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April 23rd, 2014 - Golden Gods - Los Angeles, CA - Axl receives "Ronnie James Dio Lifetime Achievement Award"

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Jesus Christ, NGOG. Give it a rest. :rolleyes:

Switch his name with yours or a few others and...

Just another day on MyGnR.


Was it a good performance by Axl? No, his voice is far from being good at the moment. But that's not surprising as most of us have seen/heard the last couple of shows and knew what to expect.

But what bothers me a lot more than his voice is the constant, repetitive negativity/trolling on this board, which really makes a not so much fun to read the threads. Usually I just take a quick look to see if anything new has happened and that's it.

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Guest Gunns

Let's do a critical summary of the Golden God performance ok? This might end up with something of value instead of the back and forth motioning that's happening.

Feel free to quote it and add

1. Good:

2. Bad:

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Groghan made an awesome point in a different thread yesterday. He said something like "Axl got the award for the last 25 years, not last nights performance". When I read that, it sort of changed my mind on how I was looking at this whole thing.

When the actual awards show started, it was such an unprofessional train wreck that I couldn't help but shit all over it. When GN'R's performance started, I kinda kept the same vibe going and I really should have just laid off. I really believe many of us want what's best for the band. I think a lot of the negativity comes from our own frustrations with the situation.

This is a good point and it's how I try to view it. I think he was given the award for years in service 88-95 ish though and I say that as someone who loves CD. Having said that it's clear these type of awards shows are business and promotional affairs for those involved dressed up by the honours. It's great that Axl got some recognition and well deserved but I'm not sure he would have turned up and headlined otherwise.
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Let's do a critical summary of the Golden God performance ok? This might end up with something of value instead of the back and forth motioning that's happening.

Feel free to quote it and add

1. Good:

2. Bad:

I'll offer some good stuff?

The So full of anger screams were pretty fuckin' spot on. Loved how Axl sounded at the END of YCBM, he actually got the "Yeahhh" pretty close. Richard Fortus was amazing, Bumble and Frank, too. Duff.

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Guest Gunns

Let's do a critical summary of the Golden God performance ok? This might end up with something of value instead of the back and forth motioning that's happening.

Feel free to quote it and add

1. Good:

-Duff was there

- Its so easy was great

- Fortus was excellent as always

-"The So full of anger screams were pretty fuckin' spot on.

-Loved how Axl sounded at the END of YCBM, he actually got the "Yeahhh" pretty close

-Bumble and Frank, too. Duff all amazing ." - coldhardbreaker

2. Bad:

- Djs out of tune guitar in sweet child

- Axl's forgotten verse in This I Love with Bumblefoot doing a quick 'tap on the shoulder' to help out

Good idea Gunns, I added to the list, feel free to quote and add more

Edited by Gunns
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I can't get over how many awkward pictures of Axl there are. I guess it's just a matter of getting old, but it used to be impossible to get a bad pic of him. He was one of the most photogenic dudes I'd ever seen. Now he looks like a goofball most of the time. And look at Beta in the background, so proud of her son who looks like he's just stepped on stage for the high school talent show. :lol:

Yes, she is looking genuinely happy for Axl on this. One more reason to hate her. GRRRRRRRRR

Too bad Axl look like a goofball, someone is having a hard time jerking off to that right now.

I've pretty much determined that all the accusations of hate you guys throw around is a projection. Most of us that you accuse of "hate" are rather lighthearted posters who are just having fun posting and discussing the fate of our favorite or once favorite band. The people who seem truly angry and full of "hate" are you and your lot. Just an observation.

True, but the old pics are almost always professional or pictures he posed for. In those days, no one was running around with a camera taking pics all the time. There's an incredible amount of horrible pictures of almost everyone floating about the internet. When I'm out somewhere and I see people taking pics, I always dread to think on whose FB page I'll end up looking a complete idiot just biting into my sandwich or making an odd move :lol: Those poor celebrities nowadays :(

You have a point.

just cos i don't say i laughing alllllllll the time like the cocksucking brigade doesn't mean that im not having fun... Not angry, not hating. In overall im just happy for Axl.

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Let's see..What would take all the negativity away:


2.new album

3.Axl would get in shape vocally and physically

Can u think anything else?

