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Everything posted by jimisbatman

  1. Any truth to rumour General is released in following months....... And would we ever get to hear original at some point?
  2. This sums up my thoughts precisely. Loved album mixing/mastering, really quality and highlights the haphazard approach to recent 2 songs. Atlas drums up 1.5 is simply stunning and perfect as is, so not looking forward to there eventual remix of it. Always thought that if the Hardschool VL version, had the same drum mix/ treatment it would sound better imo, although with saying this, it's still my fav version. Also, Perhaps is fine as is. Just needs to be mixed to 2008 standard Imo.
  3. Never heard this song before.... It's amazing, gotta get me some early stones
  4. Hope your right, CD2 leaks could be better too. Axl was on form in those years, very melodic music. 2019, I was hanging on the forum day/night, brilliant memories
  5. Wasn't PRL supposed to have something to do w/thyme? Ps, love prl, definitely a kick ass album opener imo. My 2000 lntentions playlist as follows: Prl Omg Rest of RM#1 Try it out, definitely kicks ass.
  6. I was the same at first, but as a summer anthem, thought it was a stroke of genius
  7. I thought he did, yeah. Id prefer that to new leaks actually
  8. Didn't the Chairman say there were still more leaks to come?
  9. I thought Axl was a perfectionist, then he released the brickwalled to high heavens HS/Absurd. Then I need to confess, I truly believed new music would come after 4 yrs of reunion touring lol.
  10. I don't get the Pitman diss. I thought his contribution to CD was amazing. I voted for FF lol.
  11. What vibes do you get from below:
  12. I used to think that too and liked listening to the multiple layers of 2008 version, which has been expertly produced no doubt about it. However, lately I've been listening to the leaks, and although you can't hear all the layers, mildly more distorted, to me it sounds the way it was made to sound. However with saying that, the MSL Madagascar version has clarity with all the parts, and yet imo, some parts are fighting to be heard and sounds way too busy, but serves as an audio summation of the project when you tinker with something long enough. Anywho, my grail release would be CD boxset through out the years. Hope this makes sense.
  13. Totally agree. Skip this hybrid/new music stuff and release the real CD leftovers. I know I'm a fan of this era, but based on the strength of the demos, the machinations of the audio journey of how he got to the over produced CD would be quite fascinating in a brian wilson smile sort of way.
  14. There is no new album coming before 2025. Based on that being the most logical, most sensible thing for a musician to do, Axl is not making an album. I will bet my red hand CD on it.
  15. And that makes sense and very logically.....Which makes me want it even more as those albums sounded huge.
  16. Do you have the I'm Sorry fan remix that combined village demo with album vocals?
  17. I hear ya........ Someone needs to tell Axl, to tell Fernando, to call Buckethead.
  18. Given the article got taken down, Can we deduce that the Perhaps single isn't happening? And, do we have any evidence the State Of Grace song is ever coming?
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