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The love/sex/relationship thread


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I just need to explain that my ups and downs are not a reflection on her, but just that I am being exposed to a world that I had not known before.

Socially I'm now hanging out with a group of 30-40 year olds, when previously I became socially detatxhed and my interaction was limited.

I see her friends who have different life experience and a whole other level of social skills from 15 years of working in business etc.

I'm playing catch up and just feel so inferior compared to her friends.

Today was brushed off as "you've been up since 6am, and it's been 60 miles and all you've eaten is a small breakfast so you're tired and emotional because of the workload you've put in this morning"

Unfortunately that isn't the problem. It's so much more than me having a bad day. The worst thing is, when you feel like this you don't want to say it because you feel weak. Then you bury it and it gets worse. Then it comes out and people say that they never knew and why wasn't it mentioned.

If it's any consolation, with the 30-40 mates thing, i got the same problem. Working in property and that we gotta go networking and I'm in a good position where I'm in on the ground floor with a lot of the top end property people in this town and i get invited to all these country club networking things and like...it's another world to me and I can't really hack it truth be told. Just fuckin' feels uncomfortable as fuck man. Y'know, this ain't down the pub or hanging out with your mates watching football or like...those people ain't nothing to do with my social experience and like...this ain't an avenue where givin' it large particularly serves you well. So I'm like, proper stumped and that. But y'know what, it's literally just a case of getting on with it mate. No you ain't them and they ain't you but...thats kinda the case with everybody right? And just cuz these motherfuckers are from similar backgrounds don't mean to say they particularly all like each other or don't look down on each other within that sphere, whatever judgements or instances occur or feelings you get based on their responses to you, if they are ever at all negative, it'll be to do with just a person thing as opposed to like, you being beneath them or something.

And also, look, we're talking about business professionals here not Berlington Berties, this ain't fuckin' nobility or something, you ain't gonna have THAT much of a social divide, fuck me, first time i went to that country club i just went up to the bar, sat down and two of em were talking about the Chelsea game the other night and i was off. That social shit, end of the day mate it's just talking...and you've got an opinion, you got something about you, got something to say for yourself, fuck it, just shit your pants dive in and swim, whats the worse thats gonna happen, you're gonna say something that makes them realise you ain't a 40 something businessman with the power of schmooze, who gives a fuck really? People just talk about people shit really.

And also look at it this way, whats your real concern here, that they won't be interested in what you have to say, you won't be able to hold court or some shit? Well look, how interested are you in them and their shit either, really and truly? It's like an social gathering, whether its family or a party of just a disparate bunch of mates, there's always pairings and set ups within that that wouldn't work as well as another. You just need to get to that point in your head where it's like fuck that, I'm tired of this shit, i couldn't care if i had a massive hole in the centre of my face, I'm goin' out and doing this.

I promise you you'll be fine man, fella like you, you know what you're chatting about, it's not like Miser at the Milan Fashion Show or something.

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So, would seem my ex is with a new guy as per her Pinterest pins. Not sure though. It could be related to the Florida guy.

I'm not really sure if I care or not. We're supposed to possibly talk in August.

I'm not really looking to get with anyone else though anyway. Idk. I've sabotaged quite a few dates and have written several This I Loves about this girl. I don't know why.

I know why. So does Beyoncé. That girls's got you looking so crazy. You are simply not yourself lately. You're foolish, you don't do this. She got you so crazy in love. So crazy. Just very crazy. CRAZY.

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I know your life has been pretty good for a while, as well. Let's make this thread more positive.

I'm happily married and my wife and I are often taken aback by how happy we are and how amazingly in love we are.

I'm also about to start a really good job that I love, but that's for another thread.


Sounds like a really good set up for a horror flick...enter Miser into this idyllic picture, inflamed and disgrunted :lol: Edited by Len B'stard
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Sounds like Len has been intermingling with the upper middle classes, what I call 'Masons types'. It is a short step from dining at the country club, to finding yourself placing your car keys in a bowl.

