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For those familiar with Toronto's transit system, here was Doug Ford's vision for subway expansion that was released Friday:



Why it's so funny is due to the spelling mistakes. It's Don Mills, not Done Mills. And Eglinton is spelled with only one g.

Coma, good thing you never took me up on the offer to extend the bet. Looks like Toronto won't have Biff from the Back to the Future movies as our mayor.

Spelling mistakes aside, what do you think of the expansion plan?
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For those familiar with Toronto's transit system, here was Doug Ford's vision for subway expansion that was released Friday:



Why it's so funny is due to the spelling mistakes. It's Don Mills, not Done Mills. And Eglinton is spelled with only one g.

Coma, good thing you never took me up on the offer to extend the bet. Looks like Toronto won't have Biff from the Back to the Future movies as our mayor.

Spelling mistakes aside, what do you think of the expansion plan?

It's great, but I also think Jennifer Lawrence including me in the next round of her leaked pictures would be great too. In other words, it will never happen. Ford (either one) are not a consensus builders, almost everything they touched in the last four years was scorned by the rest of council.

I also don't think Tory's plan is feasible (and I'm not a fan of Chow's plan at all). But at this point I'm rooting for Tory as the compromise candidate. He's still a right-leaning politician without the baggage of the Fords. I expect him to at least work out solutions with council, which was something not possible the last four years. Premier Wynn is in power for the next five years - let's have a mayor who is actually liked at Queens Park.

What's your thoughts now that we're less than a month from the election?

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I hope the guy beats this. He is quite the character, and for some reason, I have grown to respect the guy.

Interesting enough and I don't mean this as a joke, more of a cautionary tail. Rob Ford smoked crack, more than he let on for sure, I also knew a guy that was into crack for a time. As "rare" as this cancer is (less than 1% of all cancers) he too had this one.

Correlation does not imply causation, or as some scientists and statisticians are known to say the plural of anecdote is not data.

Thank god someone is taking up for the crackheads!

Addiction is a disease that results from a chemical imbalance of the brain the same as bipolar or schizophrenia, but I suspect that you know this, and you just thought you were being clever.

EDIT: besides, you are just making shit up, I didn't defend crackheads.

Lol disease.
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I hope the guy beats this. He is quite the character, and for some reason, I have grown to respect the guy.

Interesting enough and I don't mean this as a joke, more of a cautionary tail. Rob Ford smoked crack, more than he let on for sure, I also knew a guy that was into crack for a time. As "rare" as this cancer is (less than 1% of all cancers) he too had this one.

Correlation does not imply causation, or as some scientists and statisticians are known to say the plural of anecdote is not data.

Thank god someone is taking up for the crackheads!

Addiction is a disease that results from a chemical imbalance of the brain the same as bipolar or schizophrenia, but I suspect that you know this, and you just thought you were being clever.

EDIT: besides, you are just making shit up, I didn't defend crackheads.

Lol disease.

LOL ignorance

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe I should have taken this bet too...

Mr. Ford has surged since its last poll, vaulting his support to 37 per cent of respondents from 33 per cent one week ago. Mr. Tory’s support fell from 43 per cent to 39 per cent. Ms. Chow went from 20 per cent to 22 per cent.

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Maybe I should have taken this bet too...

Mr. Ford has surged since its last poll, vaulting his support to 37 per cent of respondents from 33 per cent one week ago. Mr. Tory’s support fell from 43 per cent to 39 per cent. Ms. Chow went from 20 per cent to 22 per cent.

It's an outlier. A poll released yesterday, with a far bigger sample size, shows Tory at 42 percent support. I'll believe Doug is making headway when more polls substantiate this one.

But even if it's true, I think it will have the unintended consequence of pushing some soft supporters of Chow into Tory's camp.

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Doug's hit the ceiling of Ford support. Things like Doug's reaction at the Jewish community debate aren't going to help him either. "Some of my best medical practioners are Jews!" http://globalnews.ca/news/1599933/doug-ford-booed-at-mayoral-debate-over-comments-on-jewish-community/

It's Tory's to lose, but we've seen him fumble the ball at the goal line before.

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I don't know much about Ari, but man..the guy tells it the way others are afraid to around a mighty Ford.

The best part? Dougie can't handle it. He's not used to someone actually standing up to him.

"I'm not going to any more debates that Ari Goldkind attends" :cry:

Gotta love that! ^_^

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I don't know much about Ari, but man..the guy tells it the way others are afraid to around a mighty Ford.

The best part? Dougie can't handle it. He's not used to someone actually standing up to him.

"I'm not going to any more debates that Ari Goldkind attends" :cry:

Gotta love that! ^_^

I think Ari will be a threat in the next election for sure. He's very well spoken and good on camera. I don't know much else about him though It really doesn't make sense that they're adding him to the debate at this time though.

