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What's your biggest complaint about guns at the moment?


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Some posters here simply don't want to see the truth. They want to believe Axl is still that guy who amazed them 20 years ago. He's still their hero, so he can do no wrong. People praise him for actually not cancelling concerts anymore. It's the least any artist can do.

GNR set the level too low. The GNR website is crap compared to any other band website, but it's the first one we could call decent.

I'd love to be positive but whatever GNR has given the fans in the last few years is the least they could do. It could have been so much more. It's impossible for me, being a fan since the early 90's, seeing how great this band can be, how great Axl can be, to feel satisfied.

I'm still a fan of Axl's music and that's the reason I'm here, but it's impossible to not feel amazed by some blind followers.

Those worshippers take everything anyone says as a fact. If I write "Axl sucks", one minute later I'll get the "PROVE IT" response. People forget that this is place to share opinions too, not only facts.

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Some posters here simply don't want to see the truth. They want to believe Axl is still that guy who amazed them 20 years ago. He's still their hero, so he can do no wrong. People praise him for actually not cancelling concerts anymore. It's the least any artist can do.

GNR set the level too low. The GNR website is crap compared to any other band website, but it's the first one we could call decent.

I'd love to be positive but whatever GNR has given the fans in the last few years is the least they could do. It could have been so much more. It's impossible for me, being a fan since the early 90's, seeing how great this band can be, how great Axl can be, to feel satisfied.

I'm still a fan of Axl's music and that's the reason I'm here, but it's impossible to not feel amazed by some blind followers.

Those worshippers take everything anyone says as a fact. If I write "Axl sucks", one minute later I'll get the "PROVE IT" response. People forget that this is place to share opinions too, not only facts.


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anybody else tired of these morons that can't form a coherent sentence that have to resort to writing THIS over and over when some other jackoff kind of strings together a few words of a similar view?


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Very different? Oh, CD starts the set instead of WTTJ, few more CD songs if you're lucky. Still the AFD plus greatest hits tour.




















































if you really can't find differences iin the set, you're not looking hard enough.

If that's the best you have out of all I said then I feel pretty solid about my argument. They still played most of afd, UYI hits, handful of cd songs, and the solo spots were different. Not exactly Springsteen or Dave Matthews as far as set lists.

Edit: and hell, last night all things considered was a relatively unique set list.

Is the setlist similar to the one performed in 2001? Absolutely. But if you were someone that only went to one show or saw the band on an infrequent basis, would you want any other setlist? Absolutely not. I've seen this band 14 times since 2002 and while I have little quibbles here and there, for the most part, I'd feel ripped off if they didn't play Welcome to the Jungle, It's So Easy, Mr. Brownstone, November Rain, Sweet Child, Night Train, Patience, Paradise City, You Could Be Mine, Knockin' On Heaven's Door. Moreover, I'd be thrilled to hear Don't Cry, Civil War, and Estranged. Anything else is just gravy.

Basically, the setlist the band has now is the dream setlist we all wished they played back in 2002. Unless you want them to start dropping classic hits (which only 5% of the fan community would applaud), there isn't a lot of room to tinker. I'm a huge Radiohead fan (I actually probably listen to Radiohead more than GNR in the last ten years), but they lost me as a concert goer since the last time I saw them (refused to play one friggin' hit). I wouldn't argue against the point that the setlist has a very slow evolution, but I can't argue against that the setlist we've seen lately isn't the best GNR has ever played (with perhaps a few exceptions during the UYI era).

Another way to look at it is like this: if the internet wasn't around and you couldn't youtube concerts and check up on setlists, would you be disappointed with the current GNR setlist? Something tells me your annoyance would be tempered by the lack of information the Internet has provided you with. Now, if you had seen the band ten to twenty times, then maybe you'd have a valid complaint except for two issues. One, the band doesn't formulate shows for the 15 people who have seen them numerous times. Two, if you have an issue with hearing classic GNR tracks performed live many times, why be a GNR fan?



Awesome post.

