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DJ Ashba gave free food and money in LV for homeless people... what is your opinion about this?

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I've heard the same, that Axl very quiety gives a lot to charity. The fact that someone isn't making a show of their volunteerism and charitable works doesn't mean they're not happening. I actually have a lot more respect for those who help out quietly, without expecting any sort of applause or publicity from it.

Why do you respect someone more? Because they don't want anyone to know? Maybe if Axl filmed some of his stuff it would inspire others to help. Why the fuck do some of you make charitable actions into a competetion? It's like the ice bucet challenge. It rasied millions all because people did so pubicly. If nobody made a video not even a fraction of the money woudl've been raised. There's no right or wrong way to contribute but it's just fucking asinine to respect Axl's contributions more because he does it in secret. Who the hell cares how it's done, as long as it's getting done.

Oh, stop. There's nothing asinine about what I said. There is, however, something asinine about jumping on someone who has a different opinion, so chill out.

Yes, videos and other public charitable actions can raise awareness, and yes, every little bit helps, and yes, the ends justify the means in some respect. And if you'd actually read my first post you'd have seen that I wrote that. A lot of people in Vegas are in a bad way, and if some of them had a better day because of Ashba, it's all good.

But the reason I respect the "quiet donors" and volunteers more, overall, is because they're truly not getting anything for themselves out of it. They're not expecting a pat on the back or anything else. I have to respect that.

As for the ice bucket challenge, let's remember that while it raised a lot of money, and it did make a difference...there were also a lot of people who simply posted videos of themselves getting soaked without donating a cent to ALS, or knowing what the fuck ALS even was, because they thought it was a fun meme and they wanted attention from friends. And then their Facebook friends all liked it and patted them on the back, and thought they were wonderful - and yet not a dime was raised, and there wasn't any information provided that would help anyone have true awareness of what ALS was.

I'm glad that finally somebody get it

This is the bottom line and i always laugh about people who think Ice Bucket Challenge is actually helping people

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I hope this action helps DJ to realize that he was meant to be running a homeless feeding organization. He seems to be really good at it. So I encourage DJ to help the homeless and get the fuck out of GN'R and the music industry once and for all

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What's the point in doing something good if no one sees you doing it?

Also, fast food? He couldn't have bought then a hamper of canned etc food that would last more than one meal?

Good on him for doing what he did but it seriously seems like he did the least he could just to make a video of him being Mr Nice Guy.

Doing something good

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Does anybody know if that's an actual song? Because, yes, it was completely horrid.

2 different songs, the first was Miracle and the second was the piano ballad version of Before It's Over. Both are from the new Sixx AM record, but the second was only on the bonus EP from indie record stores
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Yeah, maybe inspiring especially in Christmas time, but this is a bit common thing so...

don't get me wrong i don't want to bash him for this, because at the end of the day he is helping people, but the whole video is.....


Great thing to do !

Imagine Axl doing that...

Once upon a time he buy a slice of pizza for a homeless woman and she yelling at him some stupid shit....

anyway i'm qutie sure that Axl still donate a lot of money for charity and hopefully most of the members (past or present)donate too

Plus he went to some hospital for terminally ill kids around 2006. I suspect Axl probably does a lot of charity stuff we don't know about, he seems fairly socially conscious these days, particularly where animals are concerned.

And let's not forget his other charity case, Jarmo.

Edited by tomfriend
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Yeah, maybe inspiring especially in Christmas time, but this is a bit common thing so...

don't get me wrong i don't want to bash him for this, because at the end of the day he is helping people, but the whole video is.....


Great thing to do !

Imagine Axl doing that...

Once upon a time he buy a slice of pizza for a homeless woman and she yelling at him some stupid shit....

anyway i'm qutie sure that Axl still donate a lot of money for charity and hopefully most of the members (past or present)donate too

Plus he went to some hospital for terminally ill kids around 2006. I suspect Axl probably does a lot of charity stuff we don't know about, he seems fairly socially conscious these days, particularly where animals are concerned.

And let's not forget his other charity case, Jarmo.

What did he do for animals?

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Fuck Dj for ruining people's prejudicies against him by doing really nice things to other people! He's such an asshole.

I dont mind DJ but this thing is silly IMO. People give all the time and don't film it for self promotion.

Yes, I agree, he totally ruined it and the food defintiely turned to ashes in the mouths of the homeless.

you missed the point, imo

you missed the sarcasm, imo

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Redundant as in the poor people still being hungry?

Well, yes. I'm pretty sure the homeless people are still hungry Soulmonster.

Maybe DJ can have a couple of them move in with him. He can make a reality TV show out of it sponsored by Monster INC and Ashba Productions LLC

Maybe they can show him how to tune his guitar next time he wants to try playing SCOM at an event.

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all with all it is good thing he does this, and those people are helped a little, but the whole video thing is so look how good i am... self promotion indeed, he could also have posted did some good deeds for the christmas days on his twitter or something if he wanted people to know. But atleast he is not greedy and cares about other people

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It's a brilliant thing when somebody helps out those less fortunate regardless of whether I admire the product they are selling, a superlative thing to do.

Just cause he bragged about it, which many folk don't do even if they do things like that regularly, still don't take away the fact he carried out a very beautiful piece of humanity, if he made those guys lives a little easier for a while he can make a song and opera about it, I couldn't give a shit as long as the homeless were helped.