It's all just the big nobs hanging round with other big nobs making connections cuz they know they'll help you out in the future. I was a bit fretty about going there the first time so i turned to our very own Tubby McLeod for some sage like advice and he offered the following: 'don't be a fuckin' tart!'. Quite helped actually, concise, succicint, functional :lol: Oddly enough the only Mason i know (or the only Mason i know to be a Mason) is a fucking plumber :lol: They just dress up in black suits and have a massive piss up :lol: I laugh because of all those bullshit theories about them being some secret illuminati world conquering group that pull the strings on any and every fuckin' thing goin'. It's just a fuckin' boys club.

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The ones who announce they are Masons are not proper Masons, like my granddad or my mate's dad who only attended one or two meetings. They just joined to, further their own career, climb up the social hierarchy, and not really because they believe in an ancient masonic brotherhood nonsense or anything.

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Am I a prick if I say that it just occurred to me that my life right now is probably the best it's been so far? I'm in my early 20s, get laid with different girls regularly, I hang out with my friends pretty much every day, party every weekend, have a great job and I'm doing great in school.

I just felt that this thread needed some positive vibes.

Man, I had no idea you were around my age. I always imagined you to be older.

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Am I a prick if I say that it just occurred to me that my life right now is probably the best it's been so far? I'm in my early 20s, get laid with different girls regularly, I hang out with my friends pretty much every day, party every weekend, have a great job and I'm doing great in school.

I just felt that this thread needed some positive vibes.

Man, I had no idea you were around my age. I always imagined you to be older.

Nah, I'm 22. Thanks for the compliment, though :)

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I've come to the conclusion that women pick males and males don't necessarily pick females.

I mean I don't have high standards. If a woman is willing to spread her legs, I'm in so long as she's legal.

The ladies are the ones who make the choices.

Speak for yourself, bro :P.

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Am I a prick if I say that it just occurred to me that my life right now is probably the best it's been so far? I'm in my early 20s, get laid with different girls regularly, I hang out with my friends pretty much every day, party every weekend, have a great job and I'm doing great in school.

I just felt that this thread needed some positive vibes.

Man, I had no idea you were around my age. I always imagined you to be older.

Nah, I'm 22. Thanks for the compliment, though :)

Sweet, Im 23

Anyways, my chick referred to us as dating. So, I guess we are dating. Im winging this as I go along...

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There we go, fucked things up big time.

How so? Just stay cool. It'll be okay.

She apparently can't take in what she's learnt about me this week - that I'm feeling insecure, and finding it hard to cope with other people being so unpleasant on holiday.

It's like she's checked out of this relationship and I'm the only one willing to fight. She's shown so little affection, and I needed a bit of care and love from somebody this week.

She's let me down at the most crucial time after I've supported her for so long.

Too bad you feel that way. I guess this means the honeymoon is over. (You know what I mean, the first period of happy happy in love). I think everyone has to get through that stage. It's where you decide if this is really something and someone worth going for. Don't despair, Chris, it was never going to be all roses. Do you know why she couldn't support you in the way you needed her to in the past week?

Anyway, I hope you can talk to her about it, and don't make any rash decisions. I hope you'll be able to sort things out. :hug:

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Her period is probably over by then.

:lol: Yes, that could be it too.

Seriously though, no one's perfect. You could just both be having a bad week. In the beginning of a relationship, it's harder to put that into perspective than when you've been together for a long time.

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The first vacation together is always interesting, especially if you haven't been together for a long time. It really brings out new sides in people, sides you don't see back in everyday routine. You might also have had slightly different expectations of what the holiday would be like, so you might have to reality check a bit and align your expectations.

But I really think your inferiority complex should be dealt with. There's a reason she wants to be with you. You might not understand it, but unless you believe she is crazy she has had a good look at you and decided you are good for her. Don't question it. Trust her decision. This is not about what you think about yourself, but what she thinks of you. And she obviously approves. And that should be a boost to anyone's confidence.

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Not ideal that we've been blanked by our holiday companions, the weather is making the roads too dangerous to cycle and we had £2k of stuff stolen when the villa was broken into.

I'm out of self pity and told her to pull herself together because she said she's incalable of holding relationships together. I'm more confident that things will get back on track, but I'm going to need to dominate this and push her away from her own insecurities.

That seems like the holiday from hell. No wonder everyone feels miserable. I'm confident you can sort it out though.

Like SM said, the first vacation is always a test, even more so if you're with other people that you don't really know well (have I got that right?), and then everything going wrong.

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