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Sorry (The Song)

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Looked for a topic specific to this song and couldn't find one.

This is a tune that I damn near hated the first time I heard the record but it really grew on me and I LOVE the guitar solo. It's one of the only examples on the record of me liking the song the way it is too. If I ever did a remix of it, I really don't think I'd change much, except maybe take Baz even further down in the mix. It also has one of my favorite Axl lyrics of all time (my signature) even though it can easily be taken as one of those "Everyone is out to get me" Axl lines.

This is also an example of songs that I think Frank adds something to live.

The part he adds around the 4:10 mark is small, but I think it really adds to the song. I also love how he handles all of the drumming near the end of the tune.

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2nd song I really liked when I was first listening to songs off the album, after Madagascar. Listened to this and Maddy for months before I really gave Better, TWAT, and Prostitute a chance. Thought the solo was Finck for ages, Buckethead really is a versatile guitarist. Only problem I have with the studio version now is after seeing Axl live in 2010 I miss the awesome extended screams he added like at the gig below (4:48, 6:12):

Also the problem I have with listening to the studio version of Madagascar, check out the screams at 2:48-3:03:

Edited by Amir
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I like the song...it was one of the few that I actually liked the first time I listened to CD...and I've always been curious what the story is behind this lyric:

"You know where to put your...Just shut up and sing"

Anyone know? Is this something that Slash (or another band member) said to Axl?

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I like the song...it was one of the few that I actually liked the first time I listened to CD...and I've always been curious what the story is behind this lyric:

"You know where to put your...Just shut up and sing"

Anyone know? Is this something that Slash (or another band member) said to Axl?

Thought the solo was Robin as well. I think I heard somewhere that the "Shut up and sing" line was directed at Doug, but I might be making that up right now, I'm not sure.

side note-

Whenever you post and I see your user name, I hear Jim Carrey in my head saying "WOULD IT KILL YA TO PLAY SOME FOGHAT MAN?!" :)

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I like the song...it was one of the few that I actually liked the first time I listened to CD...and I've always been curious what the story is behind this lyric:

"You know where to put your...Just shut up and sing"

Anyone know? Is this something that Slash (or another band member) said to Axl?

"And I’m not talking change of styles or sounds etc. A lot of people bought that crap and me having gone in other directions seems to many to have verified that. Then you have the mind twisting equally as true horseshit in Slash’s book but I have the rehearsal tapes. There’s nothing but Slash based blues rock and he stopped it to both go solo and try to completely take over Guns. I read all this if Axl would’ve put words and melodies on it could’ve… That was denied and I didn’t walk till several months after having 3 to 4 hour phone conversations nearly every day with Slash trying to reach a compromise. I was specifically told no lyrics, no melodies, no changes to anything and to sing what I was told or fuck off."

That said, I don't think it's directed just at Slash, but at other people telling Axl to just shut up and sing as well.

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I like the guitars as well. About the lyrics, can't believe it's from the same guy who wrote Estranged. Seriously. The outro is a clear of example of the mess that CD is, completely useless. It's not as bad as Scraped but this is another song I never expected to feature in CD, not after so many years, millions and musicians used.

"Truth is the truth hurts" Indeed Axl, that's why you aren't allowed to use the internet or talk to your old friends :lol:

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Awesome live.

In 2010 it was an Axl vocal highlight. In 2011-12 it was pretty cringeworthy, even at the vocally better shows like Atlantic City. I never took videos of Sorry, just used it as good opportunity to get photos of Axl in various power poses atop the ego ramps.

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I like the song...it was one of the few that I actually liked the first time I listened to CD...and I've always been curious what the story is behind this lyric:

"You know where to put your...Just shut up and sing"

Anyone know? Is this something that Slash (or another band member) said to Axl?

"And I’m not talking change of styles or sounds etc. A lot of people bought that crap and me having gone in other directions seems to many to have verified that. Then you have the mind twisting equally as true horseshit in Slash’s book but I have the rehearsal tapes. There’s nothing but Slash based blues rock and he stopped it to both go solo and try to completely take over Guns. I read all this if Axl would’ve put words and melodies on it could’ve… That was denied and I didn’t walk till several months after having 3 to 4 hour phone conversations nearly every day with Slash trying to reach a compromise. I was specifically told no lyrics, no melodies, no changes to anything and to sing what I was told or fuck off."

That said, I don't think it's directed just at Slash, but at other people telling Axl to just shut up and sing as well.

