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Everything posted by 2020_Intensions

  1. It's cult like behavior. I had a mod tell me this thread is a safe space for people that think a new album is right around the corner.
  2. Why are we believing what Eddie Trunk says? Why can't it be secret recordings for a new GnR album? If we don't believe what Slash says why do we believe Trunk? MYGNR logic
  3. You joined this forum to complain about not being able to view this stupid thread and to cry about getting me banned ... LOL
  4. The whole thing doesn't make sense. The 2002 tour should have been in support of the new album. They barely played any new songs and then the tour fell apart and Axl disappears. And because of the Village leaks we now know that they had material for an album and if Axl actually did his part they had enough for two.
  5. There's no reason those songs weren't ready to be played live by the 2002 tour. Not one legitimate reason. They were recorded and ready to go by 2000.
  6. It's another date they've made up in their minds and completely convinced themselves of. Are you new here? This is a weekly occurence. They're like doomsday predictors.
  7. Where do these cockbrain theories comes from? Perhaps is one of the 1-4 more ChiDem songs we're expecting per Slash's comments on what is happening regarding new music.
  8. Yeah, the first verse and chorus are the only clearly intelligible parts. The rest sounds very "rough"
  9. Something I always think about and wish we could have but know we never will because they dont exist, are good audio quality bootlegs of all of the classic rock songs GnR covered back in the club days. The biggest one for me is American Band because the poor audio one I heard years ago made me so excited thinking about how it actually sounded
  10. I've seen (and paid) enough during the reunion thus far to be fine with some general admission tickets. Two years ago I watched Wolfgang VH from that area as the opener and it sounded great. They were like $90 just last week down to $45 now. I'm probably going to wait until Thursday night if not the day of to see if they drop any lower. Also, I am a fellow Ridley Raider LOL
  11. I've suggested this so many times brother. This thread has discussed Axl's sexuality, many different bands music, so many topics nothing to do with a new album it's such a joke. I was recently told by an admin this thread is a safe space for forum members LOL Yup .. I made the same comment and was sarcastically shown that there are other threads as if I'm an idiot. When you look at other sections and threads, there is barely any activity there. And the few threads that do have posts all end up talking about the same shit that's discussed here LOL
  12. Still haven't bought my tickets. Waiting it out for cheapest price. General admission already has gone down by over 50%.
  13. Understand, I was not laughing at the idea of its being released. It being soundchecked was all the proof that was needed. I've been laughing at the psychotic way people have been theorizing it's imminent release. I'm not laughing at the idea that it's coming. I'm laughing at how you people act.
  14. The normies think UYI deep cuts are new songs, and people here really think new songs from this band will make any real noise lol
  15. Pele was definitely on to something. I do not think Axl wrote or recorded lyrics for more than a small handful of songs that we have not heard yet. I also think the songs we're getting (so far at 3) will exclusively be from the Village sessions that already had vocals recorded.
  16. It's a 20+ year old song. There are no new songs from scratch. Even though some deluded members of this forum think there are, Slash said less than a year ago that they had not begun work on anything new.
  17. Careful, folks around here don't like that kind of talk. You have to be a believer in massive vault theory
  18. Notice when Tommy commented on Axl not releasing another record, he said he has a lot of talent (right now) to work with, not that he has a lot of finished songs? LOL
  19. It was an idea. Is it that hard of a concept for you? He had an idea that never came to fruition. PRL was spoke of once publicly in a foreign country in 2001. Never has been mentioned since, not by band members, friends, Axl himself, nobody. It is now approaching the end of 2023. Hang it up.
  20. Right, that article is from 2001 and the Village sessions leaked in 2019, but the material that leaked is what they had and were working on prior to the article, so it was definitely the plan at that point. 2002 seems to be the big year that everything fell apart and Axl apparently went back to the drawing board and six years later we got what we got.
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