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When did nuGnR reach it's peak in terms of popularity/public and media acceptance?


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Keep in mind that most things GnR does gets critiqued. Whether good or bad. Something as simple as a fan chat gets slammed by their fans, who cry that the band doesn't care our do anything.

The PR machines that Pearl Jam, Metallica, Bon Jovi etc.. use are top notch and all of their images and public profiles are carefully taken care of. You rarely hear anything bad said about them. Your a fool if you think they're all angels.

Axl has been fighting the ' bad guy' label from the start. Some is his fault, but most is driven by the media. Just like anything else.

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Classic Rawker -
There are thousands and thousands of rock bands. A very select few are able to consistently sell out US basketball arenas.
Out of thousands and thousands of rock acts, you named ten that you claimed have no problem selling out arenas.
So if your position is that in 2013, Guns N' Roses is not one of the top 10 most popular touring rock bands in the US, I agree with you. I never claimed they were.
However, if we dissect the ten acts you named, we find that you're actually wrong about all ten of them being able to easily sell out their arena tours. Which is not to criticize them at all, they are certainly some of the biggest drawing acts.
But when you look at the hard numbers, you will see that it's very rare to have a rock band that is able to tour US basketball arenas and sell out the majority of the dates.
So in your attempt to prove me wrong, you've actually proven me correct. My position is that GNR is more popular than 99% of rock bands in the world. So naming ten bands that are more popular only serves to prove my point.
Many of you live in some fantasy world where Axl Rose's life is a failure if GNR is not the most successful band on the planet.
Are we allowed to hold you to the same standard Classic Rawker? Are you one of the top 10 most successful in the world at what you do for a living? Most people would be very happy to be in the top 1%, but perhaps you are so successful in life that anything less than top 10 is a giant failure?
So what exactly is it that you do again? How many millions did you generate this year? Because Axl generated many millions and only had to work a few weeks this year, if that.
Anybody else find it hilarious that Classic Rawker linked to *worldwide* touring figures to prove how big other bands are in the US?!?! I got a big kick out of that one.
Do you even know what your point is Classic Rawker? My point is simple:
Do you disagree with that? If not, why are you arguing with me? Nothing better to do with your time than lie about things you don't like?

How many of the thousands of rock bands were as popular as GnR was? they were once one of the biggest acts in Rock who could sell out arenas, just like the bands I mentioned in my previous posts, but now whose attendance here in the U.S diminishes with every tour here now..........

and you are the one claiming NuGnR is at the height of their popularity and it is increasing yet their attendance in the U.S. continues to decline...please explain the logic in that? You also cited the attendance at festivals to try to make you point which you know is bullshit as when they were not playing festivals they could not sell out 6-8 K arenas.....again your logic is flawed

And you still can't make your point without resorting to insults or attacking me....come back when you can defend your postion and express your opinion like a mature adult.......

Keep in mind that most things GnR does gets critiqued. Whether good or bad. Something as simple as a fan chat gets slammed by their fans, who cry that the band doesn't care our do anything.

The PR machines that Pearl Jam, Metallica, Bon Jovi etc.. use are top notch and all of their images and public profiles are carefully taken care of. You rarely hear anything bad said about them. Your a fool if you think they're all angels.

Axl has been fighting the ' bad guy' label from the start. Some is his fault, but most is driven by the media. Just like anything else.

So you figure the bands you mentioned can still sell out arenas because they have good PR and it not because of their music? Really?

Edited by classicrawker
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Classic Rawker -
There are thousands and thousands of rock bands. A very select few are able to consistently sell out US basketball arenas.
Out of thousands and thousands of rock acts, you named ten that you claimed have no problem selling out arenas.
So if your position is that in 2013, Guns N' Roses is not one of the top 10 most popular touring rock bands in the US, I agree with you. I never claimed they were.
However, if we dissect the ten acts you named, we find that you're actually wrong about all ten of them being able to easily sell out their arena tours. Which is not to criticize them at all, they are certainly some of the biggest drawing acts.
But when you look at the hard numbers, you will see that it's very rare to have a rock band that is able to tour US basketball arenas and sell out the majority of the dates.
So in your attempt to prove me wrong, you've actually proven me correct. My position is that GNR is more popular than 99% of rock bands in the world. So naming ten bands that are more popular only serves to prove my point.
Many of you live in some fantasy world where Axl Rose's life is a failure if GNR is not the most successful band on the planet.
Are we allowed to hold you to the same standard Classic Rawker? Are you one of the top 10 most successful in the world at what you do for a living? Most people would be very happy to be in the top 1%, but perhaps you are so successful in life that anything less than top 10 is a giant failure?
So what exactly is it that you do again? How many millions did you generate this year? Because Axl generated many millions and only had to work a few weeks this year, if that.
Anybody else find it hilarious that Classic Rawker linked to *worldwide* touring figures to prove how big other bands are in the US?!?! I got a big kick out of that one.
Do you even know what your point is Classic Rawker? My point is simple:
Do you disagree with that? If not, why are you arguing with me? Nothing better to do with your time than lie about things you don't like?