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See, msl should take note. People can have differing views without calling anyone liars or ignorant or full of shit.

hahahhaha dude, do you really not know the difference between a fact and an opinion?

you flat out said that it was unusual for GNR to play 7 songs from chinese.

you were wrong. sorry.

so then the question became, were you lying or were you ignorant? we still haven't quite figured it out.

but it was one or the other, because you were completely 100% wrong. either you weren't aware of what the sets have been like the last few years, or you were aware and you chose to lie.

but "differing views" had NOTHING to do with it.

You clearly have reading comprehension issues. I don't really care all that much if they played 4 or 7 cd songs. I'll impressed if they play 10, and times they have I was impressed. You clearly, and likely intentionally, miss the point of what I was saying so you can debate to the death a single point. The fact of the matter is, set lists are nowhere near what they could or should be in terms of variety. If that weren't the case there would hardly be this many people complaining about it.

But whatever, I can be wrong about 4 or 7 cd songs in a set. I'm alright with that. My wrestling unitard won't get bunched up because I was mistaken on the Internet.

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anybody else tired of these morons that can't form a coherent sentence that have to resort to writing THIS over and over when some other jackoff kind of strings together a few words of a similar view?

I am annoyed by morons who apparently do not have anything better to do than to bitch. If they cannot form a coherent sentence it is even worse.

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Completely decimated? I was mistaken about one thing as you continue to harp on about a minor point. My main point is that things could be much better. Kudos to guns for finally getting to the point where they tour and whatnot. But there's still no new music, they still go on stage late, and say what you want about 4 cd songs or 7, the set lists could be more varied.

I wouldn't have mentioned wrestling if you hadn't called me full of shit, questioned if I were a liar or ignorant, or called posters jack offs. Be happy I didn't mention care bears.

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but you were either lying or ignorant. those were the only two options. either you were aware of the truth and chose to lie about it or you were ignorant of the truth. i never said which it was (as i didn't know). not sure why you'd be upset that i pointed out the obvious.

...I said I was mistaken and you're still going on and on about it, which is forcing me to go on and on about how that isn't the point, then you come back again and ignore everything else I said and talk about the one thing that I already admitted I was mistaken about and ignore everything else. Clearly addressing you in this thread is going nowhere, so I won't bother any further.

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but you were either lying or ignorant. those were the only two options. either you were aware of the truth and chose to lie about it or you were ignorant of the truth. i never said which it was (as i didn't know). not sure why you'd be upset that i pointed out the obvious.

...I said I was mistaken and you're still going on and on about it, which is forcing me to go on and on about how that isn't the point, then you come back again and ignore everything else I said and talk about the one thing that I already admitted I was mistaken about and ignore everything else. Clearly addressing you in this thread is going nowhere, so I won't bother any further.

you never should have took MSL's bait

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but you were either lying or ignorant. those were the only two options. either you were aware of the truth and chose to lie about it or you were ignorant of the truth. i never said which it was (as i didn't know). not sure why you'd be upset that i pointed out the obvious.

...I said I was mistaken and you're still going on and on about it, which is forcing me to go on and on about how that isn't the point, then you come back again and ignore everything else I said and talk about the one thing that I already admitted I was mistaken about and ignore everything else. Clearly addressing you in this thread is going nowhere, so I won't bother any further.

you never should have took MSL's bait

You're probably right, but how else would I have killed these past 2 hours at work, working? bahahahaha

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I give them credit for being better than before, I just don't believe that they deserve too much credit for finally doing what bands are generally expected to do. Would your boss give a slacker at work a raise simply for finally working up to expectations?

No, but this is a bad analogy because a worker has an obligation towards his boss. Guns N' Roses has no obligations towards us.

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I give them credit for being better than before, I just don't believe that they deserve too much credit for finally doing what bands are generally expected to do. Would your boss give a slacker at work a raise simply for finally working up to expectations?

No, but this is a bad analogy because a worker has an obligation towards his boss. Guns N' Roses has no obligations towards us.

