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These internet people say they totally met Guns N' Roses! collection of tales

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2 hours ago, BucketEgg said:


Posted 2015:

My dad is a security guard for concert venues and he said that they actually had a meeting with the venue staff before a GNR show about how if you're working the pit and look back at the stage or at Axl for any reason, he'll spit on you, stop the show to yell at you, etc. he said it was ridiculous and he was a huge tool.





Not GnR, but since another story mentioned Axl didn’t like getting looked at, apparently celebrities getting annoyed when people look at them isn’t unique.



Posted 2022:

If it’s of any consolation, I work in film and I’ve heard countless stories of Rihana being one of the worst people ever. So there’s always that.

I’ve never been on set with her, but every single person I’ve ever known that’s worked on one of her music videos says she shows up anywhere from 2 to 10 hours late. I’ve heard she’s super rude to the crew, doesn’t let people look at her, basically anything you’d assume a douchey celeb to do on set she does, which is not commonplace.



Another person:

It's funny cuz I used to like Lady Gaga but when I worked at her show we weren't allowed to look in her direction or had to cover our eyes when she walked by and it made me not like her

Ironically around the same time I hated Miley Cyrus and when I worked at her show her and her family were the sweetest people you'll ever meet






Posted 2015:

I used to pass notes to a guy in Algebra class... mostly song lyrics. I'd write a line pass it to him, he'd write a line, back and forth. He was a quiet kid and friends with some other friends of mine who were big into BMX bikes and skateboards. I took a bunch of photos of these guys for my photography class. At graduation he said he was heading to California to ride BMX. He never came to a reunion... he was too busy playing rhythm guitar in Guns N Roses as Izzy Straddlin.


thats a cool story

it was Slash that was into BMX though






What's funny is that I grew up in Lafayette, too. There isn't a local that lived there in the 80's that doesn't have a story about knowing Izzy, Axl, or Shannon Hoon. Apparently those guys were all over the place.

My personal story is that I was friends with Shannon's cousin, JT. We went over to JT's house to hang out, and Shannon was there, chasing everyone around with scissors. He caught me once and held the scissors to my throat. My brush with a Lafayette celebrity was not an entirely auspicious one...






Posted 2016:

Guns and roses opening for the cult. I was there to see the cult, less than 500 people. I was right in front and remember 2 things: 1-. Who the fuck is this incredible band 2-. How Axl rose smelled, a very distinctive way white trash smells, I dont know why but poor white people smell like that ( 1987)




You should write a memoir called "I Smelled Axl Rose".

That must've been amazing to see them in a small venue.




It was. He was 3 feet away from me. And apetite for destruction is a great record. It took one year to reach #1. But the songs were so fresh. The Cult was great too by the way, just never got to be huge like gnr (which im seeing at coachella by the way) grandpa in a sea of teens, my second book.








Posted in 2016, and my favourite encounter claim, that was also previously posted long ago in women’s thread 2:



similar vein to musicians, not me, but my dad always tells this story.

My parents used to be part of a bowling league in Lafayette (they both went to purdue) and Axel rose used to come in a lot. He was born in Indiana and still living there at the time, I think this was the late 70's or early 80's (so he would have been in his 20's?) and before he was part of guns and roses. My dad said the dude was kind of annoying and always having issues with the police for stupid shit, kind of seen as a deadbeat. Well one time he was at the bowling place and sitting/talking with my dads group for a bit, after he got up he went to the bar and ordered either a bunch of food or drinks and told the bartender my dad had said "it was on him". He bounces without saying bye and later my dad gets the bill with all this shit on it. Every time my dad saw him after that Axl would always have some shit excuse for paying him back, why he did it, and that he would pay him back plus more at another time, it became a running joke, my dad said they would always be like "hey W, I'm increasing the vig if you dont pay, or you can make payments if you need to", always blowing him shit.

I think my dad said something about everyone just calling him "W", as his birth name was William/billy and he didn't start going by "Axl" until in bands".

So anyway fast forward to the late 80's and my parents still bowled from time to time. G&R was getting huge and one night the entire band comes into the bowling alley, I think they were playing in Indy the next day and decided to stop back. Well my dad wanted his fucking money, goes up to them and Axl remembers him, asks how it's going and what not. So my dad kind of jokingly busts his balls for not paying him back, axl flat out denies it, but it was such a half assed "nah bro, that aint me" type of denial.

So the night goes on, everyone wanting autographs, place is packed, everyone's drinking, my dad still blowing axl shit and I guess the band is making fun of Axl at this point too, my dads also still calling him W and Axl was getting pissed, making everyone make fun of Axl even more. So anyway Axl gets up and tells my dad that if he can beat him in a game of bowling he will give him $100 on this supposed tab he left on my dad to pay. I think my dad said he was pretty trashed, and my dad's pretty good at bowling (always in the high 100's), so says sure.

So Axl gets up and gutter balls the first roll, like bad. Next one same thing, said he looked dizzy and basically threw it in the gutter, like didn't even get halfway down the lane. So the band and everyone else around is dying laughing and I guess Axl was getting mad, so he said something like he needs everyone to be quiet so he can concentrate. So one of the other band members does a super sarcastic "shhhh guys, he needs to conectrate" while laughing, so they all get quite and he fucking throws a strike. No worries must be luck, another strike, then another. Axl rose, hammered, proceeded to throw all strikes, one spare and then three strikes to close it out. Ended up almost getting a 250, dad had 230 and lost.






My girlfriends uncle was friends with him in high school and he can definitely vouch for this hahaha




Late to the party but...I worked at a prison in Indiana and I had multiple inmates tell me about how he was a punk when they saw him in Westville prison. Guess he would start shit with people for no reason, always arrogant, constantly ran up debts he couldn't pay, and got his ass beat multiple times.





Another person in the thread:



my dad said he was a pretty forgettable kind of guy actually, he was drunk a lot and always had issues with the law. Just read up on his Wikipedia and I guess he says what made him leave Indiana was that they threatened to rule him as a constant delinquent or something, so he moved.

Everyone I know who knew him before he was famous us always like "how did that idiot get that big".





Another person:

Yeah, I'm from the Lafayette area and I've heard stories about what a douche he is from people that knew him growing up.



Another person:

As someone who's grown up in Lafayette, most of the parents of my generation have some great stories about Axl being a douche and getting beat up.




this is so true, everyone who's like 50+ and lived in lafayette/west lafayette in the 70's/80's seems to have their own Axl being an ass clown story. I'm pretty sure all the police have a story about arresting him too.




For a while there was a skateboard park at the levee in West Lafayette. Bill Bailey (Axl) used to skate there when I was a kid. I think he was a teenager. One time there, he split open the tip of his finger with an M-80 (exploded in his hand). He seemed like a nice enough guy, just kind of wild.




That's pretty funny cause I live about an hour away from Lafayette and wasn't born till 90' but I've even heard stories of how he was a little shit. Izzy Stradlin is my father's cousin and he would always tell me stories about how Jeff was always a quiet kid but Axl was a little fucker.



Another person:

Had a buddy party with Axl in his (Axl's)room in Vegas, it had a bowling lane in it. Can confirm, saw pics.


Another person:

“seen as a deadbeat”

My good friend's father taught Axel in high school in Lafayette. Basically, described him the same way every time we ask. He might have used the word "dirtball" or something. Nobody that knew him before he was famous seems very impressed.

Of course us....we all loved GnR and couldn't believe he was from Lafayette.


Another person:

I'm originally from Lafayette too, and this is my Axl story. Once Axl hit it big in the 80s, he bought an old Civil-war era house that sat on a few acres on the outskirts of Lafayette, not too far from my parent's house. It wasn't long before he erected a giant brick privacy wall with iron gate around the front. You could tell if Axl was home as there was usually a tour bus parked on the side of the house. Anyway, the cops were always getting called out there as he and his buddies liked to get hammered and shoot their guns out back; problem was his house, though compound-ish, was encroached by numerous suburban neighborhoods from all directions.

Also, this story was relayed to me many times on the bus every time we passed his house in the fall. Supposedly one Halloween, some of the local neighborhood kids mustered the courage to walk the mile or two to his house to Trick or Treat. The story goes that a half-dressed woman answered the door, had no candy to offer the kiddos (as she didn't realize it was Halloween), so she grabbed the closet thing of value that she could find - an acoustic guitar laying next to the door, and presented it to the group.


