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Everything posted by WhazUp

  1. Class action? It isn't Power Trip's fault Ozzy turned out to be in poorer health than he initially anticipated compared to how he felt things were going at the time of accepting the offer I know it sucks, but "class action lawsuit" isn't a get out of jail card free card for ticket buyers who buy tickets for shows where things can change in the interim, especially festivals
  2. I think that TIL leak came a week or two before the album release - it was after GNR released official clips of all the songs as teasers and before November 23rd I remember that because there was another forum created specifically for the album leak lol and there were two versions of the album leak, one with those skips and another with like MSN Messenger sounds all through it. Ah good times
  3. I would be down for one. I enjoy even just putting on Glastonbury's ripped audio on as of late, I think having a fully mixed live release would be cool. Of course I would much rather them take new music as their biggest priority but I don't think it would be a bad move to release a live album considering Appetite for Democracy was the last live release and it features a long defunct lineup
  4. Sad news, RIP Billy I know that it technically was the second album cover meant for AFD, but fate was really on their side with that one. The cross with the skull avatars is so iconic and more iconic than the original cover in my opinion, it really was a slam dunk and I think really helped out the album and the band as a whole
  5. If that generation you come from is also the same generation that is triggered over a famous guitarist guesting on a famous movie, are you sure you weren't already castrated and you just didn't look down to check yet?
  6. I never really understood why people get so worked up about seeing a musician make easy money by having fun guesting on things lol I can get the movie doesn't scream "rock and roll, middle finger to the man, screw you" but like, so what? I wish I had famous people calling me up to do little songs for various projects, that sounds like fun
  7. Why are people having heated arguments about Dizzy Reed on the Rome concert topic? Lol
  8. This forum and this fandom is built upon obsessive over analyzing, welcome to MYGNR lol And I think people can go to shows to rock out AND can browse online forums over analyzing, that is what most of us have done for years
  9. Is it me or are they busting out There Was a Time a bit more frequently as of late? Cool stuff, glad to see other tunes getting some more attention this year
  10. I am kind of curious how much of the militant approach to this is truly Axl and how much of it is Team Brazil behind Axl's back. Like personally I find it more plausible that TB made them take down Duff's interview more than Duff himself who gave the interview, or Axl Why? I dunno, but TB also really was dead set against working with the fanbase at the height of the Youtube takedowns and whatnot
  11. I am imagining Duff in a cold sweat waking up in the middle of the night going "oh no, I may have said something actually informative about GNR, must text them to take the article down before TB wakes up!"
  12. I do, especially if it is the 2016 Dodger Stadium Bluray that is rumors to have been recorded But honestly I would be totally down for an audio live album of a compilation of good performances of the songs in the setlist over the years. I am enjoying having the Glastonbury audio in my music library to jam out to
  13. I think you heard a fanmade version, beyond a 2 minite barely audible phone clip no version has leaked or been heard publically yet
  14. 100%. I know GNR don't do themselves any favors, but yeah us fans can sometimes not do ourselves any either lol. Taking the shortest and soonest window of time something could potentially happen and freaking out the very second that arbitrary window of time passes
  15. I have a random question - was there any actual confirmation that the setlist photo with The General was actually legit from a GNR show? Like, how do we know a person didn't copy the front from the setlists GNR do, print it out and put The General faintly on page 2 to mess with us? The photo I saw has a fairly nondescript black background on it I was skeptical from the start when it got posted, and sure it has the other new setlist additions however it also was posted right after the first show from what I recall. Was there actual confirmation it is real? Have there been other setlists this tour with The General on it?
  16. I think Slither is a really nice addition to the set stylistically in addition to the sentiments of Axl returning the favor for Slash and Duff doing CD songs I would love to hear Axl's on Sucker Train Blues, that sort of talking style Scott did I would would suit Axl for a Don't Damn Me type of delivery with his low register
  17. Are there any signs beyond just the fact it is CD's 15th anniversary and GNR fan imaginations can run wild? I don't recall any posts of band members or folks tangentially related to the band really making a mention of plans based on CD's anniversary - though if they are I would love to be wrong because it isn't long until November really
  18. Right, I get that it is healthy to be skeptical but to me it is pretty clear we are getting Perhaps at the very least coming soon
  19. As someone who went through an AFI phase in the mid-2000s in middle and high school I take this personally
  20. I also think that the phrase "big guns" really created some hype and expectations that the tunes Axl would even categorize as such would be hard to live up to No song or album can live up to the hype of a long awaited follow up by hardcore fans. Unless it is "Black Messiah" by D'Angelo of course
  21. I don't mind Myles' voice, I actually personally think he has a good rock voice overall with a good range. My biggest issue with the Conspirator's albums is there usually is only a couple of standout songs and then a bunch of songs that kind of just sound the same to me
  22. A Fortus comment that doesn't include the word "hopefully" is how you know shit just got real
  23. Tons of people ARE praising his performamce though, because contrary to the drowning fish analogy, he actually sounded pretty good at Glastonbury and sounded good for a 61 rocker with a demanding vocal style
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