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Woody Allen alleged child molestation

Guest NGOG

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Molestation, abuse, or any name by which one might refer to it, is one of the most reprehensible acts one commit. This is compounded when children are involved. It is such a terrible charge that I've always believed that it best not to assume the worst about a person until it is proven without a shadow of a doubt.

Considering the allegations brought against Allen, and the response he has given, I would hope that most people would still hold off on assuming the worst of him. In many ways, my advice feels counterintuitive. It is both understandable and easy to believe such an accusation for the mere fact that a false accusation is impossible to imagine. How could anyone, in their right mind, accuse someone of something so horrific if it were not true? It is beyond sanity, one might contend, that any individual could possibly lobby such an accusation towards another if there weren't much truth to the matter.

If I were ten years younger, my mind would likely have been made up. Though still relatively young (early 30s), I've had the fortune (or misfortune) of encountering people who are capable of conjuring terrible lies and promoting horrific falsehoods. I have been in four long term relationships (by which I consider over one year), of which three involved three mentally stable individuals who I never so much as argued with. The one exception (the girlfriend previous to the woman I'm with now), was, to borrow a phrase from our English friends here, a complete nutter. Regarding issues of physical abuse, cheating, family, how previous relationships ended, her respect for my privacy - she exhibited no concern for the truth. It was her that made me realize that there are individuals out there who are capable of some of the worst, most depraved, acts and fabrications. Granted, while she never lied about being abused as a child, she opened my eyes to how manipulative and terrible some individuals can be.

I include my relationship history to explain why I think the allegations against Allen are unfounded. In saying that, I admit that I could be dead wrong in my assessment. Nobody, other than Allen and Dylan, know for certainty. But in light of what Allen has written in response to the allegations, i cannot help but feel he's being falsely accused. There are individuals out there capable of such character damage. If what Allen has written is true, and I doubt he'd publish such an account if it were not (since he'd be opening himself up to liable with respect to the investigators he references), then I don't see how one can accept Dylan's account with completely sincerity. There are just too many unanswered questions to Dylan (and Mia's) account for such allegations to stand.

Again, I concede that it doesn't disprove Dylan's allegations, but Allen's response seems compelling enough to warrant reasonable doubt. And in my mind, reasonable doubt means innocent.

Moreover, if Allen were truly a sexual predator, it would stand to reason that there would be other victims. The principal reason why I believe Michael Jackson was guilty of the crimes against him was the fact that there were allegations made by more than one child (also, it didn't help his case that the first accuser in 1993 was able to describe his genitalia and moles on his groin, that which made such allegations highly believable). I believe such behaviour is part of a sickness, a mental illness, and those infected by it could have a difficult time stopping at just one victim. If Allen was truly a pedophile, I would have to believe that Dylan was not the only victim. And perhaps she wasn't. Perhaps others are too afraid or unwilling to come forward. But considering at this present time there exists no other allegations but this one individual who, if what Allen writes is trues, was under the impression of her mother, then it stands to reason that this one allegation might prove untrue.

The accusation of molestation is such a serious charge that I think it is prudent to consider those facing such accusations to be considered innocent until proven otherwise. As of now, I think Allen's response, and the information he provides that relates to his innocence or guilty, should make most question Dylan's account. Again, I write this acknowledging that my intuition could be wrong, and that he could very well be guilty of the crimes he's being accused. But for me, Allen's response is thorough and strong enough for me to believe his account.

Edited by downzy
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Molestation, abuse, or any name by which one might refer to it, is one of the most reprehensible acts one commit. This is compounded when children are involved. It is such a terrible charge that I've always believed that it best not to assume the worst about a person until it is proven without a shadow of a doubt.

Considering the allegations brought against Allen, and the response he has given, I would hope that most people would still hold off on assuming the worst of him. In many ways, my advice feels counterintuitive. It is both understandable and easy to believe such an accusation for the mere fact that a false accusation is impossible to imagine. How could anyone, in their right mind, accuse someone of something so horrific if it were not true? It is beyond sanity, one might contend, that any individual could possibly lobby such an accusation towards another if there weren't much truth to the matter.

If I were ten years younger, my mind would likely have been made up. Though still relatively young (early 30s), I've had the fortune (or misfortune) of encountering people who are capable of conjuring terrible lies and promoting horrific falsehoods. I have been in four long term relationships (by which I consider over one year), of which three involved three mentally stable individuals who I never so much as argued with. The one exception (the girlfriend previous to the woman I'm with now), was, to borrow a phrase from our English friends here, a complete nutter. Regarding issues of physical abuse, cheating, family, how previous relationships ended, her respect for my privacy - she exhibited no concern for the truth. It was her that made me realize that there are individuals out there who are capable of some of the worst, most depraved, acts and fabrications. Granted, while she never lied about being abused as a child, she opened my eyes to how manipulative and terrible some individuals can be.

