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Guns N' Roses - o2 Dublin September 1st


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If someone walks into a bar on a Friday night decked out in Swastikas and Nazi gear, the chances are dramatically higher their will be an incident of some kind than if the same guy went out dressed in jeans and a plain t-shirt all other things being equal.

Same as the chances are dramatically higher that a crowd will be angry and possibly throw piss bottles at the stage when you go on over an hour late than if you started on time.

No one is justifying the bottle throwing, but what some are failing to see is that in both situations of the guy walking into a bar in Nazi gear and going on stage awful late at a concert you are laying the groundwork that create the conditions for a confrontation of some sort that otherwise wouldn't be there if you don't act provocatively.

Is there really anyone here that will argue that, whether it is right to throw bottles or not, that the band doesn't dramatically increase the probability that something like that may happen by coming on when they do?

Could a happy crowd throw bottles? Absolutely. Are the chances higher that it will happen when the crowd is aggitated and hostile because of your behavior, you better damn believe it.

What Axl does on a nightly basis is no different than driving home drunk from the bar. There's a good chance you'll make it home sage and nothing bad happens, but the percentages say there is a dramatically higher probability you will end up getting in an accident or pulled over/arrested than if you drive home sober. There is just no debate about that.

You're real dumb.

No, but what he fails to see is that by making these type of arguments, it can appear that "justifying the bottle throwing" is exactly what he's doing.


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If someone walks into a bar on a Friday night decked out in Swastikas and Nazi gear, the chances are dramatically higher their will be an incident of some kind than if the same guy went out dressed in jeans and a plain t-shirt all other things being equal.

Same as the chances are dramatically higher that a crowd will be angry and possibly throw piss bottles at the stage when you go on over an hour late than if you started on time.

No one is justifying the bottle throwing, but what some are failing to see is that in both situations of the guy walking into a bar in Nazi gear and going on stage awful late at a concert you are laying the groundwork that create the conditions for a confrontation of some sort that otherwise wouldn't be there if you don't act provocatively.

Is there really anyone here that will argue that, whether it is right to throw bottles or not, that the band doesn't dramatically increase the probability that something like that may happen by coming on when they do?

Could a happy crowd throw bottles? Absolutely. Are the chances higher that it will happen when the crowd is aggitated and hostile because of your behavior, you better damn believe it.

What Axl does on a nightly basis is no different than driving home drunk from the bar. There's a good chance you'll make it home sage and nothing bad happens, but the percentages say there is a dramatically higher probability you will end up getting in an accident or pulled over/arrested than if you drive home sober. There is just no debate about that.

You're real dumb.

No, but what he fails to see is that by making these type of arguments, it can appear that "justifying the bottle throwing" is exactly what he's doing.


Not justifying it at all. Just acknowledging, and correctly I might add, that the chances are much higher people will get angry and throw piss bottles when the band goes on late than if they went on on time.

We all can agree it is wrong, but what part aren't you understanding that even though it is wrong, people are much more likely to do it when they are aggitated and upset because they have been waiting than if they had never been forced to wait.

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Anyone who complains about going to a GNR show and Axl being late is a fucking poser and doesn't deserve the show in the first place.

Problem is, it's not 1991 anymore and most of the people going to GN'R shows aren't die-hards -- they're average people (which is why most of the setlist is still their greatest hits). Most of the kids and 20-somethings attending these shows -- people who make up the majority demographic -- aren't following Axl as closely as you or I might be. That's exactly why Axl has been running into so much trouble with this stuff since his comeback tour in '02 -- it's not the same era, the fans aren't the same and the band's popularity isn't the same, so you can't get away with as much. If it were 1991 you wouldn't even see any news about this because it's just be par for the course, but the music industry has changed, touring has changed and GN'R has changed. If you're going to play with fire expect to get burned.

I'm not justifying bottle throwing, not pointing fingers at anyone - just saying it's a bit of common sense and saying people don't deserve a show they've paid for if they're not die-hards is a bit ridiculous.

Edited by Estranged Reality
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Anyone who complains about going to a GNR show and Axl being late is a fucking poser and doesn't deserve the show in the first place.

Problem is, it's not 1991 anymore and most of the people going to GN'R shows aren't die-hards -- they're average people (which is why most of the setlist is still their greatest hits). Most of the kids and 20-somethings attending these shows -- people who make up the majority demographic -- aren't following Axl as closely as you or I might be. That's exactly why Axl has been running into so much trouble with this stuff since his comeback tour in '02 -- it's not the same era, the fans aren't the same and the band's popularity isn't the same, so you can't get away with as much. If it were 1991 you wouldn't even see any news about this because it's just be par for the course, but the music industry has changed, touring has changed and GN'R has changed. If you're going to play with fire expect to get burned.

