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Izzy Out.....

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7 minutes ago, T-Minus said:

It is intriguing.  Surely Axl will want 3 guitarists in the band, especially if he is going to play CD era stuff.  None of the CD material has been played without 3 guitarists. 


It's highly unlikely Izzy would have agreed to play CD material and having two guitarists alongside Slash for the whole show defeats the object of having him back. He ain't sharing his solos with anyone.

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1 minute ago, Stress Fracture said:


It's highly unlikely Izzy would have agreed to play CD material and having two guitarists alongside Slash for the whole show defeats the object of having him back. He ain't sharing his solos with anyone.

I never said that anyone should share the solos.  They shouldn't...


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27 minutes ago, T-Minus said:

Maybe there was some truth in the Kushner talk?

The Kushner talk was nothing more than him tweeting with excitement about the whole thing & people reading too much into it. A prime example of what I was referring to up thread. Nothing wrong with speculating & reading between the lines but 'The Kushner Incident' even made inclusion on online news reports as his 'potential involvement' all off the back of a couple of tweets & people subsequently turning them over and over online to 'prove' that they were 'clues' as to his inclusion.

I don't think there was every any thought of Kushner being involved from the GNR camp. Surely when putting this together, the choices for rhythm guitar would have been Izzy, Gilby, Fortus. All of whom have a greater claim to the gig than anyone else before they started looking elsewhere.

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It really shouldn't be this hard to get 5 guys together.  The only thing that makes it interesting is the fairy tale of possibly making one more album and  putting back together one of rocks greatest bands after  a vicious 20 year feud.  It's fair to say the music world and the fans view this as GNR's swan song.  There final farewell and one last chance to be the worlds most epic rock band.  They have all this positive momentum going and really all they have to do is get the original guys together, be in somewhat respectable shape and play a 2 hr set of 30 year old songs to turn back the clock for a handful of concerts and they will be praised and the whole thing will be succesful.   It will cement there legacy, give the fans and media what they want and they will make heaps of $.   Then they can all sail away into the sunset and go out on top.  Storybook  

Or.....they can show up lazy unprepared and disorganized or worse with some gnr hybrid band risk losing everyone's interest and be scrutinized and ridiculed for the rest of there lives.  Hopefully for there own best interests and for all of the fans that love them. They  will see this as there last chance.  Hopefully  they are working there asses off for this because it will be sad if this turns into a disaster.  Not having Izzy is a big blow to whole concept and spirit of what made this reunion great in the first place. I know Myself and many others was/am hoping/expecting there would be some kind of cohesion between axl,slash,duff,izzy,adler in order to capture the spirit of gnr and to make the concerts a great and very meaningful experience.  I think this could be awesome I really hope they don't fuck it up. 

Edited by HiredGun
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It's really not a surprise, is it? Izzy's kept a low profile for the past 30 years, overall. He did the Juju Hounds and some guest gigs here and there but he's shown no real interest in joining ANY other band or performing regularly. People like Marc Canter have said that he really didn't like being in the spotlight when GnR was big. The odds of having him actually join this reunion were probably negligible. 

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I'm more concerned with the "whys". Has an offer been made, are they negotiating, is there any actual interest on his part, is it a ruse on the bands part...

If he gets along well with all of them its strange to me that nothing had been set. Is it possible he wants a bigger pay day? Something just doesn't sit right with me and I'm not fully believing what we are hearing. I feel like izzy is being told or asked to throw everyone off...

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It doesn't make a lot of sense how this is being managed.  These guys are hard rock musicians in there fifties, how many more chances to play these venues are they gunna get.  Like it or not as a band there live playing days are almost over and then this whole discussion is all irrelevant.  Everyone loves the original lineup and the nostalgia factor and Hollywood happy ending  will protect them from scrutiny.  As a promoter it seems so simple just get everyone together even if it's only the first few gigs.  The $ issue will sort itself out,  you have to figure there is way more financial upside to having the original lineup together than  apart.  Come out swinging, blow everyone away and the sky's the limit.  IMO the first gigs of this tour are the most important.  Everyone is gunna be watching the concerts, highlights the you tube clips. The media will be all over any slip ups. This is all happening pretty soon,  treating vegas like warm up gigs would be a big mistake.   

