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RUMOR: The Original Lineup Will Tour, Then Axl Will Retire

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But he has worked hard in a mental sense, at moving on and being peaceful, free from that weight if you will... I know he hasn't got much to show for it but I just get this sense everytime I saw him since 2001 on videos, he is much lighter and a new person from those times, and very happy to be rid of them, he was a work in progress as was his demented crusade toward 2011 where he just seemed to stop giving fucks.

And yes I agree Axl can contradict himself but not on something as heavy and pregnant as the 'Who is GNR/who drove GNR/who reached for the stars for GNR and took the fall etc, the sheer investment and emotion he put into new gnr, and knowing his track record of pure single mindedness on issues relating to this band, I don't ever see him sharing a stage with Slash, Duff and Izzy are about a hundred levels below his ire and emotional minefield with Slash, do you honestly believe he would agree to 'no CD songs, no CD era songs on a record, no tinkering with that old experimental Axl crap'... there is literally no way in hell that Axl changes his ambitions toward the band and agrees to a stunted, paint by the numbers reunion tour and hollow record... I just cannot see him throwing in the towel because his 'Axltime' has cost another two members, I see another residency, two new guys and a new record in about five years which just consists of CD era retinkered and maybe a handful of new songs.

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I would lose mountains of respect for the guy if he just blew away everything and reunited for some dough and suddenly begin making music with the old guys, it just wouldn't make any damn sense.

I can see a valid theory in 'can't be arsed replacing more members, so says fuck it and just goes back to the old guys... but this just is not axl to me so I can't see it as happening but Axl has been a ghost for four years, so maybe he gave up in 2011 to be honest he hasn't done anything or shown anything progressive since then so I would concede he is not exactly firing on all cylinders for new gnr since then.

Edited by RandallFlagg
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Tbf when this original news saying the band would be dissolved and members allowed to do their own thing, our reaction was to call bullshit. That turned out to be considerably accurate though.

That is weird though Manets. It says Axl thinks his voice is gone and is not willing to appear live anymore - so, because of that, he is booking a tour with the old band. Doesn't make much sense.

Yeah, I know. I found this rumor weird as well.

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I don't see why these guys don't want to take the money. The music industry has been ripping off artists since forever. When a band has the sledgehammer, they'd be smart to use it. Do it for the fans, do it for themselves, and and do it to take a mountain of money from men that would take it from you if given the chance.

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I would lose mountains of respect for the guy if he just blew away everything and reunited for some dough and suddenly begin making music with the old guys, it just wouldn't make any damn sense.

I can see a valid theory in 'can't be arsed replacing more members, so says fuck it and just goes back to the old guys... but this just is not axl to me so I can't see it as happening but Axl has been a ghost for four years, so maybe he gave up in 2011 to be honest he hasn't done anything or shown anything progressive since then so I would concede he is not exactly firing on all cylinders for new gnr since then.

I agree with absolutely all your posts, but there's only one way that that would happen: Axl feels Slash truly and honestly made amends for his transgressions. That's the only way. If that happened, I can see Axl being open to most anything. But without that, Axl pushes on with NewGNR or settles back into a life of relaxation.

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I don't know Pennywise, even if Slash apologized and they thrashed it out, he's dug a pretty deep trench since then, to just bypass the whole 10 year slog touring and recording and releasing that album which represented so much catharsis and new territory, it redefined his whole relationship and comprehension of this band ya know... it would seem like he'd pissed in the wind for that amount of time only to relent and give in for the predictable paint by the numbers classic rock band reunion and cash grab tour... seems very cheap if he chose that route because he can't understand why AXLTIME means he loses band members who are perfectly suited to his vision and have plenty to offer for new GNR if only he'd speed the hell up and get a grip his mystique and unending tinkering can't outrun time or patience.

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How is this shit left up when an identical rumor thread was closed down?

[RUMOR] - Axl to retire after GNR reunion?