I'm not justifying bottle throwing, not pointing fingers at anyone - just saying it's a bit of common sense and saying people don't deserve a show they've paid for if they're not die-hards is a bit ridiculous.

Does not justify throwing things, even if they were late for any reason...

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If someone walks into a bar on a Friday night decked out in Swastikas and Nazi gear, the chances are dramatically higher their will be an incident of some kind than if the same guy went out dressed in jeans and a plain t-shirt all other things being equal.

Same as the chances are dramatically higher that a crowd will be angry and possibly throw piss bottles at the stage when you go on over an hour late than if you started on time.

No one is justifying the bottle throwing, but what some are failing to see is that in both situations of the guy walking into a bar in Nazi gear and going on stage awful late at a concert you are laying the groundwork that create the conditions for a confrontation of some sort that otherwise wouldn't be there if you don't act provocatively.

Is there really anyone here that will argue that, whether it is right to throw bottles or not, that the band doesn't dramatically increase the probability that something like that may happen by coming on when they do?

Could a happy crowd throw bottles? Absolutely. Are the chances higher that it will happen when the crowd is aggitated and hostile because of your behavior, you better damn believe it.

What Axl does on a nightly basis is no different than driving home drunk from the bar. There's a good chance you'll make it home sage and nothing bad happens, but the percentages say there is a dramatically higher probability you will end up getting in an accident or pulled over/arrested than if you drive home sober. There is just no debate about that.

You're real dumb.

No, but what he fails to see is that by making these type of arguments, it can appear that "justifying the bottle throwing" is exactly what he's doing.


Not justifying it at all. Just acknowledging, and correctly I might add, that the chances are much higher people will get angry and throw piss bottles when the band goes on late than if they went on on time.

We all can agree it is wrong, but what part aren't you understanding that even though it is wrong, people are much more likely to do it when they are aggitated and upset because they have been waiting than if they had never been forced to wait.

What you fail to understand is that regardless of the factual or statistical veracity of what you're saying, continually saying "it's wrong, but..." you are deflecting responsibility from those who chose to endanger the band and other audience members to Axl. And, the fact is those that threw bottles did so of their own free will. That had a choice and made a bad one.

At the end of the day, two wrongs don't make a right. It's that simple.


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If certain people want to throw shit it very much sucks for the thousands that want to hear the music. What can a band do? To stay is dangerous and to leave is not good for the thousands that are not doing this thing. I would fucking leave too. I very much doubt and band member including Ron would condone throwing shit at the band or the crew, you guys are digging to hard to find a reason for him to leave. No one can tell me anyone in the band would like a bottle to the head. Some say Axl is an asshole and they hear this and say see there he is again being an asshole, I don't think so at all, he is doing what is right, stop throwing shit at the band, any band if you don't like something leave it's simple. Also security should be doing a better job in some places, I see vast differences in security around the world.

This is not an "Axl" issue or anything like that he is doing what is best for everyone's safety. As far as ron being "pissed off" stop diggin, he aint mad at Axl at all, I would think he would be disappointed at the thoughtless yahoos in the crowd...

I agree too. How can you continue to put on a show with people throwing shit. It would be extremly hard to be in the mood to go on. I would leave too.

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Stinson to quit Guns N' Roses?

Guns N' Roses bassist Tommy Stinson is considering his future with the band after a catastrophic show in Dublin tonight during which the group left the stage for almost 45 minutes at the behest of frontman Axl Rose.

Sputnikmusic witnessed Stinson in a heated argument with road manager Del James following the show, which saw the Los Angeles band take to the stage an hour and a half late before leaving after just four songs.

Frontman Axl Rose had threatened to leave when a plastic bottle was thrown on stage at the beginning of 'Welcome to the Jungle,' and stormed off stage when a second was thrown at the conclusion of 'Mr. Brownstone.'

Stinson was heard to shout: "That's my fucking family up there and he put us in danger again.

"He can't keep doing this. Nothing happened this time, but next time we might not be so lucky.

"This has to stop."

The band returned to stage after a long hiatus, during which a third of the paying audience left, and performed almost a full set. They finally wrapped up at 1am, an hour and half later than the venue's scheduled curfew.