Another person, talking about Izzy:

Yeah. He used to own a place along [blanked.]

He got really into motorsports after he left the band and built 2 dirt tracks on his property. The tracks are still visible via Google Earth. But just barely.

Edit: country property records still show him as the owner.


Another person:

My uncle was a lawyer and represented him once in AZ. He said he was always pleasant and respectful. He would always jokingly ask me if I wanted him to get G&R to play at our wedding.




Posted 2017:

Met Angus Young and Axl Rose after a concert. Just happened to be staying at the same hotel as the band. Both were really cool people. Autographed the stuff we got from the concert and got pictures.








Posted 2017:



I worked security for a Guns N' Roses concert last summer. Got to meet the whole band, both current and some former that were still buddies with the current band.

I was working a 17 hour shift, so I got quite a few good stories out of it:

1) Frank Ferrar. Dude was the coolest. He found out pretty quickly that I was easily startled, so every time he left the dressing area (which I had my back to), he'd grab my shoulders and shake me a little. Woke me up like that a few times. After the concert ended, he formally introduced himself, asked my name, and said thanks for working. Truly a great dude.

2) Slash. Dude showed up about 10 minutes after GnR was scheduled to start with his wife or girlfriend or something. Cool enough dude. I got to watch his wife scratch his back while he purred like a damn cat. He said I looked like I might've been the grandson of a fan of the original band. I told him my brother and I liked GnR and velvet revolver growing up and he thought that was cool.

3) There was one guy. I don't know who he was but I bet he was from the original group. He was maybe 5'3 and didn't wear shoes. He was hammered the whole time, mostly spoke giberish, and was really nice and gave me a handshake every time he passed. No idea who he was, but the rest of the guys were pretty cool towards him.

There was more if there's any interest. Also from that night, I swiped the VIP room sign on my way out and Frank winked at me as he saw me take it. I have it to my dad, who was stoked as hell.








Posted 2017:



My partner's parents met Axl Rose when they were on holiday and they were sitting near each other at a resort pool. My partner's dad went up to Axl, having no idea who he was (he'll talk to anyone, just a super friendly guy), and after they introduced themselves said, "Oh, that's nice. My son's in a band too." Apparently they had a nice chat and shared some food.








Posted 2017:



I am related to the Brazilian family that manage Axl Rose's career, all of them are legitimate good people. Ever since my dad passed away, which was the common ground for everyone, I only get to see them eventually, mostly when the band comes to Brazil. They always send me some tickets and backstage passes so we can meet up and chat for a bit, It's pretty cool.





Posted 2017:

That reminds me of when my ex-stepdad met Richard Fortus and asked him if he was a big Guns N' Roses fan.

He's the guitarist.




Posted 2019:

I think he's pretty misunderstood.

My old therapist used to work security for GNR and he said Axl was head-and-shoulders the nicest guy in the band. Very polite, funny and (believe it or not) surprisnly easy to work for, compared to the other guys. He said the only problem was his chronic lateness and he had serious trouble controlling his temper which resulted in him getting into lots of ugly fist fights and seriously messing people up.

Duff mckagan, Slash and even Steven Adler said in their books that Axl was a nice guy at heart, but he suffered from some really awful emotional traumas that resulted in him doing a lot of stupid things that he now regrets. There are plenty of stories out there of him being pretty cool. I wouldn't say he's a malicious person, just not the most well-adjusted.








Posted 2010:

I had a stare down with Axl Rose one time. I saw him walking toward me, he notices me looking in his direction and stares right at me. I turned to my girlfriend at the time and kind of non-chalantly point out to her that "that's Axl Rose over there." Then I looked back up to see Axl Rose still staring at me, then he just kind of walked past me without taking his eyes off of me.








Posted 2010:

Axl Rose went to my high school. He was known as William Rose/William Bailey back then. My painting teacher, Mr. Jackson, had him for at least a couple of years in a row; taking painting is considered to be an "easy A" kind of class at my high school and a lot of lazy kids take it assuming they won't have to do anything. Mr. Jackson said that Axl was really arrogant and never wanted to do his homework, and always used to say he was gonna be a rock star and be famous so there was no point in him following the rules. Mr. Jackson is one of the best teachers I've ever had and a tremendously upstanding, kind person and it's really funny whenever you as him about Axl Rose to see him kind of shake his head and wrinkle his nose.

Axl Rose is also my friend Samantha's godfather, but she has never met him. He doesn't come around our hometown anymore, and a lot of people who go to my high school don't even know he went to school there.








Posted 2010:

Axl Rose's mother used to be my Grandma's cleaning lady. My grandma also lives on Rose St. and claims that he once stole the her street's sign.








Posted 2010:

Aaliyah - Went to her CD release party

Axl Rose - Worked at a recording studio. He was always quiet and shy but rumor is he would flip out if he was put on hold when he called.

Christian Slater - Flirted with me at this event. It was kinda awkward.

Gary Sinise - On CSI NY set. Asked me for some item. I didn't even think about it and said it was someone else's. He seemed offended and walked off. I treat everyone equal. Silly me, forgot I was supposed to treat the star differently.

Katie Couric - Saw her somewhere with my mom. Lots of other tourists screaming for her to come over and maybe take a pic/give autograph. She didn't even look our way. My mom has hated her ever since. She use to be one of her biggest fans.

Dave Chappelle - Lives in same town in Ohio as my bf's mom. She sees him the coffee shop and says they make conversation and that he's a really nice guy.

Pink - saw her perform karaoke of one of her songs at Miyagi's on Sunset in L.A.

Christina Aguilera - saw her perform At Last at R&R music convention in a room of 30-50 people

Sting - saw him perform on set to about 30 people while taping for Little Britain

A lot of sightings too... too many to list them all

Dustin Hoffman at bookstore

Brooke Shields in Whole Foods

Janet Jackson at recording studio

Paris Hilton at Hyde, a club in L.A.

Hilary Clinton at an event at The Kennedy Center








Posted 2020:

I have met a lot but one that I will share is meeting Richard Fortus a member of Guns n Roses. He came into the grocery store I worked at. He just looks like a rock star. He is also very down to earth and personable. For years he would come in and we would talk for a few minutes. We played this game where I never let on that I knew he was in GnR. We just talked about life, our kids, food, and what we were doing.

I saw him at an amusement park once and called out to him and said hello. He sold hello back and used my name. For a few minutes people were trying to figure out who I was.

I only once actually talked to him about him being in the band. GnR played in St. Louis for the first time in decades due to a riot that happened the last time they played. It was a great concert and they played 32 songs without an intermission. I thanked him for the experience. The next time I saw him we resumed our normal every day conversations.








Person retelling the same Fortus story, in 2020:

I almost always did not let on when I met a celebrity. If I met them more than once I might talk about things in general but not single them out as a celebrity.

A friend of a friend was Zachery Levi so for a period of about a year to 18 months I would periodically hang with my friends and he would be there too. Way cool guy.

Richard Fortus shops at a grocery store I used to work at. For a period of a few years we would talk often but never letting on that he was in Guns N Roses. He knew I knew but it was never openly said. He was fun to talk to. I did talk about him being in GNR once after I had gone to their concert. He came in with his wife and I just thanked him for the awesome show. I told his wife about our thing of not talking about his real job.

I have a few others but those are the main ones.






Posted 2012:

This will probably get buried but fuck it. Back in the late 80's or early 90's my grandparents came to visit my family in Nevada where we had just moved. Back in the day you could smoke inside the mall so while my mom went shopping in one of the stores, her dad decided it was a good time to take a smoke break and stayed outside the shop. When she came out she saw him sharing a cigarette with some long haired, dirty bum in a leather jacket. My grandpa sees her coming and he exchanges goodbyes with the stranger and the guy walks off. First my mom chastises him about sharing cigs with bums but grandpa said he was a nice guy and was a struggling musician so he kinda felt bad for him. She asked what kind of music he played and he said just some little rock and roll band but that he advised him to ditch it and do country because that's where all the money is. When she heard that he he was in rock and roll band something clicked because for some reason this bum looked kind of familiar to her. She asked my grandpa the name of the band and he nonchalantly said something about roses and guns. It was then when she had realized that it was Axl Rose and not just some homeless dude.

TLDR: My grandfather shared a cigarette with Axl Rose in the early 90's and not knowing who he was, proceeded to tell him to drop Rock and Roll to do Country because that's where the money is.

