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"Final Ride" - Sons of Anarchy Final Season Discussion

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Juice is the only one who knows Gemma killed Tara so that has to be revealed and I have a feeling the full story of how Gemma was involved in JT's death is going to cross paths. Juice going to the Mayans? We know Nero's going to get dragged in and he's at a breaking point.


Spoiler alert: The Oct. 7 episode of Sons of Anarchy finds Gemma (Katey Sagal) driving fragile Juice (Theo Rossi) to a location where she can presumably kill him, only he figures out her plan and ends up pointing her gun at her as she begs for her life. Rossi spoke to EW about the scene, that promo that shows Juice offering intel on SAMCRO to Alvarez, and the end of Sons.

EW: Let’s go back to episode four when Juice has that breakdown in front of Wendy and Gemma and admits he doesn’t like to be alone. You’re hoping that’s his low point, but isn’t?
Rossi: Definitely not. Not even close to the low point, sadly. I think it’s the true expression of what I felt he always was, which is just lonely. His loneliness, his wanting this family so bad, has been the reason for all his errors. This has never been a malicious guy, and some people don’t understand that. There are people who I challenge when they say, “Oh, Juice is a rat.” I’m like, “Where?” He’s actually talked to the cops less than Jax, less than Chibs, less than anybody. Anything he’s done has been to help other people, even Gemma: Before he processed what was going on, he was shooting someone [sheriff Roosevelt] that looked like he might be hurting Gemma. This is why Kurt [sutter]’s doing such an incredible job with this character: it’s almost like this trick that people believe that Juice has done these things wrong. He has, but if you really think about it, everything he’s done wrong is trying to make things right. When I’m playing him, I don’t ever feel like, “I’m going to really hurt this person.” It’s always just, “I gotta get myself out of this situation.”
At the end of that episode, when Juice and Gemma are both packing their guns for the trip, do you think he already knows that breakdown will likely lead to the confrontation we see in episode five?
I think at that point, he knows that the walls are getting really, really, really tight. We’ve talked many times about survival mode. Ultimately, no one cares about his well-being. At that point, whoever gets in his way—whoever it is—he has to be ready. The one person who truly has always had his back was Chibs, and if Chibs is saying “kill yourself,” why would he trust anybody else, ever?
What was it like filming that car scene with Katey?
We were so excited by it. There’s that turn, and you go, “Oh my God. These are two of the most unstable people. This can’t be good for anybody.” You know what’s coming, and there’s so much tension leading up to it. When it all goes down, it was just so much fun.
I know you won’t say how that situation is resolved, but we have already seen that promo in which Juice goes to Alvarez. What has the reaction been like from fans? If people believe that Juice is going to turn on the club in that way, I worry for you, the actor.
(Laughs) I worry for myself, the actor, as well. I was really surprised they showed that. First there was a lot of, “I knew it! The whole Latino/Hispanic thing, I knew he was going to do this.” And then a lot of, “Oh my god, I’m so happy because it means he’s still alive for a minute or two.” The love-hate balance for Juice is pretty incredible. You can truly feel such huge swings of emotion. Recently Kim [Coates] and I were at a charity event in Canada, and a guy came up to meet us, and he literally couldn’t even look at me. He was like, “I’m so mad at you, man. I don’t know how to be around you.” This was a fiftysomething-year-old business guy. I had to explain to the guy that one, it’s television, I’m an actor. (Laughs) And two, that it’s okay. I almost had to talk him off a ledge. A part of me was so happy, like wow, I somehow convinced this guy, through Kurt Sutter’s writing and this storyline, that this person’s almost real. And I remember the vitriol for Clay: If you were associated with the show, and you went to, like, Macy’s, someone would walk up to you and be like, “Make sure you kill Clay. You gotta kill Clay.” That was this amazing character that Ron [Perlman] created. So if you needed to give anyone more fuel to the fire, that promo with the Mayan stuff gave it to them. They’re like, “Nooo!” And it really keeps you so intrigued. So intrigued.
You brought up Clay. I remember Kurt saying once that Ron would ask him all the time, “Am I dying? Am I dying? Am I dying?” Do you find yourself doing that this season, or did he tell you at the beginning, “It’s going to get bad for Juice, but you’re going to be around for a while, so just ride it out?”
No, no, no, he never said that. I don’t think I’ve ever asked that question. Whatever is right for the character of Juice, I’m cool with. At the end of the day, this is Kurt’s vision from day one. He knows everything about these characters inside and out. As hard as I’ve worked, no matter what I feel, I will never know Juice Ortiz like he knows him. He’s put everything into him. If he felt that the character should die in episode three, episode five, then that’s the way it’s supposed to be. He’s changed my life, from beginning to end. I had a crew member who’s been there from Day 1 write me a note after watching the premiere, and he’s like, “Can you believe that you went from the guy with the diaper to a guy that holds this giant secret in his hand and is in this mix of Gemma and Jax?” Whatever Kurt writes—it can be the craziest, it could be the most beautiful—I just say, “Great, I can’t wait.” Because the truth is, I can’t wait. It’s just a compelling, complicated character.
