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Is BBF too "nice"/Generic for New GN'R?

Vincent Vega

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In Axl I trust. If Axl thinks he's the right man for the job then that's good enough for me.

For the record I think he's a decent fit, his persona during the Eddy Trunk programmes was funny, I saw a different side to him there that I liked, and he plays the songs well. I'd rather Buckethead was still there but I'd like a lot of things. His playing is mostly brilliant to be honest, that's all I can really judge him on.

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The mere fact you think DJ looks cool, pretty much destroys any credibility you hold. Sorry, can't take anything you say serious now. Yes he moves more, and yes he is clearly an inferior guitarist. Glad you are observant enough to notice that. I've never seen a guitarist in a bar band make as many mistakes as him.

Bla bla bla...


You know perfectly well what I meant. I personally don't like DJ's playing nor the way he looks but replace "cool" by "self concious" and you get my point...

Edited by The Glow Inc.
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That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. I personally think that he is the best guitarist that this band has ever had.

For pure technical brilliance I'd take Bucket but as a fit for GnR nobody can ever replace Slash. I love Ron and he's an undeniably brilliant player but I think he is lacking a certain something that makes the difference between a talented musician and an honest to god rock star.

I hear that a lot, but I have no understanding of it. I just don't see what he is supposed to be missing.

I think Ron is more technically proficient than Bucket, but that is a pretty senseless argument to get in to because they are both brilliant in my honest opinion.

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In my opinion BBF seems like the nicest guy you could ever meet. But, whenever I look at him I just see this guy has no personality or stage presence. He is so boring to watch live, it's almost unbelievable he has landed a gig in one of the biggest bands. I just look at him and I can't help to think, wow what a dork. I mean everything is just wrong and seems silly.... His weirdo foot guitar, his other strange guitar choices, his whole bearded monk look, his complete and utter awkwardness on stage and even his nickname "BBF" just leaves me scratching my head about the guy and wtf is he doing in GNR. I do feel somewhat like I shouldn't say these things about him as, like I said, he seems like a great guy. It's just that he comes off as a complete weirdo to me. I'm surprised so many fans have clung to him (I guess because he communicates a lot) because he just seems like such a dry personality. When he performs he stands in the same spot the whole show like a cardboard cutout. I'm sure he is a great session player but should not be on tour as a lead guitarist in a mega band like this. Sorry guys, but that's the truth.

Yes, yes, let's make the injured guy move about the stage some more. :rolleyes:

But really, the man is in a great deal of pain. Add that with a double-necked guitar attached to his back and it's a wonder he moves as much as he does. I've seen the band play live twice, and Ron had great energy both times. The beginning of this thread was arguing that Ron is too "generic" and now you're arguing that he's too "weird." Not to make this a flame war, but Buckethead is by far the weirdest member to ever be in Guns, though second in talent to Ron (my opinion of course). And there's honestly not much special about Slash anymore. In most people's terms, he would be defined as generic. I love all three of these guitarists and I'm not trying to bash anybody, but I think Ron is the best guitarist GN'R has ever had. He's simply the best in my opinion.

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That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. I personally think that he is the best guitarist that this band has ever had.

For pure technical brilliance I'd take Bucket but as a fit for GnR nobody can ever replace Slash. I love Ron and he's an undeniably brilliant player but I think he is lacking a certain something that makes the difference between a talented musician and an honest to god rock star.

I hear that a lot, but I have no understanding of it. I just don't see what he is supposed to be missing.

I think Ron is more technically proficient than Bucket, but that is a pretty senseless argument to get in to because they are both brilliant in my honest opinion.

The thing is I really can't answer that question cos I don't know exactly. It's just something intangible that I can't put my finger on. Nothing I can offer any evidence to support it's the the reaction I have when I see Slash or Bucket play that I don't get when I watch Ron. Again I know it's a shitty argument but it's all I got. :) If I were to offer anything in the way of explanation I'd probably say that I much prefer Bucket's solo work and playing style. I know Ron can play all the same stuff but if I were to listen blindly to both player's solo stuff side by side without knowing who it was it would be Bucket that caught my attention.

I guess I just wish we'd seen Axl pursue the direction he was heading with the 02 lineup to a greater degree. I don't have a problem with him using the GnR name if he makes the effort to do something different with it. With Robin and Bucket I could see that happening whereas the current lineup to me seems to close to the classic lineup and if they're going to go in that direction I'd rather see a reunion.

Edited by Dazey
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That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. I personally think that he is the best guitarist that this band has ever had.

For pure technical brilliance I'd take Bucket but as a fit for GnR nobody can ever replace Slash. I love Ron and he's an undeniably brilliant player but I think he is lacking a certain something that makes the difference between a talented musician and an honest to god rock star.

I hear that a lot, but I have no understanding of it. I just don't see what he is supposed to be missing.

I think Ron is more technically proficient than Bucket, but that is a pretty senseless argument to get in to because they are both brilliant in my honest opinion.

The thing is I really can't answer that question cos I don't know exactly. It's just something intangible that I can't put my finger on. Nothing I can offer any evidence to support it's the the reaction I have when I see Slash or Bucket play that I don't get when I watch Ron. Again I know it's a shitty argument but it's all I got. :)

Well, I can't take that away from you or argue that you're wrong just because I don't see it. It all boils down to opinion, I guess, and mine doesn't hold any more weight than yours.

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Well, I can't take that away from you or argue that you're wrong just because I don't see it. It all boils down to opinion, I guess, and mine doesn't hold any more weight than yours.

People take note! How a decent debate can be conducted! Great post! :)

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Well, I can't take that away from you or argue that you're wrong just because I don't see it. It all boils down to opinion, I guess, and mine doesn't hold any more weight than yours.

