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Erin's 2013 auction outcome?

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Please do not confuse celebrity worship with common sense. Axl's sister Amy called her out on the auction being self serving and attention seeking. Celebrities are people too. Who better to understand a celebrity than another celebrity. Priscilla described the tell all book by her ex lover as the ultimate betrayal. Oprah agreed.

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Please do not confuse celebrity worship with common sense. Axl's sister Amy called her out on the auction being self serving and attention seeking. Celebrities are people too. Who better to understand a celebrity than another celebrity. Priscilla described the tell all book by her ex lover as the ultimate betrayal. Oprah agreed.

Why not just own it?

You make excuses for everything Axl does.

You praise even his worst performances.

You wear the idiotic GnR sweater and give GnR presents to all your co-workers and friends

You literally refuse to say one negative word about anything Axl had ever done.

And you fawn and gush over meeting actors.

It's your life!!! Fawn and worship anybody you want. It's even more strange to deny something that is so clearly part of your DNA.

I love old hair metal bands and music. Even had a website about them. Run a Facebook page about the genre that has over 10,000 followers. And am putting together a project about the genre that nobody has ever done before. It's a bit of an obsession and I've spent way too much time and energy on it. A topic that most people make fun of.

But I fully admit and own it.

I think that's one reason people always mention your Axl and Celeb worship. Because you gush over these people and then say that you don't.

And you sort of prove everybody's point.

Most people don't care what Amy or Oprah think.

And the fact Axl never spoke out about it speaks volumes.

Anyway - who cares. We can all love and worship whomever we want. I worship my wife and kids. Axl and Celebs is your thing. It's all good.

Merry Christmas and surround yourselfs with things you love today!!!!

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Apollo just cuz I show loyalty to a great artist does not mean that I worship them.

Admiring somebody does not mean that you worship them.

I will admit that I like hot people whether or not they are celebrities. :P

Yes it does, the minute you start justifying allegations of abhorrant domestic abuse with 'she knew how to push Axls buttons' based on liking someone who you don't knows songs thats actually quite weird and unhealthy sounding.

Look at it this way Annabell, you're a girl and I'm a boy right? We got a lot of differences between us, i don't like things you like and maybe it's vice versa too. Now if we knew each other and one day i decided to put you through the floor, i mean beat the shit out of you two fisted cuz you 'pushed my buttons' would that be OK? No it wouldn't, it'd make me a fucking cunt, no amount of button pushing should result in a man doing what Axl was accused of, IF he did it. It's some bitch-shit. And it ain't the only time Axl has been accused of that kinda shit by a woman.

But somehow you feel this attachment cuz he writes songs that make you feel tingley. 'NUH UHHHH, HOW COULD THE MAN WHO WROTE ESTRANGED BE A MEANIE!', did it ever occur to you that pop songwriting is a commercial enterprise designed to be emotionally evocative and could very easily tell you exactly nothing about the person who wrote it other than the fact that they have a way with words?

Edited by Len B'stard
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Apollo just cuz I show loyalty to a great artist does not mean that I worship them.

Admiring somebody does not mean that you worship them.

I will admit that I like hot people whether or not they are celebrities. :P

Yes it does, the minute you start justifying allegations of abhorrant domestic abuse with 'she knew how to push Axls buttons' based on liking someone who you don't knows songs thats actually quite weird and unhealthy sounding.

Look at it this way Annabell, you're a girl and I'm a boy right? We got a lot of differences between us, i don't like things you like and maybe it's vice versa too. Now if we knew each other and one day i decided to put you through the floor, i mean beat the shit out of you two fisted cuz you 'pushed my buttons' would that be OK? No it wouldn't, it'd make me a fucking cunt, no amount of button pushing should result in a man doing what Axl was accused of, IF he did it. It's some bitch-shit. And it ain't the only time Axl has been accused of that kinda shit by a woman.

But somehow you feel this attachment cuz he writes songs that make you feel tingley. 'NUH UHHHH, HOW COULD THE MAN WHO WROTE ESTRANGED BE A MEANIE!', did it ever occur to you that pop songwriting is a commercial enterprise designed to be emotionally evocative and could very easily tell you exactly nothing about the person who wrote it other than the fact that they have a way with words?

