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Axl Rose not attending HOF


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Steven is a moron. We knew that in 1989. Axl cannot possibly make decisions because Steven says or does something stupid. I don't believe that for a second.

The reasons for Axl not attending are probably complex, as I've said before. The fact that Steven publicly attacks the current lineup probably insulted Axl deeply and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Axl now doesn't want anything to do with Steven, especially not to have to endure sitting at a table with him and accepting an award with him. Again, I am not saying this is the sole reason, or that this reason alone would be sufficient, but when you pile up everything you understand -- although not necessarily agree -- why Axl won't attend.

yeah, I agree, and certainly Steven and Slash have done themselves no favors over the years with their constant Axl related comments, and sometimes snarky comments. They should know sometimes silence is better...

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And no, I don't understand why Axl won't attend. I don't understand it at all.

I understand but would have chosen a different path. Because I am a different person. It's all about being true to yourself and your integrity. Axl is an asshole, but at least he is a consistent asshole.

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This letter isn't the work of someone who is simply an asshole. It's the work of someone who is seriously delusional.


And whatever "complex logic" Axl put forward for this, I'm sure he got nothing but a whole lot of "YES AXL" from grandma Beta and the rest of the yes men in his camp.

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It makes perfect sense to me? HOF didn't induct the CD era, Slash lied about stuff. He's not going to play with Steven or Slash, so why turn up to be blamed for everything when only Duff seems capable of taking any responsibility for his own actions.

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For me, whenever Axl does something i think is dumb, while i might get upset it's not so much about me wanting something from him personally, as it is me wanting him to do good for himself.


I think this is the first time I have ever been truly disappointed with Axl. I don't know what went on behind the scenes with the HOF people and I suppose I can see where he is coming from but if he could have just attended and accepted the award (an award that acknowledges and appreciates his work), then he would have only been doing himself favors.

But I guess it is what it is and I'll still be seeing him in June.


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For me, whenever Axl does something i think is dumb, while i might get upset it's not so much about me wanting something from him personally, as it is me wanting him to do good for himself. And this HOF thing is one of those examples, i see where Axl is coming from with certain issues like not feeling like Matt should be there, so he doesn't go in an act of protest to stay true to what he feels should be right, but i still feel like it would be more beneficial for himself if he would go.

He really needs to let his anger of people go, I have personally seen how it ruins people's lives when individuals can't let go of grudges.

I have always kinda viewed Axl as tragic hero in a way, and it seems this will never change.

That was really sympathetic of you :). I honestly liked your post. But I don't think you should assume what would be best for other people, although your empathy is refreshing. Perhaps Axl would be best off if he reconciled and let his anger go, perhaps not. It's not for me to say, and probably not for you, either.

Yes this is true, this would apply to almost anything, cuz no one will ever really know what's really going on or would best for sure, but we would have no forums is opinions weren't allowed :tongue2: . Anyways, I create opinions based on information I get, through being informed, or through close observation. I'm pretty sure if you look through history there has been almost no cases of unforgiving held up anger being a good thing for a person in the long run. So I'm just saying, based on that information if I had to bet I would place my bet on the side that has better odds, so yes I don't know for sure, but I would say Axl forgiving people would benefit him in more ways than not, and I think most would agree with that.

Edited by amacfantasy
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Don't you people understand? Whenever somebody gets nominated to a Hall of Fame or receives a Lifetime Achievement Award, those who created the award or event in their honour clearly don't respect them or want them to be there.

I respectfully decline my induction as a member of Guns N' Roses to the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame.

I strongly request that I not be inducted in absentia and please know that no one is authorized nor may anyone be permitted to accept any induction for me or speak on my behalf. Neither former members, label representatives nor the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame should imply whether directly, indirectly or by omission that I am included in any purported induction of "Guns N' Roses".

This is one of the most pathetic, disrespectful and downright stupid things I have ever seen anybody say. EVER.

There's a seemingly endless amount of revisionism and fantasies out there for the sake of self-promotion and business opportunities masking the actual realities. Until every single one of those generating from or originating with the earlier lineups has been brought out in the light, there isn't room to consider a conversation let alone a reunion.

