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Have You Ever Cried While Listening to Chinese Democracy?


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At least Shackler's Revenge,If the World,Scraped and pretty much everything in the industrial synth effect department made me want to cry. Oh, and guitar solos too. I was very touched groped by CD, all in all.

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Yes, esp. Maddie. The first time I heard it was when I got the bootleg of the First Rock N Rio. vhs just after it came out. That song kicked in and I lost it.

Forgive them that tear down my soul,

bless them that they might grow old.

and free them so that they my know,

its never too late.

I can't tell you how much this song helped me heal.

And of course This I Love chokes me up sometimes. It's painful to hear but so freakin beautiful.

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it's probably the one place you can actually find fans of new guns n' roses.

How do you figure? Just curious..

i've just never met a person in real life who liked chinese democracy or knew who the current members of guns n' roses are. the only people i've ever known who care about / believe in new guns n' roses are on the forums.

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What is just as ridiculous as those things are the people who post daily on a forum of a band that they don't like. How idiotic is that!!!!

People that can't get over what happened in a band 15 years ago, that hold grudges against musicians that they will never know in real life. People that care more about the name of a band than anything else. People that spend more time bashing a singer of a band that they DONT like than they spend time on a forum talking about a guitar player that they worship.

People that hate Axl Rose, blame him for all that is evil in the world, they don't like any music he has put out in almost 20 years, they blame him for breaking up the old band.......yet they come to talk about him every day on a GnR forum. You just have to shake your head at clowns like that.

Great post! Agreed 100%

Yeah awesome post! I totally get how being critical of an album is just as ridiculous as wishing death on somebody who doesn't share your opinion. Yeah makes total sense! By the way I'm a little out of the loop on these matters right now but I'm curious as to what Axl had for breakfast this morning and I hear your head's in the right place right now to be able to give me a pretty accurate description if you wouldn't mind awfully?

Edited by Dazey Does Dallas
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it's probably the one place you can actually find fans of new guns n' roses.

How do you figure? Just curious..

i've just never met a person in real life who liked chinese democracy or knew who the current members of guns n' roses are. the only people i've ever known who care about / believe in new guns n' roses are on the forums.

They might not be as popular as in the early 90s, but the world is bigger than your circle of friends.

My experience is quite the opposite, several friends who enjoys CD.

What shall we go by? After all, we have two different takes on it here.....

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What is just as ridiculous as those things are the people who post daily on a forum of a band that they don't like. How idiotic is that!!!!

People that can't get over what happened in a band 15 years ago, that hold grudges against musicians that they will never know in real life. People that care more about the name of a band than anything else. People that spend more time bashing a singer of a band that they DONT like than they spend time on a forum talking about a guitar player that they worship.

People that hate Axl Rose, blame him for all that is evil in the world, they don't like any music he has put out in almost 20 years, they blame him for breaking up the old band.......yet they come to talk about him every day on a GnR forum. You just have to shake your head at clowns like that.

Great post! Agreed 100%

Yeah awesome post! I totally get how being critical of an album is just as ridiculous as wishing death on somebody who doesn't share your opinion. Yeah makes total sense! By the way I'm a little out of the loop on these matters right now but I'm curious as to what Axl had for breakfast this morning and I hear your head's in the right place right now to be able to give me a pretty accurate description if you wouldn't mind awfully?

Yawn. Another juvenile post from you, big surprise. I see how you got your clever insult in there at the end. That should give you and your ilk some good "lol" time. And your sarcasm to start things off.....very clever. Of course, that is the best and most intelligent way to have a conversation or debate on an issue - right? To insult the person who you disagree with. So good job....you win!

I doubt you can answer this without resorting to a personal attack or two, but whatever floats your boat and makes you happy.

The Slash Fan Boys aren't here to have "critical debates" on the album. For every one post from somebody having an HONEST critical debate on why they don't like the album, I will show you 20 from SFB's where they are using the forum soley to bash Axl. 99% of the negative resopnses on here are NOT SFB's trying to have critical debates on Chinese democracy. While you may worship Slash and hate Axl, even you should be able to admit this.

Wish death on people who disagree? I didn't see the post that said this. So ONE poster mentions that and now all you SFB's are proclaiming that it's the mantra for all Axl fans? That is quite a leap, even for you. I could care less if people like the album or not. I love it - and that's all that matters to me. I'm sure you love albums that I hate. And there are probably albums we would agree on - good and bad. I'd bet that poster was probably kidding, trying to be funny, or was a SFB opening an account and trying to start crap. No sane person wishes death on people over music.

I've noticed a trend here with your posts. You seem more interested in insulting people than you do actually have a critical civilized debate. That is sad. If you would like to have a critical debate on whether or not CD was a good album - there are a lot of people who would love to participate. If you could do this debate on your thoughts on the album - without mentioning Slash, Duff or Izzy, and your thoughts on Axl controlling the name GnR......then it would probably be a great topic with lots of interesting responses. Or you can just do like everybody else and be mad about two grown men who parted ways 15 years ago.

