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Everything posted by WhazUp

  1. Is the question about the fidelity being better, or it being the same mix like you originally asserted?
  2. It's the same mix dude I don't know what to tell you, if the equivalent of a lot bitrate MP3 jumping to better fidelity is enough to fool you there is not much else to say
  3. The mix is literally exactly the same though, the only difference is there isn't massive data compression causing the high end to be all funky and so there is improved fidelity in that regard
  4. That artwork does fit the title - it looks like General artwork for a GNR song, not Specific artwork
  5. I don't feel foolish - I got my money's worth of enjoyment from the concerts I saw and the albums I bought that have given me a lifetime's worth of enjoyment From my perspective the only time anyone should feel "fucked over" is if purchased items don't arrive/are defective, or the band walks off long before a live show is slated to end and no refunds are given - not because a song on vinyl will also be available to stream lol
  6. For sure, as soon as I heard The General, 90s trip-hop immediately came to mind. Something also not outside the realm of like, Massive Attack and Tricky as well - the drum machine groove with the sitar samples to me could have easily gone more trip-hop than rock if it wasn't for the chorus of the song featuring the heavier guitars
  7. That all can definitely be possible as well, which to me whoever was the person who hit "upload" and sent those files to GNRevo where it first got posted, was an absolute GOAT for GNR fans lol they definitely breathed so much more life in these forums with leaking these and they definitely massaged the reaction TB would have gotten much more due to the delay of the vinyl
  8. To my ears, now that some time has passed, the fidelity sounds more like a really low bitrate mp3 than it does a needledrop. My theory is, whenever Slash and Duff added their parts, the end result somehow was accesible by someone and it made the trading/hoarding rounds. The official releases will sound way better just because all the frequencies will be intact and not wishy-washy in the high end, with all the other frequencies rubbing up against eachother due to low bitrates chopping off file data all over the place. I am guessing for example, Axl's vocal effects in The General, will sit a lot better with all the sonic info intact
  9. Man it is crazy it has been so long! I was around 16ish when the album came out, I remember going to Best Buy and getting two CD copies (one I still have in shrink wrap as a memento) and the vinyl. The album is a nice snapshot of 2008 for me so I look at this anniversary from a nostailgic lens Chinese does have its flaws to me, but I still enjoy it overall. That said some songs (SOD, CD, IRS, CITR) I tend to gravititate towards the Village Session rough mixes of more nowadays, they just seem more organic sounding and meatier on the low end
  10. I do find something odd about the fact she says she merely hearing GNR songs can effect her so she avoids places where they might be played..... yet went out of her way on two different occasions to publically discuss her meetup with Axl voluntarily and happily. Not to mention the widly different tone of those past accounts compared to now Combine that with the fact that the statue in NT is about to expire, idk something seems strange about it all. It will be interesting to see how this plays out
  11. I think that instead of jumping to "Axl is never gonna be seen again, RIP GNR" or concluding any sort of thing here, let's just wait and see what happens, you know? lol
  12. I have just for comparing the vocals in the bridge of Monsters which honestly, Evader absolutely nailed with what tools he had and its crazy how close he got Axl's high notes and melody compared to what leaked. He did a great job with what little could be made out so its a fun listen
  13. I get what you are saying, I just think at this point in time I don't know if I would feel confident going "hell hath no fury like a photographer scorned!" nearly as much as I would feel confident in simply believing that a woman at a workplace within the entertainment industry was sexually harassed by a dude in a position of power. It happens every day, sadly Of course I am on the side of, let's see all the facts - but I am already seeing too many people here quick to just dismiss Kat's claims (one poster earlier flat out said "I don't believe her") and that is mindboggling to me
  14. Why so quick to basically dismiss a person's claims of harassment immediately jumping to a thousand alternate explanations that paint her as a liar/unreliable narrator that is just a scorned photographer? Going "hell hath no fury like a photographer scorned" sounds like you already are crafting your own narrative, and considering you are a lawyer (or at least claim you are), that is a bit concerning to me
  15. Yeah for sure. I would be very curious as to how much Axl and everyone else in the band knew about all of this, in particular the stuff with Fernando and the harassment. Either way, even if they didn't know, to me it is inexcusable in 2023 to operate a huge business operation without any sexual harassment policies and procedures to deal with such in the workplace - especially when that workplace is within the entertainment industry where sexual harassment is already out of control even within companies that have those policies to begin with
  16. I know GNR is a rock band and with songs like Anything Goes, and all that, but to me on the business side of things it is mindblowing that a management team that conducts business and deals with contracting people for jobs didn't have any sexual harassment policies in stone - as well as an HR department To me this is another reason why you don't just turn the family that did housekeeping for your ex, into your management team for a huge name brand and band
  17. Someone should tell these fake leakers who want attention that if they want more attention next time, pick a song from the Village Sessions that is actually good
  18. Totally agreed, its a prime example of a rock band absolutely nailing it not only in their later years but for what ended up being their last album. I hope a new GNR album quality-wise ends up being more like that album than not
  19. I have a US pressing of CD on vinyl too, I would say that is moreso just a bad quality pressing than it is the songs not physically being compatible with the space available to the vinyl - "Clockwork Angels" by Rush is another LP that had quality control issues sonically when it came out not due to space, it was very sibilant
  20. Wait, actual proof of something that is actually helpful in a GNR discussion and not just people making up random stuff like saying The General still comes from State of Grace or something!? I am pleasantly surprised today, thanks for that
  21. Is it possible a lot of people are using the barely audible cell phone clip like a Rorschach test and putting their own wants into it now that the actual track is out? There are a couple of things somewhat discernable in the clip such as some lead guitar parts, and the bridge vocals now that we have the original and can laser-focus on Axl's vocal part, however the comments going "man the early version sounds way better" do make me wonder, because its still just a barely audible clip to my ears lol
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