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2016 National Football League (NFL) Regular Season

Ace Nova

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PS - I'm blaming this one 100% on McCarthy. Took his foot off the pedal and called a terrible game (first and second half)

I said the same shit when the pack got that last pic and they didn't go for the throat with about 4 min to go. You have Aaron fuking Rodgers and you need 2 first downs to put a team away and head to the Super Bowl and you run it three straight times into a wall and punt.... I also didn't like him not going for tds on his goal line appearences sure that's nitpicking but packers have been playing aggressive on 4th a lot this year why stop now and give Seattle d all the confidence in the world. Such a epic fuking choke man. So many chances to end the fuking game!! Clinton had another pic go through his hands at the end and I also don't know wtf happened on that 2 pt conv. And the onside kick Jesus. Rodgers pick on the miscommunication when they were driving and could have been up 23 points to 0 just so many chances man.

Edit: and omfg a fake field goal. C'mon how do they not get rdy for that. It changed the game giving like to Seattle. Without that pack win even with only scoring 19

Edited by Estranged Coma
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PS - I'm blaming this one 100% on McCarthy. Took his foot off the pedal and called a terrible game (first and second half)

I said the same shit when the pack got that last pic and they didn't go for the throat with about 4 min to go. You have Aaron fuking Rodgers and you need 2 first downs to put a team away and head to the Super Bowl and you run it three straight times into a wall and punt.... I also didn't like him not going for tds on his goal line appearences sure that's nitpicking but packers have been playing aggressive on 4th a lot this year why stop now and give Seattle d all the confidence in the world. Such a epic fuking choke man. So many chances to end the fuking game!! Clinton had another pic go through his hands at the end and I also don't know wtf happened on that 2 pt conv. And the onside kick Jesus. Rodgers pick on the miscommunication when they were driving and could have been up 23 points to 0 just so many chances man.

Edit: and omfg a fake field goal. C'mon how do they not get rdy for that. It changed the game giving like to Seattle. Without that pack win even with only scoring 19

Exactly. Everything you said is spot on. Of course we should've executed a lot better in certain situations, but it's definitely on McCarthy overall.

It reminds me of a lower-scoring version of the last game I went to, against Atlanta on Monday night about a month ago. We had a 31-7 lead at halftime and it came down to the final possession. That sort of bullshit conservative playcalling (like kicking a field goal when you have the ball an inch away from the end zone and Eddie Lacy in the backfield...) came back to bite us in the ass.

I knew we were screwed when we allowed the Hawks to score so quickly after that last 3 and out. Prevent defense is the dumbest thing ever created in Football. It wasn't until the 2 point conversion on the next series, however, that I broke my phone...if HaHa would have broken that up, we would've ended up winning the game. That's the 2015 Fail Mary, and it had nothing to do with the refs.

Too many mistakes/bullshit playcalling/execution down the stretch. Definitely choked that one away as a team.

I kinda wish both teams could somehow lose in the Super Bowl, but I suppose I'm forced to root for the Patriots because of this. (Ugh)

Also the Packers seem to lose in heartbreaking games in the playoffs lately. The NFC Championship in 2007, the Arizona comeback in 2009, the Wild Card game last year, then this. (Double ugh)

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No way to sugar coat this loss for the Pack. I am sure if McCarthy had a do over he would do things differently but lets face it the team needs to make the plays on the field and the coaches can't do that for them. Easy to blame it on the coaches but the players did not perform in crunch time end of story.

I mean how do you let the Hawks get the on side kick and how can Dix not break up the 2 pt conversion after the last Hawks TD in regulation? the D line had Wilson running backwards and he just heaves the ball towards the goalline. It hung up in the air for what seemed like forever yet Dix or any other Packer in the secondary can't get into position to knock it down? They stop that 2 pt conversion they win the game on the last second FG. Also when Burnett intercepted Wilson with about 5 minutes left instead of sliding he had some running room and could have conceivably run it back and got GB into field goal range which would have put the Pack up 22-7 at that point. Seattle may still have come back and tied the game but it would have been that much tougher to climb back and the Pack still might have won 25-22 with that last minute FG.

Let's face it when your opponent hands you 5 turnovers and you only score one TD and 19 pts you deserve to lose.

Being I live in Patriot country here in MASS, and their fans are some of the most obnoxious and cocky fans in the world, I have to root for the Hawks in the Bowl.

I have nothing against the Hawks and they played like champions when it counted yesterday. GO HAWKS!

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One of the best comebacks I've ever seen.

I agree with you guys, GB played it too conservatively the entire game. I have no problem with the second field goal, but the first one? You've got the ball on the six inch line. You can't QB sneak it for six inches? And if you fail......>Seattle gets the ball at the six inch line, meaning their snaps are going to have Wilson/Lynch 2-3 yards IN THEIR OWN END ZONE. The likely hood for a safety is huge. This is the playoffs. You have to go for it on fourth down.

And the second half it didn't seem like they were even trying to score again, but like they were just trying to run out the clock. Did Rogers throw one pass at Richard Sherman after the Sherm got hurt?

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If I was McCarthy, Id have lined Jordy Nelson across from Sherman an told him to run a Go Route every down after Sherman got hurt. I can't believe they didn't test him once...Sherman could barely lift his arm. I think he hyper extended his elbow, going by the replay.

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2 point conversion was the most miraculous play of all. Can't stop watching it.