In EW’s cover story on Sons, Kurt says a core character will be killed in episode 9 or 10—and that it’s not Juice. As we try to imagine how in the hell he survives that long (at least), how would you describe the road ahead?
I think it gets tremendously dark and tremendously sad. I think that there’s a huge point to it, and I think the point is that it’s not about betrayal, it’s about this life, this heightened reality we’re in. I think certain people can handle this club, certain people can’t. I think with Juice, it’s almost like, “God, how did he get into this world? How did this happen?” You see tortured characters on shows—like Reek or whatever his name is on Game of Thrones. A lot of those people are victims. Juice is not a victim—he’s a victim of his own circumstances, but ultimately he makes his own decisions. Yes, Jax told him to do certain things, [but he decides to do them] out of love and wanting a family. I think the reason people love him and hate him is because when he makes a decision, you go, “Oh, don’t do that! Why did you do that?” Or you go, “Oh, that’s so cool. I can’t believe you took that motorcycle from the cops and led everybody away!” They kind of hang with him at all times.
Executive producer Paris Barclay told me that his 80-year-old mother has said she’ll stop watching the show if anything happens to Juice. She’s going to be a wreck.
My mom and his mom were together at the premiere [last month]. It’s funny, my mom covered her eyes during the naked push-up scene but had no problem watching the fork in the head scene. My mom talks about Juice like he’s not me at all. She’s like, “He’s such an idiot. Why is he doing this?” And I’m like, “I don’t know.” With Paris’ mom, who I absolutely adore more than anything, she definitely has every reason to be concerned.
I remember when you shot those behind-the-scenes photos for EW last year, you told me that you always sit between Charlie Hunnam and Tommy Flanagan at table reads. I asked Tommy if that’s still the case this season, and he said it isn’t.
When we walked in this season, Charlie and I made a joke. We hugged each other and said, “This is probably the last time we’re ever going to truly talk.” We talk. We all talk. But the thing is, Juice is separated a little, so you kind of separate yourself a little. Like I made a conscious effort to sit in Tara’s seat for a while, and that’s on the [other] side of the table near Katey, and Dayton [Callie] and Drea [de Matteo]—we had that camaraderie over there. It’s so weird when you think about it, and listen, not all the time it works out: Some of these guest stars that come, they get so excited to be there, they’re not even looking and sit in Kurt’s seat. We always make a joke about it.
It feels like you’re getting a taste of what it’ll be like to say goodbye to the show when it ends before anyone else.
Starting season four, when that stuff started with Roosevelt, I always had separate days where I would not be with the club. The guys would all be shooting, and I’d be either at a back alley with Roosevelt or in a jail cell. There was that day that Juice decided to take his own life, where I was legitimately alone in scenes the entire day beginning to end. I got a feeling of what it was like to be alone. I was like, “This is weird.” None of the guys were there, I was going back to video village by myself. Season five was a similar thing, except with me and Clay. It would just be me and Ron at work. Season six, it started to happen, though not as much. Obviously this season plays out the way it plays out. It is definitely something that I’m feeling before everybody else, without a doubt.
How will you feel when the show ends?
There’s a part of me that’ll want to go be depressed and take a breath for the first time in a long time and really sit back and reflect on this. This is lightning in a bottle. You can get a popular show, you can get a show that’s good for two, three years. But I personally—and I watch a very good amount of television, especially for my company, I got two shows in development—I’ve never seen something like this. People live and die and hang on every episode. It gets bigger and bigger, and you can say that about a bunch of other shows, but not with the passion of this. Yes, there are shows—vampires and zombies—that have really big cult followings and they’re huge, but this seems to have a different thing. I’ve noticed it when we’re out: people almost don’t think we’re real. They see you, and they’re like, “Whoa. That’s the club.” Especially when we’re all together. They’re like, “Why are you guys here? Are you going to battle the One-Niners or something?” It’s like, “No, we’re just going to lunch.” This, on all levels—the merchandising, the heightened reality, the anti-hero, the almost superhero aspect of these guys—this is once in a lifetime stuff. To me, once it’s all done [airing] in December, it’s going to be crazy because there’s a lot of great stuff on television, but this is really special.
Fans are in denial about it ending.
I am too, as a fan. But you know what, it’s really, really, really satisfying what’s going down. I think that Kurt has his plan, and I think that it’s nothing that people would expect.
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Dat cliffhanger tho...

