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Other than GnR, who were the best bands of the 80's?

Iron MikeyJ

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Prince did plenty of rock songs in the 80s:

Lets Go Crazy

I Could Never Take The Place Of Ur Man

The Cross


Why You Wanna Treat Me So Bad


Computer Blue

Darling Nikki

Play In The Sunshine

She's Always In My Hair

Purple Rain

When U Were Mine

Glam Slam

Little Red Corvette

Electric Chair

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I wanted to exclude pop acts, not for a rock elitist metallity, but because they would dominate the poll. I am trying to get an unbiased poll of the best 80's rock acts. Then I'll do one for the 70's and 90's.

For the record, I'll include Prince (Purple Rain is a rock album).

@Axl666Axl666 I'm glad you finally joined the party ;) Oh Nature Boy!!!

Edited by Mike420
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If they played instruments, they're a rock band, even if there were synths. If they were something like Sweet Sensation or Expose, they were NOT a "band". If it was something like Yaz (Vince Clarke and Alison Moyet), that's where it gets debatable, but then what would Eurythmics be? They sounded rock to me. Kraftwerk - all keyboard players but I'd still classify them as a band.

Elton's shows are rock shows, not pop shows. Wham was a pop group but I'd grudgingly call it a band. Bananarama - not a band.

There's easily 200 bands to pick from and enough You Tube footage to be able to go through and find/hear what was good in the 80s, and half of it was nothing you would have heard on top 40 radio. Some things are "you had to be there for".

What matters is what you put in your own top 5, even though I think 10 would have been better.

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Nirvana? RATM? AIC? Soundgarden? Pearl Jam? Oasis?

you realize this is an 80's question right?

nirvana did release 1 album in the 80's

and soundgarden's 2 albums from the 80's are absolutely killer

not Pearl Jam, Oasis, or RATM though. Not to my knowledge anyway. Pearl Jam didn't even form until the 90's. I don't even think the Mother Love Bone album came out until 90 (maybe it was 89, it is great though). Anyway I think wasted was just being wasted.

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Guest Len B'stard

The Smiths

The Butthole Surfers

The Stone Roses

Black Flag

The Meat Puppets

Scratch Acid

Minor Threat


Bad Brains

The Minutemen

The Fall

Joy Division

The Dead Kennedys

The Replacements

The Specials

The Pixies

The Knack (if only for that debut album)

Hmmmmm, tons of em really. Some of these bands started in the late 70s but the bulk of their work as well as their identity is kinda tied to the 80s. On which basis I suppose I could drop The Clash in there but their debut was 76, two albums in the 70s and three in the 80s so I don't think I could justify their inclusion.

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Nirvana? RATM? AIC? Soundgarden? Pearl Jam? Oasis?

you realize this is an 80's question right?

No. I think in the early 90s I still thought it was the 80s. Green Rive and that Apple record were 80s. Stone Roses not Oasis.

Rage definitely not 80s.

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