trailer this far out. People need to chill the fuck out haha.

Edited by Bono
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Ive never seen any Star Wars film. Have they aged well? Might check them out this weekend

I gotta say, for years, I completely refused to watch the Star Wars movies because I was a kid and thought it was for losers. Growing up, I decided to give it a go and to my surprise, I ended up loving the originals. I have only watched one prequel, The Phantom Menace, and that was incredibly boring, I kept falling asleep so I watched in three parts. That was really, really boring. I haven't watched the others because I have been told that they're just as bad.

My advice: Watch the originals. Ignore the prequels.

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Ive never seen any Star Wars film. Have they aged well? Might check them out this weekend

I gotta say, for years, I completely refused to watch the Star Wars movies because I was a kid and thought it was for losers. Growing up, I decided to give it a go and to my surprise, I ended up loving the originals. I have only watched one prequel, The Phantom Menace, and that was incredibly boring, I kept falling asleep so I watched in three parts. That was really, really boring. I haven't watched the others because I have been told that they're just as bad.

My advice: Watch the originals. Ignore the prequels.

Episode III is awesome

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