I was so hoping that Juice would pull that trigger on Gemma once and for all.

Times like this I wish I didn't view promo images. Kinda ruined any hopes of her meeting her end. But regardless of her dying or not, that was still a satisfying scene, because we got to see Gemma reduced to a blubbering mess begging for her life in the face of a potential death. Very cathartic.

Also, just something that kind of bothered me. I thought that the way Jax set up Lin and his men was clever, but I thought the way he gloated about it was so stupid. It's like the writers figured we (and Lin) couldn't piece together what had happened so they had Jax pull a villain-esque monologue where he explained the plan. Then the kind of cool moment was ruined by the fight, which actually showed promise. It seemed like Henry Lin actually had the upper hand against Jax at first, yet when the fight was over with, Jax didn't have a scratch on him and Henry was heavily damaged and bleeding profusely.

Seriously, that moment could have been one of the most epic in the entire show, and they ruined it by basically making Jax a video game character in god mode. He shrugs off every attack on him despite being hit by hard blows several times, and every hit he delivers does horrible damage to the guy he's against. Would it have killed them to at least have him get a black eye or a cut cheek, or something? Hell, they could have even made it out so that Lin was actually a weak fighter, always hiding behind his guys, but no, they painted him out like he was an expert fighter right off. So stupid.

Alright, that rant aside, it was quite an enjoyable episode. Lots of funny moments, too. Although, one more gripe I had was the ending: Why did Jax and the club do a drive by on the remaining triad members on their Harleys, in their kuttes? Seems like a really dumb idea to me.

Also, didn't Tig get shot like, yesterday? What happened with that? Eh, better stop before I get too critical again, haha.

EDIT: One more thing. Did anyone else notice that Jax threw his kutte on the ground before fighting Lin? Pretty sure that's a huge no no, regardless of how emotional you are at the moment. God, that scene was just so horrible.

Edited by Nulla Lex Ink.
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I know I said earlier in the thread that I don't make predictions about this show, but I will break that rule. I firmly believe that Gemma will not die this season until the last episode, if she dies at all.

I actually had Peggy Bundy flashbacks (virtually never happens for me) when she was running from the wrecked vehicle. For some reason, I didn't buy that begging stuff. It just didn't ring true to me. I'm sure it was supposed to, but I personally didn't buy it from Sagal.

@Nulla: Sutter seems to write the show where Jax never looses a fight. I think Galen beat him to a draw if I remember correctly. I thought Lin might pull some martial arts moves but alas, Jax overpowered him. I'm not sure what that is all about it. I don't think the Lin storyline is finished. I think the Sons may have the AB do something to the Chinese in jail. Just a guess.