Of course that would be better. I totally understand not being happy with the current state of affairs, I'm neither. But the constant trolling is not really helping anything, at least I don't find it very funny. Sure the first couple of times a 'fat bloated Axl', 'AshbashwagTM'-joke may be funny. But after reading it in almost every thread ... well, not my cup of tea.


- The bands performance with a few exceptions


- Axls performance with a few exceptions

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There was a lot of good stuff about the show. It helps to watch some of the videos a couple of times as first time round it's easy just to watch with the mindset of scrutinizing Axl's every move and breath which is understandable because it's what we do best here. I think if you watch them from a more relaxed perspective the overall performance offers more enjoyment factor (SCOM intro not included).

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Nicolas Cage & Andrew 'Dice' Clay combo introduced Axl.
Axl received a lifetime achievement award.
Axl actually attended to the award ceremony.
Axl being on a live ceremony that will be aired next month in the USA.
Axl thanked all the line-ups of Guns N' Roses.
Duff on fire.
Bumblefoot on fire.
Fortus on fire.
Frank Ferrer on fire.


Poor setlist.
Terrible performance by Axl after It's So Easy.
Weak vocals by Axl.
Forgotten lyrics in This I Love by Axl.
DJ Ashba playing Sweet Child O' Mine riff with an out-of-tune guitar (not his fault).
DJ Ashba playing an utterly awful This I Love solo that he claimed he has changed from its original form because it wasn't suitable for a live setting so he basically fucked up his own solo, solo that he has been playing since 2009 (his fault).
DJ Ashba unashamedly promoting Monster Energy drinks yet again.


That's basically it.

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Guest Gunns


Nicolas Cage & Andrew 'Dice' Clay combo introduced Axl.

Axl received a lifetime achievement award.

Axl actually attended to the award ceremony.

Axl being on a live ceremony that will be aired next month in the USA.

Axl thanked all the line-ups of Guns N' Roses.

Duff on fire.

Bumblefoot on fire.

Fortus on fire.

Fuckin' Frank Ferrer on fire.


Poor setlist.

Terrible performance by Axl after It's So Easy.

Weak vocals by Axl.

Forgotten lyrics in This I Love by Axl.

DJ Ashba playing Sweet Child O' Mine riff with an out-of-tune guitar (not his fault).

DJ Ashba playing an utterly awful This I Love solo that he claimed he has changed from its original form because it wasn't suitable for a live setting so he basically fucked up his own solo, solo that he has been playing since 2009 (his fault).

DJ Ashba unashamedly promoting Monster Energy drinks yet again.


That's basically it.

see, this is how we have value

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The good:

ISE was killer, flawless performance

Duff, of course

The speech

Nic Cage

Axl being in public and in good mood

The bad:

Axl's voice

DJ Ashba (not talking about SCOM)

Ron showing the tele to Axl, it was really sad

Call me a hater, don't care. I'm just honest.

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Nicolas Cage & Andrew 'Dice' Clay combo introduced Axl.

Axl received a lifetime achievement award.

Axl actually attended to the award ceremony.

Axl being on a live ceremony that will be aired next month in the USA.

Axl thanked all the line-ups of Guns N' Roses.

Duff on fire.

Bumblefoot on fire.

Fortus on fire.

Fuckin' Frank Ferrer on fire.


Poor setlist.

Terrible performance by Axl after It's So Easy.

Weak vocals by Axl.

Forgotten lyrics in This I Love by Axl.

DJ Ashba playing Sweet Child O' Mine riff with an out-of-tune guitar (not his fault).

DJ Ashba playing an utterly awful This I Love solo that he claimed he has changed from its original form because it wasn't suitable for a live setting so he basically fucked up his own solo, solo that he has been playing since 2009 (his fault).

DJ Ashba unashamedly promoting Monster Energy drinks yet again.


That's basically it.

Not always agree with you but that was a nice and honest review. I agree on everything but the terrible performance by Axl after ISE. I really liked NR.

Edited by Russel Nash
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To me her resume is irrelevant. I don´t care if she was Quaker or Microsoft CEO in Brazil or in the Bahamas. It is about how they run GN´R. I don´t think that saying complaints. complaints, complaints. is the way to run business. I don´t think Fernando´s statement about announcing an announcement is the right way a band manager should express himself. We have the Vegas DVD issue. Yet not official word from the band about why it was cancelled. We have Tommy´s broken rib issue and yet no official word confirming his injury. Not to mention no official word about a new album next year as Richard hopes that will be the case. There is never official information nor explations about anything except tour dates.

