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New Metallica song "Lords of Summer" debuts at first show of South American Tour


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Ok I gave the song a few more spins and the excitement has winded off. I now have some problems with it. Essentially, the song has too many riffs that all sound like they belong as the centerpieces of different songs. I know Metallica is known for going with the 'a-riff, b-riff' structure, but what made songs like "Enter Sandman", "One", "Master of Puppets", and "Nothing Else Matters" distinguishable was that their main riffs were unique and stood out in their respective songs that they belonged to. none of the riffs in this new song establish that feeling. my advice to Metallica would be to take one or two of these riffs and write a shorter song.

This has happened in the past to them, actually. I seriously feel like "No Remorse" could've been a much bigger song had they focused it more on that chord progression from the beginning. but heh, i could be wrong. to each their own, i guess.

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Nah End of the Line is great live.

My headphones are fucked at the moment. Did Wahmett pedal the arsehole out of his solo?

Yeah, he just comes in with the wah completely out of nowhere as well as those huge rockstar bends and it sounds ridiculous. Pretty standard.

Song's alright but it's definitely a bit long.

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Is anybody here in the "metclub" or whatever they call it? Don't they release soundboards of every concert for their members? Or did I make that up? Would love to hear a non-shit-phone recording of this.

i have no faith in metallica to put out a good album, the magic is gone.

Cool riff and all, but Hetfield has completely forgotten what a vocal melody or hook is and just shouts crap into the mic...it's all the fucking same song now.

I'm in close agreement with this.

But still, I liked DM, and I really like this too. I think Kirk's playing is fantastic. Really makes the song for me.

I kind of doubt that Metallica is ever going to write a song again that is of the calibre of their greatest stuff, but I bet they'll keep churning out albums every 4 or 5 years that are as good as DM - really decent albums. They're always talking about how James is just like this riff machine now, and that they've got this like vault full of 'em.

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I'm one of the resident Metallica nuts on this board, and I agree that it could be cut shorter, but I love it for the most part.

It has elements of everything I love about Metalica - fast riffing, chunky power chords, harmonizing guitar leads, double-bass drumming, and James Hetfield barking lyrics into the mic!

I also think that it's great that Metallica, since Death Magnetic, are still embracing their more metal roots.

Yeah, people are bitcing about this and that, but isn't it great that Metallica have fucked off their radio friendly pop styles, and gone back to chugging metal again! :headbang:

During the Load and Reload era, older fans were dying for Metallica to return to their metal style, and now that they're back there again, people are still complaining... :lol:

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Well, those older fans didn't think that the return would turn out like this. :D

I like the long tracks !

I really am digging this song, though. The solo is one of Kirk's best in a while

Sure! :D I believe he checked out this song prior to writing it.


Edited by Scumcat Esq.
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Metallica are becoming as lazy as Axl. It is fair to say they will only get one album out this decade. I just realised something...

1980s: Metallica release 4 albums of original material

1990s: Metallica release 3 albums

00s: 2 albums

And probably 1 album for the 10s.

Granted, unlike GN'R, Metallica put out lots of other stuff like live dvds, documemtaries, beyond magnetic, symphonic concerts.

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Studio demo:

The vocals are much better in this garage "demo"

No more loudness war pls!

The song is pretty ok

At least Metallica keep their promise and gave the fans a new song

When they play live they're tuned to E flat, but this demo is in E, and Hetfield is singing unnaturally high.

So I think his vocals actualy sound better live, because he doesn't have to strain as much.

Either way, I think this song has good potential for where Metallica may end up on the new album.

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