How many of the thousands of rock bands were as popular as GnR was? they were once one of the biggest acts in Rock who could sell out arenas, just like the bands I mentioned in my previous posts, but now whose attendance here in the U.S diminishes with every tour here now..........

and you are the one claiming NuGnR is at the height of their popularity and it is increasing yet their attendance in the U.S. continues to decline...please explain the logic in that? You also cited the attendance at festivals to try to make you point which you know is bullshit as when they were not playing festivals they could not sell out 6-8 K arenas.....again your logic is flawed

And you still can't make your point without resorting to insults or attacking me....come back when you can defend your postion and express your opinion like a mature adult.......

Keep in mind that most things GnR does gets critiqued. Whether good or bad. Something as simple as a fan chat gets slammed by their fans, who cry that the band doesn't care our do anything.

The PR machines that Pearl Jam, Metallica, Bon Jovi etc.. use are top notch and all of their images and public profiles are carefully taken care of. You rarely hear anything bad said about them. Your a fool if you think they're all angels.

Axl has been fighting the ' bad guy' label from the start. Some is his fault, but most is driven by the media. Just like anything else.

So you figure the bands you mentioned can still sell out arenas because they have good PR and it not because of their music? Really?

During the Illusions tour, GnR was averaging 33,000 per show. Today?

Twat - why do you think the "media" has some hidden agenda to portray Axl in a negative light? Are you implying that there are actual people out there who want to buy a GnR concert ticket but then change their mind because of something they read about Axl in a newspaper?

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Classic Rawker -
There are thousands and thousands of rock bands. A very select few are able to consistently sell out US basketball arenas.
Out of thousands and thousands of rock acts, you named ten that you claimed have no problem selling out arenas.
So if your position is that in 2013, Guns N' Roses is not one of the top 10 most popular touring rock bands in the US, I agree with you. I never claimed they were.
However, if we dissect the ten acts you named, we find that you're actually wrong about all ten of them being able to easily sell out their arena tours. Which is not to criticize them at all, they are certainly some of the biggest drawing acts.
But when you look at the hard numbers, you will see that it's very rare to have a rock band that is able to tour US basketball arenas and sell out the majority of the dates.
So in your attempt to prove me wrong, you've actually proven me correct. My position is that GNR is more popular than 99% of rock bands in the world. So naming ten bands that are more popular only serves to prove my point.
Many of you live in some fantasy world where Axl Rose's life is a failure if GNR is not the most successful band on the planet.
Are we allowed to hold you to the same standard Classic Rawker? Are you one of the top 10 most successful in the world at what you do for a living? Most people would be very happy to be in the top 1%, but perhaps you are so successful in life that anything less than top 10 is a giant failure?
So what exactly is it that you do again? How many millions did you generate this year? Because Axl generated many millions and only had to work a few weeks this year, if that.
Anybody else find it hilarious that Classic Rawker linked to *worldwide* touring figures to prove how big other bands are in the US?!?! I got a big kick out of that one.
Do you even know what your point is Classic Rawker? My point is simple:
Do you disagree with that? If not, why are you arguing with me? Nothing better to do with your time than lie about things you don't like?

How many of the thousands of rock bands were as popular as GnR was? they were once one of the biggest acts in Rock who could sell out arenas, just like the bands I mentioned in my previous posts, but now whose attendance here in the U.S diminishes with every tour here now..........

and you are the one claiming NuGnR is at the height of their popularity and it is increasing yet their attendance in the U.S. continues to decline...please explain the logic in that? You also cited the attendance at festivals to try to make you point which you know is bullshit as when they were not playing festivals they could not sell out 6-8 K arenas.....again your logic is flawed

And you still can't make your point without resorting to insults or attacking me....come back when you can defend your postion and express your opinion like a mature adult.......

Keep in mind that most things GnR does gets critiqued. Whether good or bad. Something as simple as a fan chat gets slammed by their fans, who cry that the band doesn't care our do anything.