People take note! How a decent debate can be conducted! Great post! :)

Thank you.

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To be honest, my biggest beef is that I just don't think Ron enjoys being in GNR, and he doesn't really do much to mask those sentiments whether it's writing a song about it or moping on twitter and facebook...

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I try not to get caught up in the behind the scenes things like what type of people they are, what their personalities are like, etc.

All I really care about is if this band is able to create music together.

BBF seems pretty talented and I'd love to hear what he/Axl and the boys could create.

Hopefully some day we'll get music from the band.

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I agree that Bumble's too nice and doesn't have the "it" factor.

But I think he sounds great. It's bullshit to say he's better with Estranged than Slash in my opinion, but he's certainly second place. He sounds absolutely stunning there. For that reason, I don't want him to leave. He's great.

It'd be nice to have someone who had that "it" factor/meanness AND a tone/technique like his, but if I could only choose one, I'd pick the music over the attitude.

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To be honest, my biggest beef is that I just don't think Ron enjoys being in GNR, and he doesn't really do much to mask those sentiments whether it's writing a song about it or moping on twitter and facebook...

Look at the tone of BBF's interviews from when he first joined up with Axl to now. He's clearly frustrated and disillusioned. I'm sure he's gained some financial compensation and contacts from this but if he's unhappy, he needs to bite the bullet and quit. But I wonder, knowing Axl's propensity for contracts, if they are legally obligated for certain time periods I also wonder if there are gag orders preventing them from talking about Axl if they ever leave the band.

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Guest NewGNRnOldGNR

With GN'R I believe he is more of a Ron Thal rather than the character of Bumblefoot? Normal/Abnormal and the 2011 releases do signify a move from The Adventures, Hands etc to a more centre domain; but I believe that's more evolution of the musician rather than a concious effort to become mainstream. Guns N' Roses is going to have an effect on Ron, he's probably had to curb that quirky quality a little bit in order to fit the GN'R criteria.

Does Buckethead not contrive the whole war on KFC deal, his time with chickens etc? Gimmicks. The 2002 incarnation, whilst superlatively talented, were, despite Axl's efforts to create relations, an assortment of individuals. GN'R was an umbrella whereas now we have genuinely bonded musicians that are Guns N' Roses not 'A Rose & some Guns'.

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Does Buckethead not contrive the whole war on KFC deal, his time with chickens etc? Gimmicks. The 2002 incarnation, whilst superlatively talented, were, despite Axl's efforts to create relations, an assortment of individuals.

Personally I preferred that line-up for that reason in a way. They may have been individuals but they gave the band a distinct identity. I always felt we would see something new, exciting and sufficiently different from real GnR to allow them to stand on their own two feet.

I really wanted to hear where they could take things in the style of things like Oh My God back around the turn of the century. This line-up by comparison just seem more anonymous and a little too close in style to the classic line-up for my liking.

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To be honest, my biggest beef is that I just don't think Ron enjoys being in GNR, and he doesn't really do much to mask those sentiments whether it's writing a song about it or moping on twitter and facebook...

Look at the tone of BBF's interviews from when he first joined up with Axl to now. He's clearly frustrated and disillusioned. I'm sure he's gained some financial compensation and contacts from this but if he's unhappy, he needs to bite the bullet and quit. But I wonder, knowing Axl's propensity for contracts, if they are legally obligated for certain time periods I also wonder if there are gag orders preventing them from talking about Axl if they ever leave the band.

Exactly. Very good choice of words, frustrated and disillusioned. Every now and then he lets people know how he feels. Who can blame the guy. I'm surprised he's lasted this long, but again he knows its best for him.

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Guest NewGNRnOldGNR

Personally I preferred that line-up for that reason in a way. They may have been individuals but they gave the band a distinct identity. I always felt we would see something new, exciting and sufficiently different from real GnR to allow them to stand on their own two feet.

I really wanted to hear where they could take things in the style of things like Oh My God back around the turn of the century. This line-up by comparison just seem more anonymous and a little too close in style to the classic line-up for my liking.

Whilst I too love that incarnation, and the initial direction of CD, it's much easier to level accusations of 'Axl & Friends' towards that GN'R. Besides Brain & Bucket, and some of the older hands, there didn't seem to be a band ethos, connection or side collaborations. And the 'similar nature' to Appetite, that resides completely with DJ. Bumblefoot & Richard, and of course the influence of Pitman particularly, can steer Guns N' Roses in an ever new direction.

Rock is a massive domain, the involvement of one traditionalist doesn't indicate a direct return from 'alternative GN'R' to classic. Pitman/Bumblefoot/Fortus, and even Stinson, was well as the director role of Axl, won't allow it. A new album will rock a lot more, but it's not going to be a mediocre tribute to Guns N' Roses' glory era.

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With GN'R I believe he is more of a Ron Thal rather than the character of Bumblefoot? Normal/Abnormal and the 2011 releases do signify a move from The Adventures, Hands etc to a more centre domain; but I believe that's more evolution of the musician rather than a concious effort to become mainstream. Guns N' Roses is going to have an effect on Ron, he's probably had to curb that quirky quality a little bit in order to fit the GN'R criteria.

Does Buckethead not contrive the whole war on KFC deal, his time with chickens etc? Gimmicks. The 2002 incarnation, whilst superlatively talented, were, despite Axl's efforts to create relations, an assortment of individuals. GN'R was an umbrella whereas now we have genuinely bonded musicians that are Guns N' Roses not 'A Rose & some Guns'.

i heard some songs from normal and abnormal...weak and strange songs. not like it at all.

bucket solo work is far superior. IMO.

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