Really funny stories. 

Happy New Year to you ☺

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18 hours ago, Ratam said:

Really funny stories. 

Happy New Year to you ☺

Happy new year to you too!







Posted 2022:

Met Chuck Norris during happy hour at a resort in the Bahamas. He was super nice. He took pictures with us & bought us a round of drinks.

Went to school with Shannon Hoon. I know everyone says that, but I really did. Got the yearbooks to prove it!

Used to hang out with Bill Bailey (Axl Rose) & Jeff Isbell (Izzy Stradlin) in the late 70's. Bill had a thing for my best friend...Jeff & I were their wing people!

Partied with Finger Eleven like 15yrs ago. Really nice guys. They came to a bar I managed. Sat on the lead singers lap because he took my seat & had no idea who they were until 2 days later. You would think someone would of said something when I was loudly singing along with Paralyzer.

And when I was about 9, I met Jr Samples (had to look him up) who was a cast member on HeeHaw. He was an asshole.




Posted 2012:

I went to 7th through 10th grade with Axl Rose, Bill Bailey at the time. Seventh grade I had all my classes with him, spent 6 hours a day with him. Eight grade I had music and PE, and in 9th grade just PE, where you really get to know someone. He was driven, and a bit unstable, had that temper back then too. I can remember a bully picking on him and regretting it, just as well I thought at the time. In the 8th grade he ran with the high school cross country team; he insisted on being way out ahead of everyone, they ran all over the town of Lafayette, Indiana, so many witnessed that and likely made that very connection years later when the local paper did a story on him becoming big time...




Posted 2012:

I live in West Lafayette. I have a friend who's mom dated Axl Rose. Apparently he was pretty nice but could be dickish too.

Also, there was this kid that used to go to my school that is Izzy's nephew.





Posted 2012:

My dad and some of his friends did too. Apparently Axl's parents were extremely strict and wouldn't let him listen to rock music so he would call a friend of his and his friend would put music on and place the phone receiver next to the speaker. Then Axl would sit at his house and listen to music that way.

My PE/Health teacher in middle school taught Axl driver's ed back in the day and he said he was a pretty quiet kid and was completely taken aback when he saw him on TV a few years later wearing leather pants and rocking out.




Posted 2012:

My uncle arrested Axl Rose.




You can't just leave it at that! Story please?




Axl didn't think it would be a problem to bring a loaded handgun that he wasn't licensed to carry onto an airplane. He had it in a duffel bag and put it on the belt at the security checkpoint. My uncle was one of the cops that had to take him and process him. He said that the whole time he was complaining that it shouldn't be a problem for him to carry a gun.

Really a stupid reason to get arrested considering the number of times he's been arrested.






Posted 2012:

One time me and some friends saw Slash walking down the street. He was in town for some music festival or something. But my friend Parker was drunk in the passenger seat of the car and knowing full well what he was doing, he told the driver to slow to so we were rolling along right next to Slash and Parker leans out the window and starts going "AXL! HEY AXL! AXL ROSE! YO! AXL! AXL! AAAAAAXL!!" For like, two minutes Slash just ignored him until finally he turned and flipped him a really genuine bird. I was fucking cracking the fuck up in the back seat and we drove off. Not really a crazy story, but funny as hell.






Posted 2012:

Axl Rose, twice.

First time was most surreal. Snuck into a private gig while in Paris (had gone to arena gig the night before). Took fucking ages but scored a wristband from an invitee for 10 euros (I had 100 euros in my pocket, have no idea why he only asked for 10). Got to stand inches away from him as I worked my way to the front. Could not believe it was happening. 1am to 3:30am.

Go out after gig, stand by backstage exit with fans.

5:30 am, Axl comes out, cracks a joke about Bob Dylan asking when he was gonna get paid for Knockin' On Heaven's Door, signs setlists for us that a roadie handed out, then heads back to his hotel with Taylor Momsen.






Posted 2012:


My dad was a Secret Service agent for 25 years. Met of course the presidents and political figures. But he'd meet celebrities when he was on duty. Once he was in Cincinnati and got in an elevator with two Marines. Then one floor, a small all inked up, long haired dude gets in. One of the Marines is looking at this guy kinda wierd. The dude looks at the Marine and says "What's your problem man?"

The Marine says "Why are you all twitchy man?"

They cool off and get off on the lobby floor. The dude walks over to this girl, who my dad says is the most beautiful women he's ever seen. They start making out. The dude turns around to the Marines and my dad and smirks. Little did they know that the dude was Axl Rose. This was before Guns N' Roses got big and they were opening for Aerosmith.

Another time, in another elevator, my dad gets in an elevator and Lil Wayne and T-Pain are in there with some bodyguards. My dad is around 50 at this event and doesn't really know who Lil Wayne is, but he knows about him and knows he is in town. He waits in the elevator for a bit. Then he says "So which one of you is Lil Wayne?"

All the guys just kinda motion to Lil Wayne. I just love these two stories out of the many my dad has.



Posted 2012:

I worked in a Ferrari showroom for a while (weird, random job), and at our opening party, Axl Rose showed up, except no one recognized him because he was fat and out of shape, and looked nothing like his former self. I felt bad for him, because it was like he wanted people to notice him. He actually looks like he lost a lot of weight in this video. And....apparently he can't sing anymore. Wow.





posted 2022:

One time in the 80's, before GnR was big, my dad was at a bar in New Orleans when Axl and Slash walked in. My Dad had his sweater drooped over his shoulder and about an hour later as Axl was walking out he just casually grabbed my Dad's sweater off his shoulder and walked out with it.

My Dad goes: dude... that's my sweater and Axl's response was "well it's mine now".

My Dad then followed them out snatched it back and took off lol.






Posted 2012:

True... Axl Rose was a client of my grandma who was a masseuse at the Four Seasons and she said he was the worst guest the hotel ever had.




Posted 2021:

A couple of my friends bumped into Axl a couple-few years back and he had a chat with them. They said he was very nice and appreciated their kind words.

They were in shock because he is supposed to be a narcissistic prick and expected him to tell them to fuck off and threaten them like he apparently did to another friend who said he bumped into Axl in the early 90s.


Posted 2023:

I met the guys in 2014 in Brazil. Dizzy was an asshole all the time.
Ashba, Fortus, Ron, Frank, Chris & Tommy talked to the fans, signed things, pose for photos etc. Dizzy just ignored all of us rushed into the van and kept shouting to the rest of the band from the window "C'MON GUYS LET'S GO, HURRY UP, LET'S GO" I'll never forget the look of shame for him by the other guys like "WTF". Ron was super down to earth, I had met him before in a guitar workshop and we talked a bit about his solo albums, at the concert they recongnized me in front row and stoped by to say "the guy from yesterday".
Unfurtunately I've never met Axl, Duff or Slash but Duff too recognized me from the front row of the last 4 gigs here and was cool see him stand in front of me and say "nice to see you AGAIN" and smile.


Another person:

I’ve met Dizzy, too! When his solo band toured with The Dead Daisies a few years ago (2018?) he went to the merch table after his set and signed stuff and took pics. Super cool dude. Also met Slash in 2019. Pictures with were explicitly forbidden, but I got my AFD vinyl signed. Wanted to shake his hand, got too star struck to get the words out. Still thrilled I met the legend himself.


Another person:

Dizzy is a dickhead. Met in 2010 with dj and bumblefoot. They were totally cool compared to Dizzy.


Really? What did he do


He was just being a jerk to the fans. Whereas bumble n Dj were so humble and down to earth





Posted 2023:

My friend's old music teacher went to an awards show in the 90s. As everyone was arriving, the dude was standing outside the venue, waiting for friends.

All of a sudden, a car swerved over and rolled up onto the curb in front of him. The door opened, and Slash literally fell out hard onto the street. He handed the dude the keys to his car. The dude said "I'm not the valet" and Slash said "that's cool man. Park it anywhere" and walked into the show.


Another person:

Ex’s dad was at Purdue at the same time Axl and Izzy where playing bands in Lafayette. Claims they both had shown up to cause trouble at his frat house.


Another person:

I used to work in Hard Rock Cafe Paris. They told me about the time (probably around 1992 ) they invited all the staff to a party after the show. One of the manager's name was Wiliam, he was drunk and tried to befriend Axl saying "oh we have the same name". Axl physically threatened him and told him to never call him like this. No idea to what extent the story is true!


