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Some jerk killed a bunch of people last night because he couldn't get laid


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With due respect to those who are asking me to comment on last night's tragic mass shooting at UCSB in Isla Vista, CA -- I no longer have anything to say about what is now part of normal American life.

Everything I have to say about this, I said it 12 years ago: We are a people easily manipulated by fear which causes us to arm ourselves with a quarter BILLION guns in our homes that are often easily accessible to young people, burglars, the mentally ill and anyone who momentarily snaps.

We are a nation founded in violence, grew our borders through violence, and allow men in power to use violence around the world to further our so-called American (corporate) "interests."

The gun, not the eagle, is our true national symbol. While other countries have more violent pasts (Germany, Japan), more guns per capita in their homes (Canada [mostly hunting guns]), and the kids in most other countries watch the same violent movies and play the same violent video games that our kids play, no one even comes close to killing as many of its own citizens on a daily basis as we do -- and yet we don't seem to want to ask ourselves this simple question: "Why us? What is it about US?"

Nearly all of our mass shootings are by angry or disturbed white males. None of them are committed by the majority gender, women. Hmmm, why is that? Even when 90% of the American public calls for stronger gun laws, Congress refuses -- and then we the people refuse to remove them from office. So the onus is on us, all of us. We won't pass the necessary laws, but more importantly we won't consider why this happens here all the time.

When the NRA says, "Guns don't kill people -- people kill people," they've got it half-right. Except I would amend it to this: "Guns don't kill people -- Americans kill people." Enjoy the rest of your day, and rest assured this will all happen again very soon.

Michael Moore

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It's not just a girlfriend he wanted. It wasn't just sex that he needed. He never bonded with his mother. He wanted to bond with a human. He was starved for that first bond of love and he could never make up for it. He never got it. That's the problem. When he was a baby, he never bonded with his mom. I think. When that happens with animals in the wild, the mothers generally kill the baby if the mother doesn't take to them, or she just leaves them to die.

You don't see this with adopted children so much because they are passed right over to someone that is going to take them. Even abused children are handled and loved at first. Even foster children are handled and loved. Something goes wrong in the wiring of people like this. I think it's the first few weeks. With this type killer, you find, looking back, that the bonding just didn't take place. He just wanted to be accepted, but so much more. Textbook actually. It's very sad for everyone. His parents are culpable in my opinion. He spent a lot of time taking all those video's expressing his loneliness. Seriously, if anyone you knew, your friends, your children, your friends children, posted video's like that, would you be in their face talking to them and not going away? Yes, yes you would. I would;

Why are we blaming the parents instead of the individual? I don't understand that mentality. This wasn't a child, he was an adult, and at this point, he's the one responsible for his own actions. He was a grown man who wasn't living in his parent's house. How much control are they expected to have on him? How much knowledge of his every thought and action? I don't think anyone can say with complete honesty they've never lied to their parents, never did something that they knew was wrong or wouldn't meet with their approval. Certainly as teens especially, still living under their roof, we've all behaved in ways our parents wouldn't like, did things behind their backs despite knowing it was wrong, and then tried our best to hide it from them. Does that make them irresponsible, are all the poor decisions we make as children and then as adults their fault? Of course not. At what point do we own our own actions and stop holding others accountable.

I don't know whether or not he was loved as a child, if his mother held him enough, if they bonded, etc., but from what I've read so far, his parents were aware he had issues, he was forced to take the videos down from youtube, was under the care of several therapists, a social worker, and was even recently interviewed by police, who reportedly found him to be "polite" and "kind". They were obviously doing their best, within their power, to get him the help he needed. This wasn't a question of people in his life ignoring his behavior and not expressing a level of concern.

Lamenting over feeling lonely, venting about women and unhappiness, narcissism and self entitlement...none of that is against the law. Certainly there could be members on this very forum arrested for these exact things.

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With due respect to those who are asking me to comment on last night's tragic mass shooting at UCSB in Isla Vista, CA -- I no longer have anything to say about what is now part of normal American life.

Michael Moore

Apparently he did have a few things to say. Despite some of his inaccuracies, I still think his message is valid.