The PR machines that Pearl Jam, Metallica, Bon Jovi etc.. use are top notch and all of their images and public profiles are carefully taken care of. You rarely hear anything bad said about them. Your a fool if you think they're all angels.

Axl has been fighting the ' bad guy' label from the start. Some is his fault, but most is driven by the media. Just like anything else.

So you figure the bands you mentioned can still sell out arenas because they have good PR and it not because of their music? Really?

During the Illusions tour, GnR was averaging 33,000 per show. Today?

Twat - why do you think the "media" has some hidden agenda to portray Axl in a negative light? Are you implying that there are actual people out there who want to buy a GnR concert ticket but then change their mind because of something they read about Axl in a newspaper?

The actual truth is Axl barely gets any press here anymore to influence potential ticket buyers and NuGuns actually got decent reviews for the last U.S. Tour so I am not sure how the press is hurting NuGuns ticket sales.........

Might have more to do with one album since the mid 90's which got little airplay here in the U.S. and did not sell well here............

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NuGuns actually got decent reviews for the last U.S. Tour so I am not sure how the press is hurting NuGuns ticket sales.........

Hilarious that you continue to argue with me when we both know you actually agree with me. I've had two points in this thread. My original point is that media acceptance didn't peak until the last US tour, which you seem to agree with. After that point caused people like you to attack GNR's attendance, my second point was that while GNR is not one of the few bands that can fill arenas, they're still popular than 99% of the rock bands on the planet, which you seem to agree with.

Which makes me wonder, why are you so eager to try to invent fights with someone you actually agree with? Don't you think that kind of behavior supports my theory that you're unhappy with other aspects of your life?

MSL- It's because you're the most famous poster in any gnr internet forum that exists in the world. People in the band know who you are. Hell, Axl knows who you are. It's like trolling you or riling you up feels like trolling or riling up a member of the band, or the closest some will get.

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Classic Rawker -
You admittedly do not disagree with me, yet you continue to argue with me. It's very disturbing behavior. I am not under any obligation to defend points I never made. My point has withstood your scrutiny, so you attempt to change the debate.
Meanwhile, you didn't even know the difference between worldwide numbers and US numbers.
But at least we're now getting closer to what truly motivates you. GNR is not as popular in 2013 as they were in 1993 (most bands from 1993 are not as popular in 2013 by the way). But let me guess, GNR would be more popular if Slash returned? Right? So since Axl won't give you what you want, you have to obsess over his level of success as proof he should do what you want, or at least hope he's being punished for not giving you what you want.
That is what this really boils down to.
My problem is just how completely dishonest you are with your arguments. GNR's most recent US arena tour was in 2011 and averaged 6,446 tickets sold per show. Until they do an arena tour for the next album, we don't know if their fanbase is diminishing in the US. It's intellectually dishonest to point to some club shows played a few months later as a publicity stunt as proof that GNR's drawing power is diminishing. Those club shows averaged $317,214 a night compared to the $339,394 averaged during the US arena tour.
So GNR was able to return to markets they had just played months prior and still generate almost as much as they'd generated in much larger buildings with audiences twice the size. Pretty fucking impressive in my opinion.
You cry and whine and say I'm insulting you, but I don't see how it is an insult to be concerned about your unhealthy behavior. I don't see how it's an insult to wonder about what drives you to lie about GNR day in and day out for years on end instead of finding things to focus on that you actually enjoy. Meanwhile, you attack Axl like a little child because he won't give you what you want for Christmas: a reunion.
So again, Axl Rose is more successful than 99% of the musicians on the planet. GNR's US arena tour grossed over $11 million and the club dates a few months later grossed nearly $6 million.
Nothing you've said has discredited anything I've said. You've only been able to discredit things I never said.
I claimed that GNR is at the height of their general public and media acceptance since Slash left. The Hall of Fame was the height of the Axl hate and since then slowly things have gotten better.
Nowhere did I claim that Guns N' Roses is at the height of their commercial success since Slash left.
Meanwhile, you're such a fucking baby that you can't even bring yourself to call the band by their name. Again, not an insult, it's a legitimate point. You claim to be a mature adult, and yet you can't even discuss GNR without sneaking in subtle digs and you continue to do it after it's been pointed out. So you're not fooling anybody. It's the #1 sign that you are not interested in good faith discussion.
I stand behind my statement that out of the thousands of rock bands in the world, GNR is more successful than almost all of them. There are maybe a few dozen that are more successful, 5-10 of which can sell out most of their shows in US basketball arenas.
Unlike you, my posts are not motivated by anger towards anyone, nor are they motivated by a desire to see a reunion. I'm just plainly stating facts. I study this stuff for a living, so it's no big deal for me to point out where GNR stands. Nowhere have I overestimated their popularity or drawing power.
You are rooting for them to fail because you want a reunion. I just like their music and will continue to enjoy it. If you don't enjoy it, find something you enjoy. You and I both know if you were happy with your life, you wouldn't be posting day after day year after year on a site dedicated to something you don't like. That's just common sense. That's why you keep screaming "insult" when I bring it up because deep down it touches a nerve. Outside of the GNR bubble you may be the nicest guy in the world, but the trauma you feel from Axl and Slash's divorce brings out the worst in you.
If you have anymore questions about any touring figures, I'd be happy to help. Unlike you I know the difference between a country and an entire planet.