Another person:

(1) My buddy's dad did nationwide account management for Shopko in the 80s and 90s. He was at a nice hotel in Dallas for work. His dad got into the elevator and there was this little guy (Axl) who looked all worn out and he said to the dad something like, "Man, I had a rough night." He didn't know who it was until someone told him when they got out of the elevator.

(2) A guy I bartended with in Grand Forks, ND met Axl at one of the truck stops right off of I-29 outside of town. The tour bus had stopped there. That was back in 2006 or 2007, if I remember right. He had a selfie with Axl on his Blackberry, or other primitive cell phone. He said Axl was really cool and friendly.





Posted 2023: It’s a long post, so it’s in the link. It’s a person remembering their concert.





Posted 2023:

Slash if I’m correct may have attended Fairfax HS, he and my brother used to jam a couple times a week , super nice guy.



Posted 2023: Open the link! It contains a photo!


1989-They were in Chicago rehearsing for the record "Use Your Illusion I & II" before heading back to LA. They stayed at a small boutique hotel that was in my neighborhood. They hung at my favorite bar up the street and the rehearsal hall was up the street further from that. They often walked by so I was waiting with my camera one day. This was a Saturday morning and they were drunk as fuck. They went into the CD store below my apartment and I went down to it (so did the rest of the street) It was kind of freaky, a store full of people watching Guns N' Roses shop for CDs Their bodyguard wouldn't let me take any pictures. It was a thrill, but I'm sure it was very annoying to them.





Posted 2023:

My ex wife worked on that album as part of the staff at the recording studio..her friend Stefan was asst engineer and came up with the "woo woo woot" on shuffle it all





Posted 2023:

I met Rosario Dawson,really nice. She has a thing for white dude's. I got a pic with Axl ,won't believe it. It's March 2003 I'm coming out of times square movie theatre and me,my brother and a friend r walking across street from where the old Virgin Megastore used to be. It's like 2am and who do I see walking ,no bodyguards,Axl!!! Couldn't believe it . I tell them they don't believe me but I snuck and ran ahead of Axl and stood pretending I was leaning against a wall where I knew Axl was gonna walk,and pretended I jus happened to see him LoL and looked shocked and threw the 🤘up and he glanced and smiled. So now following him isn't as weird he went a couple of more blocks to a small restraunt on 53rd street. He goes in and is at a table with I believe was Beta eating, having couple drinks. He knew we were waiting out thr til like 330,he comes out signs autographs and I get a nice picture with him. Was b4 he had the goatee. Where this picture went cus my brothers friend called someone to come and they where in there like almost hr and a half he made it and had a regular camera,took the picture came out great Axl actually had arm around me I was like 21 but had baby face. They developed the film obviously and I got the picture,where this picture is,I would REALLY like to know smh.

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Posted 2021:

For sure. I met Axl about a year and a half ago and asked if he’d ever consider doing a one-off AFD 5 show. It would give him the space to continue with the new, dependable (I completely agree with you on that point!) guys as new Guns, but also honor what once was while they’re still alive and able. He thought for a sec and just said, “anything is possible”.



Another person:

I didn’t really realize how rad Izzy is until after seeing this guy cover his Rocket Queen part: https://youtu.be/vMEzbsHsLjk. Gilby did a terrible job with it (in fairness, he didn’t have 15 years to learn it) but yeah, Fortus delivers.

I met Axl after the Palladium show in Hollywood. After the show, walked all the way through Hollywood, saw a hooker fight, a guy walking his pet goat on a leash, and finally made it back to my Airbnb. I kicked it for a while and then decided that I really needed to eat something. I couldn’t find anything open except a Taco Bell which I realized was right back by the Palladium. So, I figured I’d swing by just to see if gear was being loaded up or whatever. As soon as I parked the car, Axl walked out the back door to sign stuff for the few fans that hung out for like 3 hours. I talked to him for just a minute or so. I asked if we could take a picture, but Axl’s people (not Beta or Fernando) weren’t paying attention, so Axl sort of yelled at them. It was kind of hilarious and iconic to have Axl be all “Axl” on somebody for my benefit.








Posted 2021:

Yeah Axl looked energized. Fun fact. We booked the nicest hotel in town and our suite turned out to be next to Axl and across the hallway from Slash. When we came home Axl’s room was open a crack. They were both “quiet as churchmice” as my wife put it. Haha not the 80’s anymore as far as shenanigans.






Same person as above, posted 2021:

You’d be surprised. In Missoula I forgot to book a hotel room months in advance and ended up stuck with the most expensive hotel in town and a suite which was awesome just expensive. Incidentally Slash and Axl were right next to us. Across the hall from each other. They would not have booked it this way if they weren’t kind of buddies. Trust me I know, my dad is in a famous 70’s band and there are a couple guys in that band he won’t even be in the same zip code with.



Posted 2022:

A couple of years ago I read from a person who knew Axl back in the 80's and told he was kinda obssessed with pink. He always had some way to use something in pink and he was easy to find in sunset strip wearing a pink cowboy hat, or a pink leather pants, or pink make up. I've aways wanted to know if they usually did their hair and make up as in WTTJ or Live Like a Suicide Era, because there's a backstage photo that show Izzy straightening his hair in the background.






Posted 2013:

Agreed he is definitely not Les.

Source: I've met Buckethead without the mask quite by accident after one of this shows. Nice guy and takes compliments very humbly considering his enormous talent.








posted 2014:

Im not a Tour Manager but I am a touring Lighting Designer, I can answer a few of these.

1.      Tons of stories of banging groupies (yes, they still exist), a few stories of male fans asking band members to bang their girl/wife (yes, a few of them took them up on the offer), plenty of strip club antics (yes, there is sex in the champagne room), had a mom ask me what she had to do to get her daughter into the meet and greet (yes, I nailed her then got her and her daughter passes). Really hard to tell these stories without incriminating friends.

2.      Usually promoters pay a price for the whole package, lets say $150,00. From that $150,00 the headliner usually gets 75%, second act around 15%, and opener gets whatever is left. Basically the idea is the openers are able to play in front of a larger audience than doing a small tour on their own, the large amount of people see them play, hopefully become fans, then come to see them again once they do a headline tour. Crew is paid a weekly salary from another account. The tour basically fills said account.

3.      Prince is impossible to work for and so is Axl Rose. When working for those types of artists you ask for double your normal rate and then stay on board as long as you can tolerate the mind fucking.

4.      New bands are surprised at how much it actually cost to do a tour. Most times for their first few tours the techs will make more money than the band.

5.      Yes, back in the 90s think about how many bands were selling multi millions of CDs. Now people simply get it from iTunes (which takes a huge chunk, 30% I have heard) or from torrent sites for free. So now bands make all their money from live shows and T Shirt sales.

These are all just basic knowledge I have picked up along the way. Everyone has a different deal and this does mean this is true for every band.








posted 2014, by Eddie Trunk:

One of my favorite moments in radio would be back around 2006, when Axl Rose walked into my radio studio completely unplanned and unannounced. So that was certainly a huge moment and it's one of the things that led to him a few years later coming on TMS because he had already known me, and there was already some level of connection there, so that was extremely special. The parties for my radio show to celebrate the 25th and 30th anniversary of the shows were extremely special. For the 25th Anniversary Judas Priest played a private show, and for the 30th anniversary which was last year, Ace Frehley and Peter Criss played together for the first time in 20 years. There were moments where TMS would be, just getting the show on the air. What many people don't know is that I've worked for VH1 Classic since 2002 or 2003. I was a host for the channel for many many years before That Metal Show, interviewed all sorts of artists. And as far back as then, I was pushing for that sort of show, and the day that I got the call that I'd finally pushed it through was the day that I was running up the halls in my house happy that I could finally make it happen because it was something I'd been working on for about 5 years. So it was a huge day when they said they'd move forward and try the show out. So that was a special day. And then on a personal level, there's been so many great things but there's nothing more special and more moving in your life than having kids. And I'm lucky that my wife and I have a 10 year old daughter and 6 year old son, and having 2 healthy kids, the day they were born was without question the most emotional and heaviest time of my life.