I include my relationship history to explain why I think the allegations against Allen are unfounded. In saying that, I admit that I could be dead wrong in my assessment. Nobody, other than Allen and Dylan, know for certainty. But in light of what Allen has written in response to the allegations, i cannot help but feel he's being falsely accused. There are individuals out there capable of such character damage. If what Allen has written is true, and I doubt he'd publish such an account if it were not (since he'd be opening himself up to liable with respect to the investigators he references), then I don't see how one can accept Dylan's account with completely sincerity. There are just too many unanswered questions to Dylan (and Mia's) account for such allegations to stand.

Again, I concede that it doesn't disprove Dylan's allegations, but Allen's response seems compelling enough to warrant reasonable doubt. And in my mind, reasonable doubt means innocent.

Moreover, if Allen were truly a sexual predator, it would stand to reason that there would be other victims. The principal reason why I believe Michael Jackson was guilty of the crimes against him was the fact that there were allegations made by more than one child (also, it didn't help his case that the first accuser in 1993 was able to describe his genitalia and moles on his groin, that which made such allegations highly believable). I believe such behaviour is part of a sickness, a mental illness, and those infected by it could have a difficult time stopping at just one victim. If Allen was truly a pedophile, I would have to believe that Dylan was not the only victim. And perhaps she wasn't. Perhaps others are too afraid or unwilling to come forward. But considering at this present time there exists no other allegations but this one individual who, if what Allen writes is trues, was under the impression of her mother, then it stands to reason that this one allegation might prove untrue.

The accusation of molestation is such a serious charge that I think it is prudent to consider those facing such accusations to be considered innocent until proven otherwise. As of now, I think Allen's response, and the information he provides the relates to his innocence or guilty, should make most question Dylan's account. Again, I write this acknowledging that my intuition could be wrong, and that he could very well be guilty of the crimes he's being accused. But for me, Allen's response is thorough and strong enough for me to believe his account.


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Molestation, abuse, or any name by which one might refer to it, is one of the most reprehensible acts one commit. This is compounded when children are involved. It is such a terrible charge that I've always believed that it best not to assume the worst about a person until it is proven without a shadow of a doubt.

Moreover, if Allen were truly a sexual predator, it would stand to reason that there would be other victims. The principal reason why I believe Michael Jackson was guilty of the crimes against him was the fact that there were allegations made by more than one child (also, it didn't help his case that the first accuser in 1993 was able to describe his genitalia and moles on his groin, that which made such allegations highly believable). I believe such behaviour is part of a sickness, a mental illness, and those infected by it could have a difficult time stopping at just one victim. If Allen was truly a pedophile, I would have to believe that Dylan was not the only victim. And perhaps she wasn't. Perhaps others are too afraid or unwilling to come forward. But considering at this present time there exists no other allegations but this one individual who, if what Allen writes is trues, was under the impression of her mother, then it stands to reason that this one allegation might prove untrue.

Tabloid report on Micheal Jackson FBI files, called into question.

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Molestation, abuse, or any name by which one might refer to it, is one of the most reprehensible acts one commit. This is compounded when children are involved. It is such a terrible charge that I've always believed that it best not to assume the worst about a person until it is proven without a shadow of a doubt.

Considering the allegations brought against Allen, and the response he has given, I would hope that most people would still hold off on assuming the worst of him. In many ways, my advice feels counterintuitive. It is both understandable and easy to believe such an accusation for the mere fact that a false accusation is impossible to imagine. How could anyone, in their right mind, accuse someone of something so horrific if it were not true? It is beyond sanity, one might contend, that any individual could possibly lobby such an accusation towards another if there weren't much truth to the matter.

If I were ten years younger, my mind would likely have been made up. Though still relatively young (early 30s), I've had the fortune (or misfortune) of encountering people who are capable of conjuring terrible lies and promoting horrific falsehoods. I have been in four long term relationships (by which I consider over one year), of which three involved three mentally stable individuals who I never so much as argued with. The one exception (the girlfriend previous to the woman I'm with now), was, to borrow a phrase from our English friends here, a complete nutter. Regarding issues of physical abuse, cheating, family, how previous relationships ended, her respect for my privacy - she exhibited no concern for the truth. It was her that made me realize that there are individuals out there who are capable of some of the worst, most depraved, acts and fabrications. Granted, while she never lied about being abused as a child, she opened my eyes to how manipulative and terrible some individuals can be.