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It was very cool of DJ to do this.

When I was in Vegas I did see some homeless people sleeping on the bridge that connects the two sides of the street. It's always so sad because there are so many people who are very rich in this country and if they all gave just a little to the homeless community and help them build shelters it would help a great deal.

It doesn't make sense for an actor or sports player to get millions of dollars a year and yet we still have so many homeless people all over this country.

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It's a publicity stunt first and foremost. Why? While it might help these "poor" people momentarily it will not change the circumstances they are living in. If someone really cared he'd try and change the fact that a lot of people have to end up on the streets in the first place. It's a shame that a rich country like America treats the weakest of its society the way it does. But that's just my opinion and I don't think it'll change that easily nor at all.

Edited by Herr Bauz
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I've heard the same, that Axl very quiety gives a lot to charity. The fact that someone isn't making a show of their volunteerism and charitable works doesn't mean they're not happening. I actually have a lot more respect for those who help out quietly, without expecting any sort of applause or publicity from it.

Why do you respect someone more? Because they don't want anyone to know? Maybe if Axl filmed some of his stuff it would inspire others to help. Why the fuck do some of you make charitable actions into a competetion? It's like the ice bucet challenge. It rasied millions all because people did so pubicly. If nobody made a video not even a fraction of the money woudl've been raised. There's no right or wrong way to contribute but it's just fucking asinine to respect Axl's contributions more because he does it in secret. Who the hell cares how it's done, as long as it's getting done.

Oh, stop. There's nothing asinine about what I said. There is, however, something asinine about jumping on someone who has a different opinion, so chill out.

Yes, videos and other public charitable actions can raise awareness, and yes, every little bit helps, and yes, the ends justify the means in some respect. And if you'd actually read my first post you'd have seen that I wrote that. A lot of people in Vegas are in a bad way, and if some of them had a better day because of Ashba, it's all good.

But the reason I respect the "quiet donors" and volunteers more, overall, is because they're truly not getting anything for themselves out of it. They're not expecting a pat on the back or anything else. I have to respect that.

As for the ice bucket challenge, let's remember that while it raised a lot of money, and it did make a difference...there were also a lot of people who simply posted videos of themselves getting soaked without donating a cent to ALS, or knowing what the fuck ALS even was, because they thought it was a fun meme and they wanted attention from friends. And then their Facebook friends all liked it and patted them on the back, and thought they were wonderful - and yet not a dime was raised, and there wasn't any information provided that would help anyone have true awareness of what ALS was.

Do you argue and yell at people in every topic you post in?

And SMH. So the tens of millions of dollars that was raised for ALS is meaningless because a few teens on facebook made videos without donating money.....your logic is amazing.

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It was very cool of DJ to do this.

When I was in Vegas I did see some homeless people sleeping on the bridge that connects the two sides of the street. It's always so sad because there are so many people who are very rich in this country and if they all gave just a little to the homeless community and help them build shelters it would help a great deal.

It doesn't make sense for an actor or sports player to get millions of dollars a year and yet we still have so many homeless people all over this country.

You do realize that many CEOs and business owners make way more money than athletes and actors do, right?

So what is your solution? People who make a certain amount of money must legally give a set percentage to charity? Lebron James pays more money in taxes in one year than you will in your lifetime....and donates more money in one year than you will in your entire life....but you are saying he should be legally required to pay a set amount to charity as well????

If wealthy people are required to donate money they EARNED, Val22, would they get a tax break to go along with it?

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It's a publicity stunt first and foremost. Why? While it might help these "poor" people momentarily it will not change the circumstances they are living in. If someone really cared he'd try and change the fact that a lot of people have to end up on the streets in the first place. It's a shame that a rich country like America treats the weakest of its society the way it does. But that's just my opinion and I don't think it'll change that easily nor at all.

I do think that both short and long term solutions are necessary. In the long term you want these folks to find housing, employment and help for any addiction/mental illness/phyiscal ailments they might have. Short term, while you're figuring all that out, they've still got to eat. Stopping homelessness in the long term eventually would make the short term band-aids unnecessary, so if someone were truly interested in making a difference, they'd be working on that, yes.

Having said that, I like what I read about Robin Williams recently - that whenever he did a film, he requested that the production company should hire a certain number of homeless people. Assuming that this is true (even Snopes isn't sure yet), he was doing something wonderful there. Those folks got three squares a day on the set, but they also got a salary, a resume entry, some job skills and perhaps contacts and references to continue working on films if they did a good job.

Edited by stella
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- Great, no matter what his intentions were

- A little douchey to film it

- Happy Meals are not filling to full grown adults

- I turned it off when sentimental music started

- Does he have "stitches" lining the seats of his car?

- Great, no matter what his intentions were

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Fuck Dj for ruining people's prejudicies against him by doing really nice things to other people! He's such an asshole.

I dont mind DJ but this thing is silly IMO. People give all the time and don't film it for self promotion.

Yes, I agree, he totally ruined it and the food defintiely turned to ashes in the mouths of the homeless.

you missed the point, imo

you missed the sarcasm, imo

Nope i get your sarcasm and it was utter shit

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