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Ha! I totally forgot that Tig got shot last week.

That's okay, the writers did too apparently! :P

I know I said earlier in the thread that I don't make predictions about this show, but I will break that rule. I firmly believe that Gemma will not die this season until the last episode, if she dies at all.

I actually had Peggy Bundy flashbacks (virtually never happens for me) when she was running from the wrecked vehicle. For some reason, I didn't buy that begging stuff. It just didn't ring true to me. I'm sure it was supposed to, but I personally didn't buy it from Sagal.

@Nulla: Sutter seems to write the show where Jax never looses a fight. I think Galen beat him to a draw if I remember correctly. I thought Lin might pull some martial arts moves but alas, Jax overpowered him. I'm not sure what that is all about it. I don't think the Lin storyline is finished. I think the Sons may have the AB do something to the Chinese in jail. Just a guess.

I second that. I'll go even further, actually, and say that nobody of important will die until the last 3-5 episodes. I also get what you're saying when it comes to the flashbacks. I actually caught myself almost shouting "Run Peg!" Haha. I can see what you're saying about the begging though, but I thought the fear was pretty legit, even though we all know she'll find a way out of this in the end.

It's become very clear to me that Jax is basically Sutter's wish fulfillment avatar. I had suspicions before, but that fight scene just confirmed them. I'm also starting to think that it's no coincidence that almost every single person who fought Jax to a standstill or could pose a good fight against him (Clay, AJ, Kellan, Opie, Galen) is dead. The only one left is Nero, and with each episode it looks more and more likely he'll bite the bullet sooner or later. Hopefully he at least gets to put up another good fight against Jax beforehand, though. Should move on from the fighting though, I could go on about that for hours, haha. I also think that Lin's gang will be killed in prison, if not on screen then it will be mentioned. Regardless though, I was happy that for once Jax didn't get to do as he planned.

Gemma will die... They'll all die in the end. I don't think anyone gets out alive other than maybe Jax's kids (maybe not Abel) and Wendy.

How the hell Unser has lived this long (that's some cancer he's got) is beyond me.

I believe that, but I think some club members will be left standing. Who, I'm not sure, but I think they'll be there. I kind of hope Ratboy is one of the few left. It seems to me that he took over for the role that was originally intended for Half Sack, or I at least hope so. It seems like there was something big planned there, but we'll never know since the actor left and subsequently died a few years later. I'd also like it if Bobby and Chibs made it out, but I can already tell one of them is going to die before the end.

Speaking of, I think their "betrayal" is coming soon. Jax is supposed to learn of Tara's actual fate pretty soon, and I think once the club catches wind of it, Bobby and Chibs will decide to try and work it so Jax is out of the club. After all, West was killed because of Jax's misguided revenge quest. West wasn't a SAMCRO brother for long, but he was a brother all the same.

As for Unser, do the writers even remember he has cancer? I don't recall a mention of it so far this season. Regardless, watch the guy dying from day one outlive everyone else.

Also, please don't let Juice talking to the Mayans just be another set up by Jax, or Juice trying to get back in good with the club. That would be beyond stupid.

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As far as Unser having cancer, the medical pot must be really good shit. I don't think Juice could do anything at this point to be back in the club so he might be looking to destroy the thing he loves.

Sutter hasn't really forgotten anything because he had the outcome of the show planned a few seasons ago. He's also got two sons, it wouldn't surprise me if he has one that dies. Jax had a sibling.

There's 2 things Jax doesn't know, Juice and Nero each have one secret that can damage Gemma.

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As far as Unser having cancer, the medical pot must be really good shit. I don't think Juice could do anything at this point to be back in the club so he might be looking to destroy the thing he loves.

Sutter hasn't really forgotten anything because he had the outcome of the show planned a few seasons ago. He's also got two sons, it wouldn't surprise me if he has one that dies. Jax had a sibling.

There's 2 things Jax doesn't know, Juice and Nero each have one secret that can damage Gemma.

Hopefully you're right, but this show has done some stupid stuff in the past to save its characters. Need I remind everyone of the season four finale?

