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Everything posted by jimisbatman

  1. Love both versions, I have them on different playlists.
  2. https://gnrmerchtruck.com/collections/home-page/products/perhaps-tee?variant=43359319457977 Sorry if this is obvious. But what's on the Perhaps t_shirt?
  3. This is sooooo funny, but true. They have gone overboard and I've been so excited last few days. Maybe I need more things in my life 😂
  4. That's brilliant, thanks for explaining that. I'm gonna down load it and listen to it heaps in preparation for release, but cautious about getting myself over hyped and let down.
  5. 😂 I love Rhiad (josh) CITR (demo) & The Blues (Josh). Different strokes for different folks I think. Agree that Perhaps isn't special, but definitely better than A&HS by a country mile. Don't think Perhaps needed to be on CD given the amount of amazing songs already on there: SR, above 3 songs, TWAT, Madagascar, Prostitute, Sorry, TIL.
  6. Thanks for that, I'll check the tour and order my new shirts
  7. How often is the merchtruck up. With new song, feel compelled to purchase the shirt. It's only available via truck too from what I can see.
  8. This makes sense. Do you think it's a possibility that if its out there, it could leak in the future?
  9. This. Boxset with early versions would be heaven for me. If this never comes to pass, I would love Axl do solo record with Brain/Robin/Bucket. And just release/tour CD 2.
  10. Do we know for certain that the orchestral part is underlayer and not sole track opening music? Dont kill me, but pray Slash doesn't completely wreck buckets parts. Official released version
  11. Soooooooooo, 😂, it's highly likely SOG is not The General.... And that 'insider' is a hardcore gnr fan living in his mum's basement playing warcraft all day lol.
  12. So are people assuming this is the General at the beginning? And separate note......... I want a soundboard recording from 2006, whats the best one to go for? Any suggestions appreciated.
  13. Agree with above. Think it's perfect as is w/drums 👆 version. So not excited to hear it wrecked/hybrid release. SoG on other hand. Yes, that's a single and hot reworked.
  14. Plan 2 have 2 drinks after work w/work colleague, 6hours later it's 2am, pissed as, it raining & and a regretful decision to enjoy the night and take the relationship 2 da next level. That's what that means 😂
  15. Wow, this is cool, exactly what I was looking for, thanks. Said it in the past, but again, what a resource, thanks for doing this with Blackstar. Do we have any YT recordings of what yous are talking about?
  16. https://gnrmerchtruck.com/collections/all/products/perhaps-tee
  17. Thanks for that. Best day being gnr fan yesterday, since 2nd Vegas night 2016. Let's hope we one day get to hear old version of The General w/ cd era guys to, and new version isn't brickwalled.
  18. Love it how someone mentioned Perhaps is not as loud as other 2 singles. Less compression the better imo.
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