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Classic or Pushing the Envelope - what would you like to see on a new album?

What style would you prefer on the 15 album?  

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Personal definitions aside, just looking at the overall picture - what would you as a "fan" to prefer to hear on a GnR album in 2015?

Since CD is all we can really go off of, that album seemed to have two different vibes to it. One group that sounded more like classic GnR. And one vibe that was Axl pushing "his" envelope a bit. (I didn't say pushing rock musical's envelope, so let's leave the insults aside about that - I'm talking changing up HIS style a bit).

Which of these two groups would you like to see the 15 album sound more like?

SOD, Catcher, Twat, IRS, Prostitute


Shacklers, Rhiad, Better, Scraped, OMG

I'd take a mixture of both, but with more songs like the first group.

Basically, would you prefer Axl-ballad type songs and classic "rock" type ..................or Axl expanding his normal stuff and songs like Shacklers, etc.

Edited by Apollo
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Classic. Not that i got anything against pushing the envelope, it's just Axls taste in music is shit and he'll make a mess of it and on the other side of the coin, i know i like the classic sound so fuck it, no point in just idle experimentation, especially since Axl never really got decent mileage out of the original sound, what, one album and an EP?

And y'know, you can expand of experiment in subtle ways, if you look at The Beatles or The Stones, each album was slightly different, had SOMETHING different about it, subtle stuff. Point being you gotta baby step this shit, bed in each phase really well before you move onto the other. Problem with that is it requires regular output and some serious touring and airing out of new matierial.

People look at all those old classic bands but totally miss the fact that they were really slow and steady in terms of like, their expanding on shit.

I'd like to see a groove heavy, blues tinged, highly energetic and quintessentially American rock n roll album out of them. Loose but concentrated, focus on the interchange between lead and rhythm and above all, STOP FUCKING MOANING! I don't care if you've got the hump with your old guitarist or some bird gave you sack 20 years ago, stop trying to be deep and profound like Madagascar and Catcher in the Rye cuz you're no good at it. And completely get rid of the Metal aspect.

So, y'know, you don't have to be Stalinist about it, you don't have to make a Ramones album, shit, even get some horns and some pi-annah in there if you feel like it but lay of the fuckin' bleepy bloopy Chris Pittman space age Dr Who bullshit cuz it's crap.

Going back for a moment to the thing about baby steps with experimentation, it's fucking essential because if you just kinda half deal with your core thing then what ends up happening is what you move onto becomes flimsy because it's what you learn in having fully explored your original schtick that equips you musically with a strong enough foundation to then experiment from, otherwise it's trying to do Algebra before you've mastered adding up.

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It's like Kung Fu or some shit, you gotta master one thing to do something productive when you move on up, going back to The Beatles again, they didn't just suddenly make Rubber Soul and all them outta nowhere, they'd been playing rock n roll since forever, not just rock n roll, like soul and all these standards, they were like a jukebox, from their hamburg days, any number of obscure songs you could name em and they'd bash em right out for ya, they made their bones playing weddings, parties etc, then on tour in England CONSTANTLY, then in America and over the world, by the time of the mid 60s when they were ready to explore and experiment it wasn't cuz it was the done thing, it was because they really had exhausted their particular thing, they'd done everything they could with it and they had all these chops and nothing to do with them anymore just staying strictly within that traditional sphere.

But see that requires hardwork, something Axl appears to be allergic to.

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A blend of the two, since you can't have a Guns album without at least one ballad. ChiDem had a lot of variety in it with tracks like Shackler's, If the World, I.R.S. and Madagascar, so it didn't feel like an AC/DC album where each song on an album sounds identical to the last. I'd just drop the cheesy junk like This I Love for something heavier.

Bring back the industrial instrumentation, I'm curious what Axl can do with it :P

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I voted for songs like Riad, Scraped and Shackler's.

Look, as much as I love the epic ballads on CD, I'm looking forward to the heavier and darker side, stuff in the vein of Riad, Scraped, Shackler's Revenge, Oh My God, Silkworms, etc.

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I would like Axl to put away his NIN and Queen albums and rediscover ACDC and Lizzy, if that is what you mean? It is almost easy to forget that the sound of Axl's voice against bluesy riffs - free of overdubs - is what made the guy great in the first place.

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I'd prefer the TWAT/CITR/Prostitute style if the rockers on the next album are similar to CD/Shacklers/Riad, but I've noticed no one really mentions Sorry anymore. It's kind of a middle ground between the two styles but it'd be awesome if they went somewhere heavier with that kind of song.

I like Oh My God but if it's on the next album, it should only be on a deluxe edition or something (with the TIL remix).

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I'd be interested to hear some extended cuts of his experimenting... I absolutely dig every track on CD but half of Scraped is a bit weak. He doesn't seem to have found the middleground between the classic rock approach and the experimental bubbles... he needs to merge them though perhaps he has lost the components of that direction with Finck and Bucket going. He better have some finished structures from the CD sessions or he might as well abandon it and go full classic, either way I'd be delighted to just hear something post-2007 from the fucker, it's bound to be 'good' at the very least.

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im not sure axl could really push the envelope. the guy is 50+ years old and living comfortably sheltered life. if this was 15-20 years ago i would definitely want to hear him go in a more experimental direction. if i go choose i would like to hear axl go heavier. i would love to hear his vocals over some sabbath like riffs i think it would fit his vocals perfectly. as to the question, i guess twat, prostitute, sod route

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