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Last night I learned that first he stabbed his three roommates to death before he went around shooting people, and while he was driving around shooting, he also struck three people with his car. So he used everything he had, except his fists, to hurt people.

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I dare McCoy to make that guy's pic his avatar.


And this dude wrote a fuckin' novel sized manifesto http://www.scribd.com/fullscreen/225960813?access_key=key-nKS6L3JwbdsgY3zycFSp&allow_share=true&escape=false&view_mode=scroll

What a hooray for tolerance!

Oh my god this psycho reminds me of miser more and more. Does that manifesto remind anyone else of his ramblings about his family and his childhood etc?

Do people still say "jerk"?

I was trying not to cuss in the topic title :P

Edited by Christinith
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Right now the police department in my city is raffling off a gun to raise money for the K-9 program. The raffle tickets are $10. I can't believe how stupid cops are! This totally blows my mind.

there is nothing wrong with owning a gun, or winning one

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Right now the police department in my city is raffling off a gun to raise money for the K-9 program. The raffle tickets are $10. I can't believe how stupid cops are! This totally blows my mind.

there is nothing wrong with owning a gun, or winning one

Someone without a background check or mental health evaluation can win a weapon. Doesn't seem like a good idea to me.

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Jesus, I can't stop reading his manifesto. I'll have it finished tonight. I know I shouldn't give the prick more attention but as a psych major (eh, who am I kidding, I suck at college!) I can't help but be fascinated. He comes across as so spoiled and privileged. Right now he is about 10 and threw a tantrum that he had to share his brand new PS2 with his younger sister. He is also obsessed with appearing "cool" at this point.

Edited by ZoSoRose
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Right now the police department in my city is raffling off a gun to raise money for the K-9 program. The raffle tickets are $10. I can't believe how stupid cops are! This totally blows my mind.

there is nothing wrong with owning a gun, or winning one

Someone without a background check or mental health evaluation can win a weapon. Doesn't seem like a good idea to me.

he also used knives an an automobile...and what about lawn mowers....

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Right now the police department in my city is raffling off a gun to raise money for the K-9 program. The raffle tickets are $10. I can't believe how stupid cops are! This totally blows my mind.

there is nothing wrong with owning a gun, or winning one

Someone without a background check or mental health evaluation can win a weapon. Doesn't seem like a good idea to me.

he also used knives an an automobile...and what about lawn mowers....

If he had used a lawnmower, that woulda been cool.

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It's not just a girlfriend he wanted. It wasn't just sex that he needed. He never bonded with his mother. He wanted to bond with a human. He was starved for that first bond of love and he could never make up for it. He never got it. That's the problem. When he was a baby, he never bonded with his mom. I think. When that happens with animals in the wild, the mothers generally kill the baby if the mother doesn't take to them, or she just leaves them to die.

You don't see this with adopted children so much because they are passed right over to someone that is going to take them. Even abused children are handled and loved at first. Even foster children are handled and loved. Something goes wrong in the wiring of people like this. I think it's the first few weeks. With this type killer, you find, looking back, that the bonding just didn't take place. He just wanted to be accepted, but so much more. Textbook actually. It's very sad for everyone. His parents are culpable in my opinion. He spent a lot of time taking all those video's expressing his loneliness. Seriously, if anyone you knew, your friends, your children, your friends children, posted video's like that, would you be in their face talking to them and not going away? Yes, yes you would. I would;

Why are we blaming the parents instead of the individual? I don't understand that mentality. This wasn't a child, he was an adult, and at this point, he's the one responsible for his own actions. He was a grown man who wasn't living in his parent's house. How much control are they expected to have on him? How much knowledge of his every thought and action? I don't think anyone can say with complete honesty they've never lied to their parents, never did something that they knew was wrong or wouldn't meet with their approval. Certainly as teens especially, still living under their roof, we've all behaved in ways our parents wouldn't like, did things behind their backs despite knowing it was wrong, and then tried our best to hide it from them. Does that make them irresponsible, are all the poor decisions we make as children and then as adults their fault? Of course not. At what point do we own our own actions and stop holding others accountable.

