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Coachella intro tape?

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Teddy sniffing glue, he was 12 years old
Fell from the roof on East Two-nine
Cathy was 11 when she pulled the plug
On 26 reds and a bottle of wine
Bobby got leukemia, 14 years old
He looked like 65 when he died
He was a friend of mine

People who died :-D

Best Intro song


Evrybody Knows - Leonard Cohen. Legend

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Intro to Coma,

"You wanted the best.... 20 fucking years later... From Hollywood... GUNS N' FUCKIN' ROSES!!"

Straight in to Nightrain...

If I were them, I'd have a shit load of video and audio from 87-93, then a bunch of video and audio from all the shit they talked about each other up to and including "Not in this lifetime"

A combo of these two.

87-93 footage. Fade to black. "You wanted the best...". Nightrain.


If I were them, I'd have a shit load of video and audio from 87-93, then a bunch of video and audio from all the shit they talked about each other up to and including "Not in this lifetime"

How fucking awesome would that be :lol:

I think that would be fantastic and show they have a sense of humour. That's my favourite idea of the bunch. Compile a bunch of times over the years they've all been asked the reunion question. It would start out very negative and work to where it's been eased off. An Axl voiceover could be inserted in place of video where it was a written interview.

If I were them, I'd have a shit load of video and audio from 87-93, then a bunch of video and audio from all the shit they talked about each other up to and including "Not in this lifetime"

Incredible idea.

Please someone forward this to genius "manager" Fernando.

If I were them, I'd have a shit load of video and audio from 87-93, then a bunch of video and audio from all the shit they talked about each other up to and including "Not in this lifetime"

Great fuckin' idea!

Messed around a bit with the idea this morning. This was simply done for FUN so please go easy on it:


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I'm sure they will open playing a bit of motley crue's Wild Side, they love that band :lol:

Well, I think there will be a video intro and then the "You know where the f you areee?", 99% sure they will open with Jungle

I hope they DON'T open with Jungle. Open with a deep cut but rock it to the max..something like rndth, pretty tied up or don't damn me.

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If I were them, I'd have a shit load of video and audio from 87-93, then a bunch of video and audio from all the shit they talked about each other up to and including "Not in this lifetime"

This and the Live Like a Suicide. "Hey fuckers, suck on Guns N Fucking Roses.

Edited by fantomas
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If I were them, I'd have a shit load of video and audio from 87-93, then a bunch of video and audio from all the shit they talked about each other up to and including "Not in this lifetime"

This and the Live Like a Suicide. "Hey fuckers, suck on Guns N Fucking Roses.

the clip where axl states, 'not in this lifetime' would be depressing to watch. It would make the show seem weird.

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If I were them, I'd have a shit load of video and audio from 87-93, then a bunch of video and audio from all the shit they talked about each other up to and including "Not in this lifetime"

This and the Live Like a Suicide. "Hey fuckers, suck on Guns N Fucking Roses.

the clip where axl states, 'not in this lifetime' would be depressing to watch. It would make the show seem weird.

I toyed around and made a version of my idea:


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Man, that's cool!! Great job! The only thing that, I, personally, would change, is taking out the sound of the crowd when they're speaking. It makes it too hard to hear. Plus, the crowd at the show would overpower it if the crowd sounds were left in. Am I making any sense? I know it sounds a little awkward when I try to type what I'm thinking sometimes! LOL ;)

If I were them, I'd have a shit load of video and audio from 87-93, then a bunch of video and audio from all the shit they talked about each other up to and including "Not in this lifetime"

Great fuckin' idea!

Messed around a bit with the idea this morning. This was simply done for FUN so please go easy on it:


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Man, that's cool!! Great job! The only thing that, I, personally, would change, is taking out the sound of the crowd when they're speaking. It makes it too hard to hear. Plus, the crowd at the show would overpower it if the crowd sounds were left in. Am I making any sense? I know it sounds a little awkward when I try to type what I'm thinking sometimes! LOL ;)

I added the crowd noise at the last second just for fun, here's the same clip without the crowd noise:


Let me know what you think.

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