All we have is UK Subs contacting his sources. It can´t be this way. They have been band´s mamagers for a couple of years already. Why is it that hard for them to make a statement addressing current issues?


Gunnari I don't know the answer to that, can you hold on while I look for Beta's phone number & get back to you?

To be fair the complaints comment was made on Beta's personal instagram account which isn't meant for fans to be complaining about the band, that's why there are things called forums.

Tommy broke his ribs? Didn't know that, wonder if he was sober at the time. No I don't think he's got enough sober time in him to do something drastic like that. Hope he's ok though.

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The good:

ISE was killer, flawless performance

Duff, of course

The speech

Nic Cage

Axl being in public and in good mood

The bad:

Axl's voice

DJ Ashba (not talking about SCOM)

Ron showing the tele to Axl, it was really sad

Call me a hater, don't care. I'm just honest.

There's nothing wrong with a post like this. It's some of the other stuff you and others post that I have an issue with, for the record.

If we don't try and phrase things constructively, then legitimate criticisms are too easily dismissed as "trolling".

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The good:

ISE was killer, flawless performance

Duff, of course

The speech

Nic Cage

Axl being in public and in good mood

The bad:

Axl's voice

DJ Ashba (not talking about SCOM)

Ron showing the tele to Axl, it was really sad

Call me a hater, don't care. I'm just honest.

There's nothing wrong with a post like this. It's some of the other stuff you and others post that I have an issue with, for the record.

If we don't try and phrase things constructively, then legitimate criticisms are too easily dismissed as "trolling".

Yeah, I agree. If you look at the posts from magisme, Nosaj, me and other "haters" you'll see the posts are fair and usually legitimate. We do throw some jokes in here and there, sure. In my case, I just think it's better to have a laugh at all this. The Facebook and YT comments are waaay worse.

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The Good:

- We expected 3 songs and got 8 + a couple of jams. No other band has played more than a few songs there before.

- ISE, Second half of Better, YCBM was decent and SCOM was passable despite the terrible intro.

- Nic Cage was awesome and his speech was really genuine. I loved it.

- Axl seemed to put a lot more effort into his performance than he has recently

- I haven't seen a bad comment from someone who actually attended

The Bad:

- It was super cheesy and low budget

- DJ should have stopped SCOM and he kept going for some unknown reason. Sorry, that was his fault IMO.

- The set was paced badly and Axl didn't keep up well with it. He also seemed nervous and it showed.

- Way too many slow songs

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Take out Axl's vocal performance and DJ's guitar playing and it kicked ass.

Yes, Axl sounded fine on It's So Easy and had moments throughout the set but overall his voice was weak.

DJ only seems to be out of his league when he goes for a solo or lead part, if he stuck to rhythm perhaps his shortcomings wouldn't stick out like a sore thumb.

I like Better but it rarely comes off well live (especially without Robin) and gets messy pretty quick.

TIL is musically cool (can't say I'm a fan of the lyrics) but without Axl in good voice for it and DJ unable to do the solo the justice it deserves the song doesn't have much going for it IMO.

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The good:

ISE was killer, flawless performance

Duff, of course

The speech

Nic Cage

Axl being in public and in good mood

The bad:

Axl's voice

DJ Ashba (not talking about SCOM)

Ron showing the tele to Axl, it was really sad

Call me a hater, don't care. I'm just honest.

There's nothing wrong with a post like this. It's some of the other stuff you and others post that I have an issue with, for the record.

If we don't try and phrase things constructively, then legitimate criticisms are too easily dismissed as "trolling".

Yeah, I agree. If you look at the posts from magisme, Nosaj, me and other "haters" you'll see the posts are fair and usually legitimate. We do throw some jokes in here and there, sure. In my case, I just think it's better to have a laugh at all this. The Facebook and YT comments are waaay worse.

I agree with you, but there is definitely a line that gets crossed, and I think this thread was pretty disgraceful for a while there.

Just a general comment to you and some of those others; it would be appreciated if you guys did your bit to improve the place by putting more thought into your posts. That doesn't mean pretending rainbows shine out of Axl's ass, but it would be nice to see less ridiculing of others for their opinions.

That goes both ways. Things were great for a while, but I'm noticing people bickering more and more in threads and I'd like you all to do more to put an end to it.

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