I actually read a long time ago that Sutter had a lot of the story planned out, but he also had to change a bunch of it, like making Opie live longer, killing Hale and Half Sack, stuff like that. But I agree, I see one of the siblings dying, most likely Abel since he seems to be getting a lot of focus lately. But regardless of if any of the Tellers die or not, I hope the secret about JT comes to light. That's been something hanging around from day one, and Jax needs to learn of it before everything comes to a close.

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I jumped ship with this show like 3 seasons ago. I hope everyone dies. They are all retarded and bad people

Good time to quit watching honestly. Also, if you think they had weird mentalities and bad morals in season four... Well, it's a good thing you didn't see season six. Let's just say that.

Honestly, I think everyone should die. They keep holding on to this stupid ass club. The club offers nothing in return to them and is like made of only a few people now. Its the opposite of bad ass, it is just pitiful and juvenile of them. Jax is a retard for not walking away the many times he could have as are the rest of them.

I say let em all die

EDIT- And I remember so many stupid parts that made me scratch my head. Like Opie finding out Tig and Clay killed his wife. He didn't do fucking nothing, he was all just like "meh, I gotta be here for my club. Fuck my kids and dead wife..." Are you shitting me? If someone killed my gf like that (and I fuckin' hate her guts right now), I would stop at nothing until justice was served.

And his death was retarded, and I heard about Tara, and Gemma is an idiot, etc. Yeah, fuck this show it just dragged on and got way too stupid. Would have been awesome as a 3-4 season show. Glad I jumped ship.

Edited by ZoSoRose
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I jumped ship with this show like 3 seasons ago. I hope everyone dies. They are all retarded and bad people

Good time to quit watching honestly. Also, if you think they had weird mentalities and bad morals in season four... Well, it's a good thing you didn't see season six. Let's just say that.

Honestly, I think everyone should die. They keep holding on to this stupid ass club. The club offers nothing in return to them and is like made of only a few people now. Its the opposite of bad ass, it is just pitiful and juvenile of them. Jax is a retard for not walking away the many times he could have as are the rest of them.

I say let em all die

EDIT- And I remember so many stupid parts that made me scratch my head. Like Opie finding out Tig and Clay killed his wife. He didn't do fucking nothing, he was all just like "meh, I gotta be here for my club. Fuck my kids and dead wife..." Are you shitting me? If someone killed my gf like that (and I fuckin' hate her guts right now), I would stop at nothing until justice was served.

And his death was retarded, and I heard about Tara, and Gemma is an idiot, etc. Yeah, fuck this show it just dragged on and got way too stupid. Would have been awesome as a 3-4 season show. Glad I jumped ship.


I agree with that. For awhile it seemed to have a nice Jax/Tara/Opie vs. Clay/Gemma/Tig dynamic going on, and then... Nothing. I think it's pretty obvious the original intention was for Sutter to kill Opie in the first season and have Donna leave with the kids. Plus there's the fact that a lot of storylines seem to be ignored or forgotten after awhile, which is a real shame, but ah well. Been with the show for a few years now, I might as well see it come to a close. Plus this season hasn't been the worst yet. At least it and its episodes aren't plus sized, haha.

Also, holy Christ, that really happened? I could have swore my eyes were just messing with me... Weird.

Anyways, this episode was alright, although it felt like it was building toward something, and then didn't fulfill that. Also, that ending was just plain horrible. Way to tease us. And then the promo... God, that seriously better not be what it looks like. Cool to hear there might be a patch over though.

But no Happy or Ratboy. That was weird.

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I was wondering with Wendy excusing herself to go to the bathroom if she was going to get high...


Fight - Marks and Lin are either done or gathering people. Bastards and Mayans have an uneasy relationship with the Sons, but the whole thing about patching one of the Grim Bastards to the Sons was interesting. Not sure how Manson's redneck crew are going to be worked into what seems to be a big gunfight blowout, or if it's going to be in prison.

Lea Michele as the waitress - not sure if that was a one time thing or she's going to be brought back, but there was a lot about her being a "nice girl" brought up. Not sure if this was just Gemma able to talk to a person and not dead Tara.