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1 hour ago, HiredGun said:

It doesn't make a lot of sense how this is being managed.  These guys are hard rock musicians in there fifties, how many more chances to play these venues are they gunna get.  Like it or not as a band there live playing days are almost over and then this whole discussion is all irrelevant.  Everyone loves the original lineup and the nostalgia factor and Hollywood happy ending  will protect them from scrutiny.  As a promoter it seems so simple just get everyone together even if it's only the first few gigs.  The $ issue will sort itself out,  you have to figure there is way more financial upside to having the original lineup together than  apart.  Come out swinging, blow everyone away and the sky's the limit.  IMO the first gigs of this tour are the most important.  Everyone is gunna be watching the concerts, highlights the you tube clips. The media will be all over any slip ups. This is all happening pretty soon,  treating vegas like warm up gigs would be a big mistake.   

It was never gonna be that easy. Axl was NEVER going to admit NuGuns was a failure. Hence, if he EVER decided to get back with Slash, it was unlikely he'd dump EVERYONE and just go back to the original 5 or the Illusion lineup. That would literally wipe everything he did in this meantime away. I think the kicker was I never thought SLASH would agree to a reunion unless it was the original 5 or an Illusions lineup. I never thought he'd play with Axl's Nu members. BUT, he had a divorce, and this is money. Its just the way it goes. Its sad, but not all that surprising when you really think about it.

Izzy doesn't do anything, so his participation was always going to be minimal. Steven just plain can't be relied on so he would never be the ONLY Guns drummer on a reunion tour. In all honesty, the way its played out has made perfect sense. Its obviously not what I'd choose, and I agree it shouldn't be this hard, but honestly it was probably either this or NO reunion at all, and if those are our options I would choose this. Its simply the closest to the real thing we can have it looks like.

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4 minutes ago, gunsfanoldie said:

It was never gonna be that easy. Axl was NEVER going to admit NuGuns was a failure. Hence, if he EVER decided to get back with Slash, it was unlikely he'd dump EVERYONE and just go back to the original 5 or the Illusion lineup. That would literally wipe everything he did in this meantime away. I think the kicker was I never thought SLASH would agree to a reunion unless it was the original 5 or an Illusions lineup. I never thought he'd play with Axl's Nu members. BUT, he had a divorce, and this is money. Its just the way it goes. Its sad, but not all that surprising when you really think about it.

Izzy doesn't do anything, so his participation was always going to be minimal. Steven just plain can't be relied on so he would never be the ONLY Guns drummer on a reunion tour. In all honesty, the way its played out has made perfect sense. Its obviously not what I'd choose, and I agree it shouldn't be this hard, but honestly it was probably either this or NO reunion at all, and if those are our options I would choose this. Its simply the closest to the real thing we can have it looks like.

Izzy has turned up on time to every single GNR show that he was supposed to be playing, as well as guest appearances etc. He is reliable as far as I'm concerned and chose to leave the band due to the unreliability of a certain band member and other personal reasons. 

Steven is also very reliable in terms of Adler gigs and for the most part, could be relied upon for live performances between 1985-1990 in GNR.

Slash and Duff are always reliable no matter what condition they are in. 

Axl has shown the most signs of unreliability in terms of live performances. 

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1 minute ago, sonofnazareth said:

Izzy has turned up on time to every single GNR show that he was supposed to be playing, as well as guest appearances etc. He is reliable as far as I'm concerned and chose to leave the band due to the unreliability of a certain band member and other personal reasons. 

Steven is also very reliable in terms of Adler gigs and for the most part, could be relied upon for live performances between 1985-1990 in GNR.

Slash and Duff are always reliable no matter what condition they are in. 

Axl has shown the most signs of unreliability in terms of live performances. 

I don't disagree with you, except maybe on Steven.

Izzy IS reliable when he chooses to show up. How many times has he been "announced" beforehand? To my knowledge, rarely. He shows up when he wants, and you can pretty much guarantee that will happen, but I'm just saying his joining a worldwide tour was always probably a no. He literally hasn't committed to that kind of tour since being with Guns, so for him to show up at more than a handful of the gigs was always a pipe dream.

