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Everything posted by Sweersa

  1. They are not like most drug dealers, it is a licensed, regulated business that serves both law enforcement and law abiding citizens. There's probably several near you that you are unware of, if you are in the US. I can't speak for other parts of the world, but there's black markets everywhere as well, which are of course inherently dangerous.
  2. 2006-2007 - Leaks 2008 - Leaks, and official Chinese Democracy release 2011-2012 - My dad and I saw them in Chicago and Detroit 2019 - Village Leaks 2028 - Anniversary release of CD, including all Buckethead and Robin mixes, alt artwork, multi-disc, and re-recorded AFD, and DJ Ashba's unused demos
  3. That's a good question. Possible eye-candy for the audience? But, she more than likely likes to dress that way, which is fine of course. I don't mind.
  4. Melissa has a quirk where she dresses like a sexy stripper during the performances. I'm more than ok with that. Can't blame Brain!
  5. Both are valid arguments. Hard Skool and The General seemed to suffer most from poor production. The unwelcome guitar parts just add to the chaos. Interesting, I’ll test mine out when it comes. Is there still clipping on TG? A waveform comparison would be definitive.
  6. I don't know. I guess it's exciting to have a real piece of CD2, even though it's mixed like shit with mediocre lead guitar compared to the Bucket/Robin versions.
  7. I wonder why they are only seemingly doing a Japanese CD release this time. Hard Skool and Absurd got the works, trifecta. CD, vinyl, and audio cassette!
  8. Like with most Guns leaks, I wish Monsters and The General leaked in a form previous to NITL working on them. That way, we have different mixes to compare.
  9. I'm in the US and my Perhaps vinyl has the Czech sticker and no pixilation issue.
  10. They may take the South Park route and parody unreasonable COVID restrictions as well.
  11. Don't forget: Joe Biden AOC Ted Cruz Alex Jones Dr. Fauci I'm sure I'm missing some others.
  12. The General and Monsters do compliment one another well. The General sets up the field, and at the very least, is interesting. Then Monsters goes in for the kill and is a pretty good song. Monsters also sounds a little quieter than The General when playing back to back on the CD, so I wonder if it was mixed/mastered differently from The General. Let's hope the same folks who mixed and mastered Perhaps did Monsters too, but I doubt we are that lucky.
  13. Forget makes more sense because it rhymes with regret. Didn't we get official lyrics for The General yet? I thought it was confirmed there.
  14. I've wondered about this too. The song breaks down in the 2010 version, you hear orchestra, then Axl doing the repeated "oooo oooo" (which are backing vocals on the leak) high in the mix on the 2010 version, you can clearly also hear a Bucket/Robin guitar kicks in, not sure if it's a solo or the melody of the song with that guitar lead. I need to listen to it again to see if the guitar is before or after the "oooo oooo" bits, but I think the guitars pick up again after Axl's bridge. The arrangement of the song was clearly changed from then to the leak.
  15. The pain, it just won't stop. Maybe Axl was singing about hearing damage. That would explain the obvious clipping pops.
  16. I was 1 or 2 when they came out, but one of my earliest music related memories was seeing a cassette tape labeled Guns N' Roses in the back of my aunt and uncle's van, where I was riding. I apparently could read then, and thought it was a cool name. I can't remember any other details. I think the double-album has about one album worth of good material. I am still happy they released most of what they had then, I wish they did the same thing in 2008.
  17. I thought about that too. Would be a nice Christmas present! Especially if it included a bonus mix of the Buckethead version.
  18. Haha yes, my Grandpa Duane.
  19. My grandpa on my mom’s side was bald in his 20s. That gene skipped me and my brother!
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