I include my relationship history to explain why I think the allegations against Allen are unfounded. In saying that, I admit that I could be dead wrong in my assessment. Nobody, other than Allen and Dylan, know for certainty. But in light of what Allen has written in response to the allegations, i cannot help but feel he's being falsely accused. There are individuals out there capable of such character damage. If what Allen has written is true, and I doubt he'd publish such an account if it were not (since he'd be opening himself up to liable with respect to the investigators he references), then I don't see how one can accept Dylan's account with completely sincerity. There are just too many unanswered questions to Dylan (and Mia's) account for such allegations to stand.

Again, I concede that it doesn't disprove Dylan's allegations, but Allen's response seems compelling enough to warrant reasonable doubt. And in my mind, reasonable doubt means innocent.

Moreover, if Allen were truly a sexual predator, it would stand to reason that there would be other victims. The principal reason why I believe Michael Jackson was guilty of the crimes against him was the fact that there were allegations made by more than one child (also, it didn't help his case that the first accuser in 1993 was able to describe his genitalia and moles on his groin, that which made such allegations highly believable). I believe such behaviour is part of a sickness, a mental illness, and those infected by it could have a difficult time stopping at just one victim. If Allen was truly a pedophile, I would have to believe that Dylan was not the only victim. And perhaps she wasn't. Perhaps others are too afraid or unwilling to come forward. But considering at this present time there exists no other allegations but this one individual who, if what Allen writes is trues, was under the impression of her mother, then it stands to reason that this one allegation might prove untrue.

The accusation of molestation is such a serious charge that I think it is prudent to consider those facing such accusations to be considered innocent until proven otherwise. As of now, I think Allen's response, and the information he provides that relates to his innocence or guilty, should make most question Dylan's account. Again, I write this acknowledging that my intuition could be wrong, and that he could very well be guilty of the crimes he's being accused. But for me, Allen's response is thorough and strong enough for me to believe his account.

I don't think Woody was around kids much of his adult life, other than movies like "Radio Days".

No one's saying Woody didn't molest his daughter, but the question of whether or not a child can be coached into believing something that happened. It's possible to believe something from childhood that never happened.

I'm kind of surprised Alec Baldwin hasn't chimed in, because this ties into an ugly breakup and custody battle, something he's no stranger to, and he's been in Woody's movies.

It's easy for the media to paint Mia as a saint or a crazy woman.

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Baldwin (sort of) commented - http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/news/cate-blanchett-and-alec-baldwin-respond-to-woody-allen-sex-abuse-allegations-9103855.html

Whether the allegations are true or false, Mia does a bang up job of appearing crazy on her own. Whoever allowed them (Mia and Ronan) to kick off their PR blitz for his upcoming show by admitting she doesn't know his parentage is a fucking idiot. Same with whoever signed off on her tweeting how appalled she was by the Globes tribute, after she'd happily signed a release for her image to appear in it.

Edited by Angelica
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Okay I don't know who's the abuser or not, but to me it was very creepy when one of their adopted kids turned 18 and Woody married her.

I mean you adopted her to be your child. When did you decide that your child is not your child and she's attractive to you to marry her?

I think it's just too creepy because your child should always be your child, adopted or your own.

But yet again, people who are rich and famous never have to go by the rules of regular people.

How many kids did they adopt and I've know people who can't get one child because it's all about the money.

Because you have money it means you make a better parent? I don't think so.

Mia has some issues too. But I don't know why they waited so long to bring this up?

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Okay I don't know who's the abuser or not, but to me it was very creepy when one of their adopted kids turned 18 and Woody married her.

I mean you adopted her to be your child. When did you decide that your child is not your child and she's attractive to you to marry her?

I think it's just too creepy because your child should always be your child, adopted or your own.

But yet again, people who are rich and famous never have to go by the rules of regular people.

How many kids did they adopt and I've know people who can't get one child because it's all about the money.

Because you have money it means you make a better parent? I don't think so.

Mia has some issues too. But I don't know why they waited so long to bring this up?

Soon Yi was not his adopted daughter. She was the adopted daughter of Mia and Andre Previn. Woody and Mia were never married and never lived together. She was 19 or 20 when the affair started. These facts don't make the situation that much less weird and unsavory but the 'but he married his daughter!!' line is phony.

Edited by Angelica
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Okay I don't know who's the abuser or not, but to me it was very creepy when one of their adopted kids turned 18 and Woody married her.

I mean you adopted her to be your child. When did you decide that your child is not your child and she's attractive to you to marry her?

I think it's just too creepy because your child should always be your child, adopted or your own.

