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KK's Man Cave Thread

Ace Nova

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Idont think anybody has been designing an area to be manly, all of the womyn in here are thinking too much.

We're guys, we don't have deep thoughts about this shit. We just say "I want a big tv, something to play tunes, a games console and a sofa - man cave sorted!"

*Other acceptable items include PC and fridge for beer

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Is it the term "man cave" that bothers people, or just the idea of one? My guy has an "office", his own room with his own computer, printer, fax machine, where he actually does a lot of his work from, decorated with sports memorabilia from his favorite teams, plus some trophies, awards and books he's acquired, etc. Some of these things were expensive and I don't dislike them, but I wouldn't want them displayed in my living room or bedroom either, so it's a win / win for both of us.

For me it's the term in the first place, but it also depends (strongly) on how it's put into practise. What you said - totally normal. But something actually designed to be as "manly" as possible just seems like overcompensating to me. Only a eunuch would need that.

For areas like the living room and bedroom, we picked out the main furniture pieces together. I was going more for style, of course his main concern was comfort, and there was a lot of compromising to finally agree on things we could both live with happily. The rest of the decorating - artwork on the walls, family photos, vases, candles, potpourri, curtains, linens, tablecloths, all the little knick knacky things girls love to put around the house - was pretty much all me. It's not overly feminine or frilly, but is definitely more my taste than his probably. So I was fine with giving him a room that he enjoyed setting up himself. I even bought some of the sports stuff for him, autographed framed prints and official gear, some ridiculously pricey, but he loves it. We don't call it his man cave, but essentially that's what it is. It's definitely a "manly" room, definitely not my taste at all, and definitely has nothing to do with feeling like he doesn't have a dick. It's a space that reflects his interests and personality that he enjoys being in while he's working or watching a game or just needing a little time to himself to decompress after a stressful day.

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When you're in a relationship and live together, you don't magically become a single entity. It' perfectly fine to have areas and items in the house that are intended for one of the parties exclusively.


I personally have no problem with guy stuff. I probably like more things considered 'guy' stuff, then he does. But I don't really like 'stuff' in my house at all and neither does he. The furniture and some art is enough. We do have books on display though, the ones we often read. Photography artbooks, a book about F1 racing, the Beatles, Soccer stuff like that. I just happen to like a lot of things considered 'guy' stuff. So we never have fights over that. I don't mind him having some things on display in the livingroom, which means a lot to him. Afterall It's his livingroom as well. His stuff is actually pretty cool. He used to race and won some prizes. Now I love racing, so he can have it on display. Like I love my artphotography books. It's just give and take.

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If I'm paying the fuckin' mortgage then excuse me but the whole house is fuckin' mine :lol: House Rules for a start, right, in any decent household the bloke gets early morning bathroom dibs, the seat at the centre of the table, the biggest portion of the food, the remote control, there is a structure to this shit, you don't just come outta nowhere and fiddle with thousands of years of evolution, that shit is like that cuz it works, gosh darn your souls. Dads in charge, standard.

Just what you need is to come home off the fuckin' shift and it's all like you can't do this that and the other, fuck that, I'm dropping my trousers at the door, un-doing my collar, barging you off the sofa with my arse, farting, eating crisps, all of that, I've been getting the needle all day at work so nevermind all that bollocks and get dinner on the table :lol:

Honestly, there's a time for caring and sharing and all that shit...and thats after dinner, that you're gonna make :lol: Honestly, what happened to that old principle of doing for your fellow man...man...MAN!! Even the saying says man! :lol:

Edited by Len B'stard
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A games room/entertainment room is not necessarily a man cave and vice versa

Criticism of the concept is usually based on the interpretation that in a house one room is reserved as a mancave, in affect offering a single space, isolated from the rest of the home, where a man can be 'manly' and have his things which are somehow unwelcome in the rest of the home. The rest of the home in question being dominated decor wise by the woman.

Its a form of seclusion, as though the mans taste and things he enjoys are somehow shameful.

Its not dissimilar from the idea of a woman's place in the home being the kitchen.