Edited by Naupis
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why cry, I wasnt there spending my hard earned money watching a grown man pout all night

No, instead you're spending your valuable time being an armchair critic and mocking a man you don't know for not behaving the way you think he should.

your spending that same valuable time praising and defending a man you dont know on how he behaves

I dont think many people who always agree with Axl on a message board would want someone in their lives who treat them with such disrespect

they hail him for doing things his way but most people wouldnt put up with that shit from any friend or family member

I dont think basic things like a lack of courtesy should be defended

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Stinson to quit Guns N' Roses?

Guns N' Roses bassist Tommy Stinson is considering his future with the band after a catastrophic show in Dublin tonight during which the group left the stage for almost 45 minutes at the behest of frontman Axl Rose.

Sputnikmusic witnessed Stinson in a heated argument with road manager Del James following the show, which saw the Los Angeles band take to the stage an hour and a half late before leaving after just four songs.

Frontman Axl Rose had threatened to leave when a plastic bottle was thrown on stage at the beginning of 'Welcome to the Jungle,' and stormed off stage when a second was thrown at the conclusion of 'Mr. Brownstone.'

Stinson was heard to shout: "That's my fucking family up there and he put us in danger again.

"He can't keep doing this. Nothing happened this time, but next time we might not be so lucky.

"This has to stop."

The band returned to stage after a long hiatus, during which a third of the paying audience left, and performed almost a full set. They finally wrapped up at 1am, an hour and half later than the venue's scheduled curfew.


I have a very hard time believing this considering what Tommy said on stage at Download 2006. He held the crowd responsible then, and correctly so, for the bottle throwing incident. It doesn't make sense.


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Stinson to quit Guns N' Roses?

Guns N' Roses bassist Tommy Stinson is considering his future with the band after a catastrophic show in Dublin tonight during which the group left the stage for almost 45 minutes at the behest of frontman Axl Rose.

Sputnikmusic witnessed Stinson in a heated argument with road manager Del James following the show, which saw the Los Angeles band take to the stage an hour and a half late before leaving after just four songs.

Frontman Axl Rose had threatened to leave when a plastic bottle was thrown on stage at the beginning of 'Welcome to the Jungle,' and stormed off stage when a second was thrown at the conclusion of 'Mr. Brownstone.'

Stinson was heard to shout: "That's my fucking family up there and he put us in danger again.

"He can't keep doing this. Nothing happened this time, but next time we might not be so lucky.

"This has to stop."

The band returned to stage after a long hiatus, during which a third of the paying audience left, and performed almost a full set. They finally wrapped up at 1am, an hour and half later than the venue's scheduled curfew.


I have a very hard time believing this considering what Tommy said on stage at Download 2006. He held the crowd responsible then, and correctly so, for the bottle throwing incident. It doesn't make sense.


Well, I certainly hope it's not true, because Tommy is so integral to the new band. If he leaves I'll honestly lose a lot of interest.

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First thing I said to my girlfriend when Axl walked off stage, "alright let's get London tickets"

He was 100% right to leave, yes it's a shame one fuck messed it up but that's how it goes. Bottles can fuck you up if they hit you in the head.

Anyway Axl came back on stage and sat on the backburner for the rest of the show.

No Piano solo before NR, No talking to the crowd, he just sang into the mic in the backround for the rest of show and he looked obviously depressed during KOHD. Not even a "good fucking night" at the end of PC.

He was pissed and he should of been. But my god it was still an awesome show and the band really took front and centre and did a great job. Props to them and well done to the crowd for being awesome after Axl came back on. The fuck heads must of been removed.

Anyway. I'm going to London, let's hope no bottles go flying for that one.

I even got DJ's pic.

By the way. Well done Frank for really keeping the show going, he's great at interacting with the crowd and getting some chants going.

Edited by axl_on_drums
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Anyone who complains about going to a GNR show and Axl being late is a fucking poser and doesn't deserve the show in the first place.

If you are a fan you know that Axl is late everywhere...

Exactly. When I saw Guns in 92 I was expecting a late show. They were late but not too late. Can't remember how late they were. But the whole show went great, and no one threw shit.

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From estrangedpaul at HTGH:

"As I said in my post, the only time Axl smiled was the few times him and Tommy were joking around. Tommy also took to the microphone to get the crowd to stop throwing bottles and backup Axl."

Something to also consider with regards to Tommy (estrangedpaul was at the show).


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