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March 20th, 2014 - Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

Black Sabbath

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Thanks for the longer clips.

Hard to hear, but I think Axl sounds.....pretty damn good. Even with some mickey, it's powerful.

Chinese Democracy didn't sound good, but I think he's always used that song as a warmup for his voice and the sing itself allows him to do that because of the backup vocals and focus on guitars.

Overall, Axl seems fit, energetic, in good voice, the band is tight, and for a first show, I see it as very positive.

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Okay been awake ten minutes. To summarise, no new or unheard songs, no change of look and no surprises. Yes?

Good job I didn't decide to bounce work after all, I was almost lulled by the hype!

Well, he's apparently trimmed his moustache.

...And you woke up to an eighty page thread on Friday morning! ;)

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Im gonna force myself into thinking this was just a bad night for Axl and due to the fact he didn't rehearse and was late for the first time in a few years they didn't play new songs! I blame slash for this.... they were gonna play new songs but Slash blocked the dvd and axl got mad ya'll.

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No surprises there... Wasn't expecting anything anyway.

God, username, are you not happy with Don't Cry being played in Rio for first time since '92? Or the cariocas getting Catcher for the first time? Nothing is enough for you people.



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Axls trolled you all


Fuck this band

I don't want to waste any more time on this vegas nostalgia act with a solely original member being fatter than ever

So, okay, the people last time he kicked off a tour said he didn't care enough about his fans to stay in shape, and he was a fat pig etc. So this year, he obviously is thinner than he was at the end of his last tour, but that is not enough for you guys cause he isn't playing new music, which he never said he would.

This site should be called MYBITCHFEST.com.

I would like to have heard he played something new too, but you cant give the dude a break.


Some people here already give him a 14 year break

so this means: suck my sweaty plums you stupid cunt

Edited by Crash Diet
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So far I have only seen the Don't Cry video above, that being said, Axl sounds A LOT better than the previous tour. He may not be the skinny kid from Indiana like he was in the 80's/90's but I can promise you that's just not ever going to happen guys, he's a grown ass man now. I think he looks better than the last tour as well.

My biggest beef with GNR is no new music. Once the band delivers some new tunes all will be right with the world. I'm not throwing in the towel just because of one show.

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At this point in time I give no fucks, the band sucks ass. You ruined what you had with bucket and robin. Since then I don't care two shits, I was going to go see them in PA but screw it. I'd rather see miles Kennedy and he blows cock. GNR is dead to me

To be fair, he does a better "Axl" than Axl does now.

Edited by GeetarMikey
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I just reread my exclusive - that part about the two or three new songs was a typo guys, sorry!

Edit: My fucking head hurts; any of you in the chat will know why lol.

Edited by NGOG
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Looking at some comments here and on HTGTH, it really does show how this fanbase probably has some of the lowest expectations I've ever seen.

"It wasn't a complete disaster!"

"He came on before midnight!" (I'm guilty of this one :lol: )

"In some angles he doesn't look quite as fat as last year maybe possibly!"

"He played an old song in a country he hadn't played it in a long time!"

"It's the first show of the tour!"

I don't want to cupcake, and it breaks my heart to point this out, but there's just too many suffering from mass delusion. Axl is surrounded by enables, hangers-on, and sycophants, and we shouldn't contribute to that if he want to see him excel as an artist. You think Jarmo's ever going to say "Tonight's show wasn't one of your best, Axl"? Has the man ever worked an honest day in his life? There was a time I was jealous that he got to fly around the world and see all these GNR shows, and I'd stand up for him when I thought he was being unfairly criticised by a lot of the cupcakes here, but now you couldn't pay me to waste my time to do so and it disgusts me to see the way he treats fans over at this board, fans who love Axl for his artistic efforts and not because he pays them to tweet pointless setlist updates.

I remember outside the L'Arc gig some fans were chatting with Fernando while we were waiting for Axl, and somebody asked what the deal was with Slash. And Fernando said something along the lines of "Hey man, I like his music, too, but... you know how Axl is..." They all know. But they're just going to keep on enabling and enabling him because they have no other source of income. Perhaps that's unfair, I do think they have affection towards him as well, but there's such a thing as being cruel to be kind, and without that push, we're just going to see more and more concerts where Axl rolls out of bed, puts his shades and jackets on, warble through songs that demand venom and power, and then drinks himself into a stupor before repeating it all over again.

I think the cupcakes don't give Axl enough credit up until 2010. I really believe that he did want to release another album that year, and he was giving it his all at nearly every concert that year. But since then...

Is this what the old band broke up for? So we could hear DJ Ashba™ mangle the SCOM intro for the bazillionth time? So Axl could stroll up to the mike and squeak his way through YCBM, possibly the greatest hard rock song of all time?

I'm hoping Axl makes me eat my words by the time Buenos Aires rolls around. There was admittedly a huge improvement from Rio to Buenos Aires in 2011, but somehow I'm not too optimistic.

It's been a pretty distressing time recently as a GNR fan. I didn't even want to watch, let alone buy, the Vegas 2012 DVD, and while I think it was a dick move on Slash's part to block it, in the end he's probably doing more to preserve and not tarnish the already tatty GNR legacy by doing so. A month ago I thought Axl deserved that Lifetime Achievement Award, now I'm not so sure.

Whatever, maybe I'm just being an emotional bitch and Axl will prove me wrong some time this decade, but it hurts so much because I care, and I love the music of GNR. Chinese Democracy was the epic saga of one man fighting the odds and crossing a sea of treacherous horrors to deliver bombastic, majestic music. The attitude of the music of GNR of 2014 can be surmised by its absence.

At least we have a new Slash album to look forward to.

I'm with ya dude, agree with everything you said. THIS is what Axl spent so long fighting for, and we defended him for doing so, seems like he's happy, the fans though.. not so much. No other band in history has been a bigger dissapointment to their fans over and over again.

I have an emotional attachment to GNR/Axl, but I sometimes wish when I became a fan (around '95) I could of stopped myself from having this attachment and just been a casual fan, as this attachment has giving me nothing but 19 years of dissapointment (albeit with a few good moments - seeing them in Leeds and the leaks are probably the only ones though).

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Review from HTGTH:

"Show was scheduled to start at 10PM. The boys hit the stage around 11:50PM...the crowd was already losing its patience as usual...a lot of booing in between background songs. However, when the band hit the stage everyone had a blast...crowd was very loud, Axl highlighted that at some point of the show! ok.gif

Even though promoters claimed all tickets were sold, the place was not packed. There was a lot of empty seats at the stands and I watched the show pretty close to the stage and rather comfortable i'd say. I estimate around 80% of the venue capacity was fulfilled...not lame but not packed. IMO this has a lot to do with the fact the the show was not on a weekend, people have to work the next day and Rio de Janeiro is a huge mess nowadays with a lot of construction and road blocks goin`on in preparation for the World Cup and the Olympic Games...people are taking many hours to move from one place to another. All of this contributes for low attendance IMO.

As for the concert, I wasnt really expecting any major surprises, it was ok for me! Glad they did Catcher, Estranged and Dont Cry...however i missed Civil War.
Rocket Queen was not played either! huh.gif
Axl did not take off his jacket, glasses and hat at any moment despite the hot temperature in the venue...the guy must have lost some pounds! shocked.gif"

When even those guys start pointing out the Emperor is wearing too many clothes...

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Hopefully they up the ante a bit in subsequent shows - the setlist was very ordinary!

Edit: Still absolutely stoked that they used the True Detective theme though.

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