I don't know whether or not he was loved as a child, if his mother held him enough, if they bonded, etc., but from what I've read so far, his parents were aware he had issues, he was forced to take the videos down from youtube, was under the care of several therapists, a social worker, and was even recently interviewed by police, who reportedly found him to be "polite" and "kind". They were obviously doing their best, within their power, to get him the help he needed. This wasn't a question of people in his life ignoring his behavior and not expressing a level of concern.

Lamenting over feeling lonely, venting about women and unhappiness, narcissism and self entitlement...none of that is against the law. Certainly there could be members on this very forum arrested for these exact things.

I didn't mean to sound as though I blame the parents / mother. I guess it does read that way. I was only expressing my views of why he was so crazy. I don't think any amount of therapy would have helped him. I think he didn't bond with his mother because there was something wrong with him from the beginning. I think, let's say, a mother lion would have sensed this and would have killed him when he was a cub. I do agree with much of what you have said.

Also, it's not about what you want, it's about what you have and always striving to do more for others. That is where one grows as an individual. He never saw that. Some people are just born evil. I think he was one of them.

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(Saturday 05-24-14 at 11 AM)

ABC News is reporting that the attorney for the family of 22-year-old Elliot Rodger has confirmed he was the gunman who killed six people in Isla Vista Friday night before being killed.

The ABC News report quotes family attorney Alan Shifman as saying that either the family or a social worker who was seeing their son alerted the authorities at least a week ago about concerns and that a police agency actually investigated and interviewed Rodger.

Shifman says the family is devastated by what happened and offers their deepest condolences to the families of this extreme tragedy.

The ABC News report goes on to say that Elliot Rodger had what's believes to have been a highly functional form of Asperger's Syndrome and was being treated by multiple therapists and the social worker who was the one who called the authorities and alerted them.

Shifman says in the ABC News report that Rodger had been bullied in the past.

The family can be devastated all they like but at what point is it not also THEIR responsibility to ensure he is not a danger to himself, let alone anyone else? It's one thing to report to authorities about his mental instability but you can't just notify some government body and thereby relinquish yourself of all responsibility. I know the guy was 22 and therefore a grown adult, but when someone is that unstable and is clearly being vocal about it (ie, meaning its visible to everyone he comes in contact with) he shouldn't be in possession of car keys, or obviously a gun. That's a simple step that could have been taken that MIGHT have prevented the deaths of 6 innocent people.

For one, if he was my son (or even my brother) and was posing that much of a threat to himself and others that I felt it necessary to report it to the police I wouldn't allow him to be alone, I wouldn't allow him to get near a car and I wouldn't allow him the opportunity to have access alcohol or drugs.

Families need to be more involved in the health and well being of their loved ones. Not just palm it off onto 'authorities'. I suppose that's the easiest thing to do though right, when you're a Hollywood hotshot? Too many more important things to do than take control of your son's mental health.

While I don't think it was the parent's fault at all. It is true that a family only needs a couple of doctor's to testify before a judge and you can have someone committed to a lock down hospital. That is if you do have the mental illness history showing they are a danger to themselves and/or others to back it - or - if you have the money to pay the doctor's to say it's there. They did this to a couple of high profile child actor's lately. One was Amanda Bynes. They took away all of Britney Spears rights to her money. They definitely could have taken his car.

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He was starved for that first bond of love and he could never He spent a lot of time taking all those video's expressing his loneliness. Seriously, if anyone you knew, your friends, your children, your friends children, posted video's like that, would you be in their face talking to them and not going away? Yes, yes you would. I would;

He posted this three weeks ago:

"I temporarily took all of my Vlog's down due to the alarm it caused with some people in my family."

So obviously talking to him didn't help, and neither did the multiple therapists who were treating him.

And honestly, how different is he from several members who have posted here over the years? Craving attention, completely absorbed with social media, frequently online throughout the day, posting tons of pictures of themselves, constantly talking about their loneliness and failures, etc. We've had some people post some very disturbing shit here ... so what are we supposed to do? Should the mods report it to the police every time? Fact is, 99.99% of the people who say and do disturbing things aren't going to kill anybody. They could be fantasizing, they could be trolling, they could be venting, or they could just be seeking attention with no intention of actually doing anything violent. Therefore acting on every situation isn't a reasonable option. :shrugs:

Good point

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