If anybody beat me up like that, I would call the police and have them arrested. Then there would be proof and legal records.

Edited by Little EMO Annie
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Apollo just cuz I show loyalty to a great artist does not mean that I worship them.

Admiring somebody does not mean that you worship them.

I will admit that I like hot people whether or not they are celebrities. :P

Yes it does, the minute you start justifying allegations of abhorrant domestic abuse with 'she knew how to push Axls buttons' based on liking someone who you don't knows songs thats actually quite weird and unhealthy sounding.

Look at it this way Annabell, you're a girl and I'm a boy right? We got a lot of differences between us, i don't like things you like and maybe it's vice versa too. Now if we knew each other and one day i decided to put you through the floor, i mean beat the shit out of you two fisted cuz you 'pushed my buttons' would that be OK? No it wouldn't, it'd make me a fucking cunt, no amount of button pushing should result in a man doing what Axl was accused of, IF he did it. It's some bitch-shit. And it ain't the only time Axl has been accused of that kinda shit by a woman.

But somehow you feel this attachment cuz he writes songs that make you feel tingley. 'NUH UHHHH, HOW COULD THE MAN WHO WROTE ESTRANGED BE A MEANIE!', did it ever occur to you that pop songwriting is a commercial enterprise designed to be emotionally evocative and could very easily tell you exactly nothing about the person who wrote it other than the fact that they have a way with words?

If anybody beat me up like that, I would call the police and have them arrested. Then there would be proof and legal records.

Yeah well thats commendable but....OK look, example. I know this girl right, used to work with me, worked with me for years. Nice girl too, found her to be a bit scatty sometimes though, like...shook, overly defensive about stuff. Didn't bother me. Year or two later i find out that years of the time she was working with me she'd been getting abused by her husband. Like seriously knocked about...suddenly so much shit made sense to me that didn't before, like why she randomly wore heavy make up somedays, or how she used to brush her hair really softly cuz this bastard had been dragging her across the floor by it, i even remember this one time i said a super innocuous thing to her and she burst out crying and i felt so rotten cuz i didn't know what i had done. Turns out, they've been together 7 years by the way, that this motherfucker had been doing it since day 1. Then finally it got too much for her, a bunch of shit happened, her leg got cut up real bad when he slammed her against a wall and her leg went through a glass pane. But all these years she never told no one.

The guy she was married to was a painter and decorator. Shame he couldn't write nice songs eh, he could've had himself a little fanclub full of people like you going on about his innocence without knowing thing one about the reality of the situation. These are real people, not just voices out of speakers or photos off the pages of magazines and this is my point, without really knowing people like me or you who don't know shit other than what we here out of magazines about this shit should not be so flippant and accusatory because, our survey says, we don't know shit. I don't know that Axl did anything anymore than you can certainly say he didn't and just because you THINK you'd call the cops, i THINK i would take on Mike Tyson if he rared up to me, i THINK i can beat Steve McQueen in a drag race, i THINK I could've been the greatest rapper of all time...but think is one thing and reality is another, you don't know until your there Annabel and i pray you never have to find out because it's a fucked up situation and your sensitivity should not be governed by either partys ability to make you sway to something as ultimately and relatively puerile as a song.

Edited by Len B'stard
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You are correct, we don't know what really happened, but since no criminal charges were ever filed, I am willing to give Axl the benefit of the doubt. I once tried to help out the mother of a patient who claimed her husband physically abused her. She turned around and told everybody that she didn't want me caring for her child because I came on to her husband. I should have gotten social work involved when she made her original statement but I didn't and I learned an important lesson.Anyway This is getting off topic and I don't want to derail any threads.

