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Best Piece Of Advice

The Sandman

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I thought about this and it occurred to me that there have been some formative pieces of advice in my life that have helped me to become the person I am today. I don't profess to be a guru, or even a great person, but I'm happy, healthy and on the right track to where I want to be.

That said, and mentioning no names, not everyone is. I thought that it might be nice to have a collection of key pieces of advice, or things that you wish someone else had said to you when you were younger, so that people can see that there is hope, and others have been through the same things.

I'll start with the basic: don't worry. There are many different things that you cannot control, and that's fine! But don't worry over them, they may happen or they may not - but when things are taken from you, and are out of your hands, there's no reason to get stressed if you can't influence the outcome. It is just wasted energy.

So MYGNR, take it away.

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I find Oscar Wilde to be a veritable treasure of life serving advice, the latest I thought was great was:

"Never love anyone who thinks you're ordinary".

And this isn't Oscar, but I thought it was great nonetheless:

"Better to be the one who smiled, than the one who didn't smile back". This has served me really well over time and encompasses so many aspects with regards to having compassion towards others, and obtaining and keeping real friends.

I also love this:

"A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down".

But we really have to learn that lesson the hard way.

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I had a tendency to "fix" everyone and everything, often to my own detriment. Friend needs money? No problem. Friend needs a place to stay? No problem. Once got a call at 3am to drive an hour away to pull 78 porcupine quills out of a friend's dog's face. I got home at 6am and had to go to work at 7. I couldn't say "no". Finally, my grandfather said "You know...you can't fix everything." Best advice ever.

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Worrying wastes time

Real friend's are the only friends you should care about

Keep your work and social life separate (unless you're dating the office chick )

Don't listen to peoples negativity or let anyone tell you what you can or can't do

That last one doesn't work so well with police

Edited by Mr. Dude
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"Don't start a bushfire" (What a nugget of wisdom, because I was totally about to start one and burn myself to fucking death)

"Don't let your mouth make a promise your body can't keep"

But in all seriousness, the best is probably "you have two eyes, two ears and one mouth-use them in that order"

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Guest Len B'stard

Uh, stop look and listen? Mind your head? Aim before you push? Dunno. Keep calm and Support Arsenal, there you go :)

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