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Emotional Concert Moments


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Great thread! And come on Zint! Not here :tongue2:

Anyways, there are so many emotional moments I have had at gigs, I'll just list a few...

-My first rock concert, Rush at Pine Knob during the Snakes and Arrows tour in 2007. We were a late and I'll never forget the feeling of walking up those steps to the top of the hill. Hearing how loud the music was, the roaring crowd, then reaching the top and seeing the sea of people and the band playing. It was an amazing moment.

-As others have said, seeing Axl for the first time. It was surreal and just awesome as was the whole gig for the first time i saw GNR

-Hearing Estranged for the first time

-Meeting Bumblefoot and then the show that followed that, it was on the UCAP tour and we were on the barrier

-Seeing Robert Plant for the first time

-Seeing Jason Bonham's Led Zeppelin experience and them performing Stairway to Heaven and Kashmir. I realize it is not close to the real thing, but Zep is as special to me as GNR. I most likely wont see Page or Zep so this was a great moment for me

-Seeing X Japan. The fans and passion they have make that one a very emotional concert. Singing along to an extended Endless Rain and hearing Art of Life live were insane.

-Seeing The Wall live

-Meeting Slash before his gig this past Fall in Detroit

-Paul McCartney playing Let it Be and Hey Jude during his Detroit gig

-Finally seeing The Rolling fucking Stones. As some of you may know, that gig was really hard for me to commit to and I went to Chicago on my own for it. Worth every cent! Seeing Mick, Keith, Charlie, Ronnie, and Mr. Taylor in the flesh playing together was incredible

-Metallica's surprise "Kill Em All" anniversary set at Orion this year and being up front. Was my first time seeing them.

and finally,

Being at the Hall of Fame induction ceremony. I know it wasn't what we all really wanted but being there brought out these deep emotions of pride and joy for the band. It was a beautiful thing, the whole town (Cleveland) seemed to just revolve around Guns that weekend. Everything from Duff's gig, to going to the museum the day before, walking the city, and finally the ceremony itself was great. The performance was bittersweet but I have to say, for a last minute "Guns" lineup, for those 30 minutes, they were fucking fantastic. rock3

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I've had a TON of very emotional concert moments through the years. The one that always comes to mind first is actually pretty recent though. On the first leg of Water's The Wall US Tour, I actually drew front row, center through his web site. I was able to see the show several times since and actually even met Roger before one of them, but sitting front row center watching something I'd never dreamed I'd get to see was just plain magic. I got choked up several times throughout the whole show.

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Black Sabbath at Ozzfest awhile back got the butterflies going.

Axl on stage did too.

Slash N Duff on stage too.

Aerosmith/Kid Rock/Run DMC concert. Wasn't emotional at the time, just a great show. But just a couple of months later Jam Master Jay was murdered. And I was like, damn, no one will ever see the real Run DMC ever again. That show has a whole different meaning now.

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Seeing Axl for the first time too, and hear him screaming "do you know where you are!?" and jumping like crazy(rio 2010)

i've seen videos from concerts in another countries and i don't know how there are crowds out there who just stand still during Jungle(rio 2010)

Hearing Estranged beeing played live after 17 years, with everybody singing along (rock in rio 2011)

Enter Sandman live (rock in rio 2011)

Blind Guardian - The Bard's Song live, this is just epic (rio 2011)

Seeing Slash and hearing he playing Sweet Child, and especially Jungle, totally unexpected, the place went crazy (rio 2012)

TBA - hearing "Fear of the Dark" live, RiR 2013 =)

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An emotional moment for me was seeing GunsnRoses in a half filled bar in 2013.

Looking at Chris Pitman and thinking, wasted space.

Watching Bumblefoot sing his own very un-GnR song, and then after his solo hearing a smattering of applause.

I wondered why he was in this band.

I came out of there with a nagging feeling that maybe that was the last time I might ever see them, because I certainly won't go see them again under those circumstances.

It felt rather sad.

It was the polar opposite of the first time I saw GnR in '91. That gig felt like a fucking bolt of lightning slapping you upside the head.


But that's for another post.

I think anyone who got to see GNR then and now would relate. It's like comparing Led Zep in 1975 to a Robert Plant solo show.

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An emotional moment for me was seeing GunsnRoses in a half filled bar in 2013.

Looking at Chris Pitman and thinking, wasted space.

Watching Bumblefoot sing his own very un-GnR song, and then after his solo hearing a smattering of applause.

I wondered why he was in this band.

I came out of there with a nagging feeling that maybe that was the last time I might ever see them, because I certainly won't go see them again under those circumstances.