So you deny that the bands I mentioned can sell out arenas here in the U.S. on a regualr basis? is that really your rebuttal?

Guns has toured here several times since 2000 and this current had less attendance then previous tours. do you also deny that? they are averaged less than 7K tickets sold per concert and that was including last minute 2 for 1 deals being offered in some markets and, as someone mentioned here who is a NuGuns fans, they were giving tickets away to try to fill the arena for the show he attended. So spin it anyway you want but your statment that they are at their peak of popularity is laughable at best.

And trying to claim your insults are observations does not fool anyone mate...you obviously can't defend your postion so you are forced to resort to insults in some immature attempt to intimidate me and other posters. Please come back when you can make your point with out immature insults...........

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CR - unfortunately due to a threat I received via PM, MSL is unable to continue debating with you here. His posting privileges have been removed.

Fortunately, he DOES have his own site I'm sure you'll want to know about; you can find him at m.sl/GNR if you wish to continue discussing your points with him.


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CR - unfortunately due to a threat I received via PM, MSL is unable to continue debating with you here. His posting privileges have been removed.

Fortunately, he DOES have his own site I'm sure you'll want to know about; you can find him at m.sl/GNR if you wish to continue discussing your points with him.


A threat? Wow. That person should inherit my signature.

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CR - unfortunately due to a threat I received via PM, MSL is unable to continue debating with you here. His posting privileges have been removed.

Fortunately, he DOES have his own site I'm sure you'll want to know about; you can find him at m.sl/GNR if you wish to continue discussing your points with him.


:rofl-lol: :rofl-lol: :rofl-lol:

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I can confirm that those were the word-for-word PM's we exchanged. You're welcome to read MSL's account here: http://mistersaintlaurent.proboards.com/thread/10653/lies-mygnr

Honestly.... :lol:

Not getting involved or stirring sht, I swear, but I find it interesting all the people who posted after that seem to actually side with you on the topic. So he went looking for support that doesn't exist.

Sometimes a mod has got to do what a mod has got to do I guess..

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I think it's because people know the context in which I sent him the original PM and they know that he is no innocent victim.

He has been stating for some time that he wants to see our site "die", so I'm not sure why he would even try playing the victim card now that he can't post anymore.


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CR - unfortunately due to a threat I received via PM, MSL is unable to continue debating with you here. His posting privileges have been removed.

Fortunately, he DOES have his own site I'm sure you'll want to know about; you can find him at m.sl/GNR if you wish to continue discussing your points with him.


Pity as I thought we were really bonding there at the end...............

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Sometime in 99 or 2000 there was an article "What The World Needs Now Is Axl Rose", somewhere around then.

Buzz buzz buzz. 2002 would have been okay, had Axl wanted to be there like he did in RIR or House Of Blues.

Oh, and a record.

It's all about a record. It's not about "information we need/want", we want music. I don't understand why they don't understand that.

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I've only visited msl's site a couple times when it first opened, and back in the summer when the remixes leaked. Both times he expressed a venomous hatred for mygnrforum VERY openly. A scorned love caused by him getting called out on his shit, nothing more. I haven't been there since, aside from just now, and I'm betting not much has changed.

I just cannot begin to fathom why he would come back to a site he openly despises, and then have the balls to act thunderstruck he got shit canned. Even his own disciples at his shit cult site agree with hv's actions on this one :lol:.

His act was always transparent. Not to strut a superiority complex, but I was one of the few people to actually shut him down in a back and forth. And every time I would stump him, he would just ignore my last statement and venture on to weaker prey. He just loved the attention and wanted to be well known. He wanted his viewpoints to be treated as nothing less than gospel.

But his game got stale, and thankfully he just gets to spew his nonsensical bullshit at his own ghost town of a shit hole.

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