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Why not include Ari now?

Doug joined the race 3 1/2 minutes before deadline of registering.

Ari has made an initial impact based on his knowledge and eloquence, Doug is riding his brother's coattails .

If organizers want Ari to participate that's fine. However, other participants don't need to be there by force. Just the other day another candidate demanded to be included because she was a black female. Why wasn't she initially asked?

Doug started at 22% (yes because if Rob) but he's now in the high 30's and that's because of him.

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Why not include Ari now?

Doug joined the race 3 1/2 minutes before deadline of registering.

Ari has made an initial impact based on his knowledge and eloquence, Doug is riding his brother's coattails .

If organizers want Ari to participate that's fine. However, other participants don't need to be there by force. Just the other day another candidate demanded to be included because she was a black female. Why wasn't she initially asked?

Doug started at 22% (yes because if Rob) but he's now in the high 30's and that's because of him.

You would have to ask the organizers of the debate why she wasn't initially invited.

I would suspect that Ari was invited because he represents a candidate with the credentials that could carry him through a term as mayor and a man with concepts and ideas that are creating a stir and sparking conversation throughout the city in the short period of time since making his presence known. I would think that the organizers of the debate recognized that and felt that based on the strength of the impact he has made thus far (I mean, Ford Nation folk are predicting he will run in 4 years) that it would be in their best interest to dig a little deeper in to what the man represents in terms of their particular agenda is concerned within their community and as debate organizers. And from the sounds of things, he had some damn good ideas and willingness to work within those areas if elected.

He put himself forward to those folks while Doug was out puttering around in the Ford Nation camper.

I thought polls didn't mean shit to Ford Nation? :book:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Today's the day. I've been blasting Metallica's "For Whom the Bell Tolls" all day; symbolizing this city's relationship with the Ford Family (though, granted, Rob will likely win his old councillor seat back).

BTW, first time I think I've ever disagreed with John Oliver:



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Sad that Tory is only going to win because some people want the Fords out. Our city deserves better...

And "better" is Olivia Chow. So go ahead and make it happen.

Olivia Chow doesn't have a clue on how to run a campaign. She also took a lot of cheap shots and lost many potential votes of anti-ford people because of it. It could have been a much closer race for her. Glad she's gone after today. Will be interesting to see the state of the city a year from now with Tory in charge. I have nothing against him but have a feeling he's not all that great.

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Sad that Tory is only going to win because some people want the Fords out. Our city deserves better...

And "better" is Olivia Chow. So go ahead and make it happen.

Olivia Chow doesn't have a clue on how to run a campaign. She also took a lot of cheap shots and lost many potential votes of anti-ford people because of it. It could have been a much closer race for her. Glad she's gone after today. Will be interesting to see the state of the city a year from now with Tory in charge. I have nothing against him but have a feeling he's not all that great.

I don't really have a big problem with Doug from a policy perspective; I'll give the Fords credit for doing some good things. But the issue with Doug, as a result of his handling of his brother's drug addiction problems, is that he's now a toxic entity to other politicians. No one on the council wants to work with him, no one at Queens Park will return his calls, and the Ford's relationship with federal PC's ended when Flaherty died last year. I like Doug's subway plan, but he'll never have the willing partners at the provincial and federal level.

Tory knows all the key players and will likely have better relationships with the Premiere and PM. For that reason alone I think he's the better candidate. He's much more likely to get money from the province and Ottawa for transit and other things Toronto needs. And his agenda won't face the same headwinds as Ford's would on city council.

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Chow ran a shit campaign, absolutely. But running a campaign isn't running a city. She's gone, but it's too bad, as I think she would do a magnificent job running the city.

Tory seems ok, but he has some opinions that really scare me (most notably making calling Israel an Apartheid state a violation of the Human Rights code; not saying I would agree with that opinion, but making opinions human rights violations scares me a LOT, and says a lot to me about what role he sees the government taking). His victory tonight is a foregone conclusion, at this point, so I'll resign myself to seeing how he handles stuff.

And the Ford family are fucking terrifying. Their policies are reprehensible to me, but that's not the half of it; this idea that Toronto municipal governance is theirs to run a revolving door through, both in the mayor's office and in their Ward, disgusts me. I'm glad that they'll be forced out of the boss' chair, and I hope the people of Rob's ward do the right thing and turf the buffoon out of government all together.

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What are the odds Doug's concession speech will be conciliatory and respectful? :D

I think he'll be a good sport. No one expected him to keep it this close.

Glad to not have to hear Chow anymore.

I agree about Chow. While I support some of her policies, listening to her speak is difficult at times.

Doug did announce that his own "internal polls" showed him one point up. My bet is that he's shocked by the outcome. Both Rob and Doug seemed to have confused notoriety and support. But hey, we'll see...

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