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How about having the sensitivity to not take a side cuz you don't know shit? Sorry cuz that would complicate your little teenage crush on Axl huh? :rolleyes: Honestly, grow up. It ain't got shit to do with benefit of the doubt, it's about loyalty, you said so yourself, loyalty to a total stranger cuz you paid for his albums and looking into his big eyes gives you the tingles. How old are you again? It's like If Erins brother read this, waited for you in a dark alley and broke your jaw then you had to read people on message boards displaying their 'loyalty' and giving the benefit of the doubt to him based on the fact that he's associated to someone famous that they've read about in magazines...and hey, it was on your own in a dark alley so benefit of the doubt applies right, no witnesses? Do you see how crooked and inhumane that is?

Edited by Len B'stard
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How about having the sensitivity to not take a side cuz you don't know shit? Sorry cuz that would complicate your little teenage crush on Axl huh? :rolleyes: Honestly, grow up. It ain't got shit to do with benefit of the doubt, it's about loyalty, you said so yourself, loyalty to a total stranger cuz you paid for his albums and looking into his big eyes gives you the tingles. How old are you again? It's like If Erins brother read this, waited for you in a dark alley and broke your jaw then you had to read people on message boards displaying their 'loyalty' and giving the benefit of the doubt to him based on the fact that he's associated to someone famous that they've read about in magazines...and hey, it was on your own in a dark alley so benefit of the doubt applies right, no witnesses? Do you see how crooked and inhumane that is?

Well I already took a side and I own it. I am a street smart gal who rides the CTA on a regular basis. I know better than to walk in a dark alley by myself. If somebody were to attack me I would fight back and manage to dig my nails into any attacker for DNA evidence. I would call the police and file a report. But I also have a talent for de-escalating potentially violent encounters. And If Erin's brother did punch me and her supporters defended him , I could deal with that. But I would take him to criminal court and not civil court.

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Yeah, you sound real street smart, mmmhmmmm, yup, definitely :lol: Not an airy fairy middle class weenie at all, everything about you just SCREAMS street smart :lol:

Idolising rock stars is usually the first sign of street smart people :lol:

Edited by Len B'stard
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You are correct, we don't know what really happened, but since no criminal charges were ever filed, I am willing to give Axl the benefit of the doubt. I once tried to help out the mother of a patient who claimed her husband physically abused her. She turned around and told everybody that she didn't want me caring for her child because I came on to her husband. I should have gotten social work involved when she made her original statement but I didn't and I learned an important lesson.Anyway This is getting off topic and I don't want to derail any threads.

One woman - understandable.

Two women - Hhmm

Three women? Four women? Five women? Plus eye witness reports?

And you still give Axl the benefit of the doubt? Especially knowing he has a horrible temper and has gotten in lots of fights.

And he paid 1.4 million dollars (that we know of) for those charges to go away.

And dang. Because a fellow female goes about it a different way than you would - then you take the side of the make being accused of abusing them? Wow. Just wow.

I highly doubt if the same amount of charges and the same situations were applied to some random non-famous person....and your best friend was the latest woman to say she was beaten......there is nooooooo way you would give the guy the same benefit of the doubt that you give Axl. 100% just because you worship Axl.

Defending Axl's bad performances or actions on stage is one thing. That's just justin Bieber fan girl stuff.

But blaming and basically shaming the VICTIMS of domestic abuse just because of your Axl worship.......that's just disgusting.

I actually thought you were sort of charming in a weird sort of way. But after this latest comment......wow. Just disgusting.

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I am not blaming and shaming victims of domestic violence. I am saying that we really don't know what really happened. I have seen a lot of trauma in my career, and things are not always what they seem.

Your career on the streets yeah? :lol: Tell me, when you went on a pilgramige to Strawberry Fields on the anniversary of John Lennons death did all our street smart mates go with you? :lol: Did they all have a spiritual experience too? :lol:

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I am not blaming and shaming victims of domestic violence. I am saying that we really don't know what really happened. I have seen a lot of trauma in my career, and things are not always what they seem.

So if any random man is accused of physical violence against several woman. And he pays over a million dollars to them so they won't take him to court. Your response would be the same.

You would take the man's side because all those women didn't try and take him to criminal court.

At what point do you stop thinking MULTIPLE people are all lying and you think the one common denominator might actually be guilty?

You are essentially saying these women are all lying.