Posted 2023:

Dean Norris, who played Hank on Breaking Bad was born in South Bend, IN on April 9,1963. True story. Vivica Fox, who I adore, was also born in South Bend, IN. Axl Rose is from Lafayette. Empirical evidence indicates Axl lllooovvveees the pork tenderloin sandwich, which was first served in Huntington, IN. Lastly, Andrew Tate lived in Goshen for a chunk of his childhood. That’s probably what’s wrong with him.




Posted 2021:

Kristi Lee of the Bob and Tom Show has spoken about Axl occasionally calling into the station late at night or early morning and requesting songs even though he was on tour. She said she felt like he was lonely or homesick.


Posted 2020:

Yep. Richard Fortus.

I barely met him as I was busy playing host to 150 people gladhanding etc, but my (now) wife was college roommates and best friends with his wife Stephanie at Mizzou. She got an online deal to be certified to marry us and it was funny and only a 5 minute ceremony but then a great party. She was hilarious. And she is a super intelligent lawyer, they are a cute couple.

He also was with the Thin Lizzies and worked a lot with the Psychedlic Furs.

I frankly don’t follow them and wasn’t even aware Slash was still with them honestly.








posted 2018:

I worked in a fancy hotel for years. Quick breakdown:

Joan Rivers: sweetest TINY woman ever

Arnold Schwarzenegger: much shorter than you think, but very funny. Knew all the kitchen and office staff by name. Called his friend an asshole when he forgot my name. Favorite food is weinerschnitzel.

Axl Rose: even bigger douchebag than you thought

Sylvester Stallone: nice, soft spoken, very hard to understand. Drinks a pot of coffee for breakfast.

Lou Ferrigno: exponentially worse than Axl Rose. Bitch wife, entire family of entitled assholes. Was kicked out of our hotel and permanently banned from the property for how they treated the staff. Arnold apologized to us.








posted 2018:

My mom went to high school with him. She said he got bullied a lot at Jeff and even the teachers would pick on him because they didn’t believe in his dreams.

Another person:

My story relates to him but he wasn’t there first hand....Well I was I think 16 or 17 and a huge G N’ R fan! I had paper routes always over the years and picked up another one by my Grandparents house near Columbian Park in Lafayette. Well I had been doing it for several months and that was back in the day when you not only delivered but collected the money.

Well, probably been by this elderly woman’s house like 6 or 7 times and this time she said step in I have to grab my purse. When I walked in my eyes about popped out of my head because she had GOLD APPETITE FOR DESTRUCTION ALBUMS SIGNED AND HANGING ON HER WALL, plus like a ton of metal mags laying around ....I asked her and it was his Grandmother! Of course I went inside from then on when I had to collect and had cool conversations with her about him.

Have a good one!



Another person:

Friend lived across the street from his mom and stepdad’s place in WL. We’d stalk the poor dude in the eighties. I saw that famous do rag once behind a fence. 🤘🏼


Another person:

Worked salad bar at a restaurant called Jeremiah Sweeny's, which was attached to the Ramada Inn on 26 (where IHOP is now) back in ~89. Went in one afternoon to do prep before opening. Manager insists the salad bar be stocked right away even though we didn't open for a couple hours. 20 minutes later in walks Axl and two other people I didn't recognize. He came up to the salad bar to help himself (of course, the kitchen was also opened early just for him), and 3-5 ft. away I could smell him quite well. Let's just say it wasn't pleasant. I wondered when the last time he showered was. And before you haters start in, I like a lot of GNR's music and think they were quite talented.








Posted 2014:

My dad met Axl Rose in high school. He shot a cow with a bow and arrow at a track and field meet.








Posted 2011:

I got into metal because of my mother actually. She worked with and was friends with many metal musicians in the 80's so I grew up around all those guys. She was a clothing designer and designed/made a lot of the clothing you probably saw bands wearing on stage in the 80's. Those outfits on Kiss? Yeah she made a lot of those. Ozzy's dark getups? Those too. She's worked with bands like Black Sabbath (and later with Ozzy when he went solo. In fact, Randy Rhoads was a very close friend of hers until he died), Guns N Roses (Axl was actually one of her closest friends as well), AC/DC, Led Zeppelin (not exactly metal but still fucking awesome), Rush, Metallica, Iron Maiden, and Aerosmith, just to name a few. So because I grew up around all these guys their music of course had an influence on me. My love for rock and metal expanded from there.

And I know this is the internet, so anyone's word is as good as the proof you can provide to back it up (PICS OR IT DIDNT HAPPEN LOL!), and I would very happily find some pictures and even the letters that she and many of these musicians exchanged that she keeps at her house in a scrapbook to show you all as proof, however I am currently on vacation and wont be able to get access to that book until later this month. So if you dont believe me, I get it.

TL;DR: I got into metal because my mom worked for all the big rock and metal stars in the 80's. My mom was close friends to a few big names (Randy Rhoads and Axl Rose in particular), and because I grew up around all that, the music caught on to me and my love for metal expanded from there.






Posted 2023:

I grew up in Axl's home town, Lafayette, Indiana. His young life was tragic, but Billy Bailey (his actual name) was KNOWN around town for being the epitome of white trash troublemaker. People were shocked when he was the one to break out and strike it big. My uncle used to refer to him as Scut Farkus. It'd be like one of the Trailer Park Boys becoming the frontman of the world's biggest rock band. The whole racist redneck thing is pretty on brand for lower class in that area, especially nearly 40 years ago.






posted 2015:

In 1990, Axl was featured in a car stereo magazine showing off his BMW's sound system. August of that year, some friends and I were walking down Hollywood Blvd. when he slowly drove past in that very car, stereo blasting. We yelled "Hey Axl!" He held his arm out and made a fist acknowledging our hoots and hollers.

All in all a good day.








Posted 2022:

When "Appetite for Destruction" was released, Rock/Metal was in the height of the hair metal period. Those bands were all talented musicians, but a lot of those guys were just kind of silly. Too much makeup, too much costuming, too many songs about partying and girls and such. But here was this band doing a song about the dark side of Los Angeles, scary and dark and angry and grimy.

When "Appetite...." really broke, it was a force. That record was everywhere.

I actually MET Axl before they really hit it big. They opened for Motley Crue. They blew Motley Crue off the stage. Just raw and powerful and no bullshit. Motley Crue was in the depths of their addiction, and kind of sucked, so we bailed and sought out the bands. Nicest hotel in town was the Hilton, so we headed there and saw tour buses, so bingo.

We(a group of two metalhead couples) hit the bar, and there was the band. Axl was hanging out at the bar, so we asked if we could sit. He said yes, we did, and he held court for about 20 minutes., He was a very nice guy, and I told him I thought they were going to be huge. I had no idea how huge...






Posted 2020:

This whole discussion is lol. People speaking in such absolutes about music. Love all the gate keeping elitists citing old rock songs (which I love but aren’t really relevant to modern music production). Tuning drums is completely genre specific. In EDM, tuning your kick is a must but probably not important in jazz or other more organic styles. I think really polished radio music is mostly tuned to the key (doesn’t have to be the tonic). I worked with Melissa Reese, the current keyboardist for Guns N’ Roses on a project. She has perfect pitch and would by ear make us tune all the drum samples to be in key. It was uncanny how accurate she was. Everything has a pitch. Tuning just gives you that really tight glossy radio feel








Posted 2023:

In 1987 Axl grabbed my tit. I was 10 year old boy, but chubby. I was walking by him and he was with some other greasy looking dude and he grabbed my left tit and laughed with his friend. Lol I shit you not. This happened.

Another replier:

He was just walking past you and randomly decided to grab you out of nowhere? Were you talking with him or engaged in any way? That's so random and bizarre.


No just was walking my chubby ass by them, and he grabbed my titty. I was so emasculated. Lol


Another replier:

He also use to mow his parent’s lawn even after becoming famous. What a weird ass enigma. (A friend of mine lived near his parent’s house.)


Edited by BucketEgg
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3 hours ago, BucketEgg said:



Posted 2023: Open the link! It contains a photo!




1989-They were in Chicago rehearsing for the record "Use Your Illusion I & II" before heading back to LA. They stayed at a small boutique hotel that was in my neighborhood. They hung at my favorite bar up the street and the rehearsal hall was up the street further from that. They often walked by so I was waiting with my camera one day. This was a Saturday morning and they were drunk as fuck. They went into the CD store below my apartment and I went down to it (so did the rest of the street) It was kind of freaky, a store full of people watching Guns N' Roses shop for CDs Their bodyguard wouldn't let me take any pictures. It was a thrill, but I'm sure it was very annoying to them.

