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axls lateness


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wouldn't he just be nervous. i read somewhere in this interview that he wouldn't want to go onstage and that he would have to kinda talk himself into it or something like that i cant remember fully but everyone thinks of it as this huge mystery .i just ont understand. he obviously has soem psychological problems so....

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Pop quiz:

When was the last time Axl was significantly late to a gig?

cupcakes will only focus on the negative so don't expect a legitimate answer anytime soon...

Also Axl is never late, everyone is just early.

inb4 Groghan calls you an Axl worshiper.

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Pop quiz:

When was the last time Axl was significantly late to a gig?

cupcakes will only focus on the negative so don't expect a legitimate answer anytime soon...

Also Axl is never late, everyone is just early.

inb4 Groghan calls you an Axl worshiper.
Inb4 the essay
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No need to try to bait Groghan into an argument. GN'R has gone on close to their scheduled time during the last two tours. I happen to be one of those people that has never minded the lateness, but I get it for those that do. IN either case, going on somewhat on time for 1-2 years certainly doesn't make up for 20+ of the opposite.

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People still talk about this? God. This is as bad as people in public who are still under the impression that Axl "doesn't show up to shows". :rolleyes:

I don't even look at it as being late (because it's not). Ticket says 9 for when the opener comes on, plays for an an hour, hour long set up in between bands and Gn'R comes on at 11. You're sad you have to work the next morning or the babysitter can't stay that late? Don't buy the ticket to come to the show then.

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People still talk about this? God. This is as bad as people in public who are still under the impression that Axl "doesn't show up to shows". :rolleyes:

I don't even look at it as being late (because it's not). Ticket says 9 for when the opener comes on, plays for an an hour, hour long set up in between bands and Gn'R comes on at 11. You're sad you have to work the next morning or the babysitter can't stay that late? Don't buy the ticket to come to the show then.

My tickets said 7:30 the opener BLS was on around 9 or so then GNR on at 11:15 so no my ticket didn't say 9 it said 7:30 people where leaving and the venue was giving refunds do to the long wait time. And it was like that for most of the US tour that year tickets said anywhere for 7:30 to 8:30, I am sure there where some 9 oclock tickets.

But when the band was doing those shows with the opener starting an hour or 2 later that printed on the tickets and play close to an hour then an hour plus wait for GNR, they claimed they started on time in which they didn't they where an hour or 2 late before the opener started and if they came on anything over and hour after the change over that added to the lateness.

I expect them to be late nothing new to me but it fucks most people even if it's only an hour late that's not including stage prep which takes an hour and is fully understandable.

Edited by bigcountry
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It's interesting that Axl has given multiple answers to the reason he is late. I think in the 90's he said it was just emotionally draining to get on stage and perform the songs. It took him a while to recover after each show, so the thought of knowing you are going to hurt yourself by going on stage would cause you to keep putting it off.

In the TMS interview he said he wasn't suppose to be on tour during the 90's/ he didn't know about the tour until management had already agreed. He probably wasn't in a good frame of mind so the lack of sympathy for his health and forcing him to tour probably left him bitter and so he wasn't going to make the tour convenient for everyone else. Then he said he's always late to everything in life.

Then we have people close to him who say Axl can talk for hours and has no sense of time. I think there's a thousand reasons to be late but he's been doing excellent job lately. Probably a sign he's in a better place.

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People still talk about this? God. This is as bad as people in public who are still under the impression that Axl "doesn't show up to shows". :rolleyes:

I don't even look at it as being late (because it's not). Ticket says 9 for when the opener comes on, plays for an an hour, hour long set up in between bands and Gn'R comes on at 11. You're sad you have to work the next morning or the babysitter can't stay that late? Don't buy the ticket to come to the show then.

My tickets said 7:30 the opener BLS was on around 9 or so then GNR on at 11:15 so no my ticket didn't say 9 it said 7:30 people where leaving and the venue was giving refunds do to the long wait time. And it was like that for most of the US tour that year tickets said anywhere for 7:30 to 8:30, I am sure there where some 9 oclock tickets.

But when the band was doing those shows with the opener starting an hour or 2 later that printed on the tickets and play close to an hour then an hour plus wait for GNR, they claimed they started on time in which they didn't they where an hour or 2 late before the opener started and if they came on anything over and hour after the change over that added to the lateness.

I expect them to be late nothing new to me but it fucks most people even if it's only an hour late that's not including stage prep which takes an hour and is fully understandable.

Yeah, I looked at my tickets too quick and thought they said 9 when they did say 8 :lol:

Either way, my main point still stands. Most people know what they're getting into with Gn'R after hearing so many things things over the years. Call it an excuse if you want I guess, but I still don't expect anything else. I expect them to come on at 11 and that's what I prep myself for. It's weird when I got to see other bands though, I'll joke with the person I'm with and I'm like "If this was Gn'R we'd still be waiting another 2-3 hours for them to come on at 11 or so".