Fair point, but I believe they are obligated in a way. If they want our support, they are obligated to hold up their end of the bargain. They're headed in the right direction but don't deserve extra credit for simply doing what they're supposed to.

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To be honest, in my opinion it was quite clear to me that the RNRHOF was just a platform skeemed up by the institution to get Axl to reunite with people he hasn't talked to in 20 something years and doesn't have any intention to.

By the institution?

What exactly does the rock and roll hall of fame stand to gain outside of the events of this year?They sure as hell aren't going to reap the benefits of a reunion tour.

All they had to do was announce that Guns n Roses were being inducted this year.Honestly...did they need any more promo than that? :lol:

Speculation took care of the rest.I mean...com one man,the fans and the fucking band members themselves did the rest.

Maybe the HOF just got about the business they are involved in...inducting bands.

Possibly the rest is just conspiracy bullshit?

Why should they give a fuck now if Axl Rose got together with his old band mates or not?They've already moved on to next year.

Yeah sure, Axl could have shown up, played for the fans, than went back with the current band. But you know what, that would only put more gasoline on the fire for a GN' R reunion.

You know what happens when you pour gasoline on damp logs?

Flames surge high,briefly,then you're back to damp logs.

Axl chose not to acknowledge his past,or the fans who embraced his spirit and message.

What greater good will gesture could he have offered than to embrace his past,and those fans it meant so much to..and then return to what he is doing now? :shrugs:

Would it not be crystal-fucking-clear to everyone his intent when he went from the HOF to to a fucking tour with the current line up?Sends a pretty clear message to me.

I can't think of a better way to make a greater finite point WHILE acknowledging his past,his legacy and most importantly,the fans it meant something to.

Personally,I would have been thrilled to see him at least embrace his past,if only for that evening,be gracious about it and move on.

Ya know?Like Bobbo said...maturity.

Why not offer a tip-of-the-hat to the past and at the same time extend an offer for people to join the party where he's at now?

The whole RRHOF was, in my opinion, was just the intention of getting the old band back together. Notice after Axl and Izzy weren't going to show up, GN'R weren't the headliners? Notice how GN'R were inducted the first year they were eligible, when countless other bands were eligible for years but never made it? It was all a media ploy to me. They tried to back Axl into a corner but it didn't work.

A media ploy to what ends though man?

Even WITH all the uncertainty surrounding the induction and proceedings,the fans still went to great lengths to be there.Those who couldn't,but cared enough to watch with interest sat on the forums and squinted to catch a glimpse from a camera pointed at a t.v. screen.The less interested checked youtube or watched the t.v. broadcast later.Everyone did,and was going to anyway,check out what happened regardless.The hof didn't need a full on reunion.

The intrigue was all the promo the hall of fame needed,mission accomplished.

Like I said,they've already moved on to next year.

The real bummer of it all is Axl and Izzy managed to leave a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths,which all things considered...is unfortunate.

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Axl chose not to acknowledge his past,or the fans who embraced his spirit and message.

Axl chooses to acknowledge the past each time he plays classic GN'R songs under the Guns N' Roses banner. He doesn't need to partake in a phony American award show to do it, too.

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but you were either lying or ignorant. those were the only two options. either you were aware of the truth and chose to lie about it or you were ignorant of the truth. i never said which it was (as i didn't know). not sure why you'd be upset that i pointed out the obvious.

...I said I was mistaken and you're still going on and on about it, which is forcing me to go on and on about how that isn't the point, then you come back again and ignore everything else I said and talk about the one thing that I already admitted I was mistaken about and ignore everything else. Clearly addressing you in this thread is going nowhere, so I won't bother any further.

you never should have took MSL's bait

You're probably right, but how else would I have killed these past 2 hours at work, working? bahahahaha

good point ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

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Axl chooses to acknowledge the past each time he plays classic GN'R songs under the Guns N' Roses banner.

Every fan of the Hall of Fame era is acutely aware of that. :thumbsup:

He doesn't need to partake in a phony American award show.

I was referring to the HOF situation,but if you want to bring irony into it...should we start with his appearances at the phony American awards show?

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