That's really cool. I think it's the only picture from when they were rehearsing in Chicago in 1989.

Axl, Duff and Steven with security guard Earl.


Edited by Blackstar
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On 3/17/2023 at 10:43 PM, Karice said:

Not so much Guns N'Roses, but Axl Rose. Someone, I'll call this Fan Alex(An anagram of Axl at least phonetically, 😉😏) said they saw Axl singing at a bar or something like that way back in 1984 before Guns N'Roses ever formed. They said they are a Psychic and Axl was taking a smoke break and Alex decided to chat with him. Alex told Axl he was going to be a huge success in the music world soon and he would have a band that would also be huge success soon . Axl asked,"Is the name of my huge success Band going to be called,"LA Guns?" Alex said ,"You got half the band name right!" Axl and Alex chatted for a while about music before saying their Goodbyes. Alex said they knew Axl was going to be a huge success in the music world soon, but Axl far exceeded their prediction! 😀


Funny, in July at the hotel there was also a psychic (which made it all even more surreal and is a story in itself). It's like where Axl goes psychics are never far away.


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I love this thread, I can see a lot of common stories when it comes to Axl. I've noticed many people, particularly back in school, saying that he smelled and I wonder if that is a reason why he became so OCD about showering and being clean. I can also totally see Axl being a punk and trying to steal someone's sweater off their shoulder lmfao, he seemed like he liked to attempt to be a hustler. He's always loved his psychics too hasn't he?


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2 hours ago, BluegrassBlues said:

I love this thread, I can see a lot of common stories when it comes to Axl. I've noticed many people, particularly back in school, saying that he smelled and I wonder if that is a reason why he became so OCD about showering and being clean. I can also totally see Axl being a punk and trying to steal someone's sweater off their shoulder lmfao, he seemed like he liked to attempt to be a hustler. Hke's always loved his psychics too hasn't he?

Yes, call my attenton too it about Axl smelled :lol:

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2 hours ago, lame ass security said:

When I first saw this pic I thought it was Axl checking out two chicks.

I don't blame you. It does kind of look like he's checking out the girls. 💡 In your defense, he does check out a girl very obviously in the first minute of Welcome To The Jungle music video. 😜

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Posted (edited)





Posted 2017:



I was at SuperBowl XL in Detroit. Steelers and Seahawks. Waiting in the big line to get in (I had to pee more than I ever had in my life, but that is not the main point of the story) we were a few places in front of Duff McKagan from Guns and Roses. Then when we were almost in the stadium George Wendt got out of a limo and walked in with the VIPs.

I thought it was interesting how Duff was waiting in line with us normal people.

Also we gambled at the casinos there and all 3 of us killed it on Blackjack every time we played. we went to the tables like 5 different times and at no time did any of us lose money and one person was always up hundreds. Best luck we ever had.








posted 2018:

My family’s roots are based in Lafayette, Indiana. Many members of my family grew up there, went to college at Purdue, etc. But anyway, just so happens Rose lives 15 minutes from my dad. In my dad’s early high school years is when Rose began to start bands and test his music. So quickly his rock spread across the city. Well my dad always wanted him to perform a hometown show. So one day my dad and his friends were driving around when they pulled up to a stop light and just so happened Rose and his friends were stopped in the car next to him. My dad, freaking the fuck out, rolled down his window as quickly as possible and yelled to him “you gotta play a show around here!” Rose said back “we are trying!” Three months later, Rose and his small band played at my dads high school auditorium. My dad fell in love with them ever since. Went to all the G&R shows in Indiana when he got big.

Keep in mind this was also many years before G&R we’re together. This was a band Rose made up in Indiana before he went to California.






Posted 2015:

Thanks @fucttup! ~ Haha! I've got tons of crazy stories like those. I was fortunate enough to grow up in the Heart of Southern California, specifically, Los Angeles and Orange County. The earliest party days for me started in 1978-79 when punk rock first hit America. I was fortunate enough to be a part of history as it was being made. Black Flag was one of the first shows I ever saw. Later in my early to mid-20's I was lucky enough to be in Los Angeles when Guns-N-Roses came crawling out of the gutters on Sunset Blvd. and forever changed the musical landscape. I was there from the very beginning when no one even know who they were. They would be the opening band and people would be booing and throwing shit at Axl and shouting; "GET OF THE STAGE, YOU SUCK!!!" ~ and then of course just a couple years later they were the biggest band in the world. I somehow met a chemistry major at Berkley who was making MDMA (Ecstasy) in his free time. This was right before California made it illegal and way, way before all the kids started that crazy rave scene. Those poor kids these days have no clue what they're getting. They don't know if it's 100% bunk and they just ingested baby powder or are they getting these newest, ultra dangerous chemicals coming out of China that are killing kids because they are labeling them as designer drugs when in fact they are actually just super toxic and dangerous chemicals humans have no business ingesting. Apparently these new compounds mimic the effects of all the great street drugs we know and love but sadly in reality they are nothing like the street drugs they claim to mimic. Basically the only reason these kids think they are getting high off the shit is because these poisonous chemicals are simply killing brain cells and depriving the brain of oxygen. Anyone is going to feel like they are in an altered state of mind if their brain is oxygen starved or they just ingested the equivalent of rat poison.








posted 2013:

No, like he was gracious that I was so happy to meet him, and that is was genuine love of his music not just groupie shit. But his whole energy just wasn't there. I realize hes older now, and he did put on one hell of a show, even with the tools that he plays with now, but he just wasn't the axl I thought I knew. I guess getting sober and being managed by asshole really takes its toll.






posted 2013:

As much as people say Axl is a dick, I had a friend who met him back in the 90's. He was really friendly, signed autographs, and invited him back stage. My friend said women were EVERYWHERE. Also, drugs. EVERYWHERE.








Posted 2015:

No, just that it was Jefferson High School in Lafayette, IN (Go Bronchos! Boiler Up while you're at it. Sorry, local lingo), the science teacher's name was Philip Cox. He taught a class called Earth Science. He passed away in May of 2003. At his funeral, the eulogy speaker talked about Phil kicking Axl out of class a lot. The kid was a piece of shit from a small town. Phil was my best friend's dad and a cool guy. Big Purdue fan.

Also, I used to rent a house in downtown Lafayette where "Axl" used to jam with buddies. My then-boyfriend and I discovered the basement of this house after signing the lease (it was a cellar basement outside the house). We went down there and found all this graffiti: "MANK RAGE!!!" "MANK IN YOUR FACE!!!" all over the walls. Then in a different room, there was a homemade plywood stage (keep in mind, this is a basement in an old house) and drumsticks in the drop ceiling tiles.

So I looked up "Mank Rage" online, and I found out they were a real band that had gotten to California. From Indiana. I was impressed. I messaged them, and the band leader (I forget his name, shit) sent me back a reply and a picture of them jamming with "Axl." This was on MySpace back in like 2007, so I'd have to do some serious digging to get that back.

Believe me if you want, it's cool. But I totally was best friends with a girl whose dad told off Axl Rose, and I totally lived in a house where he used to play guitar and (proooobably) do drugs.

Oh, and the house was super haunted. Not by Axl.

Edited for grammar








Posted 2017, the softball story again:

My dad works at a big rock radio station since the early 90s and had a charity softball game with them. GNR vs the radio staff.

He says they were some of the most interesting and funny people to watch.

Slash looked like a kid in middle school gym class standing in the outfield with a glove in one hand and a coke in the other.

Duff got into a screaming match with the ump on whether or not he was safe at home.

Izzy caught a fast line drive over second like a pro that my dad hit, surprising the living shit out of him.

And Axl stayed at the hotel.








Posted 2015:

Good luck to you- hope you can. This is how my partner met Buckethead and played a bit with him. They were renting storage spaces for rehearsals next to each other. :)




posted 2023:

Acho que a pessoa mais famosa que já conheci foi o Axl Rose 😅

Quando esteve cá com os AC/DC estava hospedado no Parque das Nações e creio que o estúdio onde ensaiavam ficava na zona de Cabo Ruivo, mas já não me recordo ao certo.

Na altura estava na faculdade e um rapaz do meu grupo descobriu, através de um mini-leak de informação qualquer, o local exato onde ensaiavam e horários. Fomos até lá onde estava uma dúzia de gatos pingados à espera também.

