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Ex–‘White-Boy Poseur’


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if that article does in fact contain direct quotes, i respect axl for it. as much as i would love to see a guns n roses book similar to motley's dirt, it does seem silly to glorify that part of your past.

i think axl's problem is that he jumps onto trends too quickly without realizing how silly it will seem years down the line. like that dumbass "it tastes good" rap in "rocket queen" must have seemed like a good idea to him then, but obviously it didnt stick with him too much cause he doesnt do it anymore. i remember watching that tokyo home video when it came out, and i was like "WHAAA???" when that rap started. i also find it funny that you never once saw a picture of axl wearing a flannel and doc marten's prior to pearl jam or nirvana. i forget which video it is in, but i know there's one when he's walking on a dock or some shit wearing a flannel and doc martens, but he's also smoking out of a cigarette extender and wearing a bandana....didnt make sense then, and it's only silly now. point is, i think axl recognizes this part of his personality, and this may be a reason why he album has taken years to come out. maybe he's tryin to make sure he doesnt look silly for it years from now......

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I kind of see Axl's comment as very modest and mature.

I don't think his intent was to shit on the band's past. They went through tough times for sure, but I think a lot of bands and rappers try to use their past struggles to sell themselves. That whole element of being a "bad boy" to get respect and credit is pure adolescent bullshit. I think Axl realizes now that his attitude back then was at odds with what he has come to discover about life.

There was an interview with Axl around the time when his feud with Vince Neil was taking off. He was bloody pissed and invited Vince to go 1-on-1 with fists, knives, guns, whatever he had. This kind of statement reflects the immaturity of the old Axl. Sure, he can talk shit by the loads, but would he ever take it to that level? I'm not so sure he would. What would he even have to prove by doing so? So many dumb kids these days wanna be macho and Axl was definitely one of them.

While Motley Crue releases 'The Dirt' and tries to glorify their "dangerous" lifestyle, making themselves seem way more badass than they probably were, I'm impressed that Axl has taken the more insightful route, recognizing the naivete of that whole LA scene.

One thing I'm not so sure about, though, is whether Axl feels inferior to NWA and "the boys" simply because they lived riskier lives. I hate that whole idea of street-cred and how people have so much respect for chumps who survived gunfights and crap. Those kinds of people and those kinds of lifestyles seem to be so glorified these days that kids actually want to go through all that garbage, instead of learning how to avoid it.

To me, GNR were dangerous in a different way. They stuck it to the man, like old-school rock bands, during a time when rock bands were playing by corporate rules. They looked awesome and their music was amazing, so in that sense, they were badasses. Maybe they didn't engage themselves in armed combat every night, but personally, I don't think the credibility of musicians should be measured by acts of such foolery.

great post, i think every one should read this before jumping to conclusions.

he's saying that everyone thought of themselves, carried that attitude... we're so fuckin' badass, survivin the streets and what not.... but in reality there was shit goin on to other people that was much worse, so it kinda made them feel out of place.

i mean its one thing to be poor and sleepin with strippers and getting money to booze up and be bad ass

but its quite another to be poor and get shot at mugged robbed and the chance of dying at any moment

- thats what i think he was goin with his words. but people see white boy posers and flip out callin him a wangsta and all that shit. Read between the lines and not so litterally.

also another mention the album will be out this year.... thats a good sign.

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I think thats a very solid observation made about his intent being to not entirely discredit his and his ex bandmates past, however as true as that may be, during that time period many of them i believe grew up in similar economical situations maybe not as severe and minus the violent warfare, but had to struggle in many cases just to exist. Therefore, I do not believe that their badass ways was attributed to anything more then a reaction to their lifestyle at the time. It also becomes much easier when you grow older and develop fame and fortune as those individuals have to rethink your old ways with a broader perspective which like many of you said shows developing maturity..... if his statements are even accurate..

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I know this is not the best example in the world, but look at DeGeneration-X in wrestling. Those guys were the cutting-edge faction in wrestling, acting wild every night. Now, they're back, doing the same. Two guys in their late thirties acting juvenile, as if they were 20 again. It's just not right.

This is the same thing with Axl. He knows he's 44, not 20 anymore, therefore he can't act like a young bad boy telling everybody to fuck themselves. It just doesn't sound right.