Now I think I'll go make 1350 posts in a Limp Bizqit forum. No wait......I don't actually like them, so I'd be a clown to go make daily posts on their forum.

Oh and P.S......I've criticized Axl a ton on this forum. So saying my head is up his ass just shows that you really have no idea what you are talking about in relation to my GnR-related posts on this forum. Your just taking a grudge you have from another topic and applying it here. Very mature.

Edited by Groghan
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I've gotten teary-eyed during "If the World" before...especially the ending with the flamenco guitar. This song makes me think what it would be like if someone in my family died. Also, I'm a huge Buckethead fan and that ending part is a great outro and very soulful. Maybe once during Madagascar, but not that I can really remember...it is a deep song though and gives me chills sometimes.

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For me Madagascar, Twat and This I Love are the most staggering, majestic, beautiful things i've ever heard on record.

I genuinely pity you! You've clearly been in a cultural vacuum from birth if you think that. I love those songs but if even two never mind three of your all time favourite songs come from the same album then you ain't heard enough albums! Go back through the last 60-70 years of recorded music and if you stilll think three songs off Chinese Democracy are the best you can do I suggest you shoot yourself cos life just ain't worth livin' anymore. Broaden your horizons man cos Guns are awesome but CD certainly isn't even close to the pinnacle of anything.

Edited by Dazey Does Dallas
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this i love

i can't even begin to express what this song has done for my personal growth & relationship. i've been with the same girl now for years and have always wanted to find the perfect song that i could claim to be "ours". when i heard this song for the first time, i felt as if axl had written this song specifically for me to give to her. i've always been the type of guy who's had difficulties in expressing his feelings - and crying certainly wasnt something that i felt comfortable doing. especially in front of Mona (thats her name).

anyway, for months, prior to the album's release, we were going through alot of personal problems. the problems escalated to such an extent that we began discussing breaking up. she's been telling me for years that she wished i could be more open & expressive when it comes to my feelings. i wont get into all the details, but we were about as close to a split as one could come. a couple days after the album release, i had her over to the house. i made us a really nice candle lit dinner and had the album playing pretty low in the background. after dinner, i asked her to come and sit on the couch with me, mentioning that there was a song that i wanted her to hear. even though it was only her first listen, i could immediately tell the impact this song had on her. she had this amazingly sincere - almost lost - look in her eyes. before the song had even ended, i noticed a tear begin to run down her cheek. without going into too much more detail, we sat on that couch embraced for what seemed to be hours. that was the first time i had ever cried in front of her. i honestly believe if it wasn't for this song, we wouldn't be together now. thank you more than you know, axl.

wow. this is the most beautiful thing i think i've ever read. mona sounds like one lucky lady to have you in her life. and you're lucky to have axl, because without axl you wouldn't have had the chance to share your beautiful love with someone special. it's a shame axl had to lose stephanie for you to gain mona.

how long ago was that? are you still together? have you ever made love to "your" song?

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this i love

i can't even begin to express what this song has done for my personal growth & relationship. i've been with the same girl now for years and have always wanted to find the perfect song that i could claim to be "ours". when i heard this song for the first time, i felt as if axl had written this song specifically for me to give to her. i've always been the type of guy who's had difficulties in expressing his feelings - and crying certainly wasnt something that i felt comfortable doing. especially in front of Mona (thats her name).

anyway, for months, prior to the album's release, we were going through alot of personal problems. the problems escalated to such an extent that we began discussing breaking up. she's been telling me for years that she wished i could be more open & expressive when it comes to my feelings. i wont get into all the details, but we were about as close to a split as one could come. a couple days after the album release, i had her over to the house. i made us a really nice candle lit dinner and had the album playing pretty low in the background. after dinner, i asked her to come and sit on the couch with me, mentioning that there was a song that i wanted her to hear. even though it was only her first listen, i could immediately tell the impact this song had on her. she had this amazingly sincere - almost lost - look in her eyes. before the song had even ended, i noticed a tear begin to run down her cheek. without going into too much more detail, we sat on that couch embraced for what seemed to be hours. that was the first time i had ever cried in front of her. i honestly believe if it wasn't for this song, we wouldn't be together now. thank you more than you know, axl.

wow. this is the most beautiful thing i think i've ever read. mona sounds like one lucky lady to have you in her life. and you're lucky to have axl, because without axl you wouldn't have had the chance to share your beautiful love with someone special. it's a shame axl had to lose stephanie for you to gain mona.

how long ago was that? are you still together? have you ever made love to "your" song?


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Only two GnR songs have made me cry before, and in both cases I was already sad because of circumstances.

Don't Cry, for some reason the solo tore me up once (after my dog died).

Street Of Dreams, because of the lyrics:

I don't know just what I should do

Everywhere I go I see you

Though it's what you planned, this much is true

What I thought was beautiful, don't live inside of you anymore

What this means to me

Is more than I know you believe

What I thought of you now

Has cost more than it should for me

I was very disappointed in someone and hearing these lyrics made me cry at that time. Back Off Bitch made me feel better by the way :)

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