To somehow portray that your opinion isn't 100% solely based on it being Axl.......it's behind even being laughable.

Why would Axl pay 1.4 million dollars to them? Why didn't he fight the charges? Take them to court?

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When I said how I would react to being randomly attacked in an alley I was not comparing that to domestic violence. I was answering Lenny.

A lot of people bring famous people to court hoping they can get spay day knowing they will settle.

The way the media portrayed Axl would already have convicted him in the court of public opinion.

I have seen a lot of bad things in my life. Terrible things. So I try and keep an open mind before passing judgement.

Yes I am willing to give the benefit of the doubt to people that I like.

I did the same for Patrick Kane. Somebody paid his accuser off so we will never know the truth of that situation either.

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When I said how I would react to being randomly attacked in an alley I was not comparing that to domestic violence. I was answering Lenny.

A lot of people bring famous people to court hoping they can get spay day knowing they will settle.

The way the media portrayed Axl would already have convicted him in the court of public opinion.

I have seen a lot of bad things in my life. Terrible things. So I try and keep an open mind before passing judgement.

Yes I am willing to give the benefit of the doubt to people that I like.

I did the same for Patrick Kane. Somebody paid his accuser off so we will never know the truth of that situation either.


So Stephanie and Erin were lying and just trying to get a pay day? Stephanie was one of the world most famous super models. Highly doubtful she was just trying to get money from another celebrity (she was pretty famous herself).

It is fascinating to see a female take the side of the man who is being accused by multiple women of beating them.

Why did Axl pay them off instead of fighting the charges?

Why did Steve Pearcy of Ratt say in his book that he saw Axl smack Stephanie in the face? Was he lying or trying to get money?

Edited by Apollo
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Just stepping in to point out that one of the things Erin auctioned off was a police report for domestic violence.


DV is severely underreported. Many times it is never brought to the police at all. A friend of mine was nearly murdered by her ex. She never went to the cops because she knew he would kill her if she did.

I am willing to believe that Axl has changed in this respect because he did go through a lot of therapy and such and no new DV accusations have happened in 20 years. However every single one of his steady 1980s and 1990s girlfriends...Erin, Stephanie and Gina...had similiar accounts. IIRC Gina did not admit DV but pretty clearly alluded to it.

And he is not the only person in the band to have accusations of hitting women. Steven Adler was jailed for it, Izzy was accused of hitting Vince Neil's wife and Slash has also been arrested for DV. Duff is apparently the only one who has been decent to women and has not done someting like this.

There is no motivation for Erin to make this up and go public with it. None. Others corroborated what some of what she said in that People article. Money? She actually originally just ran, she did not sue him. IIRC she did not sue until Stephanie Seymour dragged her into court to testify in *her* case.

Edited by stella
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Just stepping in to point out that one of the things Erin auctioned off was a police report for domestic violence.


DV is severely underreported. Many times it is never brought to the police at all. A friend of mine was nearly murdered by her ex. She never went to the cops because she knew he would kill her if she did.

I am willing to believe that Axl has changed in this respect because he did go through a lot of therapy and such and no new DV accusations have happened in 20 years. However every single one of his steady 1980s and 1990s girlfriends...Erin, Stephanie and Gina...had similiar accounts. IIRC Gina did not admit DV but pretty clearly alluded to it.

And he is not the only person in the band to have accusations of hitting women. Steven Adler was jailed for it, Izzy was accused of hitting Vince Neil's wife and Slash has also been arrested for DV. Duff is apparently the only one who has been decent to women and has not done someting like this.

There is no motivation for Erin to make this up and go public with it. None. Others corroborated what some of what she said in that People article. Money? She actually originally just ran, she did not sue him. IIRC she did not sue until Stephanie Seymour dragged her into court to testify in *her* case.

Awesome post

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If things were so awful why did Erin hold on to all that stuff for thirty years. Just doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

For all we know it was in a storage unit or an attic for 30 years and she just found it during spring cleaning. Who knows? But it is not at all uncommon for DV victims to stay in the bad relationship for a while and keep stuff from it.

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