And about him saying they were "posers": in a way, that's true. They convinced themselves (not only them, everybody at the time) that they were living on the edge. That they were living the wildest life they could possibly do... And they weren't. It's not like he's saying they didn't feel what they sang about, it's just that he recognizes that they were wrong and that life could have been a hell of a lot worse and more dangerous.

Edited by worldwideboss
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This is why he wanted to do something different to AFD, because of the fucking retards that kind of album brings along!!

I LOVE the way people think they can tell Axl what his life was like, and how he should think of it?!!! What the fuck is that about?!!

Honestly it frightens me how people misinterpret everything Axl says... he wasn't saying GnR back in the day were fake or anything, he was just saying that he now realises that there are/were people in worse situations as he was then. That makes him think about the way he behaved and maybe regrets playing up to that kind of image or making more of it, because their situation wasn't as bad as other peoples'.

that's all... He wasn't slagging off AFD or slash or any of the others... now grow up and learn how to read.



P.S. Like us fuckers sat on your computers have the right to tell people what it's like living in shit situations... you make me laugh.

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It wasn't NWA and their ghettoes that put an end to "real" rock n' roll. It was Nirvana with their self-loathing, proto-emo grunge. Rock n' roll used to be sung by bad boys and all of it a sudden it started begin sung by sentimental 27-year old clowns who had been bullied in high school and, like the sad losers they were, still hadn't got over it ten years later!

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Axl just has to be talking himself of late. Because it was not that long ago when he was running around in over-sized Oakland Raiders Jerseys, wearing bling bling around his neck. This just gets better and better.

100 miles and runnin.

what does his fashion have to do with anything? if you can clarify the connection here.

Edited by ohmygod
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Axl just has to be talking himself of late. Because it was not that long ago when he was running around in over-sized Oakland Raiders Jerseys, wearing bling bling around his neck. This just gets better and better.

100 miles and runnin.

what does his fashion have to do with anything? if you can clarify the connection here.

He just has to complain or make fun of something. That's how he is.

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Getting into fights with Tommy Hilfiger (ha... hahaha... haha..) and hotel security guards usually is considered the milestone for passing into maturity. But he's even taking it up to the next level with going to the strip clubs every night at age 42 or whatever he is.

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Getting into fights with Tommy Hilfiger (ha... hahaha... haha..) and hotel security guards usually is considered the milestone for passing into maturity. But he's even taking it up to the next level with going to the strip clubs every night at age 42 or whatever he is.

I think it's quite ironic that under your avatar you're known as a 'Supporter' round these parts. . . !


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Getting into fights with Tommy Hilfiger (ha... hahaha... haha..) and hotel security guards usually is considered the milestone for passing into maturity. But he's even taking it up to the next level with going to the strip clubs every night at age 42 or whatever he is.

Why are you actually on this forum? You're obviously not a "supporter" or a fan! You don't even know how old Axl is FFS!

Axl is just trying to get his point across.. Why read any deeper into it than that? He's just saying that this album will be different to AFD.. Simple as that! GET OVER IT!

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I'm definitely not a fan because I don't know what Axl's birthday/exact age is. That definitely means I don't enjoy the music of Guns n' Roses.

Axl never walks any of his talk. That's all I'm looking for. I don't look for disillusioned Hollywood Rock$tar BS. If he's more mature, he could act it. If he cared about fans, he could show it. He could just talk straight about his album.

What the hell, I don't even know what I'm saying and I frankly don't care. All I'm saying is that Gn'R means nothing to me anymore. Not because "I'm looking for AFD II." Just because I'm sick of hearing all this malarchy about the "band." I'm sorry for making my one post per three months in this part of the forum and saying how I feel. Axl I guess could win me back someday maybe.

And I'm on this forum because of Anything Goes, for the most part now.

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to my recollection GN'R walked it like they talked it back in a days

NWA rap about g thing but were they living their lives like that?

I guess not.

So it was more like they were just onlookers of reality at that time...

What happend to you Axl?

trying to appeal to rap fans to increase album sales???

That fukin' sucks ass!

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Strip clubs, clubbing with people half his age, fighting security guards and weedy fashion designers, storming off stage whenever a small problem arises, generally acting in a petulent manner ("I won't go on stage till my roast lamb has been cut using the nails of an Outer Mongolian witch doctor and until my wine has been poured through the hair of a 17-year old Taiwanese virgin") and feeling the need to confide in an army of shrinks every time soemthing goes wrong with his multi million-dollar, set-for-life lifestyle. Yeah, he's matured!

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