It's a fair topic to discuss but, I'm not sure why the other one was closed. Maybe the mods are biased towards certain people on here?
Who are the mods biased for?
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One of the rumors we got was about Slash needing to finalize his split or whatever with Perla

Just a quick question...does Axl split everything with Erin on work he completed prior to their divorce. like AFD royalties...do they get split 50/50 since Axl didn't have her sign a prenup?

I believe Erin gets nothing since the marriage was annulled...read that somewhere, not sure if it's true.

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One of the rumors we got was about Slash needing to finalize his split or whatever with Perla

Just a quick question...does Axl split everything with Erin on work he completed prior to their divorce. like AFD royalties...do they get split 50/50 since Axl didn't have her sign a prenup?

I believe Erin gets nothing since the marriage was annulled...read that somewhere, not sure if it's true.

That's good for Axl's finances, but I'm sure he's given his fair share to her over settlements. I just listened to an interview where Axl said he didn't have her sign anything, so I was wondering.

And apparently Slash isn't touching a reunion until Perla is out. So I guess it's not completely off topic haha

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Horseshit. Axl said he's not going anywhere. A few good years left hopefully.

Could be reunion touring years?

The label will want to release something to go with any tour. Best of with one new final track or new full album.

Serms like cash grab without album but who's going to complain.

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I would lose mountains of respect for the guy if he just blew away everything and reunited for some dough and suddenly begin making music with the old guys, it just wouldn't make any damn sense.

It makes perfect sense, he failed to deliver his vision and has accepted that the old version was the better one. It just took him 20 years to see what 99% of the planet already knew.

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One of the rumors we got was about Slash needing to finalize his split or whatever with Perla

Just a quick question...does Axl split everything with Erin on work he completed prior to their divorce. like AFD royalties...do they get split 50/50 since Axl didn't have her sign a prenup?

I believe Erin gets nothing since the marriage was annulled...read that somewhere, not sure if it's true.

An annulment voids all claims to community property, alimony etc.and Axl's marriage was indeed annuled.

Plus, community property only applies to the assets created and fixed in place during the marriage. Not while the couple was dating or engaged. Axl and Erin were married -- just had to Google it -- from mid-1990 to very early 1991. That's after AfD and Lies and before the Illusions, so there wouldn't have been any albums Erin could have claimed anyway. And GnR wasn't touring in 1990 -- all the performances they did were for charity or in a volunteer capacity -- so there weren't any tour proceeds in the community chest either.

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So Slash will want divorce over before reunion. Because you know he would do stuff that Perla could divorce for on a GNR tour. So I was on tour with GNR...okay ive heard enough hand over your balls to the lady.

CA has no fault divorce. In other words, there doesn't have to be proof of wrongdoing on either side. There doesn't have to be mutual consent to divorce, either. In addition the community property 50-50 split is the law; they don't change those percentages based on anyone's actions.

I don't know if the clock stops on community property once the divorce is filed...I don't think so. So he would probably want that divorce to be finalized before he embarks on any sort of major project so Perla won't have any claim to his money. Especially something like a GnR tour that could bring in millions of dollars.

Edited by stella
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Right, first off. In the world of GnR the ONLY right attitude is "I'll believe it once it's ACTUALLY happening".

As for the voice matter - seems plausible. Because let's face it - Axl has been on and off ever since 2001. The best years were probably 2006, 2007 and 2010 overall. But Especially the last few have been.... unreliable. Let's put it that way. From full micky to full step throat to decent. But never even near his 1993 level for a full concert. So that part, I could believe.

That said, I can't imagine it only being a small tour. I think a lot of people will feel MORE cheated by that than by not having a reunion at all. There'd be way too many people wanting to attend. If I'd be them, I'd probably just make sure it's stretched out carefully. With enough time in between to recover etc. That, and be fit. This is NOT the kind of deal that deserves to be done half-arsed. #lessBloated

And yes, I'd definitely go.

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It's true. They will reunite. In 2016 they will record a double album as well as have AFD remastered. In 2017 they will tour to support the release of a remasterd AFD for the 30th anniversary as well as the new double album.

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