Steven is semi-reliable. Yes, he was fine back in the day and he does well with his Adler gigs. But those are few and far between and the one he had with Duff he lost control on. I'm sure, but he has proven over the last 20 years that you just don't know what would happen to him on a Guns N Roses Reunion tour where he'd have the world at his feet. I think its extremely fair, but obviously sad, that they don't trust him. Its too big a tour to fuck up, and he's shown many times that he might do that. So those two were always gonna be hard to secure. To say Steven is "very reliable" IMO is giving him more credit than he deserves, sadly. I love the guy, but he's just not.

We all know Axl, Slash and Duff at this point. The former is unreliable but necessary and the other two would show up with their arms cut off and still play the gig.

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6 minutes ago, gunsfanoldie said:

I don't disagree with you, except maybe on Steven.

Izzy IS reliable when he chooses to show up. How many times has he been "announced" beforehand? To my knowledge, rarely. He shows up when he wants, and you can pretty much guarantee that will happen, but I'm just saying his joining a worldwide tour was always probably a no. He literally hasn't committed to that kind of tour since being with Guns, so for him to show up at more than a handful of the gigs was always a pipe dream.

Steven is semi-reliable. Yes, he was fine back in the day and he does well with his Adler gigs. But those are few and far between and the one he had with Duff he lost control on. I'm sure, but he has proven over the last 20 years that you just don't know what would happen to him on a Guns N Roses Reunion tour where he'd have the world at his feet. I think its extremely fair, but obviously sad, that they don't trust him. Its too big a tour to fuck up, and he's shown many times that he might do that. So those two were always gonna be hard to secure. To say Steven is "very reliable" IMO is giving him more credit than he deserves, sadly. I love the guy, but he's just not.

We all know Axl, Slash and Duff at this point. The former is unreliable but necessary and the other two would show up with their arms cut off and still play the gig.

I agree about Steven being semi-reliable and stand corrected. He was drunk on that tour with Duff, but he still managed to play fairly well...the important thing is that I don't think anyone wants to pay to see drunk members of GNR perform, regardless of how well they play. 

Good point about Izzy not committing to a world tour since 1991. 

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We can speculate as much as we want, but we don't know anything. Izzy has been living life on his own terms since 1991... that's a long time! I can totally imagine not wanting to commit to something big and losing control after having been in total control for 25 years, but that's also speculating because I don't know if that is the reason for his non involvement so far. Time will tell.

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16 minutes ago, sonofnazareth said:

Izzy has turned up on time to every single GNR show that he was supposed to be playing, as well as guest appearances etc. He is reliable as far as I'm concerned and chose to leave the band due to the unreliability of a certain band member and other personal reasons. 

Steven is also very reliable in terms of Adler gigs and for the most part, could be relied upon for live performances between 1985-1990 in GNR.

Slash and Duff are always reliable no matter what condition they are in. 

Axl has shown the most signs of unreliability in terms of live performances. 

The other day i was watching Izzy as a guest on an Aerosmith gig a couple of years ago. Man, i can hear his guitar and it was pretty good. On the GNR guest spots his guitar is inaudible, maybe they turn him off on the mix like Axl used to tell us in the past.

The man can play, and he can sing for sure. Too bad he's not part of it at least at this point.


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5 hours ago, Stress Fracture said:


It's highly unlikely Izzy would have agreed to play CD material and having two guitarists alongside Slash for the whole show defeats the object of having him back. He ain't sharing his solos with anyone.

Right.. And they would probably turn his guitarist so Fortus can play HIS music... Lame...

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36 minutes ago, Russel Nash said:

The other day i was watching Izzy as a guest on an Aerosmith gig a couple of years ago. Man, i can hear his guitar and it was pretty good. On the GNR guest spots his guitar is inaudible, maybe they turn him off on the mix like Axl used to tell us in the past.

The man can play, and he can sing for sure. Too bad he's not part of it at least at this point.


I do agree with you on this for the first time. 

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1 hour ago, gunsfanoldie said:

It was never gonna be that easy. Axl was NEVER going to admit NuGuns was a failure. Hence, if he EVER decided to get back with Slash, it was unlikely he'd dump EVERYONE and just go back to the original 5 or the Illusion lineup. That would literally wipe everything he did in this meantime away. I think the kicker was I never thought SLASH would agree to a reunion unless it was the original 5 or an Illusions lineup. I never thought he'd play with Axl's Nu members. BUT, he had a divorce, and this is money. Its just the way it goes. Its sad, but not all that surprising when you really think about it.

