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Did Axl ruin UYI


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Sorum "ruined" UYI.

yes (I think Steve would make UYI much more rock 'n' roll-ish) + lack of Izzy's guitar

Both Steven's and Izzy's choices.

Steven chose to keep shooting H to the point he couldn't function.

Izzy chose to sit out the later recording sessions and all of the mixing sessions.

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I don't think they were ruined because they are still good records.. But they could have been alot better. They are a bit too polished.. Some of the added sound effects aren't needed. At times Axl's vocals are too over dubbed and the rythym guitar could be more prominent..

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Slash claims the UYI were albums were molested by Axl. I love Slash deeply by the way, but after listening to the UYI albums thousands of times i just dont hear it. Songs on both albums have electronic noises , but the only song i really hear it on is Garden of Eden. If you took away all the interference by Axl would there really be a different album. Of course axl says without him you would not have Izzy's songs.

In a word no.

But to my ears the albums do relfect a band pulling in different directions. Real shame because if they band had been 100% focussed and pulling together i think those albums had the potential to top appetite.

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Slash claims the UYI were albums were molested by Axl. I love Slash deeply by the way, but after listening to the UYI albums thousands of times i just dont hear it. Songs on both albums have electronic noises , but the only song i really hear it on is Garden of Eden. If you took away all the interference by Axl would there really be a different album. Of course axl says without him you would not have Izzy's songs.

Really an opinion of whether raw UYI or the way it actually was on the album.

I would say I like my old GNR more raw like in AFD and Lies BUT raw UYI doesnt sound as good to me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnspiyI5bfo as what it actually was on the album. To me, what makes UYI so special is the fact that its not as raw.

But I mean its not even that un-raw anyway!

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What the hell are you talking about

I appologise for thy poor communication. Slash wins thusly with prat and mithe.

Welcome to the forum, enjoy your stay I predict it will be a short one with your shtick that after a few posts has already gotten old

What the hell are you talking about

What thee said.

Are you from Wigan?

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Really an opinion of whether raw UYI or the way it actually was on the album.

I would say I like my old GNR more raw like in AFD and Lies BUT raw UYI doesnt sound as good to me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnspiyI5bfo as what it actually was on the album. To me, what makes UYI so special is the fact that its not as raw.

But I mean its not even that un-raw anyway!

The Back off bitch demo is from the Appetite sessions and not from the Illusion sessions.

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The only thing ruining this album is the shitty and exaggerated reverb on the drums and some of the guitars. Especially on YCBM. It sounds so outdated compared to other records released that year. Some of them even sound more '80s than appetite. With that said, I love almost every song on this record, I just prefer the live versions.

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After UYI was released, the band stood behind it. If anything's been said over the past decade regarding it by any of them, it's only because it's in hindsight and a different era in music, where at the time they were trying to outdo AFD.

I thing putting it all out at once was a bit too much, but at the same time, we could choose to buy one or the other. They had already been touring, and some of us had seen the show, heard the new songs. I can tell you that when they played Long Island in '91, everyone in the arena knew "November Rain" word for word that it caused Axl to complain about songs being leaked. All of us prob. had the same bootleg circulating, and did our primitive version of "file sharing" via tape dubbing. That's what happens when you have 2 albums, and waiting for something new - you start scouring for everything.

In '92, Axl was blaming Tipper for stickering UYI and cutting down on sales. He must've been happy the day her and Al split up.

Did he ruin it? No. I just think there was a lot of material the band threw at the public at once, and I do think like any frustrated artist, he prob. feels some of the songs are still unfinished. But when a band is able to push a release date back - in the middle of a tour PROMOTING that album - that was pretty brave of them and there is no excuse for how it came out. If they had put it out before summer, then they would've complained about rushing through it, and fans would've found something to bitch about. It's their "Physical Graffiti", their "White Album", their "Sign O' The Times".

It's easy to find faults in something approaching 20 years old. But I still feel "Get in the Ring" should've had the rant wiped at some point. I have no prob. with "My World", it's like the end of "Abbey Road", just coming off this intense 3 hour ride you go on, and hearing that at the end.

Who knows, maybe it'll undergo a remixing project at some point. Would be interesting if they did it with some of the songs, and left others alone.

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If you listen to Coma, its one big bloated song. The guitar work rocks!

Maybe it was Axl that took the song, and stretched it out, and added all the Coma bleeps, and that kinda stuff.

Estrange goes on for 1 verse too many. Again, did Axl decide to stretch it out longer than need be? again, the guitar work rocks!

I could go on, but I won't :D

for the record, I don't find myself ever listening to the UYI albums.

Garden of Eden, and Double Talkin Jive are among my favourite tracks on the album.

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Sorum "ruined" UYI.

ERM HARDLY cant imagine Adler ever drumming on Coma can u?

I can, and it sounds better than Sorum.

Joking aside, I blame the production more than Matt himself for how mechanical his drums sounded (even on the tour his kit sounded absolutely terrible). That being said, Matt still isn't the technical genius that some people make him out to be. A tight drummer, yes, but his drumming was pretty basic as far as technical ability. It's really not that far ahead of what Adler did on Appetite. He also had a very limited drum vocabulary - the fill that he leads off November Rain with is used in just about every song on those two albums. I remember somebody posted an audio clip a while back of every moment Sorum played that fill or a similar variation and it was some 3 or 4 minutes long.

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Without Axl, these records would be shitty.

Can you imagine Locomotive without the ending ?

Can you imagine these records without estanged, NR, Breakdown... ?

Can you imagine all that average songs without axl melodies/effects ?

Don't be stupid

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To me the Illusions are 4.5 star albums. The thing that is missing in the mix is Izzy's guitar. Also, in general the guitars are not as loud as in Appetite where the mixing was just genius as everything works, everything is heard.

The mixing is exactly where this band started to fall apart. Slash drowned out Izzy and Axl kind of drowned out the Slash. Also, the drums are not very loud in the Illusions. If you brought the guitars and drums up a little it would be ingteresting to hear. I think the Rolling Stones have always mixed exceptionally well, They really know when to lower JAggers voice and bring the guitars to the forefront and vice versa.

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after having read slashs book recently again for a class of mine, i too wondered about these "rawer" use your illusion mixes. They probably would of sounded good but i dont think axl really overdid like slash said. I mean most of the tracks do not really have crazy effects except for garden of eden and my world

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To me the Illusions are 4.5 star albums. The thing that is missing in the mix is Izzy's guitar. Also, in general the guitars are not as loud as in Appetite where the mixing was just genius as everything works, everything is heard.

The mixing is exactly where this band started to fall apart. Slash drowned out Izzy and Axl kind of drowned out the Slash. Also, the drums are not very loud in the Illusions. If you brought the guitars and drums up a little it would be ingteresting to hear. I think the Rolling Stones have always mixed exceptionally well, They really know when to lower JAggers voice and bring the guitars to the forefront and vice versa.

there's gotta be a remastering of these at some point. Hopefully all the extra effects and unnecessary shit will be removed, and the real instruments brought up.

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