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Nightrain (Comparison '06, '01, '92) from Youtube...


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92 is the best, closely followed by 06. 01-02 don't even compare, mainly due to Axl's crappy voice. To those who said Axl's girly voice suits Nightrain, you've done a nice job convincing yourselves, but get real.

The only thing wrong with Nightrain in 92 was its place in the set, it was too damn early. Nightrain is fantastic in the place it is right now, closing the regular set. Welcome To The Jungle is a way better opener.

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I have never understood what the "H" in "IMHO" stands for.... :unsure:


Here's my honest opinion - nothing in '06 has touched a '92 Nightrain performance. The video just sounds fuller because of the two extra guitarists and keyboard players. '92 required a lot more skill from the band.

Having said that, Nightrain from Rock AM Ring did sound very, very good.

Don't understand this tbh, care to elaborate?

I personally prefer the '06 version. I prefer Axl's voice nowadays to the '02 version, and I prefer the fuller sound of nowadays to the classic lineup versions. I've also seen this current lineup playing it as well so I guess I'm slightly bias.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not someone who dislikes any former members or whatever, my favourite concert is Paris 92 (which didn't feature Nightrain FYI), and I'm thoroughly excited about this current line-up :krider:


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I have never understood what the "H" in "IMHO" stands for.... :unsure:


Here's my honest opinion - nothing in '06 has touched a '92 Nightrain performance. The video just sounds fuller because of the two extra guitarists and keyboard players. '92 required a lot more skill from the band.

Having said that, Nightrain from Rock AM Ring did sound very, very good.

Don't understand this tbh, care to elaborate?

Sure. It's easy to recreate a "full" sound when you have 4 guitarists and 2 keyboard players up on stage as opposed to 2 guitarists and 1 keyboard player. Also, when there's that much noise going on, if you make a mistake, nobody in the audience is going to notice because they can't hear individual guitarists properly.

For me "less is more", especially in cases like this. Anyone can chuck a whole heap of guitarists on stage and create a "wall" of noise - it's not hard... but when it's just one (or two in this case) guitarist creating the sound, a lot more skill is required and I find it more impressive to watch.

Plus you can actually hear what they're doing. There's not a single video I can find where I can make out what Izzy is doing up there in any of the songs he guests on.

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06' is so much better than everyhting ive EVER seen. that clip is pure amasing

Doesnt his voice sound a bit drowned by the method of Recording in 92?

It needed a better quality I think for that comparison.

Because the 06 version has a Master sound. While the 01 seems to have a different style of vocals use there.

Good idea of vocal techniques there, though he was trying more in 01 to reach and maintain some notes in certain shows.

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I hope people realize that I made this video months ago in about 2 minutes...so Im sorry if not everything is perfect. About not using Nightrain from Donnington, gnr.com didnt have it posted at that time. Also, about not showing all of Bucketheads solo from the RIR clip, I must say...that version of Nightrain literally sucked...Bucketheads solo couldnt change that. Plus, I made that trying to show how Axl changed, not the solo.

they should have put it in the opposite order with 01 starting first but whatever.
Ok...why would I put 01 first? Even if I put it in chronological order, 01 still wouldnt come first. I have 06, 92 then 01 in that order because Im really trying to compare the 06 and 92 clips, with the 01 showing how bad it was at one time.. Edited by Scrubs
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he's got the better voice in 06..

02 sucked

and 92, he was so off his face.. no wonder he seemed off a little.

he's straight now, and his voice is killer now.. if he can perform like that live, i can only imagine how good he will sound on the new cd.

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It's amazing how today he sounds so much like he did back in the day. 01 sucked. I agree that Bucket's solos are missed. 92 is classic Guns but 06 is far better. I dont know if ayone else noticed but the song is actually played faster today then it was back then. This is also noticable on GnR 06's version of Paradise City.

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06' is so much better than everyhting ive EVER seen. that clip is pure amasing

Bullshit, the Chicago 92 version kicks its ass. Axl sings like a bitch in the chourus' in 06 and lets out a big scream and everyone cheers. YAY!!

"06 is the best!!" BULLSHIT, you guys obviously have hearing problems...

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Fuck 01, 02, 06 and 92. Give me 88 any time


88 was lethal. So fresh, so new...

I dare anyone to watch that and try to claim Axl's vocals are stronger today.

The difference then and now is that Axl had a strength and depth behind his rasp that isn't there anymore. He's older, so it's not like he "lost it," it's a physical thing that would happen to anyone with time. He seems to scream it out now in short bursts, at a higher pitch, but back then he had such a fierce growl that he could sustain.

I still like his voice nowadays, but I think it's more suited to songs like The Blues, which is why it's do disappointing when he tries to sing that song with his rasp (the Rock Am Ring performance was a real let-down for me).

I LOVE The Blues from Rock in Rio III. Yep, he sounded like absolute shit on the old songs at RIR3, but he really kicked ass on the new ones that night.

That's why I think he needs to release the album so he can start playing new material that will sound exceptional with his "new voice."

I'm not bashing, I'm just saying...I think his voice HAS changed, and it sounds great on the new material, and he needs to play more of it for exactly this reason.

Edited by Estranged Reality
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Have to say, I prefer the 'rawer' sound of 92 to the 'fuller' sound of 06.


I agree.

While I think Axl's voice sounds the best in '92, he does sound good in '06. But it's everything else going on with the '06 version that just becomes too distracting. The lights, pyros, confetti, more people on stage, makes it seem more like a circus than just a cool rock band playing some kick ass music for themselves and the crowd.

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