But yet again, people who are rich and famous never have to go by the rules of regular people.

How many kids did they adopt and I've know people who can't get one child because it's all about the money.

Because you have money it means you make a better parent? I don't think so.

Mia has some issues too. But I don't know why they waited so long to bring this up?

Soon Yi was not his adopted daughter. She was the adopted daughter of Mia and Andre Previn. Woody and Mia were never married and never lived together. She was 19 or 20 when the affair started. These facts don't make the situation that much less weird and unsavory but the 'but he married his daughter!!' line is phony.

You left out the part where Woody was essentially like a parent to Soon-Yi from the age of 8. I also guess those nude pictures of 17/18 year old Soon-Yi took themselves.

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Okay I don't know who's the abuser or not, but to me it was very creepy when one of their adopted kids turned 18 and Woody married her.

I mean you adopted her to be your child. When did you decide that your child is not your child and she's attractive to you to marry her?

I think it's just too creepy because your child should always be your child, adopted or your own.

But yet again, people who are rich and famous never have to go by the rules of regular people.

How many kids did they adopt and I've know people who can't get one child because it's all about the money.

Because you have money it means you make a better parent? I don't think so.

Mia has some issues too. But I don't know why they waited so long to bring this up?

Soon Yi was not his adopted daughter. She was the adopted daughter of Mia and Andre Previn. Woody and Mia were never married and never lived together. She was 19 or 20 when the affair started. These facts don't make the situation that much less weird and unsavory but the 'but he married his daughter!!' line is phony.

You left out the part where Woody was essentially like a parent to Soon-Yi from the age of 8. I also guess those nude pictures of 17/18 year old Soon-Yi took themselves.

Because I don't believe he was. There may be differing accounts, but most of what I've read and heard on that suggests he didn't interact much with the Previn children, and didn't assume anything resembling a fatherly role with them. Soon Yi was of age when the affair started. And again, not defending either of their actions there.

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Not really taking sides here...but to the Woody Allen defenders....out of curiosity, what reason would these people have come out now with these allegations? Or better yet, to hold on to these allegations after all these years?



As you seem to be noting, the question also goes the other way. And why isn't this a civil suit instead of a public smear campaign? And if Mia found the Globes tribute so distasteful, why did she sign a waiver permitting her image to be included in it? Same with the valentine documentary PBS made about him in 2012? This started as an painfully obvious PR manipulation for Ronan's benefit. IMO, the subsequent articles and op-eds debating the validity of the abuse allegations set Dylan off and she felt compelled to come forward. I understand that, I don't doubt that she believes what she believes, just whether it's based in reality or as the Yale team suspected, not. I err on the not side, but if I'm wrong, then fuck them for going about things this way because the court of public opinion can't remove those kids he and Soon Yi adopted from his home.

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Okay I don't know who's the abuser or not, but to me it was very creepy when one of their adopted kids turned 18 and Woody married her.

I mean you adopted her to be your child. When did you decide that your child is not your child and she's attractive to you to marry her?

I think it's just too creepy because your child should always be your child, adopted or your own.

But yet again, people who are rich and famous never have to go by the rules of regular people.

How many kids did they adopt and I've know people who can't get one child because it's all about the money.

Because you have money it means you make a better parent? I don't think so.

Mia has some issues too. But I don't know why they waited so long to bring this up?

Soon Yi was not his adopted daughter. She was the adopted daughter of Mia and Andre Previn. Woody and Mia were never married and never lived together. She was 19 or 20 when the affair started. These facts don't make the situation that much less weird and unsavory but the 'but he married his daughter!!' line is phony.

You left out the part where Woody was essentially like a parent to Soon-Yi from the age of 8. I also guess those nude pictures of 17/18 year old Soon-Yi took themselves.

Because I don't believe he was. There may be differing accounts, but most of what I've read and heard on that suggests he didn't interact much with the Previn children, and didn't assume anything resembling a fatherly role with them. Soon Yi was of age when the affair started. And again, not defending either of their actions there.
I think you're both forgetting the most important thing here which is that she's FOOKING rank!!! :lol:
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If I saw a pic of Woody without knowing his movies I'd definitely think he was a pedo or some kind of sex pervert.

Is this your way of getting out of all potential jury duty? Plant the seeds of ignorance now to prove that you're unfit to serve on a jury?


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If I saw a pic of Woody without knowing his movies I'd definitely think he was a pedo or some kind of sex pervert.

Is this your way of getting out of all potential jury duty? Plant the seeds of ignorance now to prove that you're unfit to serve on a jury?


No need to attack Wasted....that's just his brand of humor.... ;)

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