Izzy doesn't do anything, so his participation was always going to be minimal. Steven just plain can't be relied on so he would never be the ONLY Guns drummer on a reunion tour. In all honesty, the way its played out has made perfect sense. Its obviously not what I'd choose, and I agree it shouldn't be this hard, but honestly it was probably either this or NO reunion at all, and if those are our options I would choose this. Its simply the closest to the real thing we can have it looks like.

Izzy doesnt do anything?


11 Solo albums from Izzy vs 1 NuGnR = Axl doesnt do anything...

Edited by pacu44
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Just now, pacu44 said:

Izzy doesnt do anything?


11 Solo albums vs 1 NuGnR = Axl doesnt do anything...

Live I mean. I've just started going through Izzy solo albums (as opposed to tiring myself of GNR ones before the shows) and they are great. The man knows how to make music. He just does jack shit in terms of touring unfortunately. In Civil War's words, I'm guessing: "which is the way he wants it".

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2 minutes ago, pacu44 said:

Hell, he put out a free song last night... Still waiting on CD follow up... 


Apparently, Izzy likes Avocados and Axl likes Taco Bells newest version of Taco's....

I've already ripped an MP3 of the Youtube video! The man doesn't make bad music!

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3 hours ago, HiredGun said:

It doesn't make a lot of sense how this is being managed.  These guys are hard rock musicians in there fifties, how many more chances to play these venues are they gunna get.  Like it or not as a band there live playing days are almost over and then this whole discussion is all irrelevant.  Everyone loves the original lineup and the nostalgia factor and Hollywood happy ending  will protect them from scrutiny.  As a promoter it seems so simple just get everyone together even if it's only the first few gigs.  The $ issue will sort itself out,  you have to figure there is way more financial upside to having the original lineup together than  apart.  Come out swinging, blow everyone away and the sky's the limit.  IMO the first gigs of this tour are the most important.  Everyone is gunna be watching the concerts, highlights the you tube clips. The media will be all over any slip ups. This is all happening pretty soon,  treating vegas like warm up gigs would be a big mistake.   

There can only be one reason why this

isn't happening and we all know it. A petulant and emotionally unstable middle aged manchild control freak   thinks the paying public will be disappointed not to see members of the backup band he's intermittently toured with for 20 years--whom very few people outside this forum can name--instead of the lineup that produced some of the best hard rock music in history.

Did I see rumors of reports in here that Axl wasn't showing up for rehearsals?

 Also. IZZY doesn't do anything????????  SMDH.

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Interesting story for you guys:

I was in school today, (yep, I'm only 17), and my female English teacher said to me mid-class if I had heard about the reunion, (she knows I'm a big GNR fan), and then she asked were Axl and Slash gonna do the whole tour, because she said they're all that matter really. Not saying I agree with her, but she's definitely a fan, as she had told me before that RQ was her favourite song off AFD. Interesting perspective.

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1 minute ago, Philipm787 said:

Interesting story for you guys:

I was in school today, (yep, I'm only 17), and my female English teacher said to me mid-class if I had heard about the reunion, (she knows I'm a big GNR fan), and then she asked were Axl and Slash gonna do the whole tour, because she said they're all that matter really. Not saying I agree with her, but she's definitely a fan, as she had told me before that RQ was her favourite song off AFD. Interesting perspective.

Lol the thought of a hot female English teacher loving Rocket Queen, and then telling a student that, makes me fucking smile. How fucked up but awesome.

10 minutes ago, PITBOSS said:

i think this is why the word reunion has not been used in anything official by the band.

That is exactly why the word "reunion" hasn't been used in anything official by the band. Anyone that doesn't know that at this point is denying it. Unfortunately, its a get on board or don't kind of situation at this point. Either you accept it or you don't, but yes, thats exactly why it hasn't been used.

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I'm not sure why this surprises or saddens anyone.

Since the reunion news broke, it's been Axl, Slash and Duff. Izzy hasn't said anything to contradict the press release GnR put out.

This reunion could be short-lived, or it could be the beginning of something big. If it is more than just a handful of show in April, it's very possible Izzy will be involved from time to time, whether

it be in the studio or on stage. As of right now, GnR has said nothing about a new record or a full tour. Just these shows in April, and that's all Izzy commented on.

Still lots to look forward to, if things go well.

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