It felt rather sad.

It was the polar opposite of the first time I saw GnR in '91. That gig felt like a fucking bolt of lightning slapping you upside the head.


But that's for another post.

I think anyone who got to see GNR then and now would relate. It's like comparing Led Zep in 1975 to a Robert Plant solo show.

Hey man, I dug both shows I've seen of ol' Percy :tongue2:

Although they certainly are extremely far from Zeppelin. One was a blue grass/ folk gig and the other was a more middle eastern/ african one so I see what you mean

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Van Halen and GnR are my 2 favorite bands. So here are mine:

Van Halen, 1984. My first concert ever. And they were great.

Van Halen(Van Hagar) 1986. Dave was gone, but Sammy did a great job and I had front row on Edward Van Halen's side of the stage. My guitar idol a few feet away from me for most of the show. He moved around alot, but for the most part he was right there. Awesome.

GnR: Opening for Aeorsmith in August 1988. Sold out show and the crowd was loud as hell for the opening act. Guns were in their prime and I'm glad I got to see it in person.

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Seeing Axl, being up lose to him after the gig and seeing him smile and laugh at me losing my shit (:lol:) from his car, and meeting the guys, especially Bumble and Fortus.

Don't laugh, but when George Michael played Everything She Wants when I saw him live a few years ago (fuck off OK, I am 39 and I was a delirious teeny bopper when Wham was top of the charts. :lol:)

Seeing John Lydon perform with PiL this year.

Tori Amos performing Sugar and Cooling at both shows I've seen. She is amazing and an inspiration to me in so many ways. I love that woman.

I had tears at all of these moments. I'm quite an emotional person though.

I also had an emotional moment at the Black Angels gig I went to a few months ago but I'm not going into that. :lol:

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Seeing Nicky Wire sing William's Last Words. Jesus. I'd psyched myself up for it beforehand. It's not a suicide note. They made it sound like that. It's not a suicide note. Then you hear it live and you can't help but feel it. They were playing the album in full just for those gigs and everyone knew it was coming but still you could feel the whole room go tense. It wasn't one of those 'a big cheer for rockstar genius Richey Edwards!' kind of moments. It was the realisation it was just their mate who was gone.

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Seeing Axl, being up lose to him after the gig and seeing him smile and laugh at me losing my shit ( :lol:) from his car, and meeting the guys, especially Bumble and Fortus.

Don't laugh, but when George Michael played Everything She Wants when I saw him live a few years ago (fuck off OK, I am 39 and I was a delirious teeny bopper when Wham was top of the charts. :lol:)

Seeing John Lydon perform with PiL this year.

Tori Amos performing Sugar and Cooling at both shows I've seen. She is amazing and an inspiration to me in so many ways. I love that woman.

I had tears at all of these moments. I'm quite an emotional person though.

I also had an emotional moment at the Black Angels gig I went to a few months ago but I'm not going into that. :lol:

The car :shades:

Every time I've seen GNR 13 times

inxs full moon dirty hearts tour (Michael fell off stage about 5 times he was that wasted)

Alice In Chains Melbourne they played all the hits it was epic

Faith No More 95 97 and 10 at Festival Hall

My First ever concert Big Day Out 93 Iggy and Nick Cave

Summersault festival 95 Foo Fighters and the Beastie Boys

Alternative Nation Festival Festival Faith No More, Lou Reed, Nine Inch Nails, Tool, Violent Femmes, Ice-T, L7, Ween, Primus, Bodycount, Pop Will Eat Itself, The Flaming Lips, The Tea Party, The Prodigy, Therapy?, Live and Pennywise.

Just some of the highlights

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My First ever concert Big Day Out 93 Iggy and Nick Cave

Wow. Setting the bar pretty high there from the off. There's a great Henry Rollins story where he talks about trying to compete with Iggy at a live show. It just can't be done.

I saw Iggy Pop with The Stooges live last year. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would but didn't find it to be the awesome experience people make it out to be. Granted, I'm not a fan of his/their music.

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My First ever concert Big Day Out 93 Iggy and Nick Cave

Wow. Setting the bar pretty high there from the off. There's a great Henry Rollins story where he talks about trying to compete with Iggy at a live show. It just can't be done.

I saw Iggy Pop with The Stooges live last year. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would but didn't find it to be the awesome experience people make it out to be. Granted, I'm not a fan of his/their music.

I'm relatively new to Iggy and saw him with the Stooges as well earlier this year and I thought it was INCREDIBLE! Electric, just as I had been told to expect and the audience was just awesome! One of the best nights I've had in ages.

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