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It's interesting that Axl has given multiple answers to the reason he is late. I think in the 90's he said it was just emotionally draining to get on stage and perform the songs. It took him a while to recover after each show, so the thought of knowing you are going to hurt yourself by going on stage would cause you to keep putting it off.

In the TMS interview he said he wasn't suppose to be on tour during the 90's/ he didn't know about the tour until management had already agreed. He probably wasn't in a good frame of mind so the lack of sympathy for his health and forcing him to tour probably left him bitter and so he wasn't going to make the tour convenient for everyone else. Then he said he's always late to everything in life.

Then we have people close to him who say Axl can talk for hours and has no sense of time. I think there's a thousand reasons to be late but he's been doing excellent job lately. Probably a sign he's in a better place.

There have been a million different reasons for him showing up late. One week, it's because he's a perfectionist and he has to be ready. Another week, it's health issues. Then the next week, it's because he's just late to everything and has been his entire life. Then the next, it's because his plane wouldn't take off, etc.

I think that's where the fans get frustrated. Too many different excuses, and they're rarely consistent.

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If they're supposed to be on stage at 9:00pm they should be. 09:01pm is not 09:00pm therefore they're always late. Axl has been late his entire life.

Difference is, his current lateness is bearable and understandable, 3 hours late were not and it only showed that he didn't give a fuck about his fans.

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People still talk about this? God. This is as bad as people in public who are still under the impression that Axl "doesn't show up to shows". :rolleyes:

I don't even look at it as being late (because it's not). Ticket says 9 for when the opener comes on, plays for an an hour, hour long set up in between bands and Gn'R comes on at 11. You're sad you have to work the next morning or the babysitter can't stay that late? Don't buy the ticket to come to the show then.

My tickets said 7:30 the opener BLS was on around 9 or so then GNR on at 11:15 so no my ticket didn't say 9 it said 7:30 people where leaving and the venue was giving refunds do to the long wait time. And it was like that for most of the US tour that year tickets said anywhere for 7:30 to 8:30, I am sure there where some 9 oclock tickets.

But when the band was doing those shows with the opener starting an hour or 2 later that printed on the tickets and play close to an hour then an hour plus wait for GNR, they claimed they started on time in which they didn't they where an hour or 2 late before the opener started and if they came on anything over and hour after the change over that added to the lateness.

I expect them to be late nothing new to me but it fucks most people even if it's only an hour late that's not including stage prep which takes an hour and is fully understandable.

Yeah, I looked at my tickets too quick and thought they said 9 when they did say 8 :lol:

Either way, my main point still stands. Most people know what they're getting into with Gn'R after hearing so many things things over the years. Call it an excuse if you want I guess, but I still don't expect anything else. I expect them to come on at 11 and that's what I prep myself for. It's weird when I got to see other bands though, I'll joke with the person I'm with and I'm like "If this was Gn'R we'd still be waiting another 2-3 hours for them to come on at 11 or so".

Yeah- I believe it was the reading fest in 2010 where the band was cut off and refused to leave the stage.

In a way it was like "you need to go on earlier", but I was more ticked for shutting the band down with like two songs to go. How do you book Axl Rose knowing his reputation?

I mean honestly, there is no reason the Reading police force shouldn't have been prepared for even a riot.

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If they're supposed to be on stage at 9:00pm they should be. 09:01pm is not 09:00pm therefore they're always late. Axl has been late his entire life.

Difference is, his current lateness is bearable and understandable, 3 hours late were not and it only showed that he didn't give a fuck about his fans.

This. It's ridiculous people are making excuses for his lateness.

I'm glad that he's gotten over that for the most part though.

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Im late for work all the time too... cuz i cant fuckin stand what i do

So, Axl can't stand being the lead singer of Guns N' Roses?

Wow. Interesting thought..

No im sure he likes that part, its the actual gigs i think he doesnt like... you read it on here time n time again about how he doesnt enjoy performing, it makes him nervous, yada yada yada... nobody like the hard part of their job... except maybe some hookers :P

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Im late for work all the time too... cuz i cant fuckin stand what i do

So, Axl can't stand being the lead singer of Guns N' Roses?

Wow. Interesting thought..

No im sure he likes that part, its the actual gigs i think he doesnt like... you read it on here time n time again about how he doesnt enjoy performing, it makes him nervous, yada yada yada... nobody like the hard part of their job... except maybe some hookers :P


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Axl lives the life of a real rock star. They're up all night partying and sleep during the day.

Elvis did it. Michael Jackson did it. Hendrix did it. I know they're all dead, but I honestly don't think Axl takes pills to sleep. I just think he's used to sleeping most of the day and staying up most of the night.

If I didn't have to get up early everyday, I wouldn't. Unfortunately I'm not a rock star and I have responsibilities everyday. But believe me, I would love to sleep in some days.

Why does Axl have to get up early? It's not like he has shit to do or places to be when he's home.

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