That's Russell Wilson intangibles meeting pure luck. Being in Chicago, brings to mind Jay Cutler could try that play a hundred times with far more pure passing talent and never pull it off. There are winners and there are losers, Wilson was so abysmal yesterday but guy just has 'it'.

The Pats dropped those last 2 close SB's to Giants, but got a feeling they are going to pull this one out.

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all clinton dix had to do was put his hands up and green bay wins that. wilson just threw it up in the air since there is 0 recourse for throwing it it can only mean a good outcome. in college the other team can run it back for 2 points so he jut threw it up there hoping for a penalty and a miracle and dix for whatever reason didnt even try to play the ball i mean it was right there for him to knock it down, iam still dumbfounded by how he missed the ball.

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I'm probably not right, but I firmly believe I could have knocked that ball down.

i have no doubt you could have :lol: the thing is i could understand if his back was turned or he was out of position, but he was staring down the play the whole time and he just didnt make the play for whatever reason. wilson had nothing to lose and only positives could happen from chucking the ball up in the air. he was already up shit creek and looked like he wasnt going to get 2 points anyway, so fuck it just do a 16 or 17 yard hail mary and see what happens.

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Don't be too hard on Clinton-dix. That boy outright balled all day yesterday save for one play. It's a cliche but no one play loses the game, and Ha Ha had himself a game.

Missing the onside was brutal, but they were playing a quarterback who was in the midst of (and mind you despite the outcome, still was) the worst game of his career. They had opportunity after opportunity to stop him. They also had 5 take aways they only turned into 9 points.

Credit the Seattle D for that. Shame on McCarthy and the Packer's staff for not picking up on the fact Sherman was playing with one arm, and would not have been able to stop a single pass. Credit Dan Quinn for knowing that Sherman's mere presence is better than him not there at all (remember, they pulled the same trick in the SB against Peyton). Shame on the Packers for not letting the best QB in the NFL loose.

As for the Pats, the real AFC Championship was played last weekend. Save for one bad throw (that Torrey Smith could have fought harder for, though his lack of toughness has plagued his career) Flacco outright balled out against the Patriots, and Baltimore gave the Patriots all they could handle. The Ravens just didn't have the secondary against Brady. Sure the Colts beat Baltimore in Indy in week 4, but everyone knows the kind of team Baltimore is in the post season. The Patriots sure know. Not to discredit the Colts, very soon they will be that team, but not yet.

As far as Pats v Seahawks, I'm going Pats for the win. With a hobbled legion of boom, the Pats will be able to create mismatches with their trickery and creativity, particularly against the Seahawks insistence on man coverage on the corners. The Pats corners will shut down the few passing options Seattle has. The best chance Seattle has is Marshawn Lynch, and don't think Belichick hadn't been thinking of 5 ways to stop him by about the 3rd quarter in the game last night. My guess is they load the box against Wilson and Lynch, try to contain Wilson and force him to throw against Revis, Browner, and Mccourtey.

This is the best Pats and most balanced Pats team in years, against a still great Seattle D but a flawed Seattle offense. Pats get it done, 24-20.

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I'm wondering what the NFL is going to do in response to this. There's no way that underinflated balls impacted the outcome of last week's game (they were going to thrash the Colts either way), but the Colts reportedly noticed it during the regular season meeting and now the Ravens are coming out saying that they think the same thing could have been true during their game with the Patriots.

If the NFL reaches the conclusion that the Patriots tampered with the balls, I'm curious what kind of punishment they'd hand out. It'd be one thing if this were an isolated incident, but this would be the second time in a decade that the Patriots, with virtually the same people in charge of the team, would be caught blatantly cheating. How would the NFL be able to justify not having Belichick serve a lengthy suspension?

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I'm wondering what the NFL is going to do in response to this. There's no way that underinflated balls impacted the outcome of last week's game (they were going to thrash the Colts either way), but the Colts reportedly noticed it during the regular season meeting and now the Ravens are coming out saying that they think the same thing could have been true during their game with the Patriots.

If the NFL reaches the conclusion that the Patriots tampered with the balls, I'm curious what kind of punishment they'd hand out. It'd be one thing if this were an isolated incident, but this would be the second time in a decade that the Patriots, with virtually the same people in charge of the team, would be caught blatantly cheating. How would the NFL be able to justify not having Belichick serve a lengthy suspension?

100% agree on all points. reports are the NFL is quite mad about this, the NFL needs to nail BB to the wall for this but in all honesty i think they get another slap on the wrist.


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I'm wondering what the NFL is going to do in response to this. There's no way that underinflated balls impacted the outcome of last week's game (they were going to thrash the Colts either way), but the Colts reportedly noticed it during the regular season meeting and now the Ravens are coming out saying that they think the same thing could have been true during their game with the Patriots.

If the NFL reaches the conclusion that the Patriots tampered with the balls, I'm curious what kind of punishment they'd hand out. It'd be one thing if this were an isolated incident, but this would be the second time in a decade that the Patriots, with virtually the same people in charge of the team, would be caught blatantly cheating. How would the NFL be able to justify not having Belichick serve a lengthy suspension?

100% agree on all points. reports are the NFL is quite mad about this, the NFL needs to nail BB to the wall for this but in all honesty i think they get another slap on the wrist.


listening to fox sports radio a hosts wife is a mathematician and she said for a ball to lose 2 pounds of pressure naturally it would take a 80+ degree temperature swing to lose 2 pounds of pressure in a 3 hour span. so take that for what its worth :lol:

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