A certa altura chegaram os carros e o Axl saiu com seguranças de propósito para nos cumprimentar. Ao contrário do que esperava, talvez pelas circunstâncias, ele foi mesmo muito agradável e convidativo. Aceitava dar autógrafos e que pedissem para tirar foto com ele. Inclusivamente chamava os que estavam mais tímidos para também tirarem fotos (foi o que aconteceu comigo 🥺). Também conversou bastante com uns miúdos que lhe quiseram fazer perguntas.

Foi uma experiência muito gira e é o meu maior flex de famosos, visto que de resto nunca falei com nenhuma figura pública 🤷‍♀️








Posted 2015:

I'm always late to these, so no one will see this, but here goes...

I used to live in Hollywood, and I worked at a video store on Sunset Blvd. My first day, Chrissy Hynde (lead singer of The Pretenders) came in. Over the course of my time there, I met Rod Stewart, David Coverdale & Tawny Kitaen, the guy who did the voice of Roger Rabbit (he's hilarious in person), and Stephen Nichols (Patch, from Days of our Lives, totally super dreamy and sweet).

In my nightly wanderings from rock club to rock club, I met Axl Rose (super nice, must have been a good day for him) and Dave Alford (drummer for Ruff Cutt who gave me a full on kiss on the lips when he found out we came from the same hometown). Ozzy played a show one night and Anthrax opened up for him...after they played, I went outside to the backstage door and hung out with a bunch of fans. Anthrax guys came out shortly after, and they all stood around and chatted with us for an hour. They were 5 of the sweetest, most down to earth guys I've ever met. Still have my autographed jacket!


(rest was about other people the poster met)






Posted 2013:

My favorite memory from the place was during our opening party. It was funny that Axl Rose was standing around wondering why people didn't love him, but what was absolutely fabulous is that we had the food (buffet-style) outside. A homeless guy totally rolled up with his shopping cart and just got in line and proceeded to order from the caterers and fill his plate up. He acted totally nonchalant and only my sister and I noticed him. I wanted to give him a high five.




Posted on reddit in 2016. It’s a video with people talking about Axl getting his reggae. There’s also Bumblefoot..






Posted 2014:

I work with a woman who says she came with that guy, with a group of friends. She says he had the picture autographed by Axl after the incident and a lot of money. Wouldn't and couldn't tell them how much he was awarded but kept the group in weed for years.

Edit: she also stole a chair from the amphitheater to solidify the memory.




Posted 2022:

Duff has book? Had no clue!

LM, you may appreciate this. I lived in Seattle 2001, moved into a house in U Village & rented a room with my then girlfriend. Landlord was sober & in a band.

Went outside, a guy covered in tatts & sweat stopped while jogging. Said he knew my landlord, played music with him. I introduced myself, he said “I’m Duff.” I said Hi. He said “You know G&R? Yeah. I’m THAT Duff McKagan.”

I LOL’d for DAYS!!! Used to see him at the grocery store. Nice dude, very positive. (But definitely used that to try and pull chicks.)

I’d forgotten about that. (Also met Shane McGowan in Ireland & had no clue who he was until he sang, spitting everywhere.) 🤣🤣🤣






Posted 2023:

Fun story: My grandfather was a guard at a boys reform place and met Axl Rose when Axl was a kid, i guess he was a trouble maker.








Posted 2013:

My cousin beat up Axl, aka Bill Bailey, back in jr. high. True story.






Posted 2013:

Axl attempted to beat up my dad outside a bar after one of his shows. Only made off with his shirt... nice Axl






A friend of mine who I hung out with while at Purdue in Layfayette Indiana grew up with Axl and later moved to LA and saw him there as well. Entertaining blog series here: I used to roller skate with Axl






posted 2016:

Duff was at one of my band's gigs in LA because his daughter was opening for us. Afterwards he poked his head backstage and congratulated us on our set, and we chatted a bit. Super nice guy. Glad he's benefiting from some good decisions. Anyone who endured Axl deserves to have some things work out for them.









Posted 2018:

I met Slash when I was 14 years old at a hotel where GNR was staying in Paris. They were on tour. He was the nicest guy. Had a half hour conversation with him. Really chill.






Posted 2018 (about Slash):

My roommate worked at Crazy Girls on Sunset and LaBrea and he was a regular. She'd call me up and have me run a sack of weed down for him a few times a month and always bought me a couple drinks. I also ran into Axl at Santa Monica Place before it was an outdoor mall and he sat and talked to me for nearly half an hour. Both great guys, IMO.






Posted 2019:

My mother in law when she was in he forties was once in a five star hotel in New York.

She got into the elevator and at one floor she was joined by two guys, that she described as being a bit like "some kind of biker gang". They wearing wearing waistcoats over their bare torsos with ripped jeans, and long hair. One guy had a bandana and another very long black hair over his eyes. Very out of place for a posh hotel in New York.

One sidled up to her, looked her up and down and said, "Hey, you like to party? We're going up to the penthouse to party."

"No thank you. I am meeting my husband!", She responded through pursed lips and then at her floored she stormed off.

It was only when she relayed the story to her family - she was asking why in God's name the hotel would allow these thugs stay there - that her kids told her she had just been propositioned by Axl Rose.








posted 2012:

i was at both the bridge school shows... certainty no gnr fan, but in fairness to axl, all the bands were off satutday, with the exception of jack white. last night's show was much better for everyone, including gnr. i don't think axl was prepared for 22k non-fans and no distorted guitars to hide behind. he performed much better the second time around. and i give him credit for going so far outside his comfort zone and for no money.

also, his band definitely interacted with the kids on stage more than any other group, which was cool.

but yeah, he's 50 and did a lot of coke... that was consistently obvious.








Posted 2019:

Ooh i love to jump in on Axl hate threads with my favorite personal anecdote:

I spent almost a decade living in his hometown and once got to deny him his favorite seat at one of the few late night diners in Lafayette. It was like 4 AM and he came in and asked for me and my friend to move so he could have the seat. We were smashed and told him that yeah, we knew who we was and no, we didnt care enough about it to interrupt smashing our omellettes for him. He got pissed and huffed off to a different table. This was around the time Chinese Democracy dropped IIRC.

Sode note: I used to work woth a giy who went to school with him and Izzy Stradlin and he said Izzy was great but Axl was always an angsty little piece of shit.




posted 2024:

My dad had VIP backstage passes to see them in the 90’s and part of it was obviously getting to meet the band. Axel went to the tour bus and refused to get off of it and meet anyone. My dad said the other band members were super nice though, especially Slash.




and so that's all the reddit links i had hoarded.

sometimes i feel the internet has become smaller with many text-based stories now congregated on reddit, which is now very hard to search on because the website's search tool sucks. but i guess it's one of the ways you'd find people feeling prompted to bring/make up random encounters, since not everyone who claims to have met GnR members would necessarily be fans enough to post on specialised sites, or to write about them unprompted.




Edited by BucketEgg
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20 hours ago, BluegrassBlues said:

I love this thread, I can see a lot of common stories when it comes to Axl. I've noticed many people, particularly back in school, saying that he smelled and I wonder if that is a reason why he became so OCD about showering and being clean. I can also totally see Axl being a punk and trying to steal someone's sweater off their shoulder lmfao, he seemed like he liked to attempt to be a hustler. He's always loved his psychics too hasn't he?



It's funny, the smell thing as he always smells so lovely. At the hotel in July Beta came back in from shopping and she was in this cloud of fragrances and when she showed me her shopping bag there were mainly perfumes from what I could see. Then later on when Axl came down you could smell the two of them first before seeing them and I still had this scent in my nose the next day 🌹 

And that was also the moment the psychic came by. She was not his psychic, in fact, she didn't even know GnR. I stepped outside to text some people and that's when I heard this voice behind me shout in an exotic accent: "Pretty lady, pretty lady!" I was immersed in my texting and at first didn't even notice her. It was rush hour and the street was busy. But then she was suddenly next to me and came so close that her hip was pressing into my side. She put her arm around me and grinned at me like the Cheshire cat. My inner alarm bell went off - I assumed she was trying to steal my things. I held onto my bag and phone and tried to ignore her so she would leave me alone. But she kept grinning and said, "You have many stars behind you." 

