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Everything posted by WhazUp

  1. Ah the whole "I am making a video of myself talking so you know it is genuine even though I could have just typed things like I did in all the messages regarding this issue previously" thing I respect the dude's guitar playing but this is more cringeworhy than seeing the Puddle of Mudd guy try and cover a Nirvana song
  2. Yeah, the "not as simple" part is called Axl Rose. There you got your answer
  3. I think a lot of people need to realize that we don't need to tear one down to built another up. Nuno is a great guitarist, Richard is a great guitarist, and they both excel and have succesful careers doing different things Nuno saying something a bit wonky doesn't detract from that, and to me doing the whole "Richard hasn't had a hit of his own" or "Nuno is only known for being a part of a one-hit wonder band" to me is pointless. Any guitar player would kill to be in either of their positions in terms of oppurtunities and financially And getting the Rihanna gig is pretty sweet, I would no hesistation jump at the chance to be able to do that
  4. Conan would be a great one too, I would take him or Maron over Joe anyday for an Axl interview! Plus neither would waste time asking if Axl ever tried DMT lol
  5. In my opinion this is to me the most excited I have been since like 2017ish when the new sheen of the freshly reunited GNR wore off Actual meaningful setlist changes that have slowly accumulated the past years - PTU and Bad Obsession paired with other songs they dusted off (Slither, SOYL, Reckless Life, Locomotive, etc.) means this is a fairly different show to look forward to for the upcoming US leg compared to the 2016 shows I caught Axl seems to be doing well and making the most of the vocal abilities he still has too. And I am digging his fashion choices too, not that it matters but he seems much more "Axl" than he has been
  6. I think moreso that quote's meaning is, there are certain ways of approaching guitar stylistically such as rhythm comping and whatnot that Slash may not necessarily do in his own projects because they aren't required for bluesy hard rock music But he could pick up those stylistic techniques and vocabulary no problem at all if he was interested in going down the "pop artist guitar for hire" route
  7. How many guitarists does it take to screw in a light bulb? Answer: None. They are all too busy arguing about guitar playing online and so the bassist has to come in and do it for them
  8. Speaking as a guitar player myself, what you see here is a prime reason why if you are at a dinner party, do not ask guitar players what they think of other guitar players
  9. All I want is for Axl, Slash, and Duff to sit in a room with a couple of acoustic guitars and come up with a cool bluesy little tune and record it then and there. No crazy layers, no overdubs onto 20 year old basic tracks, just a stripped down "Skin N' Bones" type of vibe
  10. A confession that I have that I just thought of - I still really like Slash's extended talkbox solo on Rocket Queen and always will
  11. ^ I think KOHD mostly gets shit among those of us who have heard it so much to where a long jam is sort of the same old same old at this point. But the casuals really do like it I remember going with someone to see GNR in 2016 and he specifically said KOHD was one of his favorites because they changed the feel of the song compared to the studio version and it gave the song new life for him
  12. Now to quote Ringo Starr, I say this with peace and love, but Guns N' Roses fans really need to better distinguish legit actual rumors from a couple of people talking about "what if's" on fan forums
  13. I don't know what contracts or legalities can stop a rock band from releasing more than one album in 30 years but GNR would be the first band in living history to be legally that screwed Can there be some obstacles here and there in GNR land? Sure, but when you only have 1 full album in literally 30 years - the reason there aren't more albums out in GNR land is because of GNR.
  14. As a guitarist you can clearly hear Brian May's signature Red Special tone on the demos of Catcher and Atlas - Atlas in particular featuring his unique guitar harmonies at the end of the solo. Perhaps doesn't have any of that, I think the solo on the demo is fine but it isn't Brian May.
  15. I get total whiplash when these old threads get bumped, seeing the words "Full Leak Discussion" out of nowhere lol
  16. I think 90 percent of the Village Sessions insturmentals are just kinda generic sounding and I think the story of how they got leaked is more interesting than a lot of the leaked disks
  17. I voted for Pitman solely because I found it hilariously sad how he basically drunk tweeted himself out of GNR's reunion and public comeback lol
  18. Dude if someone put together like "Chinese Whispers" but interspersed but new interviews of all the people involved on Chinese Democracy I would buy that in a heartbeat lol At this point in my GNR fandom I honestly find the whole saga and crazy ride of the making of Chinese Democracy more interesting than how the album actually turned out
  19. I like OMG, and think it is a really cool vibe. I truly think the only reason why Axl said it was a demo was because he wasn't pleased with the initial reception, because technically every Chinese Democracy track was probably a demo even on November 22nd 2008 until the day it was released and unable to be tinkered with That said as much as I like OMG, I hope it never takes the slot of a new album or EP in a reworked version - it was released officially and that's that. I would much rather see a new or different song instead of it popping up again
  20. So far Prince has released more after he died than Guns N' Roses has since 1991 and even that is with the Estate being rather conservative lately and firing the main archivist guy lol
  21. Just think of this thread like Axl thinks of Chinese Democracy - lots of layers going on, man. Sometimes it is well put together and other times its just Elephant noises on a fretless guitar
  22. Atlas Shrugged isn't showing up for me with GNR in the US but right now The General is
  23. Last time I remember him chilling in GNR fandom related areas was with the Village Session leaks, he as well as Nemus were on the (now defunct) GNR discords for a bit
  24. These past few pages with the whole Slash/4Tus thing, I dunno I play guitar myself and I always have felt the people constantly going "Slash ruins all the CD songs and just noodles on everything else" are being a bit hyperbolic. I am not saying there is no instance where he plays fast and likes playing fast runs in songs, or that every CD solo lands via improv - but I have found more often than not his takes on the songs more than serviceable When you see GNR live, Slash gets just as much time on the big screen if not more than Axl, at least the last times I saw them. People go to these shows to hear Slash play lead guitar and so he is just gonna be the guy who takes 90 percent of the leads live and most likely in-studio
  25. I am imagining Team Brazil trying to click the upload button for Perhaps and accidently exiting the page going "oh shit I missed! Let's try again"
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