Yeah, I remember reading that quote recently (I think it was in Chinese Whispers, I was just reading that a few days ago) and wondering if that might have been the origin of that lyric...thanks. Personally I don't get why some folks think the lyrics are so bad/cheesy.

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I like the song...it was one of the few that I actually liked the first time I listened to CD...and I've always been curious what the story is behind this lyric:

"You know where to put your...Just shut up and sing"

Anyone know? Is this something that Slash (or another band member) said to Axl?

"And I’m not talking change of styles or sounds etc. A lot of people bought that crap and me having gone in other directions seems to many to have verified that. Then you have the mind twisting equally as true horseshit in Slash’s book but I have the rehearsal tapes. There’s nothing but Slash based blues rock and he stopped it to both go solo and try to completely take over Guns. I read all this if Axl would’ve put words and melodies on it could’ve… That was denied and I didn’t walk till several months after having 3 to 4 hour phone conversations nearly every day with Slash trying to reach a compromise. I was specifically told no lyrics, no melodies, no changes to anything and to sing what I was told or fuck off."

That said, I don't think it's directed just at Slash, but at other people telling Axl to just shut up and sing as well.

Yeah, I remember reading that quote recently (I think it was in Chinese Whispers, I was just reading that a few days ago) and wondering if that might have been the origin of that lyric...thanks. Personally I don't get why some folks think the lyrics are so bad/cheesy.

The sentiments in it are awesome and you can tell Axl really means what he's saying, I just wish he tried a little harder to not use cliches or overly simple lyrics in it.

I actually remember that, when CD came out, a lot of my friends and acquaintances really loved this song in particular.

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Sorry isn't one of my favorites on the album, but it's not one of worst either. It's very different from anything GNR has done before and I like the Pink Floyd meets "The Unforgiven" sound of it. Lyrically it is what it is. I can see why some people don't like it. It's really just Axl making a statement. There's nothing fancy or artistic about the lyrics. No symbolism or deeper meanings. At least it doesn't appear that way. You can even call the lyrics self-indulgent, but nevertheless I have nothing against the lyrics. There's some nice quotes there like the "it's harder to live with the truth about you than to live with the lies about me"-part that RussTCB mentioned. I don't even have anything against the: "But I don't want to do it"-part. I can totally understand why Axl decided to put it there. The album is in many ways so serious that in my opinion it really doesn't hurt the record one bit that Axl decided to have a little fun with that reggae style voice. And I do think it fits the song.

And I guess I just like many kind's of lyrics. Not everything has to be filled with symbolism or deeper meanings. Sometimes self-indulgent lyrics are cool. I really don't have a problem with any of that. But in the end there's nothing really earth shattering about the song. It's good but not really worth the 14 years of wait, so I guess I was a little disappointed with it at first. But then again it's still so much better than most shit out there so I don't really feel like complaining.

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I like the song...it was one of the few that I actually liked the first time I listened to CD...and I've always been curious what the story is behind this lyric:

"You know where to put your...Just shut up and sing"

Anyone know? Is this something that Slash (or another band member) said to Axl?

Thought the solo was Robin as well. I think I heard somewhere that the "Shut up and sing" line was directed at Doug, but I might be making that up right now, I'm not sure.

side note-

Whenever you post and I see your user name, I hear Jim Carrey in my head saying "WOULD IT KILL YA TO PLAY SOME FOGHAT MAN?!" :)

Funny thing about that (your side note)...I'm not even a Foghat fan...in fact the only song of theirs that I'm even familiar with is "Slow Ride"...I couldn't even name another song by them. But when I was registering for the forum, I couldn't think of anything to use for a username and for some reason "Foghat" just popped into my head so I went with it.

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We're really singing the praises of a song whose chorus goes, "I''M SORRYYY FOR YOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU, NOT SORRYYYYYYY FOR MMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"? :lol: OK. Colour me legitimately surprised.


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As for the origin of the "just shut up and sing" line...does anyone else find it odd that Axl claims he was not allowed to contribute lyrics to the GnR demos (that eventually became the 1st Snakepit album). I mean...Slash didn't want Axl contributing (even though he had contributed on all the previous Guns albums) and yet he was OK letting Eric Dover write lyrics?

We're really singing the praises of a song whose chorus goes, "I'm sorry for you, not sorry for me"? :lol: OK. Color me legitimately surprised.

Well, I never really thought of Axl as another Bob Dylan or Roger Waters in the lyric writing department anyway...so I guess anything better than "why don't you just fuck off" or "back off bitch" is an improvement. :lol:

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