Juice obviously lives, but I wonder if he confessed who killed Tara. He came so close to telling Nero.
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The Gemma talking to dead Tara thing is getting retarded now.

Also, I don't get why it's so important for the police to get Gemma's testimony against the Chinese in Tara's case...after the whole Diosa massacre.

Also, why are the Sons allowed inside Diosa until the whole case is closed ?

I agree, they're handling it kind of shakily. It could have a certain level of context to it, like it did when Gemma was talking about Abel going to school after dropping him off. But at least it hasn't become Dexter level strange. I think that the writers are trying to make us think that Tara's case gets such high priority because she was a doctor while all of the men and women slaughtered were prostitutes and johns. The problem with that point of view is that they were in a legitimate escort business, so I'm pretty sure the cops, or the public for that matter, wouldn't be like "Eh, just a bunch of hookers, no biggy." Also, the Sons are allowed to do whatever they want, you should know this by now :P

Alright, so, I'm going to spoiler mark this next thing. There is very sensitive information within, so use caution when deciding whether or not to view it. Seriously. This one is huge.

We've recently been told that an important character will die in the 9th or 10th episode, and that it will not be Juice. There has been a theory going around that it will be Bobby, and the theory holds some water. The episode summary for the eighth episode says that Bobby is missing, being held captive by some rivals of the club. His actor also has not been seen filming recently, and he wasn't in some kind of photo shoot the cast recently did. Now, I'm hoping that it's not true, and think there's a good chance it might not be, since that would contradict with the whole "Planning against Jax" plot we were told about. Someone is throwing us off, and I hope this is the incorrect one.

Other than that, what's everyone think about this potential Grim Bastards patch over? Think it will happen? The club is running low on redshirts, haha.

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Pretty good episode. Sucks to see my prediction might be right though :(

Chibs is ready to rage. I didn't see the point of showing what was in the Tupperware.


I don't know if Jax gets everything revealed to him but it's definitely coming soon. Tully's guy in the cell with Juice, should be interesting to see if and how they get to Lin, and probably more Marilyn Manson next episode. Bobby was in the preview with an eyepatch (the new Otto?) so I think he's going to be around. And now that Abel's heard his grandma killed Tara, does he tell his dad, and will Jax also find out the truth about how his own father was killed?
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Pretty good episode. Sucks to see my prediction might be right though :(

Chibs is ready to rage. I didn't see the point of showing what was in the Tupperware.


I don't know if Jax gets everything revealed to him but it's definitely coming soon. Tully's guy in the cell with Juice, should be interesting to see if and how they get to Lin, and probably more Marilyn Manson next episode. Bobby was in the preview with an eyepatch (the new Otto?) so I think he's going to be around. And now that Abel's heard his grandma killed Tara, does he tell his dad, and will Jax also find out the truth about how his own father was killed?

I think all of that happens. Nero obviously plays a role in all of this, since he's the only one who knows Gemma's account about JT. Unser knows some, but I'm not sure if he knows Gemma's role. I think it's clever how they're creating multiple possibilities on how Jax will find out about Tara. Creates more tension.

Here's the preview for the next episode:


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More thoughts -

I wonder who Abel's going to tell - we haven't seen Courtney Love in a while.

Jury's probably going to put some doubt in Jax's head about who killed Tara but it might be along the lines of the letters from Ireland, where JT was worried about Clay and Gemma getting together. As far as we know, Nero is the only one who knows, but Jury would have been at his buddy's funeral and Clay & Gemma may have been a little too cozy. He's also furious at Jax for someone close to him being killed.

Once Jax realizes Lin is innocent, it's going to depend on how word gets to Tully and Juice.

I think Nero will live long enough to hear about how Tara was killed, and for some reason I don't see them making his special needs kid an orphan, unless they kill his son off.

There's a running thread of innocent lives being taken. Don't forget Jax lost his brother at a young age and it's not a good sign when Jax's son is named Abel. Gemma almost killed those kids when she drove off the road a few seasons back.

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