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What are you watching? a.k.a. Film Thread v 2.0

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I do not mean to sound too critical as I do love the film. Everybody is going on about Mad Max 10 and all of these other American CGI films he is in while ignoring the fact that Hardy has just checked in an acting performance of the highest merit. $1.8 million at the North American box office, proving colonial Americans would not know a good film if it hit them in the face.

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Oh me either, I thoroughly enjoyed the film, it's the first time in a long time that i watched a film more than once, something i used to do an incredible amount when i was younger but very rarely now I'm older. As far as what everyone else is going on about I'm afraid I'm desperately out of tune culturally so i never really am much aware of what everyones making a big deal of. I enjoyed The Hateful Eight a great deal too.

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Did you know that Nipper Read was in the higher echelons of various boxing alphabet soups, chairman of the BBBofC, vice-president of the WBA and WBC? He was born in Nottingham - a northerner - so the scene when he takes the piss out of cockneys has a logic to it.

Oh, and still alive.

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Like Lincoln it is sentimental in that 'American biopic' manner, full of Copeland-esque piano music alongside slow motion tracking shots and democratic ideology - a general absence of cynicism is apparent throughout. I like the Southerners in it. The older ones are slug-faced overweight pink skinned sheriffs who resemble Bavarian Bürgermeister; the younger racists are slinty eyed, square jawed types, with a tub full of brylcreem on their head waving Confederate flags. In contrast the blacks are righteous innocent democratic peace-loving ideologues - in fairness, the film does not completely gloss over the fact that Luther King was a serial shagger.

Menace II Society

There are about five of these hippy hoppy films (Boyz n the Hood is another) and they all have exactly the same plot line: (semi) reluctant black youth is sucked into a world of black 'gang-banging' culture, tries to find a way out but is ultimately killed in the final reel, a victim of his own socio-economic circumstance and culture; chuck on the homicidal friend and girlfriend who wants the protagonist to go 'clean' and that is abut it. They all feature black american youth adopting that rather strange gait of theirs which involves slightly lifting your hands from your body in an ape like manner and floating the arms around while walking like you have a banana rammed up your arse. They all say things like '''sssheeet'' and ''fool'' and ''bitch ass punk''. The film is full of obnoxiously loud rap music. I was glad it ended in truth.

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I couldnt handle Selma, looked a load of glossy yank bollocks.

It is well acted and a good film but has that Spielbergean schmaltz which is always present whenever America reenacts its own history.

Yeah, thats the bit that puts me off you see. Never saw the Ali film for the same reason. Well, that and i consider the act sacreligious :lol: Quite muslim of me really eh? 'i will not tolerate a facsimille of the image of Muhammad' only my Muhammad is Ali :lol:

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I still like Marty's movies but I cannot get excited about the last few with the exception of Hugo which I loved.

Did you not think Wolf of Wall Street was fantastic? He loves a good 'rise and fall' story, doesn't he? Thats the uninspired but going for an Oscars go to thing isn't it, a rise and fall story...to which they tack on some half baked idea that it's all an allegory for the history of America.

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Bunch of yanks and mexicans playing with their sticks. Load of bollocks. It is one of those movies that are full of yank law enforcement types, the DA, the FBI, CIA - they are always acronyms. They play with their sticks to compensate for their penis deficiency.

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Bunch of yanks and mexicans playing with their sticks. Load of bollocks. It is one of those movies that are full of yank law enforcement types, the DA, the FBI, CIA - they are always acronyms. They play with their sticks to compensate for their penis deficiency.

With the big fuckin' letters on the back of their fuckin' kits in case they forget who they work for. SWAT, FBI, DEA.

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''This goes back to the DA. We need feds so this isn't a federal offense. The DI has his ass on a stake and the president has his eye on this''. Loads of square jawed Bush voting types sprouting this bollocks driven dialogue. Mexico looks like a shithole also.

One thing that strikes me about watching American films. The American sex life seems to be remarkably easier, an easier path to navigate. In Britain you have to have twenty pints and pick the ugliest girl in the nightclub to have a success story - and that is if you are good looking. It is such an ordeal that it is easier to retreat to your room with a Pam Grier film and a bag of cheesy wotzits. There is that endless element of British embarrassment hanging over the thing.

In America you have three shandy basses in a redneck bar and talk about the ''Metz game'' and whatever was ''on Leno or Letterman'' and you are then rutting like two rabbits five minutes later. It has always perplexed me. watching American films.

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The Martian

Fairly awful. Richard Sharpe turns up for a brief moment which was interesting; why didn't they send him up in space to rescue the day with his Sheffield United season ticket and Baker Rifle? Incidentally, there is nothing that the American race like to do more than cheer obstreperously in NASA's main HQ room. You put a bunch of Americans in that room, and they bloody love it, cheering all day, grinning and mutating their faces into those types of vacant 'humanity' stares which only exist in mainstream American films. If you want to buy an American a gift for Christmas, simply buy him or her a replica of NASA's central control room: they will idle weeks away cheering at various heroic moments.


Brilliant film. Superb acting throughout. Oscar fodder mind - this will scoop the lot in all its categories.

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