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Do you think Axl needs to come back with new material at this point in the game?

ITW 2012

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I agree that a fourth CD tour is really ridiculous, though this might just be considered another leg of the tour. Considering how long it took to release CD, what would really motivate him? He doesn't care about money (a very good and rare thing), and it seems he's never really completely happy with anything, which is the only reason I can think of for all the cancelled/delayed plans throughout the years.

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I really, really doubt Axl gives a flying fuck what the media says about him. I think he cares what the fans think to a certain extent but that's it. And while moving on with a new album and tour would be the conventional thing to do, Axl and GNR in general don't behave like that. If they were normal they wouldn't be GNR.

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I really, really doubt Axl gives a flying fuck what the media says about him. I think he cares what the fans think to a certain extent but that's it. And while moving on with a new album and tour would be the conventional thing to do, Axl and GNR in general don't behave like that. If they were normal they wouldn't be GNR.

I think they are going to have to start behaving more like a normal band in order to get another big time manager, and arrange a US tour. I find it hard to believe that any big time manager would want to come into the fold if their first job was to try and put together a US tour in support of an album that came out in 2008.

Edited by ITW 2012
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I really, really doubt Axl gives a flying fuck what the media says about him. I think he cares what the fans think to a certain extent but that's it. And while moving on with a new album and tour would be the conventional thing to do, Axl and GNR in general don't behave like that. If they were normal they wouldn't be GNR.

This, but also atleast a few new songs!

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I think he does, yes.

Chinese Democracy : 2001 -2011 is already laughable enough in itself, no need to make the joke bigger than it already is.

He's got more than capable musicians on a payroll : let's make that payroll count. Release something, tour it, and then send them into a studio and don't overthink it !

That's would I would do anyway but I suppose it's easier to do nothing at all.

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He needs to release new material badly. I mean, I don't get what gives. His voice is great, his got a killer band behind him, why not just record and release an EP this year and an album in 2012. I know he's Axl and he's perfectionist, but touring on a dead album is stupid. He should realise that. It has nothing to do with perfection or "i dont give a fuck what they think"-attitude, it's just plain stupid.

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We all know they have at least another album of material in the pipeline, so it's not like they have to start recording from scratch. Just mix CD II and put it out. If the label won't give them money to market it than they are just going to have to get creative. They've got over 4 million fans on Facebook that they could send the first single out to if they really wanted to get the ball rolling.

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We all know they have at least another album of material in the pipeline, so it's not like they have to start recording from scratch. Just mix CD II and put it out. If the label won't give them money to market it than they are just going to have to get creative. They've got over 4 million fans on Facebook that they could send the first single out to if they really wanted to get the ball rolling.

It may be better to start from scratch, although maybe not realistic. But at least one past producer has said it would have been easier to have started from scratch at some point on CD. Reworking the bits is intense.

Axl won't let it go either way though.

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We all know they have at least another album of material in the pipeline, so it's not like they have to start recording from scratch. Just mix CD II and put it out. If the label won't give them money to market it than they are just going to have to get creative. They've got over 4 million fans on Facebook that they could send the first single out to if they really wanted to get the ball rolling.

Isn't that material CD rejects? Or depending on how you look at it, at least material recorded during the same period of time as CD and perhaps saved for later? Releasing that at this time is not a very good idea I think.

If I look at it from my personal point of view, I don't care much for the sound of CD and that's why I wouldn't be very excited by a release. CD sounded outdated by the time it was released. Also, Axl's voice isn't in it's best shape. A lot is just TOO Mickey Mousey, and the songs that are actually good vocally, like Better, just don't sound like the Axl I came to absolutely love. A good singing voice and an Axl Rose singing voice are just two different things; that special Axl Rose voice is just beyond good singing and it's missing on CD. Also, the overproduction with the endless layers, the boring sometimes mechanical drum beat, the non-melodical guitar solos (no not all of them)...

From a business point of view, it's not a very good choice either. The general public was not impressed by CD. I don't care how much it sold, it sold because of old merits and that will not happen again. Of course you can argue that the general public is not important, but then you also have to accept that there will be no arena tours in the future. GN'R will turn into something completely different, and as fantastic as it would be to see them on a smaller stage, taking that step back after decades of arena concerts would be like accepting defeat. The old material with the new band can't fill stadiums all over the world more than a limited number of times before "everybody's already seen it" and Axl is definitely too old to be singing about how the cops are out ta get him or about a 20-year old girl who does her coke for free. Of course he should never stop doing the classics completely but I think the major draw has to be something more currently relevant or it will turn pathetic at some point. More CD type songs will not become that draw.

Also, most importantly, the current band is not on those goddamn songs! If they are ever to convince us that this is a real band, they have to be the ones playing on the newly released tracks. There has to be some sort of marketing of their skills. Plus, Axl's voice seems to be much better now so it would be a pity to have older, inferior vocal tracks released by this point.

Those tracks should be released at some point though, of course they would be a fantastic bonus for the diehards.

Edited by Changes
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Well GN'R doesn't really need to come back with any new matieral; GN'R are pretty irrelevant in modern music IMHO.

However, I think it would be great for the die-hard fans to hear some, if not all, of the backlog of music from the Finck/Buckethead era.

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Axl could easily prevent the impending civil war (no pun intended) between the fans, and the drama surrounding Bumblefoot by saying something, or even better, releasing a song. That's all he needs to do, and everyone would drop this bullshit and concentrate on the music again.

It's a shame that that can't/won't happen.

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Good q. I'd say no, and I'd guess he doesn't want to try it either. He has issues with Ticketmaster, the album didn't sell enough here to really warrant another U.S. round, so without a 'boost' of sorts and ticketing resolved... no.

The part of MSL's docs that I loved were the talks of a reissue. The art Axl clearly despised and voiced here, lyrics/typos fixed, etc. I thought of this in response to your question as maybe we could see... two new tracks?!? Nothing new, just some unheard 'monsters'. One strongly aired catchy track may be the boost you'd need to get things rolling here in the states.

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I think they have new material.

I think they plan to release 2 CD's worth of music during 2011

I have feeling the material is not so new - and more along the lines of completed old tunes bloated out with cover tunes.

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