Here's the thing about Axl's beef with Slash. It's always written in vague code. Axl never comes out and says what all this is about. Sure he's made a few points here and there, and I get that Slash is probably not an honest person. I spent a long time trying to figure out the specifics. But what I learned today, is that there probably are no specifics. They don't exist. They are all in Axl's mind.

Duff and Izzy's comments over the years would support that as well.

Edited by axlsalinger
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Dear Axl Rose,

I would just like to say that Iv been a huge fan of yours and everything Guns N' Roses since being a small child watching the November Rain music video for the 1st time. Your album Chinese Democracy is a very good album I would listen to the whole album everyday for 2 years. However unlike some "nu" gnr fans on here CD is not your best album... Your best album is AFD hands down and I feel bad when I read some smuck makes a debate out of it.

When I heard GNR is going to be inducted for the HOF I was a kid in a candy store and I bet you were to, but because of your "issues" with slash and steven you are going to screw the fans and former bandmates that helped you get to where you are today.

All my life Iv been taught that actions speak louder than words and its true. So with you declining to induction and all it truely shows you dont care about the fans, and I know "nu" gnr fans will argue this but lets be honest if Axl cared about you why does he show up 2-3 hours late? Dont you feel bad when your late for a gathering or meeting fucking being late and feeling bad about it is a normal feeling. Time is precious its the one thing well always have. IMO there is not 1 artist out there that gets an exception for being late... 10-20 minutes late idc but 2-3 hours every night? Please..

Another thing that bothers me is that the "Appetite and Illusions" era will be inducted into the hall but you dont want your name or face in the hall with it but youll go out on shows with the GNR name and play the songs from Appetite and Illusions.. Idc if you wrote some of the songs but to exclude yourself from the honor then turn around and play it doesnt seem right.

In your letter you say that former members took jabs at you, but arent you the guy that called Slash a cancer then several months later his mom died of cancer? I didnt know that halo was that shiney above your head. Another funny thing in your letter is that you kinda say that people will always ask you about a reunion so what difference does it make if you did perform 1-2 songs with the band and just say this is a 1 night only. Your reasonings for a no show makes 0 sense

HERE IS WHAT YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE TO SAVE FACE: You could have said you will not be attending the hall but will make a brief via satellite appearance where you would thank the fans for there love and support and that you have good memories with the guys on stage from back in the day (so far are you lying? nope) And heres the best part you could have done the satellite recording in a studio that way "nu" gnr fans can say your gonna release a album next month. Lets be honest "nu" gnr fans Axl has been in the studio for 18 years and the only result you get is 1 album so quit thinking another album is coming out when it truely isnt.

I feel bad about the way you feel about the boys from appetite cause if it wasnt for ALL of them you wouldnt be where you are today I mean thats like me hating my mom for giving birth to me cause if it wasnt for her I wouldnt be where I am today if it wasnt for her. This to me is the final straw I am no longer a "nu" gnr fan not just because of the hall but actions speak louder than words you truely dont care about your fans. In your mind did you stay true to yourself? sure and did you actually do it? sure but you did it at the expense of many many fans and that I cant believe you did it. For fans of GNR since '87 I wonder if the last 25 years have just been a lie to you.

In closing Axl this comes from the heart I thank you for the music you gave me I will never love a band like I did with GNR ever again and Im proud of that and your mostly the reason for it. I wish you luck on the rest of your career with "nu" gnr. You dont have to worry about me getting shitfaced at a GNR show cause I wont ever consider buying a ticket anymore unless slash is involved, and the good Lord knows I wont be purchasing an album anytime soon cause your bandmates dont push you like Duff and Slash did (Albums with Slash and Duff 6 w/o Duff and Slash 1). I know you dont care about what Iv said thats whats badass about you but like I said this is the final straw of you not caring about your fans.

Sincerely, A former fan

PS. Fuck you Beta for misguiding Axl all these years and not pushing Axl to get material out


No matter how valid some points might be, get a grip.

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