She was like someone out of a movie, so cryptic what she said. Through the glass door I could see Axl - they were ready to leave for the gig. It was all so surreal. I tried to make sense of it all and she still wouldn't go away. I had a feeling it was all connected. Then she asked me in a warmer tone if I wanted her to read my palm but I still just wanted her to leave me alone and said harshly, "NO." 

She kept grinning but slowly started walking away. She turned and shouted back to me, "You have many hard lives behind you!" Before I went back inside I followed her with my eyes down the street. I wanted to see how many other people she was going to try her scam on. But she walked two blocks and never even stopped or talked to anyone else. It was the strangest thing and I still can't shake the feeling that it all had to do with Axl - and maybe even Beta, as she seems to believe in psychic things too. In fact, she even had the aura of one herself. I couldn't help but stare at her necklace all the time while talking to her. It was a small pendant showing Mary. I'm not religious but that thing was what made me see her as totally opposite from what so many fans still want to tell me - that she's a dragon. Her whole vibe was so very different. She was very warm with me and we talked like old friends. But I digress. Looking back now, I often think I should've let the woman read my palm. Especially with Axl in my energy. I wish I knew what she meant with the "many stars".  But yeah, that was fragrant Axl 🌹 

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2 hours ago, Avillart said:


It's funny, the smell thing as he always smells so lovely. At the hotel in July Beta came back in from shopping and she was in this cloud of fragrances and when she showed me her shopping bag there were mainly perfumes from what I could see. Then later on when Axl came down you could smell the two of them first before seeing them and I still had this scent in my nose the next day 🌹 

And that was also the moment the psychic came by. She was not his psychic, in fact, she didn't even know GnR. I stepped outside to text some people and that's when I heard this voice behind me shout in an exotic accent: "Pretty lady, pretty lady!" I was immersed in my texting and at first didn't even notice her. It was rush hour and the street was busy. But then she was suddenly next to me and came so close that her hip was pressing into my side. She put her arm around me and grinned at me like the Cheshire cat. My inner alarm bell went off - I assumed she was trying to steal my things. I held onto my bag and phone and tried to ignore her so she would leave me alone. But she kept grinning and said, "You have many stars behind you." 

She was like someone out of a movie, so cryptic what she said. Through the glass door I could see Axl - they were ready to leave for the gig. It was all so surreal. I tried to make sense of it all and she still wouldn't go away. I had a feeling it was all connected. Then she asked me in a warmer tone if I wanted her to read my palm but I still just wanted her to leave me alone and said harshly, "NO." 

She kept grinning but slowly started walking away. She turned and shouted back to me, "You have many hard lives behind you!" Before I went back inside I followed her with my eyes down the street. I wanted to see how many other people she was going to try her scam on. But she walked two blocks and never even stopped or talked to anyone else. It was the strangest thing and I still can't shake the feeling that it all had to do with Axl - and maybe even Beta, as she seems to believe in psychic things too. In fact, she even had the aura of one herself. I couldn't help but stare at her necklace all the time while talking to her. It was a small pendant showing Mary. I'm not religious but that thing was what made me see her as totally opposite from what so many fans still want to tell me - that she's a dragon. Her whole vibe was so very different. She was very warm with me and we talked like old friends. But I digress. Looking back now, I often think I should've let the woman read my palm. Especially with Axl in my energy. I wish I knew what she meant with the "many stars".  But yeah, that was fragrant Axl 🌹 

I totally understand being freaked out by that, but its too bad you couldn't get you palm read! She sounds like a very interesting woman 

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1 hour ago, BluegrassBlues said:

I totally understand being freaked out by that, but its too bad you couldn't get you palm read! She sounds like a very interesting woman 


Yes, I still think of her a lot and I feel bad for having been so mistrusting. But you can never know what she may have been up to, pushing herself on me like that. And it all happened so fast and it was so hot that day, I was acting on pure instinct which told me to stick to my Guns (pun intended LOL) and get rid of her. But yes, now I always wonder what she may have seen in my hand.

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  • 3 months later...

Dad meets GNR


posted 2024:

My dad had VIP backstage passes to see them in the 90’s and part of it was obviously getting to meet the band. Axel went to the tour bus and refused to get off of it and meet anyone. My dad said the other band members were super nice though, especially Slash.

No applause for Axl
posted 2024:


Went to a Guns n' Roses show in the 90s ... The band members came on stage individually, each to rapturous applause except Axel; it was genuinely brutal.


Bill ain't here

posted 2024:


A friend a I made a sign that read „Hey Bill, u better get us backstage“ and held it up during a GN‘R show in 2006 in Austria. His reply was:“ Bill ain’t here.“ he didn’t seem to be too fond of our request.😜

Izzy is left alone

posted 2024:


He still has a house here in West Lafayette near Purdue.  He comes back from time to time. Used to see him around sometimes. Nobody recognizes him, or if they do they give him his privacy.  

He has property on the east side of Lafayette by Wildcat Creek too that he at one point would race his cars around. You used to be able to see the tracks on Google Earth.

Duff and Susan talking to Amy Poehler

posted 2024:


I was working local crew for the Tina Fey and Amy Poehler comedy shows at WaMu Theater (Aka Lumen Field Event Center, attached to Lumen Field where the Seahawks play) and Duff and Susan were there to watch the show and were later backstage talking to Amy Poehler after the show.

I also saw them a few years ago backstage at the Red Hot Chili Peppers show T-Mobile Park (where the Mariners play next door to Lumen Field) He, Susan, Chris Rock and Chris Rock's girlfriend were there to see RHCP backstage.

I've been close to a lot of famous rockers in my work as a Local Union stage hand.

Axl goes shopping

posted 2024:


For all of you gnr fans, I saw the man today. I am not a big gnr fan so wasn't sure where to say this but decided this was the best place. I was doing some shopping at Vintage Grocers in Malibu and ended up in line behind Axl. (Who knew he did his own shopping???) did NOT speak to him, there was one person in between us in line.. Not sure what they were discussing but I heard his friend (male) say Sedona frequencies? I don't understand. Does that mean anything to anyone?

Anyway I remember seeing some things he purchased:

A case of Stella Artois beer, Pickled walnuts, Kombucha (cabbage flavored to be exact), cramped chicken, Sparkling water and super size zip lock bags

Not any useful information but thought it was interesting to share.

Duff goes shopping, Slash at the movies

posted 2024:


I saw Duff at Whole Foods a couple years ago. He was wearing a mask because we were still coming out of COVID but it was definitely him. He was wearing a tank top, shorts, and a baseball cap. Was with his wife and asking her whether he should get Impossible or Beyond beef or something.

I also saw Slash at the movie theater once around 2019. He was a couple people behind me in the concessions line. I remember he was wearing a leather jacket and backwards Fear hat and was with his girlfriend I assume. I didn’t want to bother him, so I didn’t say anything but someone gave him a fist bump.


A bunch of Adler stories

posted 2023:

He came in the record store I worked at (Christiana Mall) not long after he got kicked out of G-N-R (his wife lived in Hockessin, DE). He was shaking like a leaf. Was a nice guy though.

posted 2023:

I have had random encounters in Las Vegas with Slash, Chuck Berry, Santana, Robert Plant, and the list goes on over the last couple of decades. I'm just a normal guy with a desk job but anyway, one time about 20 years ago I was at a small club and Steven Adler was there, and so was Kevin DuBrow (Quiet Riot singer RIP). They got on stage and joined the house band for a few tracks. Adler looked OK but I guess I didn't realize he had a problem still. Sad.

posted 2023:

steven grew up in our neighborhood. remember him setting up a drum kit at Chatsworth park and just drumming away. he was passionate about it and hit the stars aligned for him and he hit the big time. wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed by far. but for those calling out his mom, he was definitely liked by most everyone he knew. always a big smile even if there wasn't a lot behind it.

posted 2023:
I was lucky enough to get to jam with Adler at a Rock and Roll Fantasy Camp in CA, back in 2017. He was super cool and friendly. Huge smile and totally humble. I have it on film. Awesome time!


posted 2023:
I dealt with Steve for about 6 months right before he went on Celebrity Rehab - he was a trainwreck for sure.  His 'handlers' - who shall remain nameless - kept him high on weed 24/7 so he wouldn't relapse on H.   


Geffen wants out

posted 2023:

I had a friend that worked with GNR as a "band liaison". Was told that Geffen was actively trying to get out of their contract because the band caused far too much trouble and it wasn't worth putting up with the destruction of property and extremely bad behavior.

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