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I wish I had my very own room. All mine. Preferably sound proof so I can blast the music I like instead of waiting until I'm in my car going to work, lots of candles, big fluffy pillows, a deep rich mauve color paint on the walls, pictures of great nights out with me and my girlfriends, maybe a few of Slash too, funny / sentimental / inspirational cards and quotes not tucked away in some drawer, my own tv and dvd player to watch my guilty pleasures, numerous times if I want, without getting an eye roll, and oh, to have all my shoes and handbags and bottles of perfume all lined up on open shelves for easy access...that would be a dream. Oh well, next time I'll have to get a place with two spare rooms.

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Is it the term "man cave" that bothers people, or just the idea of one? My guy has an "office", his own room with his own computer, printer, fax machine, where he actually does a lot of his work from, decorated with sports memorabilia from his favorite teams, plus some trophies, awards and books he's acquired, etc. Some of these things were expensive and I don't dislike them, but I wouldn't want them displayed in my living room or bedroom either, so it's a win / win for both of us.

I'm not privy to your relationship or living arrangements but on the presumption that the two of you pay the mortgage is it not correct to say that the living room/bedroom is shared equally between you and therefore not "yours".

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I'm blown away by some deductions about how mancaves are apparently some weird, Freudian, overcompensatory, "freeing from the chains of emasculation" kinda thing. Things like that say more about the speaker than they do the person they're saying it to.

I don't have a mancave. Maybe one day I will. I would put a real, brick pizza oven, and House Of The Dead 3 arcade game. And beer, lots and lots of beer.

Edited by Roush
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I'd like my own bedroom, I know that practicality dictates that most couples share a bedroom but I think it's a bit of a rubbish concept. I sleep twice as well when I'm alone. Our body clocks are different too, I like staying up late, he likes to be breezy and joyful at 6 am. Not sure why we buy into all this shared sleeping thing, it's probably about sex but you can do that pretty much anytime...why spend the whole night?

I'm grumpy this morning, I want to still be asleep. :-(

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I would like my own man cave. Pretty sure it would totally look like that.

I want my comics, my music books, my fantasy books, my photography books, a place for the scotch, cognac and armagnac. I would put trashy posters on the wall, like Rocky, GNR or Terminator, for certain some Marvel. My signed Slash photo ofcourse and a painting from Herman Brood (dutch painter and singer, rip). I would love an old arcade game as well (preferably mortal combat or marvel). I also would like a fridge, oven and a really great coffeemachine in there.

Only thing, I probably use some pink in that room, just to make sure the room is mine. ;)

Edited by MB.
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When men marry they sort of, let the woman in their life extinguish their personality. They insist on a shared bedroom but the problem with this is, it naturally takes on the frilly trappings of femininity. Thus the the comic books, film posters and sports memorabilia, natural accouterments of a masculine office (what we have adorned our rooms since childhood in truth) are usually assigned to the loft (or worse) unless, a few lucky souls establish one of these, 'man caves'. In their place comes, sparse interior, flowey paper with just a few photos in picture frames and a mirror perhaps; a nice white or beige frilly bedspread also, replacing the Star Wars or ___(place favourite sportsteam) bedspread that men grew up with.

It is a weird thing - and rather new concept because, for thousands of years, in many societies, husband and wives had separate habitations in a house.

Edited by DieselDaisy
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When men marry they sort of, let the woman in their life extinguish their personality. They insist on a shared bedroom but the problem with this is, it naturally takes on the frilly trappings of femininity. Thus the the comic books, film posters and sports memorabilia, natural accouterments of a masculine office (what we have adorned our rooms since childhood in truth) are usually assigned to the loft (or worse) unless, a few lucky souls establish one of these, 'man caves'. In their place comes, sparse interior, flowey paper with just a few photos in picture frames and a mirror perhaps; a nice white or beige frilly bedspread also, replacing the Star Wars or ___(place favourite sportsteam) bedspread that men grew up with.

It is a weird thing - and rather new concept because, for thousands of years, in many societies, husband and wives had separate habitations in a house.

My husband vetoed my Axl duvet cover so I refused his Wendy James posters. We compromised on white with a hint of flower. :-p

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