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The Question Thread


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I do believe in life after death, I'm just not sure what happens. At my grandfathers funeral the preacher said, "If we could have him back we wouldn't ask that of him and if he could come back he wouldn't because now he's walking the streets of gold in the eyes of the glory of God." So, I'm thinking there are streets paved with gold that people are skipping along on. I would like to think that we die and everyone is 30 years old. Because 30 is a great age. At 30 you are old enough to stop worrying about everything yet young enough that you are still in great health. So maybe that is life after death. Thirty and skipping along on gold streets. Streets with no garbage.

If you could have five superpowers what would they be and why?

Edited by AdriftatSea
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Reading minds


Time traveling

Changing my hair length and color every day depending on my moods

Turning annoying people into canned meat

If you were the President of North Korea, what would you do?

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I'm also only 32,but got sick around 25, was BORN Deaf.

How come you're on a forum dedicated to a musical group?

Cause she has a device that allows her to hear music

now either follow the rules or get the fuck off my thread

Reading minds


Time traveling

Changing my hair length and color every day depending on my moods

Turning annoying people into canned meat

If you were the President of North Korea, what would you do?

You're very pretty btw

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Reading minds


Time traveling

Changing my hair length and color every day depending on my moods

Turning annoying people into canned meat

If you were the President of North Korea, what would you do?

You're very pretty btw

thanks Gia. i've missed my chance to see your photo in a picture thread, but i hope some day you'll post again :)

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Reading minds


Time traveling

Changing my hair length and color every day depending on my moods

Turning annoying people into canned meat

If you were the President of North Korea, what would you do?

You're very pretty btw

thanks Gia. i've missed my chance to see your photo in a picture thread, but i hope some day you'll post again :)

Thank you :wub:

I think someone saved cause they were asking for it and they got it :lol:

Monty Python and the Holy Grail

What hobby do you do most often?

I watch people eat fast food... I have no idea why :lol:

What is your favorite dessert?

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Guest Len B'stard

Aint usually up to me im afraid or we'd just fuck and forget about the whole messy date business :lol:

Question - what do you live for? Aside from family or just cuz i mean what are you most passionate about, like a pursuit or interest etc

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Writing. Getting completely lost in this other world that you are creating, and developing sets of traits into people with histories and personalities.

Would you be in favour of a world without borders?

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I saw the picture of Gia, she's very pretty, dark hair, petite. I also have 70% hearing loss, always have, wear hearing aids, can't see them like a really old person's though. Never effected my speech because I'm not deaf. I don't understand 'out of tune' or 'off key' but I know what I like and don't. Silly question to ask why one would be on a board about music. Music and sounds probably are closer to the soul of the hearing impaired than those that hear perfectly. Works out for me because I can tell my husband I never heard him if he tells me something I don't want to hear! hah! :D

If you could live forever, would you want to?

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Yes, I'm not even 20 and I feel like life is slipping away too quickly.

What's your occupation?

Uh, I feel the exact same

That gets better and goes away. I promise. Hang in there guys. Everything is temporary.

I'm an e.a. to a sr. vp of a large corporation

Would you ever consider living underwater?

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Guest Len B'stard

a pair of drawers i suppose

Question - Would you rather die for what you believe in or live keeping it all inside and following a path contrary to your principles?

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I would look cool and it would probably make myself feel great to say the first one...but I would be lying to myself because I am already doing the latter. Though not always, there are moments of both. Edit: well, obviously there are no moemnts of dying for my principles, but there are moments to keep them and moments when you gotta adjust to the norm.

Does size matter?

Edited by Thin White Duke
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I saw the picture of Gia, she's very pretty, dark hair, petite. I also have 70% hearing loss, always have, wear hearing aids, can't see them like a really old person's though. Never effected my speech because I'm not deaf. I don't understand 'out of tune' or 'off key' but I know what I like and don't. Silly question to ask why one would be on a board about music. Music and sounds probably are closer to the soul of the hearing impaired than those that hear perfectly. Works out for me because I can tell my husband I never heard him if he tells me something I don't want to hear! hah! :D

If you could live forever, would you want to?

Just had to chime in and say hi! Glad to see I'm not the only person around here that wear hearing aids. I feel music quite deeply and like you don't notice off key or out of tune notes, so I tend to enjoy it more :)

If I could live forever would I want to? Only if I could bring someone dear along with me.

Question- If you could live forever and had only one chance to bring someone with you into this life of immortality, who would you choose and why?

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Question- If you could live forever and had only one chance to bring someone with you into this life of immortality, who would you choose and why?

I don't want to live forever but I would choose Leonardo DiCaprio. So he has more chances to get an Oscar someday.

Question: Might people please stop ruining the order of the thread? <_< Or better...does size matter?

Edited by Thin White Duke
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