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How would the fans and media react if Chinese Democracy II was released?

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...and they say we're bitter ex fans. Some of the predictions are awfully optimistic. If the album is good it'll get good airplay and attention? Maybe in an ideal world but since when is that truly the case? GNR could make something on the level of Physical Graffiti, but if it as a whole has no popular appeal (which of CD is any indication, it won't) it won't receive much more than a golf clap. CD did as well as it did nearly solely off curiosity. Many call it a failure even though reviews for the album were actually solid. GNR could put out another solid album but it won't have that curiosity going for it, and it likely won't be filled with commercial appeal. I hardly see a scenario where the album receives long term recognition and appreciation, certainly not based on musical merit. And I don't know what to say if you think a CD sequel would do as well or better than CD.

Edited by TeeJay410
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...and they say we're bitter ex fans. Some of the predictions are awfully optimistic. If the album is good it'll get good airplay and attention? Maybe in an ideal world but since when is that truly the case? GNR could make something on the level of Physical Graffiti, but if it as a whole has no popular appeal (which of CD is any indication, it won't) it won't receive much more than a golf clap. CD did as well as it did nearly solely off curiosity. Many call it a failure even though reviews for the album were actually solid. GNR could put out another solid album but it won't have that curiosity going for it, and it likely won't be filled with commercial appeal. I hardly see a scenario where the album receives long term recognition and appreciation, certainly not based on musical merit. And I don't know what to say if you think a CD sequel would do as well or better than CD.

Truth. New singles/albums from older rock acts just don't get heavy airplay anymore - it isn't as marketable as more "relevant" artists. You take some of the critically acclaimed classic rock albums of the last few years like Black Ice, A Different Kind Of Truth, or Clockwork Angels, and none of them received virtually any airplay. A new GN'R album certainly would receive the same treatment at best, given the general public's perception of GN'R nowadays. Critical appraisal isn't enough to market music to people who aren't interested in it to start with (generally speaking).

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i think CD2 should not be called that.

chinese democracy is over.for me at least.

Axl is still hot as a rock star from the 80s who's still around.

if the music is good it will sell.

it's all about the music now.people are tired of bs like 15 years in studio,players coming and going….

Axl has to prove he's got it in him to write a decent rock n roll album.

but these are dreams.there will b no new album from Axl as long as he can make cash touring SA and vegas.

from my impression,he seems uninterested in being creative.

it's a shame.

best voice since Plant and all we have since real GNR is one album.

i would buy it,yeah,and so would you.but unless something earth shattering is in vaults

nobody would pay attention if the music is generic and no attitude like we want from Axl.

i have some boots from back in the day that i listen to.

Chinese i don't play anymore.

tl;dr:for the media and fans outside of these boards to notice,the new music must BE GOOD.

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I rarely hear a good rock song from a new band on the radio these days, so I stopped listening to the radio except for the occasional talk radio segments. I go for the more underground bands because that's where the true talent lies. These fucking jack offs who think Nickelback is rock music. Bullshit. It's candy coated pop music for idiots. A reunion tour and album is the only way to make GN'R a relevant and highly marketable band again. You promote it like the KISS reunion on steroids and boom, interest stirs immediately.

We'll still be here in 10 years talking about this fabled follow up album like it's really going to come one day. Makes me think of crazy christians saying Jesus is coming back and we need to repent. Yeah, sure, wake me up when it happens. GN'R is on life support and has been for about 4 years now. I'll go enjoy the new Slash records and be thankful that he still has the fire for releasing new music.

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Can you imagine the reaction if the first demo we heard of Better was a bit more polished and was actually the lead single being heavily promoted by all the right people?..

I rarely hear a good rock song from a new band on the radio these days, so I stopped listening to the radio except for the occasional talk radio segments. I go for the more underground bands because that's where the true talent lies. These fucking jack offs who think Nickelback is rock music. Bullshit. It's candy coated pop music for idiots. A reunion tour and album is the only way to make GN'R a relevant and highly marketable band again. You promote it like the KISS reunion on steroids and boom, interest stirs immediately.

We'll still be here in 10 years talking about this fabled follow up album like it's really going to come one day. Makes me think of crazy christians saying Jesus is coming back and we need to repent. Yeah, sure, wake me up when it happens. GN'R is on life support and has been for about 4 years now. I'll go enjoy the new Slash records and be thankful that he still has the fire for releasing new music.

Eh, what a kill joy.

If it bothers you that much, visit the Slash section and listen to better radio stations.

Also, people over-estimate the power of a reunion. I can't be the only person thinking it'd be a dad-rock convention, it's 2014.

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Since most people didn't give CD a chance, dismissing it entirely after a first listen (this album really needs to grow on you) because it wasn't what they expected, I do predict that if a CD II was released, this time people know more what to expect and in the 5 years (!!) following CD, it has become more appreciated than when it first got released.

The question is, will CD II still have that big production? We know the current members have said they've been working on stuff, I wouldn't be surprised if Axl let them re-record everything endlessly like he did on the first CD to get what he think he wants. His need for perfection didn't get him the praise he expected, he just need to let go of the reigns and trust his band and producer else nothing will ever get released.

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Can you imagine the reaction if the first demo we heard of Better was a bit more polished and was actually the lead single being heavily promoted by all the right people?..

Here in Detroit, the Skwerl leak was played heavily on our main rock station for about a week until they received a C&D from the label. Reaction was great and it was getting requested quite a bit. Then of course, all positive buzz was killed when the song was pulled.

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You can't compare how a good album would be received with how CD was received. Regardless of how you feel about CD, most thought it was forgettable at best. That's why it faded into obscurity.

Edit: Could look like I'm responding to Russ. I'm actually responding more to Teejay and Powerage.

Edited by magisme
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It would get a fair amount of press early on. If it was good, it would be recognized as such and reach a relatively broad audience. If it was bad, it would be quickly forgotten and only spoken about within the confines of this nuthouse.

Agreed. If it has 1 song that catches people, it will create some buzz about gnr. Not glory days type buzz, but at least VH, Aerosmith, AC/DC level buzz. Which is a good thing at this point. If it is good enough, it could also give CD a boost in popularity. What we all need to remember is that to the general public, all the negativity surronding CD killed it before it was even released (the millions of dollars, the long wait, no slash, etc.) But this time around most people will view it upon the music alone. Sure some people will still dismiss it because of no Slash, but the general public will not realize these are CD leftover songs, to them it's a new album by the new band. Only us diehards will care about that fact. If it has just 1 song that the general public likes it will surpass CD. Look at VH's last album, She's the woman was all that fanbase needed to love that album. It sounded like VH. That's all axl has to do really. The question is does he have that 1 song in his vault?

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It will make the same exact lack of an impact on the marketplace as the last one. Yet people here will fashion a horseblinders type argument where it was a screaming success. In actual fact, no one will be able to tell you a song off it. No one outside these boards anyway.

Its all on Axl. Spare me "its not 1991 anymore" and all that noise.

If Axl seems to give a shit and does a few legit interviews, at absolute worst, that heads off some of the negative comments. At best, more people might give it a chance.

Axl takes the same approach as last time? Expect the same results.

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