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Robert De Niro : best performance


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I was going to say Raging Bull (1980) until i realised how mannered a boring knockoff of Brando in On The Waterfront it is. All that tough Italian attitude stuff is quite exaggerated too, it's only funny to be so thick the first time around, Scorcese, no need to keep overlabouring the point! It's not artistically clever necessarily... We know Scorsese was something of a coke fiend at this time though... his coke fueled episodes with Robbie Robertson after he did The Last Waltz (1978), etc, are well documented... Taxi Driver (yes, but even so that was way back in 1976)...yeah, it's a good performance but it's a good film anyway... there's nothing Brando-like...What else? The Godfather 2 (1974), i guess... Did Deniro live up to his promise? He had no 'Rocky', so to speak...no definitive DeNiro performance...he certainly had a lot of name. He was supposed by many to be very good, but who was he, was he just a junkie? Later on, Cape Fear was very good, and also The Fan...he was good at obsessive roles... Goodfellas... but he was quite limited by his obsession to his own mannerisms. Thus, was he a true method actor? Some would argue that Joe Pesci outdoes him on that score... You knew pretty much what you were getting with Robert DeNiro most of the time... he weren't great, he weren't all he was cracked up to be..... and the sorry list of average performances since the 90's is unspeakable.....You can't put him in any category near Al Pacino let alone Brando. You have to admit, he is hugely overated. Coasting on his name, he ain't that great...What are the best Robert DeNiro roles of the last 20yrs?

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I was going to say Raging Bull (1980) until i realised how mannered a boring knockoff of Brando in On The Waterfront it is. All that tough Italian attitude stuff is quite exaggerated too, it's only funny to be so thick the first time around, Scorcese, no need to keep overlabouring the point! It's not artistically clever necessarily... We know Scorsese was something of a coke fiend at this time though... his coke fueled episodes with Robbie Robertson after he did The Last Waltz (1978), etc, are well documented... Taxi Driver (yes, but even so that was way back in 1976)...yeah, it's a good performance but it's a good film anyway... there's nothing Brando-like...What else? The Godfather 2 (1974), i guess... Did Deniro live up to his promise? He had no 'Rocky', so to speak...no definitive DeNiro performance...he certainly had a lot of name. He was supposed by many to be very good, but who was he, was he just a junkie? Later on, Cape Fear was very good, and also The Fan...he was good at obsessive roles... Goodfellas... but he was quite limited by his obsession to his own mannerisms. Thus, was he a true method actor? Some would argue that Joe Pesci outdoes him on that score... You knew pretty much what you were getting with Robert DeNiro most of the time... he weren't great, he weren't all he was cracked up to be..... and the sorry list of average performances since the 90's is unspeakable.....You can't put him in any category near Al Pacino let alone Brando. You have to admit, he is hugely overated. Coasting on his name, he ain't that great...What are the best Robert DeNiro roles of the last 20yrs?

De Niro was a junkie? He was good at comedy, allowed himself to be parodied. I disagree with you on saying he is nowhere near the same league as Pacino and Brando because what they all had in common is that none of them can convince people they were anyone but Pacino, De Niro and Brando later on in their careers. In their prime they were the best but as they got older roles got limited for them. It gets more competitive as they get older.

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  • 2 years later...


Goodfellas is my favorite film of all time and he did good job with the part but i don't know if you could call that his best performance

Pesci killed that it though

His role in Jackie Brown is very underrated.

i yearn for Bridget Fonda asking me if i wanna fuck

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  • 2 weeks later...

Travis and Vito.

EDIT: More important to the latter than Marlon Brando. Come at me.

Brando came up with the character, the voice, the look etc so i fail to see how De Niro could be more important to it. De Niro was given the entire thing tailormade, between Copolla and Brando he had virtually nothing to offer besides ennactment.

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